My secret pleasure during updates
+1 for random
The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.
+1 for one post/year
Well, the patch was released yesterday. You could have downloaded it then, even if you weren't planning on playing right away, so that it was ready when you wanted it. That's wht I do; when I get home from work on a patch day, first thing I do is run the updater, even if I'm not logging in.
-100. The thread title was totally misleading. I demand a full refund.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

I actually love this thread.
sign me up for your newsletter.
assuming that is is delivered less often than your posts.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
I assumed that the answer to the thread title would require removing at least one hand from the keyboard.
There is a moment between the download and the application.
Where the timer counter on how much time remains till the patch is applied...
...reads 952867 hours 37 minutes and 18 seconds.
doing the math it comes out to about 108 years.
It makes the actual 1 hour patch application seem so brief.