What Constitues Speed/Shardy/XP/Streamroll?




So I inherited the forming of an ITF today and it was originally being advertised as a Shardy/XP run. So that's how I continued to advertise it.

Now my question is, what exactly constitutes a "style" of run?

From my perspective:

Speedy = Hop from Objective to Objective, doing only what's needed - least amount of time possible.

Shardy/XP/Steamroll/Regular = Kill mostly what's in the way, don't go terribly out of your way to get additional mobs. Generally spending an hour or so on a run.

Kill Everything In Sight = Pretty much self explanatory. Could take hours+.

The reason I ask, we were about 25min into the run after the second mission, and I mentioned that I didn't want to clear the map (Nictus spawn map) and that after the last cyst was down, we'd clear the ambush, then move on. Someone passed a comment and I genuinely felt bad that the run may have been mis-advertised.

I mean, all in all, we spent an hour on the ITF, killed most of what was on the maps, and I think (hope) that everyone enjoyed themselves.

I'm just curious as to what other think when the above are advertised and what they translate to.


[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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the groups I'm in with my SG usually kill all ambushes along with the cysts for a shard run, but otherwise, sounds like you had it.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



In my experience it means defeat everything that gets in your way or even looks at you funny, but don't bother hunting down everything on the map. So any enemies that have the good sense to not get in the way and stay out of sight are fine.

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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
Speedy = Hop from Objective to Objective, doing only what's needed - least amount of time possible.

Shardy/XP/Steamroll/Regular = Kill mostly what's in the way, don't go terribly out of your way to get additional mobs. Generally spending an hour or so on a run.

Kill Everything In Sight = Pretty much self explanatory. Could take hours+
In my experience (and I'm talking about a thousand+ ITFs on Triumph), here is what Triumph seems to mostly think:

Speed = Try for less than 30 minutes. This is a normal run for some players.

XP/Shard/Steamroll Run version 1 = For the above players it matches your description "kill most stuff, but don't need to take out everything". This would be a "regular" run for the group below:

XP/Shard/Steamroll Run version 2 = For others it means "kill everything in sight".

Plow/Kill Everything In Sight = The regular speed runners will try to reach through the monitor to slap the people that weren't clear when they announced the ITF.

It is relative.

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It's not a Shard/XP run unless someone pulls the fort rooftop mobs down onto your team while they're fighting the mobs below

@Golden Girl

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I don't advertise a TF as speed unless I know that either I alone or my friends on the TF and I can handle all of the objectives at maximum speed regardless of what anyone else is doing. To put it another way, it is inherently apparent when one is on a speed TF if one knows what speeding that TF means. Ergo anyone who is on an ITF that is already twenty five minutes long should know that it is a "shardy TF" prima facie. QED. Carpe diem.

If the issue was that your teammate assumed it'd be over quicker and was hoping to hurry it up because she had to be somewhere, well, that's understandable too, if not necessarily correct from the overall team perspective.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
If the issue was that your teammate assumed it'd be over quicker and was hoping to hurry it up because she had to be somewhere, well, that's understandable too, if not necessarily correct from the overall team perspective.
No no no. The teammate was suggesting that it wasn't "shardy/xp" enough if we didn't clear the entire map(s).

It wasn't a speed run by any means. We were moving quickly, but still killed most of the mobs that were spawned. The TF ran for an hour.


Thanks for your input folks. I think I'll just be a bit more specific next time I advertise

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
| Home Server: Virtue |

Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



another one for kill everything between you and the objectives= shard/xp run. which is my preferred method of doing an ITF

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It's not a Shard/XP run unless someone pulls the fort rooftop mobs down onto your team while they're fighting the mobs below

I have never, ever seen this happen. Sounds like griefing.

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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post

I have never, ever seen this happen. Sounds like griefing.
I've yet to see a GM come in on Rommy's or the traitors' side though.

So it's legit.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post

I have never, ever seen this happen. Sounds like griefing.
Happens a lot when your fighting Rommy for the first time.

Many times I'm in a team that pulls both AVs at once, and whatever mobs come with them. It's not as nasty as one may think.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post

I have never, ever seen this happen. Sounds like griefing.
Not really. Just more bodies for the fire.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Primantiss View Post
Happens a lot when your fighting Rommy for the first time.

Many times I'm in a team that pulls both AVs at once, and whatever mobs come with them. It's not as nasty as one may think.
You mean you can pull them separately? I always assumed that they attacked when you started destroying the computer, every single group I've been in has simultaneously taken on both AV's and the bot swarm. Honestly, not a big deal, both AV's are just a tank and spank, you just need a durable enough tank/enough support to keep them under control. Unless your team does something crazy like focusing the computer first it's really not that hard.



Originally Posted by Grendar View Post
You mean you can pull them separately? I always assumed that they attacked when you started destroying the computer, every single group I've been in has simultaneously taken on both AV's and the bot swarm. Honestly, not a big deal, both AV's are just a tank and spank, you just need a durable enough tank/enough support to keep them under control. Unless your team does something crazy like focusing the computer first it's really not that hard.
Actually on many of the ITF teams i'm on we pull the AVs down to the computer so that the splash damage from pounding on the computer whittles them down as well. As soon as the computer explodes we switch focus to whatever AV is lower and then finish the remaining AV after.

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On the server I play on, I only know three styles, although once in a rare while I may have heard another name for a couple of them:

Speed, aka Stealth: Multiple people with +50 or greater Stealth(PvE) and [Assemble the Team] run from objective to objective, teleporting the team to any objectives that a tanker can't solo. Any objectives that a tanker can solo, the tanker runs ahead and solos while the rest of the team does whatever they want, maybe goofs around with the first couple of spawns for lack of anything better to do.

Steamroll: Minimum-distance path through all objectives, killing anything that gets in the way, ignoring anything that isn't.

Shard, aka XP: Treat every mission as if the objectives included "Defeat all."

Of the three, I usually prefer Steamroll. Less finicky, everybody gets to participate, less dull, good rewards. (Exception: I absolutely do like to stealth most of Virgil Tarikoss's strike force. 8-person spawns of Circle of Thorns is way too much mez and way, way too much debuff to be facing for most level 15-20 teams. And by the end of Synapse, virtually everybody is stealthing from exhaustion and boredom; even teams that promised each other they were going for maximum XP stealth those last couple of missions.)



Originally Posted by Grendar View Post
You mean you can pull them separately? I always assumed that they attacked when you started destroying the computer, every single group I've been in has simultaneously taken on both AV's and the bot swarm. Honestly, not a big deal, both AV's are just a tank and spank, you just need a durable enough tank/enough support to keep them under control. Unless your team does something crazy like focusing the computer first it's really not that hard.
Yea, you can. Used to happen quite often back when the TF was first released.. People don't even seem to bother anymore, since more people are IO'd out and Incarnate powers breaking the TF lol.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
On the server I play on, I only know three styles, although once in a rare while I may have heard another name for a couple of them:

Speed, aka Stealth: Multiple people with +50 or greater Stealth(PvE) and [Assemble the Team] run from objective to objective, teleporting the team to any objectives that a tanker can't solo. Any objectives that a tanker can solo, the tanker runs ahead and solos while the rest of the team does whatever they want, maybe goofs around with the first couple of spawns for lack of anything better to do.
For real? What about the style where all eight players, most of them probably corrs, run off and solo whichever objective they know they're best at? If you're really good you get to kill two cysts and if someone is afk you get three? The fort solos the EB general while the AVs aren't even pulled to the comp because that would be slower? The weirdo brute has thirty kills on the towers before the last cutscene starts and just as Romulus and all of the Nictus die at the same time the 300th roman goes down? You win in fourteen minutes?

I like that style best myself. It takes eight people who are on the same page but geez, I hope every server has that.



Thankfully the game is designed such that you can go at your own pace and more importantly you can change your mind about the pace at any time.

For me it depends on what character I'm playing and how bored the group is.

Every once in a while, when your inspiration bars are all full and you want to actually use them, you can pull a second group, run behind a corner to group them up in one spot, and use ALL THE INSPIRATIONS and go to town. I personally hand-toss the reds to my minions because it just wouldn't be dramatic if I used a macro to do it, I use all sorts of aoe powers and I leap right into fights because the game just wouldn't be fun if I didn't take risks.

Glad that I can. Certain other MMO's just flat out suck at presenting challenges.

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Speed - Minimum required, 30+/- minute run.
XP/Shard/Drop - At least including ambushes.

Great game while it lasts.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
The fort solos the EB general while the AVs aren't even pulled to the comp because that would be slower?
Wait, how is pulling the AVs to the computer so that you can hit them all at once with stacked debuffs and AoEs slower? It only takes a couple seconds to pull them and it's not like you have to hold off on attacking until the AVs arrive.
Much like on the STF where we'd pull Recluse's Bridge Club all at once for the same reason. i recall at least three occasions where we'd wonder where Scirocco or Black Scorpion went and realize they were taken out by the splash damage while were focusing on some of the others.
Of course that's all well before Incarnate powers sped things up even more.

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Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
So I inherited the forming of an ITF today and it was originally being advertised as a Shardy/XP run. So that's how I continued to advertise it.

Now my question is, what exactly constitutes a "style" of run?

From my perspective:

Speedy = Hop from Objective to Objective, doing only what's needed - least amount of time possible.

Shardy/XP/Steamroll/Regular = Kill mostly what's in the way, don't go terribly out of your way to get additional mobs. Generally spending an hour or so on a run.

Kill Everything In Sight = Pretty much self explanatory. Could take hours+.

The reason I ask, we were about 25min into the run after the second mission, and I mentioned that I didn't want to clear the map (Nictus spawn map) and that after the last cyst was down, we'd clear the ambush, then move on. Someone passed a comment and I genuinely felt bad that the run may have been mis-advertised.

I mean, all in all, we spent an hour on the ITF, killed most of what was on the maps, and I think (hope) that everyone enjoyed themselves.

I'm just curious as to what other think when the above are advertised and what they translate to.

The person who complained was a whiner.

I say that as someone who was on the TF with you and thought, "What a whiner," when they complained. And then they exited the mission without finishing off the last ambush anyway... I think some people didn't understand how you phrased the instruction to stay to clean up the last ambush, because you phrased it as "exit after last ambush" instead of "wait until last ambush is cleared to exit". Just a syntax thing that some people read as "exit right away, we're not clearing the ambush".

But I generally think anyone that complains about not killing every single mob for "max experience" on a TF is a whiner, and especially when it's a shard/steamroll ITF where we're destroying virtually everything we see anyway. But in general, I'd rather run 2 TFs in 2 hours than grind 1 TF for 2 hours to "maximize" my xp. I'll get the same amount of xp doing it my way, and more merits into the bargain.

Just tonight... we did a Statesman TF in an hour, then a Citadel in about another hour, then a speed Manticore that, I forget, was probably about 45 minutes or so... probably not as speedy as we'd originally intended. But 3 TFs inside 3 hours, that's how I like to spend an evening. ^_^

It does help to be specific though. I was on a run a month ago where one person who I won't name *cough*MG*cough* formed it, and another person i won't name *cough*Hen*cough* decided to speed everything, including porting the entire team to Rommy at the end.

Now, what was annoying about this was that MG... er, I mean mysterious person #1... likes to run shard/steamroll/kill everything you see ITFs, and on the final map on a decent enough team likes to send most of the team down the left path while clearing the right path at the same time with 2-3 big-AoE characters. But on this particular run, MG didn't spell anything out. Likewise, Hen did not ask if it was okay to speed things... instead one did one thing and one did the other, and it was like they were annoyed at each other but neither would actually say, "I'd rather run it *this* way." So... yeah. Spelling out how you want to run things avoids problems like that.

But I would also say... you don't run TFs often enough to realize that you just run into problems like that on occasion, don't worry about it!

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Wait, how is pulling the AVs to the computer so that you can hit them all at once with stacked debuffs and AoEs slower? It only takes a couple seconds to pull them and it's not like you have to hold off on attacking until the AVs arrive.
Much like on the STF where we'd pull Recluse's Bridge Club all at once for the same reason. i recall at least three occasions where we'd wonder where Scirocco or Black Scorpion went and realize they were taken out by the splash damage while were focusing on some of the others.
Of course that's all well before Incarnate powers sped things up even more.
I confess that that one is conjecture on my part. I'd bet a couple corrs with lore pets could drop them in place fast enough that those few seconds of motion would be detrimental. Plus, that's the perfect time to hit lore since you'll still have the pets for the duration of the final mission.