What are the best SO-only characters?

Agent White



I recently found a very old alt, who hasn't seen the light of day since before IO's.

I liked the costume and the description, so I went straight onto Mids and put together a build using IO's for this Electric/Energy Blaster. I then clicked /respec and realised that he was instead an Energy/Electric Blaster. Ah well, time to replan.

The character has a full set of SO's and only about 300,000 inf so I started to wonder, what is the best combo for each AT using only SO's.

I looked through the forums, and it seems a topic little touched on, but it may be nice for our unsubbed brethren to have some pointers. So can I request each reply just list an AT, the 2 power sets and the reason why it doesn't really need anything more than that?

�How do I like my MMOs? I like them the way Paragon Studios used to make them.� - a fitting tribute from kiasa.org

EU, Union mostly.



Since the game is still balanced around SO's, and the great unsubbed can't do incarnate content, where it could be argued that the end game is balanced with IO's in mind, pretty much any combination will do.

All the fotm's from yore will probably fit the bill of what you are asking for.

Best is always relative.



Controllers have a huge range of builds. Some are strong on Control and team support, while others are damage machines. Any and every build in this game can be improved by an IO build, so you can't really say "why it doesn't need anything more than that." The real question is what builds will perform best with an "only SO" build?

Fire/Kins can actually do pretty well on an SO-only build. But you have to be quick on the healing. Fire/Rads in a group are amazingly powerful even on SOs. In a pack, Fire/Rads could destroy anything in the game back in the pre-IO days. And stacking AM 8 times makes up for the lack of IOs easily.

For a Control-oriented, team support character on SOs, I would go for Earth/Rad or maybe Earth/TA. Earth has three main ranged AoE controls, so one of them will be up at all times. Earth provides a variety of control, so even if the Immob won't stop Wolves, the knockdown in Earthquake will. Rad is just a great all-purpose secondary that combines very well with Earth Control. TA is a Control-and-debuff-only secondary, but and Earth/TA has the highest amount of control in the game.

Mind also does pretty well on an SO-only build.

And my favorite, Ill/Rad works great as an SO only build, as long as you play it smart. You have to use Deceive a lot and pick and choose when to use Phantom Army. For smaller groups (2-3) you can use Phantasm's Decoy as your tank.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



This might incur the wrath of more than a few high-profile forumites, but I can't help but state my opinion on the matter:

Why would you want to gimp yourself with SOs in the first place?

I can already hear the people screaming "The Devs said IOs were not required!" The Devs also said that five freaking years ago. Can you get by with SOs in end-game content? Sure, you probably could. It would be a struggle, and you would be constantly falling behind your teammates. But why would you ignore the metric ton of IOs pouring into your inventory, except to be some sort of hipster who refuses to accept a core game element? It all reminds me of so many grandmothers refusing to accept that "new-fangled technolojomy and all them video-boxes."

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Depends on what you mean by "best." And I wonder if people will argue they can't be.

I run most of my characters on SOs/common IOs for most of their lives. There are very few I felt "needed" IOs - not in a "it'd be nice," even for little things like KB protection (hey, we ran Acro back in the day after all) but *needed* them. Of the ones I can think of... kind of as an un-answer to your question:

Illusion/anything. To me, it feels like it needs too much recharge for an all-SO build, unless you go carefully with PA and don't mind the downtime when it's not up.
VEATs - might be able to get away with a Huntsman build on it, but I ended up feeling like my Widow and Bane both *needed* some help from set bonuses.

More an "IOs really help" list:

Triform Kheldians - not that they need bonuses, and I have some on SO/HOs. Mostly to help with slot crunch. Though you can go through TO/DO/SO early, single or biform in the middle, then - once you get access to HOs - kit those out in the end.
/Storm controllers - just unversally END hungry, it seems, so anything that helps with that is welcome. Can still be done with cautious slotting and play, of course - after all, we did it for years. /Storm on a MM isn't as big of an issue.

As for what *can* work on just SOs? Pretty much anything else, quite honestly. Squishies who want KB protection and Fire or Dark armor characters will find themselves going to the Leaping pool to get Acrobatics, so part of their build is almost preordained.

Edit: OK. One or two specific recommendations come to mind:
Almost any /dark Corruptor. But especially Fire/ or Ice/ (my Ice/Dark is just insanely fun.) Yeah, they tend to be considered FOTMs, but they were even before IOs. And there's reason for it... *they're insanely fun.*



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Why would you want to gimp yourself with SOs in the first place?

I can already hear the people screaming "The Devs said IOs were not required!" The Devs also said that five freaking years ago. Can you get by with SOs in end-game content? Sure, you probably could. It would be a struggle, and you would be constantly falling behind your teammates. But why would you ignore the metric ton of IOs pouring into your inventory, except to be some sort of hipster who refuses to accept a core game element? It all reminds me of so many grandmothers refusing to accept that "new-fangled technolojomy and all them video-boxes."
1, no, you're not "gimped." Given the number of people whining they couldn't do (for instance) Mender Ramiel's arc on their IO builds while I walked through it on my SO builds, SO does not mean "gimped."

2. Some people don't have an option, as the OP said.

3. Using SOs, I am never "constantly" - or even "often" - falling behind teammates. I don't die more. I'm not struggling in any way, shape or form. End game content is not a "struggle" in the least, at least no more than it was designed to have some challenge to it. People have been dealing with Malta, Carnies, Rikti, the Hamidon, etc. for years before IOs came around. It was not a "struggle" then. It's not now.

4. IOs are not a "core game element." They are icing.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Why would you want to gimp yourself with SOs in the first place?
-I can't afford a subscription, and only have access to SOs.
-I don't have a big enough bankroll for IOs.
-IOs confuse me.
-This character isn't a major enough undertaking to waste the time, effort and resources to make a top-end build for.

And numerous other reasons. "SOs only" does not automatically equate to "gimp", and not everyone needs or wants a top tier build for every character they make.

Edit: Hi Bill! Out of curiosity, how much would it cost to slot a 500 million to 2 billion Inf build on each and every one of your characters? I think the answer to that would illustrate my last point perfectly.




Willpower Brutes come to mind, they are good on just SOs.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Edit: Hi Bill! Out of curiosity, how much would it cost to slot a 500 million to 2 billion Inf build on each and every one of your characters? I think the answer to that would illustrate my last point perfectly.
If I did it just on my 50s? At the 500 million INF level, about 14 billion.

If I did it on all the characters? At 500 million, well... how much INF is in the game now? >.> 150 billion INF, roughly.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
-I can't afford a subscription, and only have access to SOs.
My apologies on this point. See I'm not really used to the whole Free-to-Play model yet, I've just been paying for VIP straight through so I forget there are things Free and Premiums can't do. I was actually unaware IOs were one such thing.

My point still stands (I'm looking at you, Bill) that I am utterly baffled by people who still refuse to use a five-year-old game mechanic, completely by choice. Do you run Incarnate Trials while refusing to make Incarnate abilities? Ancillary pools weren't added til Issue 3, sounds like "Icing" to me, guess that's out the window. All I'm saying is that there is no logic whatsoever behind willfully ignoring an aspect of the game.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Smoothest ride would probably go to Staff/Willpower, though that would require an additional purchase.

As for non-purchased sets, I'd lean on control. Dominators benefit way to much from perma-dom for me to say they would be best, so probably a controller would work better. The best secondaries for all-round play would be /DAff, /Rad, /time and /Cold. Any primary would work, but I'd lean Illusion or Fire for the added offense.

Going back to melee, a SR/MA tank will be very survivable very early, able to soft-cap in the twenties on just SOs. Probably not the most powerful offense, but very tough for the investment.

Other options would be Tri-Form Kheldians, defensive blaster combos like Sonic/EM, and brutes like SS/WP. Personally, I think Corrupters, Defenders, Dominators, and VEATs benefit too much from IOs to be considered "the-best" SO-only characters, though some combinations from those ATs will be better than others.

TW/Elec Optimization



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
My point still stands (I'm looking at you, Bill) that I am utterly baffled by people who still refuse to use a five-year-old game mechanic, completely by choice.
You know what they say about people who assume, right?

I never said I don't use them. I've got quite a few IO heavy builds, and a fair number of my post-20 characters have at least one or two IOs in them for something. I said they are icing, and that SO-only builds aren't gimped. Some characters I don't bother messing with IOs with and then, bam, suddenly they're 50 and running Ramiel's arc. And, since I'm not dependant on my set bonuses and actually know what my *character* and his or her *powers* can do, typically I'm waltzing through it. Even on a squishy. I use tactics (not the power pool) backed up by inspirations when needed.

See, I know how my *character* plays. Not my sets. I use inspirations and knowledge of the game instead of waltzing in going "I'm softcapped to more positions than you'll find in the Kama Sutra." To me, going for being "untouchable" for instance is *boring.*

The rest of your post is too foolish and full of hyperbole and wannabe elitism to warrant response.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
The rest of your post is too foolish and full of hyperbole and wannabe elitism to warrant response.
Brushing someone off with a snooty remark is about as elitist as it gets. I'd rather not get into a drawn out pissing match with someone who's always right by virtue of being well-known, so I guess I'll just cut my losses and move on.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Brushing someone off with a snooty remark is about as elitist as it gets. I'd rather not get into a drawn out pissing match with someone who's always right by virtue of being well-known, so I guess I'll just cut my losses and move on.
No, I'm not right by "virtue of being well known." I've been called on things, shown to be wrong, and - here's one you can learn from - agreed I was wrong and, when needed, apologized. (For example, my "who uses hand clap" thread where I didn't expect the number of people reacting positively to its use.)

In this case, however, I'm right because you're wrong in your assumptions and statements. Including claiming I'm somehow anti-IO and only play on SOs. Also, as far as snooty remarks? Let's start with "You don't play my way so you're gimped." That's all you, chuckles.



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
Other options would be Tri-Form Kheldians, defensive blaster combos like Sonic/EM, and brutes like SS/WP. Personally, I think Corrupters, Defenders, Dominators, and VEATs benefit too much from IOs to be considered "the-best" SO-only characters, though some combinations from those ATs will be better than others.
I'd argue the description some of those as relying too much but I'm mostly replying out of curiosity... why are you saying tri-form Khelds would be good with SOs? (I don't say they're NOT - my first Kheld was a triform and hit 50 in issue 5, after all, so they can be a heck of a ride up there - I'm just curious to your reasoning in specifying triform as opposed to bi or human.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

See, I know how my *character* plays. Not my sets. I use inspirations and knowledge of the game instead of waltzing in going "I'm softcapped to more positions than you'll find in the Kama Sutra." To me, going for being "untouchable" for instance is *boring.*

The rest of your post is too foolish and full of hyperbole and wannabe elitism to warrant response.
Well said.

TJ is on a SO/HO build still. The build was finished before IO's were introduced. I could do basically any content that I wanted with him and be as survivable (sometimes more survivable) than IO'd out builds simply because I knew how to play him.

I've finally started outfitting him with more than just the Tier 1 Alpha since they've added DA, but it's still with the same SO/HO build. I've gotten all 5 slots unlocked and at least Tier 2 slotted in them as well as getting Tier 3 in the ones that give a level shift. Ho hum. He still plays basically the same as he did before except that I can raise the difficulty slider more if I want. Of course, the level shifts do nothing outside of DA for TJ, so it's basically a wash.

I'm thinking about starting a second build on him with IO's, but I'm not really sure I want to do the work that would be needed for me to research the IO's and Sets I'd need for the build.

If I want to do work, I go to work. When I'm playing CoH I don't want it to be work.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'd argue the description some of those as relying too much but I'm mostly replying out of curiosity... why are you saying tri-form Khelds would be good with SOs? (I don't say they're NOT - my first Kheld was a triform and hit 50 in issue 5, after all, so they can be a heck of a ride up there - I'm just curious to your reasoning in specifying triform as opposed to bi or human.)
Perhaps "relying on" isn't the right way to express what I meant. I feel those sets benefit particularly from IO sets, and if I were making an SO-only character I would avoid sets that have remarkable gains from IOs.

I have far more experience with Warshades than PBs, so I mostly meant WSs when I said Kheldians. I'd say that they are fairly powerful for an SO-only build because of Stygian Circle and Gravitic Emanation. In my experience, SO-only builds benefit the most from endurance tools and good control powers. By combining a decent stun/damage power with a ridiculous endurance power (and heal), I'd say that Warshades are on a pretty good footing.

But both ATs gain a lot from their forms, which is why I specified tri-form. While IOed builds will lose the benefits of the forms with Perma-Eclipse/LF and softcapped defenses, SO-only builds gain pretty good survivability (and SD X2) with Dwarf and great offense with Nova. So I specified that SO-only builds would benefit from Tri-Forms largely because IOs tend to make the forms less useful (or at least, will until the instant shapeshift patch happens).

TW/Elec Optimization



Yeah illusion works wonders on just SOs. Stay stealthed, confuse the mob then start zapping away. When you hit the boss, then you drop Phantom Army.

Masterminds seem to work pretty decent with SOs. Given, you lose the unique procs that boost to defense but for most that's an 'icing on the cake' not a make or break deal (and for sets that can't slot most of them, like Beast, a non-issue).



Originally Posted by Combat View Post
OK, that makes sense. Personally, I think I'd suggest (with either Kheld type) more a bi-form human/dwarf just to ease that slot crunch some, but I get where you're coming from. (Alternately, leaning more on an "inhuman" build - form-heavy with just the occasional buff in human.) I know I was singing the praises of the devs on my triforms when Ios came out *just* from the ability to frankenslot!



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
This might incur the wrath of more than a few high-profile forumites, but I can't help but state my opinion on the matter:

Why would you want to gimp yourself with SOs in the first place?
Wrath? No, just the comment that it's a stupid question. Unless, of course, you were somehow unaware that a percentage of the player base simply does not have access to IO's. (Edit: Which you indicated several posts later.) Free players do not get IO's unless they have sufficient Paragon Reward tokens (i.e. they payed a lot previously) or they pay for an invention license (pay now for it).

To the OP: There is so much judgement and subjective value in what plays 'best' that I don't see how we could filter out what plays 'best with SOs'. I would say to watch out for sets where you see widespread discussion about them being "END heavy". IO's can easily fix that, but SO's can be more difficult. Conversely, any set where you get a power like Quick Recovery in addition to inherent Stamina will erase your END problems.

Also, there are a lot of adjustments that can solve a lot of END issues. With IO's, I have the luxury of running a travel power constantly. With SO's, you're fine as long as you remember to turn it off in combat (Sprint, Flight, Ninja Run, whatever).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
This might incur the wrath of more than a few high-profile forumites, but I can't help but state my opinion on the matter:

Why would you want to gimp yourself with SOs in the first place?

I can already hear the people screaming "The Devs said IOs were not required!" The Devs also said that five freaking years ago. Can you get by with SOs in end-game content? Sure, you probably could. It would be a struggle, and you would be constantly falling behind your teammates. But why would you ignore the metric ton of IOs pouring into your inventory, except to be some sort of hipster who refuses to accept a core game element? It all reminds me of so many grandmothers refusing to accept that "new-fangled technolojomy and all them video-boxes."
Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
My point still stands (I'm looking at you, Bill) that I am utterly baffled by people who still refuse to use a five-year-old game mechanic, completely by choice. Do you run Incarnate Trials while refusing to make Incarnate abilities? Ancillary pools weren't added til Issue 3, sounds like "Icing" to me, guess that's out the window. All I'm saying is that there is no logic whatsoever behind willfully ignoring an aspect of the game.
I can try and explain my reasons and hopefully that'll make some sense to you.

While I don't technically use SOs (I use the standard IOs so that I don't end up with diminished and/or red enhancements as I level), none of my characters have any IO sets or set bonuses.
Why not?
There may be a few reasons, but the big one is that I simply do not enjoy spending my time sifting through the various recipes and figuring out what to use and what I need and what bonuses they'll give me and what the overall numbers would be compared to just straight-up standard enhancements.
As an example, do you know how some people simply do not enjoy role-playing? It's the same for me with the inventions.
I can't entirely explain why this is the case (other than simply not enjoying it), because it is not difficult or over-my-head type stuff.
I think it mostly just feels tedious to me when I have approached it. And what is the point of doing something that I find tedious when my fun is not gated behind it whatsoever... which leads to the other half of this point... I am able to play this game through any and all content (usually solo) without any set bonuses or frankenslotting or any IOs (again, I do use the standard IOs). I love playing the game and have a blast when I do and I never have people complaining about my performance when I am teamed with others. In fact, I've been praised by some who most around here consider a rather astute min/maxer and in-game achiever.

I've never felt much need, nor seen much reason, to acquire an extra few percentages (when I'm filling out my 50s' enhancements with all level 50 IOs, I laugh and/or cringe -depending on my mood, I guess- at how insignificant the difference is, hehe).

So, to put it very simply... I don't enjoy the process of IOing and making builds and my fun in this game is not gated, at all, behind doing any of that.
If I wasn't able to have fun while "willfully ignoring" this aspect of the game, I likely wouldn't be playing this game.

Also, from my experiences, you seem to be placing too much importance/relevance on having IOs in your build vs. not having them. It's never been a negative issue for as long as I've been playing.

Why do I find the IO sets more tedious than standard IOs?
That's an interesting question, Electric-Knight.
Oh, thank you! Would you like to answer it now?
Okay, I'll give it a try... Might I add that I love your writing style?
No, but please do go ahead.

Okay... I don't particularly enjoy spending any time making/acquiring enhancements. I also like the simplicity of the standard enhancements: Damage, Accuracy, Recharge, et cetera. It's very quick and simple for me to just figure out which of those I want to add into a power and be done with it. I fully recognize that it is not very complicated to work with dual and triple types of enhancements, but it just goes beyond my tolerance level for having to spend the time on it.
More importantly, with the standard IOs, when I want 15 level 35 Damage enhancements... I can just acquire X15 of all the same ingredients I'll need and, voila, I'm done.

When I've looked at the numbers for using IO sets, I find that I prefer the idea of Frankenslotting, but that just compounds the process of figuring out which of what and where and... Blah... Like I said, this is just something that I don't seem to find fun and could never get myself to spend my free time doing it.

I certainly ain't dumb... far from it... and I spend my time working through a lot of complicated things, but, for whatever reason, the IO system goes beyond my tolerance for within this game.
And I am someone who has greatly enjoyed the complexity of much more advanced crafting systems in other games (SWG's crafting system, for one).

The great news is... I have zero problems playing this game, and playing with others in this game, no matter the content, without using a single Invention beyond the standard ones (okay, fine, maybe a celerity stealth on a few).

Lastly (because this post was way too short and I'm sure I have everyone's distinct attention), I don't view not acquring greater bonuses as "gimping".

There's zero problem with people having different tastes than my own, so no need for any negativity about this.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
While I don't technically use SOs (I use the standard IOs so that I don't end up with diminished and/or red enhancements as I level), none of my characters have any IO sets or set bonuses.
I'm only singling you out because you posted, I would ask this question of anyone else who said the same thing:

Do you ever use Set IOs? For example, do you stick a Karma: Knockback Protection in Combat Jumping or Hover on a blaster? Do you put Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge in characters with a lot of defense powers? Do you mix up a few dual- or triple-aspect IOs in a power to get the better enhancement value in fewer slots than SOs (or even common IOs) provide?

I ask this because my girlfriend plays the game, but - like you - isn't interested in putting in the amount of work necessary to max out a build. However, she will look at a Devastation: Damage/Recharge and think "I need more Damage and Recharge slotted in my Executioner's Shot. Let's slot that!" Likewise, she will pick up globals like the KB protection one, when she knows that it's something that will benefit her.

It's a matter of personal perspective, I know, but I don't see any difference between your attitude and hers, but I see a pretty big difference between how the two of you actually play and slot.




Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I ask this because my girlfriend plays the game, but - like you - isn't interested in putting in the amount of work necessary to max out a build. However, she will look at a Devastation: Damage/Recharge and think "I need more Damage and Recharge slotted in my Executioner's Shot. Let's slot that!" Likewise, she will pick up globals like the KB protection one, when she knows that it's something that will benefit her.
I find that a 'middle of the road' approach works really well. Most of the time, I can't be bothered to plan out full sets. So I 'semi-frankenslot'. Building for defense is complicated. Building for recovery or regen is a breeze. As long as you're only using the first set bonus from the IO's, you keep tremendous flexibility in which pieces/sets you can use.

Rather than slotting random pieces just for the slotting effects, pay just a little attention to the set bonuses. If I need more recovery, I'll slot a power with two from this set, two from that set, two from yet another set. That will give me really good performance since I'm picking pieces from multiple sets, but it will also give me three +recovery bonuses in one power.

With just a little bit more planning than pure frankenslotting, and just a little bit more cost, you can easily get an extra 20% recovery or an extra 100% regen. Of course, if you really work at it, you can do far better. I've got a tank with 220% in regen set bonuses.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I have an alt-account that's premium, without IO access. And honestly, switching back to SO's? Plays more or less the same.

The initial cost of fully SO-ing a character was a bit of a shock (it had an IO build, so switched to build 2 and remade with SO's in mind), it's been a while, and I forgot how much the darned things cost (Note to self - next time collect SO's from Trial runs on main account). The slotting is a little different; Some powers that only had 5 slots now required 6 to work at the level I wanted them to with SOs, and those slots had to come from somewhere...

Ultimately, any powerset combos will do just fine with single origins, you may have to adjust your play-style a bit, and some power-picks may be a bit different.

As for any comments about gimping yourself made earlier in the thread - What? with that kind of logic we should all be playing the FOTM build, all with the exact same slotting, and maxed out on enhancement boosters. anything less is just pointless. *eyeroll* This isn't that kind of game. Can you min/max to get your Rattata in the top percentage of Rattata? Yes. do you need to in order to beat the elite 4, or nearly anything the game throws at you? no.

Today's lesson is, don't be Youngster Joey. He's an annoying little prat.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



My own personal picks for level 1 to 50, based on the idea that performance in this game is determined by how fast do you kill mobs and that safety, given a sane starting point, can relatively easily be obtained as needed through converting every inspiration into purples with the occasional breakfree. You may or may not agree with this particular perspective, different metrics will produce different results. With that in mind, here goes:

Blaster - Fire/Psi

Bit of a no brainer, for the early on one-two punch Fire Breath + Fire Ball as soon as level 8, and Drain Psyche later on.

Runner up: Arch/Psi. Takes a little bit longer to get going, but has quite devastating AoE output once you get to 32. Drawback: redraw.

Controller - Fire/Kin.

This particular combo always got flak for being supposedly only good for farming, but that's mostly because it was so good at that lots of folks hopped on the bandwagon and made terrible builds. Pick Ring of Fire and Char at level 1 and 2, slot these for damage and you can deal very nice damage at low levels (due to containment and AT mods not scaling completely until level 20). At level 20, it starts being slower solo, although you should have Fire Cages, Hot Feet and Flashfire and can do a decent job at taking down groups of minions/lieuts; but regardless, you get SB which is invaluable for teaming. At level 35 you get Transference fixing any endurance woes and level 38 gives you Fulcrum Shift. As for epics you get many options, thanks to Siphon Speed getting Hasten and eventually Indomitable Will on a reasonable recharge is an option (although it won't be perma).

Runner up: Plant/Kin. The AoE immobilize does twice the damage it does in any other primary, meaning it does half of the damage of Fireball. Not so impressive, you say? Once you factor in the 8s recharge, the gigantic 30 feet radius and the fact it sets up containment for itself, it is quite nice. Throw Seeds of Confusion in there, which you get as soon as level 8, and you get a slightly slower but much, much safer character.

Defender - Time/Fire

With defender mods you can reach fairly high numbers of defense combining Farsight, (epic) Powerboost and perhaps some toggles here and there (if nothing else, Combat Jumping is a must - on any character). Think 40 to 45%, so, yep, the fabled defense softcap is attainable even on SOs here. Time also provides ghetto aggro management through powerful movement slows, allowing you to get the most of your Fire AoEs (and Rain of Fire eventually, which as a pseudopet uses fixed, blaster damage rather than defender damage IIRC) without things scattering to the four winds. Endurance will be a concern in some situations but the inherent helps on that front. Still, you'll likely want to pick Conserve Power (and hence go with Power Mastery as to have PBU, which also works like Power Boost and is on the same recharge as Farsight).

Runner up: no real suggestion. Cold/sonic is great for teams with very potent -res debuffing on tough targets and great teammate mitigation as soon as the first levels but lacks significant AoE output for soloing.

Scrapper - Titan/WP

TW is, well, TW. No other scrapper primary can really compete in pure power. You get a cone giving you +11% melee defense as soon as level 1, and spamming this alone using no other powers could carry you through the low level game. Your second AOE comes at level 2 and by level 26 you should already be a damage powerhouse.

The two issues are going to be 1) keeping stuff in range 2) having enough end management to sustain TW. WP gets its aggro aura at level 16, which while not fantastic will do the job against up to +2 mobs and will still work if intermittently beyond that. QR by itself won't sustain TW, but it will help, and at level 35 you can pick Conserve Power from the epic pools. WP has the advantage of being all passive so you can spend all your time attacking.

Runner up: TW/EA. Much like WP, EA alleviates many TW issues. However, its aggro aura is even worse at 2.25s duration and 2s activation, meaning it might (I'll confess I haven't tested this particular combo myself yet) start losing aggro, or at least having mobs doing the out-and-in dance, as soon as they are +2. The +recharge in EA's aggro aura may not be as useful as it would on IOed out characters as even without recharge you are going to have to watch that end bar, and it is more click intensive if slightly so. There are positives though, the aggro aura is available as soon as level 10, and the end management is trickier to use but also more potent.

Tanker - FA/SS

FA is reasonably sturdy as long as you're willing to use purple insps to complete your resistances and fast-recharging heal, but what it more importantly brings is extremely endurance efficient damage. Blazing Aura is the most efficient damage aura as it deals the most damage, Burn has a ridiculously low endurance cost - it's low even as a singletarget attack, but it can actually hit up to 5 mobs. You also get Consume to refill your end.

SS helps on that front too, with the damage boost brought by Rage being worth much more DPE than its cost, crash included and all. Even better is the tohit, which is IMHO very underappreciated even on IOed out builds, and is even more critical on SOs where you don't have the luxury to build for godlike accuracy and decent tohit. Foot Stomp and KO blow complete your toolbox nicely, for some extra damage but also some extra mitigation.

You could easily run out of end if you spam everything you have on that character. I'd say go crazy while your end bar is at 20% or above (or if you have consume recharged), and only start using Burn (and eventually Taunt, if you have it) after that. You'd be surprised how fast things still die.

Runner up: for a completely different character, Ice/Fire. Ice Armor is good enough on SOs, and between Energy Absorption and Fire Melee's overall efficiency in DPE due to its DoTs being essentially "free" damage, endurance is taken care of.

Brute - Titan/EA

TW for the same reason as on the scrapper. EA instead of WP as the aggro aura is much more potent on the brute version (on scrappers EA actually has a weaker aggro aura than WP, which already isn't fantastic), and brutes can make slightly better use of the T9 thanks to their higher HP cap.

Runner up: Titan/Elec. Gets a damage aura, immune to endurance drain, same endurance management tools as EA, and being resistance based can stack purples easily to reach very impressive survivability. The flipside is, of course, it lacks any form of defense or DDR, so better watch those defense debuffs preemptively. It also can't manage its T9 as well as EA, as it is a health *and* endurance crash at once.

Corruptor - Fire/Cold

Admittedly takes a while to get going on the secondary side, but once you get there, you'll be glad. Snow Storm keeps things in your Rain of Fire early on, Sleet does the same later. Heat Loss will be a tremendous help for your endurance.

Runner up: Fire/Dark. No big reward at the end of the road like Fire/Cold, but with Twilight Grasp, Tar Patch, Darkest Night, Fire Ball, Fire Breath and Rain of Fire by level 10, you're free to AOE your way to 50 with minimal concern for your survivability.

Dominator - Earth/Fire

Earth provides controls in loads and in all forms. AoE stun, AoE slow, AoE sleep, KD patch, hold patch and a taunting pet, you have to try really hard to die on an earth dom.

Having survivability covered, all is left to do is look at damage, and fiery assault provides. As soon as level 2 Incinerate is on par with a mid-to-high tier scrapper attack, Fire Breath and Combustion makes for some decent AoE output, and eventually with Blaze and Fire Blast you will deal very good ST damage as well. Add Consume and Domination to refill your endurance, (epic) Sleet to boost your damage further, and it's quite a powerful character on SOs.

Runner up: Fire/Psi. Much maligned since the rebalancing/nerf (depending which side you sit on), it still retains decent AoE damage and average ST damage, but more importantly a fantastic +regen and +recovery tool in Drain Psyche, arguably better than on a blaster as with the superior survivability a dominator gets through controls you can make use of it more reliably.

Masterminds - I really don't know enough about the new powersets to have an educated opinion. MM performance isn't too defined by IOs though, and I would guess a Bots/Time would still rank pretty high on the list, with pets reaching high defense fairly easily and spamming those burn patches coupled with Time's slows.

Stalkers - Street Justice/Ice Armor

Every stalker primary is perfectly fine thanks to the AS revamp, which gives you a ridiculously powerful attack as soon as level 6. StJ pushes this even further eventually, with controlled crits on Crushing Uppercut, which is the second highest ST damage move a stalker can get (the first being ET, which can't crit and saps your health).

On the Ice side you get a slow aura helping to keep things in range, or at least running away not as fast, complete slow immunity, decent defense and DDR, great endurance management in Energy Absorption, and Icy Bastion is just the cream on top giving you high resistances, regen and recovery when you truly need it and without a crash.

Runner up: KM/Ice. Kinetic Melee lets you do 100% criticals with a PBAoE (unless that's been changed, not sure), and your T9 instantly recharges BU.