why aren't you playing a defender?




Painful to solo.
Damage buff was barely noticeable.
"needs" a team to feel powerful.
Strengths available in better ATs thus redundant leading to re-reading the above list.



I have played Defenders occasionally. I always ask myself "Why aren't I a Corrupter or Controller instead" and tend to roll one of them instead.



Your thread title is flawed, OP! I do play defenders

What do I love about defenders?

  • Knowing that any team I join on my defender will be a great team because it has at least one well-played defender on it.
  • Ggetting tells when I log in asking if I want to log in on one of my fenders and join a mish team in progress.
  • Taking a team that is struggling and making things easy.
  • Taking a good team and making it great.
  • Taking a great team and making it into the stuff legends are made of.
My current favourite defender, a time/fire, solos most DA arcs at +4/x8, dropping down to "only" +3/x8 for the real tough enemy groups. Can other characters do that? Of course, but I make it look good.



The low hitpoints and slower pace are somethings I just can't get into anymore in my old(er) age. If it was 5 years ago I'd be playing them.

I . . . just can't get into them.

Them and MMs are the two I don't have a 50 of. One 46 one 49. Just find both classes BORING to play . . . for different reasons.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



What would make defenders and corruptors really different (and probably make defenders overpowered) would be to to make their single target buffs also affect them.

an empathy getting their own fortitude would totally change the set
likewise a storm getting 02 Boost
FF getting their own bubbles



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
reading through this thread again, I think the title and focus should shift along the lines of making Defenders worth playing in a game with universally available corrupters.

defensively they're very similar- in practice if not mathematically.

offensively, corrupters completely destroy defenders.

Other than purely thematic or RP reasons, where's the reason to play defenders?
And that is the reason mostly;

Purely thematic or RP reasons.

It is the actual core of the superhero genre;

Heroes serve, protect and defend.

Villains attack.

It truly is that simple.

So when the game was created City of Heroes was created with that thought process, when City of Villains was introduced it followed along that line.

For those who look at this as a game only and wish to fly to 50, why make a Tank or Scrapper when a Brute can be more effective based on damage alone. It doesn't make it a Tank, or a Scrapper but it can fill the role of either, not as good IMO but it does fill the role.

Same happens with the defender for damage except, Defenders aren't about damage and that is once again a nod to Heroics. Unlike the Corrupters.

This is an ongoing issue and will be. I play defenders I create Heroside / Blueside heroes.

My Tanks tank, my Scrappers scrap, and my Defenders Defend. I have only Masterminds as villains, with the exception of a stalker on live, I have beta'ed the others not my flavor especially since I like playing as a hero.

This is to the point I only recently allowed villain AT's created blueside into my SG and that was due to longtime sg mates friends and family picking that AT's and going heroside. Okay sorry back to thread.

I play defenders and the ones I play I enjoy. I like supporting the teams I join weather in duoing or league play.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
And that is the reason mostly;

Purely thematic or RP reasons.

It is the actual core of the superhero genre;

Heroes serve, protect and defend.

Villains attack.

It truly is that simple.
Are you just talking about the name "defender" vs "corruptor"? Because as has been said repeatedly the buff/debuff of defenders is not noticeably different than that of a corruptor.



80% or so of my characters are defenders. Samuel Tow gives me endless grief about it, but I like playing a support character. Even if I end up mostly soloing.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
You want to nerf corruptors so defenders look better? Or so they have higher self-esteem??

Um... I think so long as there are brutes around to compare ourselves to, that's not really gonna work, you know?
Actually _eeeK_, yes that is exactly what I am saying. As the Corruptors buff/debuff numbers are so close to the Defenders, nerfing those numbers may be the only way to achieve a balance between the two AT's. I know Corruptor players would scream and rant to the end of days about it, but you have to to be the first to admit that they are OP in a tit-for tat comparison to Defenders. My idea is one is damage with some buff/debuff ability, the other the go-to buffer but less offensive punch. If the dev team wants to see more parity in the numbers playing Def's and Corr's, it may be a needed action, and IMHO would serve to make a unique distinction between them.



Back in the days, it was nice to have a defender or 2 on a team. I could never get into playing one though. I find Cors to be more fun.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Are you just talking about the name "defender" vs "corruptor"? Because as has been said repeatedly the buff/debuff of defenders is not noticeably different than that of a corruptor.
Actually, this has been stated in the thread, and I find it untrue, especially solo. And this is going to point out an area of balance that's going to mean the devs will likely never address the argument brewing in this thread.

Defender debuffs and self-buffs are noticeably stronger than those of a powerset-equivalent Corruptor. I have several Defenders and Corruptors with the same buff/debuff sets, and when it comes to their own survival, the Defenders do noticeably better, at least for the difficulties on which I play them. The numerical superiority manifests, among other things, as it being easier to build for high +defense with IOs. Compare the resist and defense numbers from identical Epic Pool shields some time, or for powers like Shadow Fall or Steamy Mist. Edit: Oh, and Defender control power duration scales are second only to those for Controllers, tied with Dominators - Corruptors have 80% of that value.

Given that, before Scourge, with ED-slotted max damage in attacks, a solo Defender does the same pre-Scourge damage as a Corruptor, and more pre-Scourge damage if they both have Assault (because Assault is stronger on a Defender), I'd say the two are very well balanced in solo play.

If you want to deal damage on a team, or if you happen to have an edge-case build where the higher Corruptor damage cap dominates (such as a Kin), then go Corruptor. If you want to solo, honestly, you might prefer a Defender for the survivability. Scourge is nice, and I agree it "feels" good, but against the stuff we all fight the most of - LTs and minions, it's not all that. If you are wedded to its subjective feel, then awesome, play a Corruptor. But if not, Defenders are actually very numerically competitive.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
And that is the reason mostly;

Purely thematic or RP reasons.
Which are totally valid on an individual level.

I liked playing Dominators back in the days when they "sucked", just because I liked them. They certainly weren't 'good' in any objective sense, but I had one I really enjoyed and played the heck out of while most everyone else was boycotting them and screaming for buffs.

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of not liking and playing Defenders here, but there is a substantial popularity gap which speaks to some sort of power imbalance, perceived or actual.

So when the game was created City of Heroes was created with that thought process, when City of Villains was introduced it followed along that line.
It breaks down here for me, as the new tutorial lets you decide by your actions if your character is a hero or villain independent of AT. I don't see anything inherently 'good' in a defender or inherently 'evil' in a corrupter. Character is defined by actions, not labels.

But to each their own- we all like what we like and the goal is to have fun. As long as you're having fun, that's what matters.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
I'm not trying to talk anyone out of not liking and playing Defenders here, but there is a substantial popularity gap which speaks to some sort of power imbalance, perceived or actual.
This. So much this.



My forum name, first main, first 50, etc etc is the defender shown to the left. I'll admit she doesn't get as much play lately, and not just because I've had her for so long; these days, it seems like most characters are already at or near the softcap (she's FF/Energy Blast), and while bubbling a team is easier than ever, I do wonder how much I'm really contributing. In-character, she's been away for most of the last few years, battling evil in another dimension - and by "evil" I mean "Nemesis", so I'm sure she'll be back in the fray this week(end).

My second defender is even more a victim of the game moving on, though not in a mechanical sense: he's a rad/rad, which still works just fine. He is, however, a Taxibot - created in the era when the Hollows ate lowbies and crossing it to your mission door meant taking your life in your hands, and a rescue 'port back to the Atlas gate was always welcome; before Ninja Run, or full travel powers at level 6, or jetpacks from Safeguards. Back when changing stations in Steel Canyon meant hoofing it, and changing your costume meant getting someone to 'port you to iCon and back to the safety of the Atlas tunnel. He's still fun to play on a team, and I'm proud to have him on my roster, but I must admit that the need for Taxibots has been greatly reduced over time.

My latest defender, a dark/pistols, was actually getting the hell played out of him only a month ago - he was the first character I ran through the new Dark Astoria (mostly solo). Right now he's on hold for a little bit while I work on a different alt, but he'll be back.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
What would make defenders and corruptors really different (and probably make defenders overpowered) would be to to make their single target buffs also affect them.

an empathy getting their own fortitude would totally change the set
likewise a storm getting 02 Boost
FF getting their own bubbles
Corruptors wouldn't need this, but I always thought that as the Defender inherent a modified version of this would be really cool (Defenders getting some sort of minor, appropriate non-stackable buff when they use 3 or 4 of the core powers in their set).



I play everything.

Well... except any more MMs. Got one to 50, that was enough.

But for someone who is a scrapper at heart... I have an awful lot of defenders, at least five level 50 defenders I think. Even though I prefer a good corr.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I like playing Defenders because they are slightly different than Corruptors. Definitely a subtle, but different flavor which keeps the game fresh. I can't imagine only playing a Corruptor to be honest.

Edit: When it comes to dishing out damage, flip a coin as it doesn't matter if you choose a Defender or a Corruptor.



Solo or on teams, a well built Defender rocks and rocks hard. They may not murder things quite as fast as a Corruptor, but they'll be far safer while they do it and will have equivalent base damage thanks to superior Assault bonuses and Vigilance solo damage bonuses. I played a Traps / Dual Pistols and could solo very, very effectively thanks to lots of point-blank AOE attacks and debuffs and such, for instance.

Now, that said, some powerset combos do not do a great job of keeping the Defender alive when solo -- they're far more focused on team support. You need to choose wisely and build well to make it work, whereas Corruptors can be played like slightly watery Blasters regardless of their supporting role.

It's all about different taste, I suppose. But get on a team with 3-4 Defenders and it's like tossing field mice into a adamantium wheat thresher...

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
The low hitpoints and slower pace are somethings I just can't get into anymore in my old(er) age. If it was 5 years ago I'd be playing them.

I've never really understood why Defender's get less HP than Corruptors. Given that they are generally considered the more "defensive" of the two, you'd think they'd get more if anything.

Then again I don't understand why Corruptors get less values on Aim or Soul Drain..

Regardless, I love them both about equally, and it really depends on what I want to do with my toon. I rolled my Time Manipulation as a Defender because I wanted a "Support-Tank" of sorts, which favored the Defender. Toss in enough procs and the damage was decent enough for my liking.



For me, I think it boils down to a matter of time and how my power selections have shaken out. I like playing controllers, so whenever a new controller set is rolled out I'll make one, and I'll try to pick a secondary that I've not tried before. So I've covered kin, sonic, storm, time, TA on controllers. I'll probably level the troller version of Dark, too. Blast sets I'll usually try on a corr (Beam, energy), or a blaster (fire, ice, elec, AR). And even then, I'm not really big on corrs (mez mitigation). At least with blasters I can keep firing my Tier 1/2.

I do have an Emp/Psi at level 50, but I don't play here much - only when I'm definitely in a teaming mood. Which is...not often.

I'm trying to level a Sonic/Sonic def, but I keep getting distracted with DA. In the 20s, she's my second-highest defender. I have OLD rad/rad, FF/NRG, TA/archery characters out there, but they get lapped by new concepts from other ATs every time.

Super Packs Done Right
Influence Sink: IO Level Mod/Recrafting
Random Merit Rolls: Scale cost by Toon Level



Ask why I'm not playing a Corruptor: Because they feel like a Blaster that does a lot less damage and more likely to faceplant.

A Defender feels like a Blaster that does a lot less damage but will likely survive.

On teams, a my Corruptors make things die faster, but my Defender makes them more likely to survive.

Funny thing is that, on Virtue, I'm seeing as many calls for a Dark Defender as for a 'healer.' After 8 years, they're finally learning...

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
What would make defenders and corruptors really different (and probably make defenders overpowered) would be to to make their single target buffs also affect them.

an empathy getting their own fortitude would totally change the set
likewise a storm getting 02 Boost
FF getting their own bubbles
At one time I was sure that devs would never allow inherent stamina or some buffs to become AOE.

Thankfully the devs have loosened up over the years.

So I really see no issue with allowing defenders to get this benefit, even if the self buff would be smaller than the team buff. (Not that i see any reason it needs to be).

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I don't play Defenders because their modifiers don't affect the places I actually need them to.

I need better knockback chances. I get higher knockback magnitude (yay for the "advantage" of having Assault Rifle and Dual Pistols that still knockback against +level enemies! And my Energy Blasts can not only be just as likely to scatter, they can throw enemies even further apart!)

I need faster recharging Resurrection, Power of the Phoenix, and dozens of other powers. I get marginally better values of questionable strength.

I need a version of Sleet that's not the same as what Controllers and Corruptors get (such a pet exists--it's used by Storm Summoning). I need coveted +Recharge bonuses to respect AT boundaries.

I need to not have lower HP than a Corruptor. I need to not also have a lower Damage cap. I need there to be some justification for Defenders to receive a "10" on the Support scale metric when Controllers add significantly more safety, and in some cases, more damage as well, but are somehow rated a "7."

I need, during discussions of crashing Nukes and Snipes, people to say "Oh yeah, we should remember these powers will need to have a use for Defenders too."

Basically outside of the small edge they get when IOing themselves and Sonic Attack, the Defender AT has little reason to exist. Buffing their damage and giving the same PPPs as Corruptors (and thus sharing their APPs with Corruptors) IMO only reinforced that Corruptors are the same AT but better. A couple of defense points that only factor in if you IO the character are not enough to warrant an entire AT that is almost exactly identical to another AT.

Overall, it's astonishingly clear that the Corruptor AT was created for City of Villains to be superior to both Blasters and Defenders on the assumption that the ATs would never share significant play-space.



Because fewer of my characters are defined more by the way they provide support than the way they attack.

Seth is a Defender because his power of sacrifice defines his character.

Naomi is a Corruptor because her aura of healing is more of a footnote.

Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.