Why did Stone Melee fall off the map?




Old school players will remember the big 3:

Stone Melee
Super Strength
Energy Melee (1 Sec ET + Mag 4 TF)

These were considered the "best" powersets way back in the day. Since then, we've seen Energy Melee changed and no changes to SS or SM.

Super Strength is still fairly popular and numerically its still probably one of the top sets. However, what about Stone Melee?

It seems to have fallen off the map. Why is that? No changes were made to it, it still has a Mag 4 1.5 cast time with a Brawl Index of 9.8889 Seismac Smash.

Have people simply forgotten about it due to new players influx? Or has new powerset releases since then bypassed Stone Melee making it weak?



I was never a fan of stone melee, mostly due to the look of the set. But you're right, it does seem to have dived in popularity across the board, and I can't recall seeing any changes. Maybe it's just that several of the new sets are near as effective, with better aesthetics. Or perhaps, it's the changes to fury that no longer mesh as well with SM, more so than changes to the set itself.

Not having played a SM Brute myself, I can't make any better guess than that. But you are right, SM Brutes seem much rarer now that in times past.



Well, it should still be up there due to the fact Seismac Smash is a 1.5 animation time its DPA is insanely high.



Honestly, the only thing I can think of is that its AoE damage isn't the greatest (though tremor isn't really as bad as its reputation would make it - it's at least got a nice big radius), which perhaps damages people's perceptions of the set in today's AoE-happy game. Aside from that it's a flat-out amazing set. Great ST damage, ST DPA that ranges from good to absurd, and great ST and AoE mitigation on top of that.

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I must differ with Muon, to me the set's albatross is tremor all the way. The radius is the one bone you get, beyond that the set is actually worse at aoe than energy melee. That's really saying something. To that you can say, "It does have a 15 foot radius and you can't discount that," to which I can say, "It also has one of the longest attack animation times in the game." To put it another way, you could make an effective aoe character with stone melee but it would involve going fire armor and mu mastery and not taking tremor at all.

My own feeling is that the set gives up too much for fault. Why shouldn't it? Fault is a crazy power. To me though it's a lot like stone armor: you get granite but you pay a dear price indeed. There are other issues, like stone mallet's mediocrity forcing you to try to make a chain out of stone fists, heavy mallet and seismic smash, a fool's errand. What's the use in one great single target attack if one is all you get? Overall it seems like it was a set designed for a different game or something. It doesn't have any "flow" to it in any sense of the word. It has undeniably strong powers yet little synergy between them. Bleh.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
...with a Brawl Index of 9.8889 Seismac Smash.
Brawl Index! Oh man, there's a term I haven't heard in a long time! You're showing your game age there.

I have to agree though, Stone Melee is still a great set. In fact, I was considering pairing it with Regen since I've been wanting to make a Regen Brute I could like (I've made a few attempts already). Its mitigation abilities should be helpful in giving regen time to do it's thing.

My Ela/Stone tank can solo AVs in a decent amount of time. If he can do that, a Brute should be able to do a lot with it. As mentioned before, I think it's the AoE aspect of the set that holds it back in popularity. Many people seem to get stuck on SS/ and forget about Stone.

Keep in mind, I don't think the set needs a buff or anything. Energy Melee on the other hand...


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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
There are other issues, like stone mallet's mediocrity forcing you to try to make a chain out of stone fists, heavy mallet and seismic smash, a fool's errand. What's the use in one great single target attack if one is all you get? Overall it seems like it was a set designed for a different game or something. It doesn't have any "flow" to it in any sense of the word. It has undeniably strong powers yet little synergy between them. Bleh.
This. The best chain is going to be something like Seismic - Gloom - Heavy Mallet - Stone Fists, at very high levels of recharge. And that chain isn't going to significantly better at dps than what other sets can put out (SS/FA/Soul I'm looking at you), while bringing substantially less AOE to the table. Tremor is just terrible.



Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
It seems to have fallen off the map. Why is that? No changes were made to it, it still has a Mag 4 1.5 cast time with a Brawl Index of 9.8889 Seismac Smash.

Have people simply forgotten about it due to new players influx? Or has new powerset releases since then bypassed Stone Melee making it weak?
The animation times of the hammers were changed in The May 28th, 2008 patch:

- Stone Melee / Heavy Mallet: Increased activation time to 1.63. This was done to allow the animation to return the player into the neutral position before activating another power
- Stone Melee / Stone Mallet: Increased activation time to 1.61. This was done to allow the animation to return the player into the neutral position before activating another power.
As a result, one of the few benefits of the set (not counting fault), the ability to throw out three attacks in about 2.5 seconds now takes over 4 seconds.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
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I think nowadays there are just so many other powersets to choose. When villains launch you were limited to EM, SS, SM, DM and FM.

I think EM is even rarer. Over all I think the Big 3 have taken backseat to the newer sets.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
The animation times of the hammers were changed in The May 28th, 2008 patch:

As a result, one of the few benefits of the set (not counting fault), the ability to throw out three attacks in about 2.5 seconds now takes over 4 seconds.
Wow what were the animation times originally?



I agree with the comments above, its great for ST damage and mitigation, its weakness is AE damage, it all depends on what you want. Honestly EM is need of more love than Stone Melee does, but then again there are some very good reasons why Kinetic Melee is EM 2.0.

Also like someone else said there are a LOT of choices out there now, and some of the newer sets have been melee sets( Staff Fighting, Street Fighting, and Titan Weapons)



Too Many New Power Sets are coming out and alot of the players are playing these new Sets, while the old Sets get forgotten.

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So to further the question, assuming these factors:

Damage Cap, Recharge Cap, etc. What Brute primary does the highest single target damage? I am curious where Stone stands.



Titan Weapons, hands down...and I do mean by a large margin...Super Strength is a quite distant second...after that I would have to think maybe Claws and then MA/StJ/DM/SM/Kat/FM/KM will all be in there somewhere close to each other covering the middle of the pack. ELM/BS/BA/WM/EM/Staff will all be behind the others...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
Titan Weapons, hands down...
At single target damage?

Ultimus, stone/shield brute is effective and fun. Decent against large groups and really strong vs 1 or two targets. Knock up and knock down can really neutralize almost perma juggle bosses.

Great game while it lasts.



Originally Posted by __Tru__ View Post
At single target damage?

Ultimus, stone/shield brute is effective and fun. Decent against large groups and really strong vs 1 or two targets. Knock up and knock down can really neutralize almost perma juggle bosses.
I think factoring in having enough endurance to actually run the TW attack chain it is very good, but I don't know about the best.

The main problem with attack chains on Brutes is that Gloom pushes it very unfairly against the weapon sets, and secondary plays a big role as well (Looking at fire armor in particluar!).

Taking all powers into account I think SS probably does put out the best ST damage, but only if KOBlow is the only power you pick.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I recently started a stone melee/Inv brute. The biggest issue I have is with
aesthetics - I simply dont like the big stone hammers. If they would provide
alternative graphics, such as big stone fists, I think the set might become a bit more popular.

Same issue I have with stone armor - I dont like having my costume completely obscured by one particular power.

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
My own feeling is that the set gives up too much for fault. Why shouldn't it? Fault is a crazy power. To me though it's a lot like stone armor: you get granite but you pay a dear price indeed. There are other issues, like stone mallet's mediocrity forcing you to try to make a chain out of stone fists, heavy mallet and seismic smash, a fool's errand.
Why is that a fool's errand? It seems like a very respectable single-target attack chain to me.

It doesn't have any "flow" to it in any sense of the word. It has undeniably strong powers yet little synergy between them. Bleh.
I'm not sure how important synergy is when it's got a one-shot hold for bosses attached to its largest DPA attacks and the ability to juggle minions forever, both of which are fairly incredible levels of mitigation.

Sure, in the modern game, lack of AoE is frowned upon. It's not really that big a bother to me, though, as I have a number of characters who predated the ability to consistently find, let alone consistently survive enough foes to make an AoE focus such a compelling consideration as it is today, and I still enjoy them immensely. A Stone Melee Brute happens to be one of those. And yes, I skipped Tremor completely.

Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Brawl Index! Oh man, there's a term I haven't heard in a long time! You're showing your game age there.
No doubt!

In fact, I was considering pairing it with Regen since I've been wanting to make a Regen Brute I could like (I've made a few attempts already). Its mitigation abilities should be helpful in giving regen time to do it's thing.
As someone who has paired it with Fiery Aura, I can say that should work swimmingly, again assuming you're satisfied with a single-target focus.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Yet again I forget that gloom is a thing for brutes, with that you can of course make an actual chain out of stone fists, heavy mallet and seismic smash. With those three powers alone though you'd be spending a lot of time glaring menacingly at your incapacitated foes, or throwing in an aoe every five seconds (assuming you have anything less than 200% global recharge).

In general, I like primary sets that are a complete package on their own. That's one of the reasons I instantly loved staff, and certainly why I keep going back to claws. Stone is anything but: it can do very good single target and aoe but only with specific outside tools. Obviously that makes no difference in terms of its final efficacy but in principle it bothers me. Beyond the fact that I want to make the character that I want to make it's also mechanically limiting to be railroaded so.

Going back to fault, I stand by my statement. It's a great power but it's too great in the sense that for most, in my opinion, situations it's overkill. Your enemies are either disabled or they aren't, you don't get style points for extra magnitude unless one of your teammates is keeping that tally for you. On a topical note I think that stone melee in a sense is going to suffer from the new overwhelming force set. Right now fault is one of the only ways to permanently disable a spawn as a melee character. After that proc there will be many ways to do so and by definition all of them will also involve doing damage to it.

Not trying to denigrate your brute or anything, but those are the reasons for my lack of patience for the set.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Going back to fault, I stand by my statement. It's a great power but it's too great in the sense that for most, in my opinion, situations it's overkill. Your enemies are either disabled or they aren't, you don't get style points for extra magnitude unless one of your teammates is keeping that tally for you.
Huh? I honestly don't understand what you're saying. Fault does both KD and stun, so it will mitigate even foes it doesn't immediately stun. And all mezzes are binary. So I don't get what you're saying.

You don't run around adding Fault to your attack chain just for giggles. You use it when there's still something you need disabled standing near you that you can't or haven't gotten to with Seismic Smash. If you're over-stacking the stun on other stuff, that's kind of irrelevant, so long as there's something that it is worth using it on.

It lets my Stone/Fire fight stuff in DA on +4/x8 without being in sight of the incarnate softcap to exotic damage types. There is no doubt in my mind that I could not pull that off without it.

Also, what attack chain are you talking about? I have an attack chain of SF, HM, SS and Gloom that doesn't take 200% recharge. I'll have to go dig it up, but I know it's around 200 DPS with no Musculature or Assault Hybrid based on Pylon smashing.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Another thing Stone suffers from is it's similarity to Super Strength mechanically. It has one massive heavy hitter, and a PBAoE, most of the rest you would want to make up from your secondary and pool powers. However SS does this better due to rage.

I recently did a comparison of SS/Fire vs SM/Fire and single target wise it was very close, but Footstomp just blows Fault out of the water (I know it does the same to other sets, but they have more mechanical differences to make up for it). If fault had half the animation time then I would have gladly picked it up.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
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Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



here's one vote for stone based almost entirely on it's super fun animations.

I like it fine for damage, and as noted it has some great mitigation, but I really love the attack animations. And the lava skin the hammers and fists got a while back are great!

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Huh? I honestly don't understand what you're saying. Fault does both KD and stun, so it will mitigate even foes it doesn't immediately stun. And all mezzes are binary. So I don't get what you're saying.

You don't run around adding Fault to your attack chain just for giggles. You use it when there's still something you need disabled standing near you that you can't or haven't gotten to with Seismic Smash. If you're over-stacking the stun on other stuff, that's kind of irrelevant, so long as there's something that it is worth using it on.

It lets my Stone/Fire fight stuff in DA on +4/x8 without being in sight of the incarnate softcap to exotic damage types. There is no doubt in my mind that I could not pull that off without it.

Also, what attack chain are you talking about? I have an attack chain of SF, HM, SS and Gloom that doesn't take 200% recharge. I'll have to go dig it up, but I know it's around 200 DPS with no Musculature or Assault Hybrid based on Pylon smashing.
By 200% recharge, I meant that was how much it would take to make a chain out of stone fists, heavy mallet and seismic smash. Add gloom and the requirement is clearly far less.

What I perhaps didn't make clear in my stance on fault is that I don't think stone melee gets it for free. In other words, I suspect that tremor sucks because fault is so good. It seems to me that the devs correctly surmised that getting fault as well as something akin to foot stomp in the same set would be way too good and decided to preserve fault and hammer the damaging aoe.

That's why I say fault is too good. It would be a very good mitigation power if it only had the KD or if it only had the stun, but it has both. If it weren't so stacked for mitigation, who knows whether tremor may have been rebalanced for the better years ago when they did all those passes on tanker secondaries? In contrast, I don't think fault's goodness has anything to do with the fact that stone mallet is terrible, I think that was just an oversight when they most recently rebalanced stone melee.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
What I perhaps didn't make clear in my stance on fault is that I don't think stone melee gets it for free. In other words, I suspect that tremor sucks because fault is so good. It seems to me that the devs correctly surmised that getting fault as well as something akin to foot stomp in the same set would be way too good and decided to preserve fault and hammer the damaging aoe.
Honestly, given that Stone Melee is a powerset from the original release, and given the history of the original devs, I find that chain of thought very unlikely. The original devs gave no consideration whatsoever to the concept of DPA - animation/activation time simply never entered their thinking as a balance tool.

If you look at the damage-per-cast and ignore animation time, Tremor has more-or-less comparable damage to lots of other melee PBAoEs in the original powersets, such as Whirling Hands and Whirling Axe. The real problem is in its long activation time. Given the above perspective on the original devs' views on activation times, I think this is down to their lack of awareness of the impact this has, rather than any intentional design.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
Titan Weapons, hands down...and I do mean by a large margin...Super Strength is a quite distant second...after that I would have to think maybe Claws and then MA/StJ/DM/SM/Kat/FM/KM will all be in there somewhere close to each other covering the middle of the pack. ELM/BS/BA/WM/EM/Staff will all be behind the others...
This is a very bad post. Tw is amazing, and as far as I know currently the holder of the best brute pylon time, it is literally only by a few seconds. And this was done via a PERFECT run. No misclicks, misses, and a clockwork smooth chain the entire run. You flat out won't consistently beat a ss/fa/soul brute simarly invested. Now come i24 and the proc changes? We shall see. But saying ss is a distand second you are out of touch or out of your mind.