Sutter Task Force is awesome

Blue Rabbit



I've been on a team that tried it before but failed miserably. We could not get past the portal mission.

Today I was on a team that made it all of the way through. It truly is epic. Every mission is a great mission. The boss fights are interesting and different.

The new posi's are pretty good. But if TF's were all of the quality of Sutter, that would be amazing.



Oh it's many things and I call it many things. Awesome, however, is not one of them...

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Yeah, Sutter's a very fun challenge.



It'd be awesome if all those optional objectives (fuel lines, the first room of generators, saving that one ship) did something. I like task forces that cap out under 45 but Sutter at 20 is a lot more difficult than Mortimer at 20 as it doesn't seem to have been designed for the low end of its level range plus Sutter at 20 really screws with the timeline.



I loved it. Great maps, actually uses Signature heroes (Citadel, at that, who never gets any face time), introduced legit boats that weren't unrealistic freighters, and aside from Duray teleporting everywhere, the final battle was really interesting and unique. Also loved that we worked with the U.S. Navy, and not another throwaway fictional organization that we're supposed to think is important and a big deal, like S.A.M.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
It'd be awesome if all those optional objectives (fuel lines, the first room of generators, saving that one ship) did something. I like task forces that cap out under 45 but Sutter at 20 is a lot more difficult than Mortimer at 20 as it doesn't seem to have been designed for the low end of its level range plus Sutter at 20 really screws with the timeline.
I like those optional objectives. My speed TFing nature compels me to squash the required bosses and then bee-line to the portal, but I derive some odd satisfaction when I see that counter ticking down. Someone on my team is enjoying that little eccentricity of design and I in turn enjoy that.

The AV fight at the end is refreshingly challenging, it's nice that a strong team can brute force it but a weaker team can strategically chip away at it. Mission two is the one that seems possibly too tough to me: I've never seen a failure against Riptide and Whatsherface, but I've seen more than one success where most of the team was perma-dead from the kamikazes and a couple meleers had to slowwwwwly whittle her health down while in no danger at all. Apart from that Sutter is definitely one of my favorite TFs, though, and it's a shame it gets relatively little attention just because you don't keep incarnate powers on it.



I really enjoy the Sutter TF, it's up there with the Apex TF for my favorite task forces in the game. While the final fight can be rather sticky, there's something I realized that made it more enjoyable: you're so awesome at this point, they didn't send in more troops. Oh no, you're a big enough threat they called in air strikes.

They need the big guns for you.

That and shows the authorities, in this case the Navy, helping and being useful. The problem is that this has turned into a superhuman fight with giant robots, and for that... you need heroes.

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I'm not a big fan of Admiral Stutter just because I HATE the final battle against the Duray Brothers. One of them's constantly teleporting, the other constantly has clones of him showing up and I'm constantly having to bunny-hop around to avoid the god damn air strikes. I HATE that final fight more than I can describe, just because it gives me cramps in my fingers and a head the size of a hot air balloon.

That, and the the Praetorian answer to Laurel and Hardy before that final fight is annoying to combat just because of the constant "AVOID!" spam. I know the idea was to make things interesting, but they're a bit TOO "interesting" for my taste.

The rest of the TF is pretty good, though. The new instances are cool.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I agree! Sitter is definitely an enjoyable Task Force.

It's a good story with entertaining mission objectives and memorable characters. I enjoy the challenge of it as well as the lack of "run here, defeat 1,000 Grey."



I like it, though they should have put less Warwalkers in that TF and more standard IDF forces.
They reminded me of monkeys when they were everywhere on the ships.



There are a lot of task forces that just get brutally hard if your group is the wrong build for it.

And then someone changes to an alt and it's a cakewalk. really frustrating though when you switch 3 people around, get it done, then realize everybody wanted the badge on the character they had to switch off of. :P

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The bizarre secret of that final fight is to have some make the boss that doesn't TP intangible. William Valence, I think, showed my team that trick. Somehow the non-porter is the guy doing the porting of the other guy.. weird. But once guy #2 was caged guy #1 did not, in fact, TP anymore.

Of course that requires not only having a Sonic or FFer, but having one who actually took this power. Mine don't have it.



My only real problem with the Sutter TF is that I believe the devs kind of overshot the mark in terms of difficulty. Compare to everything else available at that level, including the Mortimer Kal SF, and Sutter is several orders of magnitude more difficult, as though they were designing it as an incarnate-level TF and then changed their minds halfway through.

I'm not opposed to difficult content, in the right time and place, but Sutter is a bit of an outlier, and that bothers me.

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Originally Posted by Paradox Fate View Post
I like it, though they should have put less Warwalkers in that TF and more standard IDF forces.
They reminded me of monkeys when they were everywhere on the ships.
All the War Walkers are to help emphasize our victory at Lambda Sector - the War Walkers are a vital part of the loyalist invasion plan, and show up in regular mobs in the Sutter, Apex, Tin Mage, BAF and Lambda events, but after that, they only show up as unique enemies in Keyes and the UG, then are gone completely from the later part of the war, just like the ACUs, BCUs and Victorias disappear from Tyrant's forces once we capture the Keyes reactors and stop the loyalists' supply of power cores for their war robots, and the Seers are gone once we smash the loyalist thought police in the MoM Trial.

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