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  1. OOOOO!!!!


    I totally didn't think of that.

    Even a hot air balloon with my toon dangling underneath on a bench seat with a sputtering motor on its back.

    They are having the whole Nemesis popups everywhere...
    Zeppelins would be in theme.
    And you already have lots of source material from the Nemesis architecture.

    The interaction software would sync with rocketboard/magic carpet as well.
  2. Relax Forbin, this thread is Colossus approved.

    Oh wait, that might be a bad thing.

    the fact that there is "yet another" implies the continuing demand.

    Anyway, for game physics and as a terrain power, for a basic model we already have that with the rocket board/flying carpet.... only the wire frame differes

    as a car it would need more limitations like stuck to the ground and less sideways sllide, unless the flying car idea was gone with.

    the only real coding is the entrance/exit form the vehicle. and that already eists from hopping into the sub/hole in the ground.

    Like the motion picture camera, Edison didn't invent it, he just put the pieces that other people had developed previously together in one package.
  3. I like the rocket board, yes I do, especially for the techno dudes
    and I like the magic carpet too for the magic toons

    The new team transporter thing is ok... though it takes forever in game time to recharge. perhaps I just go through the missions too quickly, and my characters with the teleportation power make it redundant.

    But what I really want is a "batmobile". I would pay good money for that add on in a minute.

    Not an actual batmobile, mind you, that has all sorts of licencing issues. Still there are several sorts of simmilar things in fictional herodom. The KITT car, the vehicle from the old "spyhunter" game.
    There are also several motorcycle options for inspriation.

    There are all these roads in this game.... it seems a shame not to drive on them.
    ..and imagine the races you could have with other players... or being chased by police/whatever. upto even being pulled over for recless endangerment of the populace (I am the cop who ticketed batman for speeding?...)

    It would have to be a car/motorcycle that could also be a boat since there are lots of island states in this game.

    ...and while it could be a non game add-on like the rocket board.
    It could also be a new customisable travel power.
    especially since the original travel powers, despite having evoled slightly, are still from the original concept 8 years ago, isn't it time for something new?

    AND... imagine all the possible decorational themes... after all, isn't a car just another part of some people's wardobe?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    -100. The thread title was totally misleading. I demand a full refund.
    Refund granted...

    every penny you paid for my thread is yours again.

    Oh crap...I messed up my single post per year ratio...

    Guess I'll skip next year
  5. There is a moment between the download and the application.

    Where the timer counter on how much time remains till the patch is applied...

    ...reads 952867 hours 37 minutes and 18 seconds.

    doing the math it comes out to about 108 years.

    It makes the actual 1 hour patch application seem so brief.

