"You are under no obligation to save me" - A scrapperlock thread 2.0




Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
I was highly praised and promoted on the spot...right before I accidentally hit me self-destruct button and blew up. Oops...
Best maneuver in this whole thread.



I guess the moment I most favor in my history was a bit over a year and a half ago.

I had mostly filled my (at the time) build plan for my blaster, but hadn't yet fully discovered the wonders of Drain Psyche yet; I just thought it was a good way to get endurance without Stamina, so most of my survivability was pretty much just my S/L defense from IO slotting (plus Tough).

It was a full team doing Dr. Kahn, and midway through one of the maps covered with Fifth Column troops, I had an epiphany: "These guys are mostly lethal damage. THIS could be AWESOME!"

So I just.. took a right turn and just.. picked a spawn to fight all by myself. I hadn't gotten nearly as much combat tuning for damage throughput at the time as I do now, so.. I was at it a while. Just... fighting this one spawn of +0/x8 L50 5th column. Eventually, one of the scrappers on the team realized I was off by myself and came over to help...

... and instead, she just watched me for a while. By the time I finished that one spawn, the team had finished the objectives on the map.

"So.. Uh. Nice scrapper you have there," was the comment I finally got. Then we moved on to finish the TF.

For 2010, that was pretty nice validation.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Was running a new Staff/Invul Brute through First Ward a few weeks back. It was me and some SGmates, an Ice/Fire Domi, a Stone/Stone Tank, and a FF/Energy Defender

We were running Vanessa DeVore's 'Protect The Spirit Wards' mission. You know, the one with wave upon wave of Talons ambushes? Yeah. Me and the Stone Tank had been duoing the 'Ward pretty handily before this, and so with the addition of an FF, we bumped the diff to +1/x8. None of us are 50 yet, and I'm... lv 27 at this point, so I don't even have Invincibility yet, but I've got some set bonuses to the tune of 13% S/L defense.

I forget how it happened, but somehow, the Domi and i ended up on the other side of the map from the Tank and Defender, and the waves of Talons came flooding in.

Now, i could've called for help... but where's the fun in that?

I still had my bubbles up, so I switched my iPod to some good fighting music, gave a battle cry, and just dove right in.

What followed was a blur of violence and inspiration spamming. The Domi died somewhere in the first little bit, so I was on my own and *way* past my aggro cap. There were two EBs in the mess of enemies as well, but they were just more targets... I don't remember how long it lasted, but Dull Pain was always clicked seconds after it refreshed, and I swapped to Form of the Body somewhere in there for more carnage...

When the haze of violence finally lifted, I was cackling behind my computer screen, a huge grin on my face. I had leveled somewhere in the mess, which amused me even more... Invincibility was at 28...

The Tank asks me what had happened, and why i didn't answer them when they asked if I was alright...

'Sorry, scrapperlock' was my reply.



Alright, alright, this is supposed to be about scrapperlock stories. There shouldn't be any arguments here unless it's about the funniest way to stab something.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Alright, alright, this is supposed to be about scrapperlock stories. There shouldn't be any arguments here unless it's about the funniest way to stab something.
For me...its usually after screaming banzai...

Been tryin to remember some of my past exploits...and so far...the only one that really pops into mind is a case of scrapperlock...with my blaster.

Was running with some SG mates...but don't ask me just what exactly we were fighting...i can't even remember. All i remember is everybody fell down....before me...the squishy. A DP/Elec blaster (pictured in my avatar). Pretty sure it was a case of we aggroed more than we should have and certainly more than we could handle...and as I witnessed my teammates and friends dropping like flies one by one...i briefly concidered turning tail and running. At least my brain did. My trigger fingers...not so much.

So there i was. Low on skittles, pistols fully loaded. Let's rock. I just start blasting away like a freakin mad man. Shooting any and everything that got locked into my sights. If they got too cose...they got an electric punch to the face. I managed to take out 5 or 6 before I joined the rest of my comrades on the concrete. However...what makes this particular failure so memorable (you know...other than forgetting the important stuff like....who killed us)...was i distinctly remember hearing over teamspeak shortly before i met oblivion...a friend screaming at me to "STOP DANCING AROUND AND SHOOT SOMETHING!"

Good times.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



We're on a Minds of Mayhem trial. Our leader, the indefatigable Jane Reaction on Pinnacle informs us there isn't a hospital in this one, so grab a few awakens in case...

Spirit of Kings Row: Grab more reds then.
Jane Reaction: You've always been a troublemaker Neuronia.

So I load up on reds and a couple Break Free (No terrorize protection in Regen) and we load in and I just beeline it to Malaise and start pouding his face in, madly clicking Reconstruction and Dull Pain to survive. I then literally jump over other character's heads to reach Lanaru, then Jack then Winter Lord. While bodies are piling up left and right I cast Barrier for that extra few seconds of godmode...and we're back to fighting Malaise.

The rest of the trial pretty much follows the same pattern, with my Kat/Regen crushing Storm Voids (sometimes prematurely) and tagging bosses in the penultimate room then just wailing on Shalice Tilman for bloatrous amounts of damage. Oh, the glory of large orange numbers and "Critical" appearing above them! Oh, the joy of seeing my foes lying before me, ragdoll physics leaving them suspended over railings and broken-legged! Oh, the sublime feeling of just charging in and beating the living crap out of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that cons orange....can't be beat!

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Only time I ever tried to affect the market, all I did was dump a few hundred alchemical silvers listed at 1inf.



This is an enjoyable thread,I do like reading other peoples stories and find them most amusing,what I find disturbing are the people who whether intentionally or not starts arguments that have nothing to do with the thread.I point no fingers at those persons but just ask that you keep threads like these as fun things for others to read.Keep all sarcasm and vitriol to yourselves,ok nuff said lets have some more stories.

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Only time I ever tried to affect the market, all I did was dump a few hundred alchemical silvers listed at 1inf.

I still don't know if I believe you. I'm not gonna test my luck.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
My favorite Scrapperlock moments are:

1. Whenever I play my Warshade. Too many stories to tell.
Aye, before I grew tired of her and deleted her, my WS had so many rampages. Awesome. I still remember the attack chain:

a) Leeroy
b) Res
c) Eclipse
d) buff
e) Mire
c) Mini-nuke
and if by that point mobs were still standing:
f) Nuke
g) pop a small blue, suck up some souls.
h) target next mob. Repeat until orgasm.

I had a similar moment with my dark/dark brute recently. I was in a team doing Jenkins' arc, and the mish in question was Diabolique's. Just bouncing from mob to mob, killing, taunting, killing, etc.

Then those times with Sophia, just Leeeeeerrrrrrrrrooooooyyyyyyyy. Attack, attack, attack, attack. Faceplant. Imma Phoenix silly. Attack, attack, attack, attack. Silly mobs, you can't kill a Phoenix :3. Repeat until bored. Or no mobs.




Once was playing my tank, and got mad at our scapper for going all lock-happy and messing up my pulls. After some testy texting, and another room his way and then mine, I agreed he was correct and we start doing things his way.

But then, anyone who ever played a emp fender has a story of a lock-mad toon yelling for not keeping them alive two rooms ahead.

My fav tanker-lock was this Stone in a AE mission, who would agg one mob before jumping into the next... then wonder why all us non-50s were dying when his last group didn't. Then taunted to how we were such wimps because he wasn't dying.

And my last story, is a friend's when he was playing Starwars last week... and in the group he was in, one of the players jumped in and started a second battle before the group was done with the first. So the 'leader' asked him what he was thinking, and the guy answered;

"Afro Circus, Polkadot, Polkadot!"

And all was forgiven....

/Empaths can turn three people into Jesus, one person into God, and everyone else into the twelve apostles.~Angry_Citizen

Don't you know that discussion of power selection/slotting can ONLY be based on hearsay, rumor, idle speculation, and bald-faced lies??!? ~Elf_Sniper



Any class with a mini nuke or non crashing nuke.

"Well my nuke is recharged, if I use it I'm gonna get all the aggro, but I can't NOT use it."



All the back and forth aside, there is a difference between good scrapperlock and bad scrapperlock. I've experienced both. I normally play tough characters so it doesn't really bother me if someone goes Leeroy but I can see how it'd annoy those who favor squishies. Anyway, on to the stories:

My PB, Sunsquall, is my main and he sees a lotta melee combat. Last week I joined a team that was running missions in Founder's Falls. Just as we arrived at the door a Nemesis Invasion started.

Aside: Nemesis is a horrible group for invasion type content. They're designed to work together in a way that requires tactics (Albeit simple) to take down effectively. That can be pretty difficult to coordinate unless everyone's with the same team/league.
We were doing okay but after a few minutes the team got bored and decided to head inside. So as to avoid unnecessary casualties all the squishies went in first followed by the others in order of durability. Myself, the Tank and a Scrapper were the last ones outside. As more and more Nemesis teleported in I shifted constantly between human and Nova forms, raining down cosmic energy on the minions and pummeling the bosses with my strikes. I darted in and out of the air, all the while mashing the keys and watching the brass clad soldiers of Nemesis fall with great satisfaction.

With all the activity I wasn't focused on the chat window so I missed this message:

Scrapper: Jahnya let's go. Sun's got this.
Nothing makes me happier than when somebody tells the Tank to leave because they're confident I can handle a swarm of enemies alone

Now for a case of bad scrapperlock. I'm reminded of an ITF I was on with a particularly well built Brute and a fellow Peacebringer. The three of us were, by far, the sturdiest characters on the team. We could chew up Praefectus, Shadow Cysts and even Minotaurs without the slightest bit of danger to ourselves.

Unfortunately the rest of the team wasn't so durable and my fellow meleers were too focused on SMASH. The Brute would frequently leap ahead to the next spawn as soon as the bosses were dead, with the other PB right behind him. I followed suit until I noticed our teammates beginning to speak up about how often they were dying. One of them even pointed out that the problem stemmed from some of us running far afield while the others were still engaged. I sent tells to the team leader suggesting that he might want to reign us in but he never replied.

In the end I went to Dwarf form and tanked until I felt the squishies were out of danger. Then it was right back to punching things in the face

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



This past saturday...on the weekly Moonfire TF.

For the most part, i'd been playing my 'shade Steve Shadow pretty much like I normally would. Hop into mob, mire, hop out, nova form, blast away.

Then in one of the missions, me and one of the scrappers had drifted away from the rest of the team (read: we went completely off on our own). Got to the council "jail" room...which as usual...was pretty loaded with stuff to hit (we had a full 8-man team going). Popped a few skittles...went rhino, and charged the middle of the room with the scrapper hot on my heels. I'm smashing stuff upside the head with whatever is charged at the moment, hitting mire everytime it's up, and taunting my big purple tookis off. A couple of times, my blue bar got a little too low for my liking, and thanks to the scrapper (a MA/something scrapper...never actually checked out his secondary) i had a few bodies to feed off of so i dropped dwarf, and stygian circled. I ALMOST got wasted when i accidentally hit the wrong keybind and went into nova form. It took me a few seconds to realize my mistake, thankfully before i hit the floor, and hit Dwarf. By the time the rest of the team got to the room, we were mopping up stragglers.

It was...beeeaaaautiful!

BTW...my shade's build is a mixture of common IO's and SO's...so i didn't have any of those wonderful set bonuses working for me. This was au natural, peoplez. HOO-HAH!

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Back before the incredibly annoying I22 induced Pet AI issue that causes pets to run off and aggro Siege, Maruder and others I would take my +3 T4 everything Bots/Traps/Mu/Barrier/Longbow radial on trials and immediatly go off on my own in lamda. That Setup pretty much allowed me to go solo all those turrets in the reverse order a league would normally go in so by the time they got to the turret stage there might be like 1-3 left, but since they were so used to going from turret to turret many would still travel the path of turrets only to find there was mysteriously none left

One time I said to the league "You might be wondering what just happened" and then I responed "I happened" and got some lols from the league



Originally Posted by Quantum Evil View Post
My favorite scrapperlock moment actually didn't involve a scrapper at all.
These days I tend to get scrapperlocked on my energy blaster a lot. Ever since I rebuilt for high recharge, if there's a lot of stuff, and a confined space, and I have a moderate amount of inspirations, there's a decent chance I'm going to try to figure out how long they will last. In many ways, its more satisfying than getting scrapperlocked on extremely strong scrapper builds.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
These days I tend to get scrapperlocked on my energy blaster a lot. Ever since I rebuilt for high recharge, if there's a lot of stuff, and a confined space, and I have a moderate amount of inspirations, there's a decent chance I'm going to try to figure out how long they will last. In many ways, its more satisfying than getting scrapperlocked on extremely strong scrapper builds.
Indeed. The best scrapperlocks happen on characters that don't have awesome survivability. I love the roller coaster ride my health bar takes when my warshade is surrounded by way too much big stuff or on any low level TF. Eclipse is only so good and I didn't build any defense, so I get to watch my health bar bounce from red to green as fast as stygian circle recharges (something less than ten seconds).

The next best rush comes from playing my blaster or defenseless corruptor in the same situation, except on an inspiration binge. "Purples are blinking... must kill faster! Get more drops!"

It only ever lasts so long...

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Indeed. The best scrapperlocks happen on characters that don't have awesome survivability.
Plus, there's nothing like the non-stop kaboom of an energy blaster gone berserk.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



My favorite scrapperlock moment was on my Fire/Fire/Fire blaster (since respeced into Fire/Fire/Mace).

It was a high level Council mission and the entire team had dropped except for me, since I'd just returned from being AFK. There were probably 4 or 5 8-man sized spawns in the room that had sort of all clustered near the middle of it.

I took stock of my inspirations and noticed that I had a handful of reds and 3 purples. The question "Can I kill 70+ dudes, including bosses, in less than 1 minute?" bounced around in my head.

My wife watched the wheels turning in my head (she was playing a controller on the team) and told the team "I think they made Cinder mad, don't go to the hospital"

45 seconds later nothing remained in the room other than the smoldering corpses of 70+ Council goons and an awed team.

From the team's tank: "Dude, why don't you do that all the time?"

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



First and most memorable even level AV solo
I was fighting Ms Liberty as a lvl 49 or 50 bots/traps/mu without any sets, things were going fairly well outside loosing bots to stupid pet AI. I was tanking her hits, wasting lots of end on toebombing, SoM and locking her down with immobs, until I got her low enough that she popped unstoppable which surprised me because it allowed her to ignore my immobs entirely and then wipe the floor with my pets, and laugh at their damage. At that point I paniced!

I was about to bolt and moving to do so until the hot blooded part of my soul flared up and said "STAND AND FIGHT!"

So I shifted gears from immobing her and then hitting her with poison gas, to hitting her with poison gas hoping it triggered and droped her unstoppable and then immobing her. We would go through that dance of "her activating unstoppable, me detoggling unstoppable with PG" over and over. I had wasted so much endurance earlier on I could no longer afford to run my res shield which made tanking hits much more dangerous but I persevered and I dropped her taut rump something fierce



Recently on a small team in the new Dark Astoria, I was on my 53 Time/DP , the leader was 53, and my other friend was a 45 StJ/Shield. The leader leaves, but doesn't logout yet. We keep on street sweeping duo in the graveyard full of 54s. Easy peasy. Somewhere along the line one particular ravager is just incredibly tough. I just assume ravagers must have a Tier 9 I'd never noticed before. Fine, It'll drop in 2 to 4 minutes, and we'll just clear the rest of the spawn first. So 5 minutes later We've cleared most of the rest of the spawn, but the Ravager is still hanging on. We whittle him down eventually and stop to rest thinking "Wow, those level 54 Ravagers have one bleep of a Tier 9." Shortly later we finally notice we're fighting at 45 and my level 45 friend is the team leader ..... Since then nothing in DA scares me.

Yes +9 Ravagers are Beasts, but we still won.




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Originally Posted by Moderator 09 View Post

Good job.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I've enjoyed all the stories so far! I found that 'sweet spot' yet again last night as a friend and I turned a corner from a hallway into the new(ish) warehouse map. I had it set to 'die human scum' (+1/x8) so the room was FULL of Carnies. On my Dom I tank via control, so I laid into the fear....aaaaaaaaaaaaaand aggro'd a full quarter of the room, one AOE control after another I smashed buttons as my good friend pressed the 'go' button on her Blaster. One stray fireball later, what seemed like the entire room was on us. It took a while, but when the dust settled, it was one of the largest piles of Carnie bodies I've ever seen, which was inverse in to the size of my health bar now that I think of it... just an awesomely fun fight.