Why did Stone Melee fall off the map?




OK... setting aside the number crunchers, because I don't play that game...

What I'm seeing is that people either love or hate the aesthetics of Stone Melee. That is my reason for having not run one so far. What I like, for the most part, is playing super heroes, and SM animations look more Anime to me than what I want.

That said, running a character that can turn to stone works perfectly well with Super Strength and Invulnerability from my perspective.



Originally Posted by LeperDave1 View Post
OK... setting aside the number crunchers, because I don't play that game...

What I'm seeing is that people either love or hate the aesthetics of Stone Melee. That is my reason for having not run one so far. What I like, for the most part, is playing super heroes, and SM animations look more Anime to me than what I want.

That said, running a character that can turn to stone works perfectly well with Super Strength and Invulnerability from my perspective.
Theme can be a challenge, especially with the standard fx, and the lava stuff looks awsome, but is indeed somewhat limiting. I have found the crystal stuff to be most flexible- especially with the array of new gauntlets and backpacks we got lately. If you tint the crystal ones right, they can look like diamonds, quartz, energy formations, etc. I have revamped the costumes on my older SM characters several time each as they give us new goodies to mess with.

Oh I just gotta throw this in there too, the tremor animation. I agree it is too long, but it does look awsome- I have this one costume on my SM/elec brute, i used the critix/giant skull helmet, gave him this dark bronze/black type costume, and used a flaming eyes aura to make them glow this sort of burnt yellow/ with flames. He is pretty scary looking, and when that guy does the tremor attack, it looks seriously violent. Bonus: because it takes so long I can use camera spin to watch them pay. Not that any of this makes number crunching difference, but IMO it does count for somthing in a game designed for fun.

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3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

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Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
Wait the best TW includes Burn? How does that work out with the redraw penalty?

Also that clearly cannot include having a high damage buff considering Burn has a 400%(300%) since its a pet summon.

So at what point would a brute's damage buff exceed the need for burn on a tw brute?
TW doesn't suffer redraw when momentum is active, so you can replace CB in the normal chain with gloom if you wanted and I use burn in my BM chain. This chain is completely self buffed, just fury going at 100%. As for your question when the buff would exceed the need for burn, I'm not sure.



Based on what I can gather from Mids, running the numbers...CB becomes more effective than Burn at about 75-90% damage buff (or BM + Med Red Insp), after that Burn is costing you DPS...

It appears as though Whirling Smash being worth more than Gloom would be somewhere around +/-125% damage buff (BM + 2 Med Red Insp)...based on my late night math...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
Based on what I can gather from Mids, running the numbers...CB becomes more effective than Burn at about 75-90% damage buff (or BM + Med Red Insp), after that Burn is costing you DPS...

It appears as though Whirling Smash being worth more than Gloom would be somewhere around +/-125% damage buff (BM + 2 Med Red Insp)...based on my late night math...
If this is the case I'm quite glad to hear it then. As much as I looooooove burn I like the idea of TW's optimal chain including cb even with burn available.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
I said /Regen because:

(A) You could easily fuel a build with either set

(B) There is no extra damage from the secondary...no damage aura/dmg buffs/attacks

(C) It lends itself well to recharge so you can run optimal chains.

(D) The comparison would be even.

I would be ok with a comparison of both running elec armor...even though there's a damage aura...I could live with it for the sake of argument.

If you look at the base numbers...TW has much higher damage modifiers.
Why would anyone play regen at this point?

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Read the link in my sig to my guide for /Regen...

With all the stuff available to /Regen toons these days...I can run around constantly with never less than 1000-1200% Regen at all times with perma hasten and perma DP.

Do you regenerate +/- 160-170 HP/sec all the time? Somehow I doubt it...

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
Read the link in my sig to my guide for /Regen...

With all the stuff available to /Regen toons these days...I can run around constantly with never less than 1000-1200% Regen at all times with perma hasten and perma DP.

Do you regenerate +/- 160-170 HP/sec all the time? Somehow I doubt it...
Considering my first character was a claws/regen scrapper that is extremely nice to hear, but i find it hard to digest giving away all those sweet sweet damage options. Regen just isnt going to put out the damage od other sets. Although I will readily admit Regen being back to its former levels of survivabilty is almost an appealing enough idea to polish off my first 50.

If regen had better Regen and recharge debuffing protection I'd most likely go back.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
Read the link in my sig to my guide for /Regen...

With all the stuff available to /Regen toons these days...I can run around constantly with never less than 1000-1200% Regen at all times with perma hasten and perma DP.

Do you regenerate +/- 160-170 HP/sec all the time? Somehow I doubt it...
You mean the guide that requires so many sets and doesn't show accurate slotting and I'd be more likely to be successful as a purpled out tri-form warshade?

Sorry, but when I think of 'guide', I think like what Jock Tampson or EvilGecko has, something that goes into a good amount of detail for each power without needing to look at mid's or the power details in game. Yes I know regen is a 'take everything' set, but that doesn't help when figuring out what to slot and when with what.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
With all the stuff available to /Regen toons these days...I can run around constantly with never less than 1000-1200% Regen at all times with perma hasten and perma DP.
If you're going to use an extreme build as an example as to why /Regen is so great, then you're not going to convince a lot of people that it's worth playing.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
If you're going to use an extreme build as an example as to why /Regen is so great, then you're not going to convince a lot of people that it's worth playing.
Good god I didn't even see that part. Perma Hasten -and- Perma DP? Yeah, that's not a guide for a normal Regen player AT ALL.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Originally Posted by Zul_Vakirol View Post
Good god I didn't even see that part. Perma Hasten -and- Perma DP? Yeah, that's not a guide for a normal Regen player AT ALL.
If you get perma hasten, you've got perma Dull Pain.

Hasten recharges in 450 sec, DP in 360. They've got the same duration.

The reason this is awesome is that Regen is an active defense set, and benefits from +Recharge, as do your attacks. You're building for defense AND offense at the same time.

Sadly, that's necessary for Regen. It seriously underperforms without a good IO build, but is one of the most effective defense sets when you put some effort into it.

I posted during Freedom beta, when they made some changes and ported it to brutes, to get some more balance changes that would make it more powerful (read: comparable to other sets) at an SO level, WITHOUT overpowering it at an IO level, but most people just replied "lol regen sux" and nothing came of it.

-Proud leader of Captain Planet's Magical Friends



Actually...With Regen having 5 healing powers, you can easily slot for recharge...I recommend Doctored wounds to most anyone for a budget build, and that will put you somewhere around 150-165% global recharge if you slot your attacks for Defense and Recharge also...

My "budget" claws Regen build was only about 2 billion influence, and had 35% S/L Defense and ran 160% Global Recharge...with Spiritual Alpha, you can easily get Hasten permanent.

My current build is something over 170-175% Global recharge, I swapped DW for Panacea and picked up some extra recharge there, my Regen sits around 675-680% Passive with integration...on my brute the % is slightly lower...but instead of claws I run SS and the numbers vary.

Perma Dull Pain only takes about 55-60% Global recharge + Hasten running...if you slot LotG +rech in the defensive powers available to you, and use DW, you can't fall short of that...especially with t4 Spiritual Alpha, which is not a stretch to get either...a pain maybe...but just takes effort.

Perma Hasten takes more recharge to get, but it is not out of reach, slot crushing impacts/oblits into your attacks, and upgrade your DW sets to Panacea...you can get those pieces for mostly less than 200 mil now unless you want the proc...it is still around 300 mil @ L50. You can also keep the DW's sets and build for about 160% global recharge with LotG sets and attacks slotted and t4 Spiritual will carry you the rest of the way with 2 or 3 recharge IOs in it.

Also getting t4 Rebirth Radial Destiny will increase your ability to survive greatly as it is essentially a permanent buff of between 1200% and 200% Regen...

You guys make this out to be a lot more than it is...My SS/Regen brute is costing me about 8-9 bil inf to build, but that's mostly because of purple sets, and the Glad Armor Unique...5 sets of Panacea didn't help either but they were going to be the biggest expense because of the sheer number of pieces I had to get and I was willing to accept that...

With all the tools available, particularly a t4 Rebirth Radial Destiny...you can permanently run around with 1000% +/- Regen.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by Zul_Vakirol View Post
Good god I didn't even see that part. Perma Hasten -and- Perma DP? Yeah, that's not a guide for a normal Regen player AT ALL.
Yes, as a matter of fact it is...What's expensive? DW? LotG? Crushing impacts I bet right? Or Oblits sets? Maybe it's the Reactive Armors/Aegis I recommend too??

That guide works for a budget around 1 bil inf +/- and sadly more of that is the defense and resist IOs than anything else. If you build cheaply, you can cut costs and get the right sets, or if you're patient...

When was the last time you looked at Regen?

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



I rather like SM. For me...hitting some poor slob with a biggazz rock hammer is just shmexy. I've got a 50 SM/WP brute that's just started down Incarnate Road (right now just has a t1 agility)...but he was a joyride for me. He's also still my only toon that can handle at least 0/+8 missions...tho not all mobs need apply. Spiders and Carnies give me hell. And Cimmies....they hurt.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
Yes, as a matter of fact it is...What's expensive? DW? LotG? Crushing impacts I bet right? Or Oblits sets? Maybe it's the Reactive Armors/Aegis I recommend too??

That guide works for a budget around 1 bil inf +/- and sadly more of that is the defense and resist IOs than anything else. If you build cheaply, you can cut costs and get the right sets, or if you're patient...

When was the last time you looked at Regen?
1 billion is like, 20 times what my richest character has, at least.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



So, what you're telling me, is that other than perhaps a fistful of IO enhancements...the majority of the INDIVIDUAL IOs that I slot into any given build, BY THEMSELVES (one at a time) cost MORE than your "richest build"?

Ok, I am betting you solo on something like +0/x4 or team mostly...probably takes you something like 20 issues to get to 50...etc...and you like that right? That's fine...

However, before you start talking about what an "expensive IO build" is...here's a tip...when people start talking about IO builds with even a single piece of Kinetic Combat, or Luck of the Gambler, or a Numina Proc, or a Miracle, Steadfast Unique, etc...when you hear those terms, run for the hills...SERIOUSLY...you need to cover your ears with ear muffs, then wrap your head in a blanket, then cover your ears with your hands, and start screaming, "la la la I can't hear you!!!" and run for the hills.

On my most expensive build, I just counted, and I have only 5 IOs in that entire build that cost less than the $50 mil inf that you are claiming is your "richest build"...most of my individual enhancement pieces cost 2-6 times that, one piece at a time.

You can keep your SOs or plain IO enhancements, I will take my sets and my bonuses, build them the way that I want to, and be happy soloing +4/x8.

But the majority of builds I see people asking about are somewhere between 10 times and 40 times your "richest build"...so I would think you should realize your own perspective is perhaps a bit skewed...when the majority of people on here build around +/-$1 bil inf for an average/budget build. Not that there are not some that still build SOs...but they have been doing it long enough they don't need tips for slotting.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
So, what you're telling me, is that other than perhaps a fistful of IO enhancements...the majority of the INDIVIDUAL IOs that I slot into any given build, BY THEMSELVES (one at a time) cost MORE than your "richest build"?

Ok, I am betting you solo on something like +0/x4 or team mostly...probably takes you something like 20 issues to get to 50...etc...and you like that right? That's fine...

However, before you start talking about what an "expensive IO build" is...here's a tip...when people start talking about IO builds with even a single piece of Kinetic Combat, or Luck of the Gambler, or a Numina Proc, or a Miracle, Steadfast Unique, etc...when you hear those terms, run for the hills...SERIOUSLY...you need to cover your ears with ear muffs, then wrap your head in a blanket, then cover your ears with your hands, and start screaming, "la la la I can't hear you!!!" and run for the hills.

On my most expensive build, I just counted, and I have only 5 IOs in that entire build that cost less than the $50 mil inf that you are claiming is your "richest build"...most of my individual enhancement pieces cost 2-6 times that, one piece at a time.

You can keep your SOs or plain IO enhancements, I will take my sets and my bonuses, build them the way that I want to, and be happy soloing +4/x8.

But the majority of builds I see people asking about are somewhere between 10 times and 40 times your "richest build"...so I would think you should realize your own perspective is perhaps a bit skewed...when the majority of people on here build around +/-$1 bil inf for an average/budget build. Not that there are not some that still build SOs...but they have been doing it long enough they don't need tips for slotting.
Dude, your guide, simply put, is the scrapper regen equivalent of a Purple'd out Warshade.

It is -NOT- a simple guide, it's just an instruction pamphlet for people with billlions of inf at 50. Why don't you call it that? Or just post it here where people can actually comment on it like they would any other guide?

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Originally Posted by Zul_Vakirol View Post
Dude, your guide, simply put, is the scrapper regen equivalent of a Purple'd out Warshade.

It is -NOT- a simple guide, it's just an instruction pamphlet for people with billlions of inf at 50. Why don't you call it that? Or just post it here where people can actually comment on it like they would any other guide?
It looks like it's called the ULTIMATE REGEN GUIDE to me, that seems appropriate.

Just because you're like most people and won't do it, doesn't mean that it's not a really great way to build Regeneration.

He goes pretty in-depth about the powers, as well, so just from an informational standpoint it's worth a read.

You can easily make /Regen unstoppable without a hefty pricetag, PVPs and Purples make it even better, though. The set bonuses were just made for it, they can be a luxury for other builds that need the def set bonuses (a lot of them)

-Proud leader of Captain Planet's Magical Friends



Originally Posted by Virusman View Post
It looks like it's called the ULTIMATE REGEN GUIDE to me, that seems appropriate.

Just because you're like most people and won't do it, doesn't mean that it's not a really great way to build Regeneration.

He goes pretty in-depth about the powers, as well, so just from an informational standpoint it's worth a read.

You can easily make /Regen unstoppable without a hefty pricetag, PVPs and Purples make it even better, though. The set bonuses were just made for it, they can be a luxury for other builds that need the def set bonuses (a lot of them)
In depth? I gathered that kind of detail by looking at what they did for my claws/regen, and I could just look at the set bonuses when getting to 50 with skads of inf and draw up the same conclusion for what sets to slot where for global recharge and getting close to softcap.

It's little more than what I said, an instruction pamphlet for someone at 50, and by the time they could look at the guide and make good use of it, they'd be doing so already. Anyone who plays regen knows it's best to get as much global recharge and defense as possible from IO sets, that's been common knowledge since they were introduced way back when.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR



Originally Posted by Zul_Vakirol View Post
In depth? I gathered that kind of detail by looking at what they did for my claws/regen, and I could just look at the set bonuses when getting to 50 with skads of inf and draw up the same conclusion for what sets to slot where for global recharge and getting close to softcap.

It's little more than what I said, an instruction pamphlet for someone at 50, and by the time they could look at the guide and make good use of it, they'd be doing so already. Anyone who plays regen knows it's best to get as much global recharge and defense as possible from IO sets, that's been common knowledge since they were introduced way back when.
Really?? EVERYONE knows that? From my Guide, I get about 4-5 emails a week asking questions about how to slot certain powers, what kinds of things to try to build for...etc. I also get several compliments a month on it from people who read it and used it.

You must have your head buried in the sand...I am answering questions about /regen on here several times a week if not daily...

I had a question the other day in my email, guy wanted to know exactly how I would build a claws/regen scrapper he wanted to trick his out...so I sent him the build that I am about to respec into on live...told him it was pricey...he sent me back an email thanking me...and told me he was about to turn his scrapper into a monster using my build...and I know that build will cost a lot to run...it just will.

Oh, and btw, if you have set bonuses on your richest build and claim it was less than 50 Mil Inf, I would like to see this build with IO sets...for 50 mil inf...you can't buy pieces of any of the sets I consider worth buying for that.

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Originally Posted by planet_J View Post
Really?? EVERYONE knows that? From my Guide, I get about 4-5 emails a week asking questions about how to slot certain powers, what kinds of things to try to build for...etc. I also get several compliments a month on it from people who read it and used it.

You must have your head buried in the sand...I am answering questions about /regen on here several times a week if not daily...

I had a question the other day in my email, guy wanted to know exactly how I would build a claws/regen scrapper he wanted to trick his out...so I sent him the build that I am about to respec into on live...told him it was pricey...he sent me back an email thanking me...and told me he was about to turn his scrapper into a monster using my build...and I know that build will cost a lot to run...it just will.

Oh, and btw, if you have set bonuses on your richest build and claim it was less than 50 Mil Inf, I would like to see this build with IO sets...for 50 mil inf...you can't buy pieces of any of the sets I consider worth buying for that.
I guess min-maxing on EVE Online has spoiled me in that regard, so what's simple to me is complex to someone else. I guess if it helps people then it should suffice more or less, but there's no real numbers being shown. I mean there's some, but not enough.

Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR