But what a I really want is a "Batmobile"
Not to shoot down your idea (because I too would love that idea), but the devs have said that it would be hard to implement such an idea as vehicles as you propose. Although, the Team Teleporter technology COULD be a stepping stone to that, come to think of it.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
No it wouldn't. I mean, yeah, sure the car physics would be, but just make it another 'sprint' and it's all good. You could do Automan turns.
/And a Flintstone-mobile sounds like the plan... through the courtesy of hero's feet!
//But BRB first. Definitely.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
Hey, Memphis_Bill! Don't you have something for this, what with it coming up like once a week or so?
Oh, wait, here it is, and it looks like some of it's even come true!
The subject at hand: Vehicles. Vehicles as travel powers. This gets brought up a lot. Short answer, don't expect it. Long answer: There are a lot of problems with the idea. 1. Movement. Forward and back,even turning - ok. But you can do things that a vehicle can't - such as strafe (direct side to side or angular movement.) It doesn't work with a vehicle. There are also issues such as drift and "realistic" handling. We can go side to side, as mentioned, and make immediate right angle turns. Cars... not so much. 2. Movement, part 2. Go stand in the road. No, not you personally. Take your character out and stand in the road, if you're heroside. Or even in the path of civilians. What happens? You get pushed. While not as big an issue with a motorcycle, perhaps, a car would have issues. What happens if two cars meet head on - yours and an NPC, or yours and another player's? Do you just pass through each other? Would you be satisfied with that very odd result? Or would you get stuck? How about those NPCs, can they walk and push your car, or are they walking through it? Neither answer is very satisfying, and intelligent, dynamic pathing is too computationally expensive. 3. Terrain. Not every place has roads, or even makes sense for "off roading." Go look at Founder's Falls. Go look at Crey's Folley. Or Eden. Try to get to the north islands in Talos. What, do you have a kubelwagen? Look at the Pit in Sharkshead. Try to use your travel power (car) to get up to some of the doorways in high caves. Cars and motorcycles would be more like Superspeed - horizontal movement, period. And look - I'll be blunt - flat out *stupid* tied with, say, Combat Jumping or Superjump. 4. Combat. You get ambushed on the way. How do you fight? Just have your powers blast out of the rolled up windows? How do you buff or debuff? EVERY power would need a new animation. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Then you want people with motorcycles instead of cars. Redo ALL the animations AGAIN. And they still wouldn't make sense - how do you use Footstomp in a car? Or Stalagmites? 5. Customizing. Yeah, it would come up. Not everyone would want a sports car, or a mid-70s Buick boat, or an exotic, or a minivan, or whatever else. 6. Making "sense." This was touched on in terrain - how do you get across water? How about the Shadow Shard? And if you want downright ridiculous looking, go do the heroside 25-34 Respec. Look at the Sky Skiffs inside of rooms or the reactor room. It makes no sense and looks *ridiculous.* Something that, yes, the devs try to avoid. That's just a quick overview of why vehicles as generally envisioned aren't a spectacular idea for a travel power. Further discussion This I think merits a bit of extra commentary, honestly. "Vehicles" covers a lot of different ground for different people. Some only consider cars/jets/motorcycles vehicles. Others add jetpacks, wings and the like. Much of the above considers cars and similar sized vehicles, with nods to motorcycle type vehicles. Jetpacks and such, I don't see happening as travel powers. As costume options for Flight? Or as invented pieces that interact with Fly, similar to wings? Absolutely - but they don't need to be a separate travel power for that. I'm all for more jetpack and wing (or combination) designs. Besides, there are so many "temp" jetpacks, I don't see introducing yet another one as really being feasable - just my opinion. But vehicles - cars, specifically - as a travel power, have issues. One way to have them "somewhat" work. For all that, I know some people *would* still like to pull up in front of a mission. So how do we do it? A temporary power, based on the same tech from the Mac/Valkyrie pack Mission Teleporter. The temporary power would: (a) be an invention - dropping from enemies. (A reward, because you saved... well, we'll get to that,) (b) be a single use each time - you can only hold one at a time, not one of each, one total. (c) use rarely used salvage, because... it's rarely used, and cheap. No Luck Charms here. (d) come in multiple varieties. How does this get around the various issues? Terrain - It doesn't pass terrain. It just arrives. It follows the same 'rules' as the mission teleporter - it's not indoors, doesn't go to contacts, etc. Just mission doors. Customizing - It's not "your" vehicle. It's a temp power. You've called a cab, limo, or other transport. Power animation - since you're skipping the space in between, no powers can be used 'til you arrive anyway. The varieties? - Limo: Stereotypical slightly stretched black limo. - Checker cab: The classic yellow cab. |
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
If you make it a small flying vehicle - in the vein of a flying motorcycle, or small flying car - then between that and purchasable travel powers shutting off every other power Bill's rebuttal is mostly invalidated. A couple of points were already invalidated by nonsense already present in the game.
Customisation, for instance, is something lacking in existing travel powers as-is (not to mention purchasable powers they've put out).
And it doesn't make any less sense for a vehicle to get pushed around by civilians than it does for several tons of stone/robot.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
I'm going to say this right out: I'd love a flying car form shift power.
Animations should be simple, and you know what? It doesn't even need guns or anything fancy.
It's a car, it flies (allowing me to COMPLETELY IGNORE rush hour traffic), (based on my character's HP) it can shrug off an anti-tank rocket, and if it's ends consumption is like rocket board's at only 0.02 drained per-end, then hot damn we have a car that DOESN'T NEED GAS!
How much more 'super' does a flying car need to be?
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Relax Forbin, this thread is Colossus approved.
Oh wait, that might be a bad thing.
the fact that there is "yet another" implies the continuing demand.
Anyway, for game physics and as a terrain power, for a basic model we already have that with the rocket board/flying carpet.... only the wire frame differes
as a car it would need more limitations like stuck to the ground and less sideways sllide, unless the flying car idea was gone with.
the only real coding is the entrance/exit form the vehicle. and that already eists from hopping into the sub/hole in the ground.
Like the motion picture camera, Edison didn't invent it, he just put the pieces that other people had developed previously together in one package.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives
I would love a Fantasticar! Even just a small, single-occupant Fantasticar (Fantastimini!).
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
I totally didn't think of that.
Even a hot air balloon with my toon dangling underneath on a bench seat with a sputtering motor on its back.
They are having the whole Nemesis popups everywhere...
Zeppelins would be in theme.
And you already have lots of source material from the Nemesis architecture.
The interaction software would sync with rocketboard/magic carpet as well.
Zeppelin I totally didn't think of that. Even a hot air balloon with my toon dangling underneath on a bench seat with a sputtering motor on its back. They are having the whole Nemesis popups everywhere... Zeppelins would be in theme. And you already have lots of source material from the Nemesis architecture. The interaction software would sync with rocketboard/magic carpet as well. |
I just want to land on the darn thing! However, I don't feel that vehicles are really a concern considering how well our current selection of travel powers work. I know this isn't what you wanted at all, but what about a selection of vehicles we could keep in our SG bases?
I know this isn't what you wanted at all, but what about a selection of vehicles we could keep in our SG bases?
I've wanted the Chinook's used by Longbow and the Vanguard, the jets and combat helicopters we see in Praetoria's Lambda sector, Sky Raider Sky Skiffs, maybe a submarine (somehow, possibly dry docked), Malta Titans (okay, they're not vehicles, but I don't care), maybe some cars, doubly so if we could get new car models, I could go on.
Bonus points though if the helicopters or trucks could be alternatives to teleporters.
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Yeah, I've heard of someone replacing the blue light tube with something else, but I don't know how they did it or remember what they claim to have done it with. Having a vehicle that sits in your base which flies you in and out would be pretty awesome in contrast to the tube...
Regarding already in game vehicles, I think it's quite feasible, we already have the Longbow Chaser and Arachnos Flyer for people with Tier 5 rewards, other vehicles could be one of things they rotate for Tier 9.
Off topic. It irritates me that we can fly thru chopper blades unharmed. I really want those things to at least whack the hell out of people an send them flying.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Off topic. It irritates me that we can fly thru chopper blades unharmed. I really want those things to at least whack the hell out of people an send them flying.
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I like the rocket board, yes I do, especially for the techno dudes
and I like the magic carpet too for the magic toons
The new team transporter thing is ok... though it takes forever in game time to recharge. perhaps I just go through the missions too quickly, and my characters with the teleportation power make it redundant.
But what I really want is a "batmobile". I would pay good money for that add on in a minute.
Not an actual batmobile, mind you, that has all sorts of licencing issues. Still there are several sorts of simmilar things in fictional herodom. The KITT car, the vehicle from the old "spyhunter" game.
There are also several motorcycle options for inspriation.
There are all these roads in this game.... it seems a shame not to drive on them.
..and imagine the races you could have with other players... or being chased by police/whatever. upto even being pulled over for recless endangerment of the populace (I am the cop who ticketed batman for speeding?...)
It would have to be a car/motorcycle that could also be a boat since there are lots of island states in this game.
...and while it could be a non game add-on like the rocket board.
It could also be a new customisable travel power.
especially since the original travel powers, despite having evoled slightly, are still from the original concept 8 years ago, isn't it time for something new?
AND... imagine all the possible decorational themes... after all, isn't a car just another part of some people's wardobe?