Ice Armor Customization
Elemental Sets are suppossed to display their element.
Instead they could make new visual for Ice Armor that's better than the block of ice we have.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I'm all for adjustments to Ice Armor's looks, but making it completely go away is a bit much. I definitely agree that it needs an ability to be a bit more subtle.
Don't I know you???
I say make everything suppress except the chilling embrace gfx. That way you still have the snow/ice effect flowing off your body (element covered) and you don't look like crap to boot.
Im personally of the opinion that any toggle "armor" power that doesn't have an affect that hits mobs should have the option to have its vfx be disabled except in PVP zones. There's no harm to other players if a person chose to disable their frost/fire/dark/stone armor for cosmetic reasons.
Elemental armor sets should get a updated VFX, specially ice amor.
Or a minimun VF noticeable,even getting some.
Ice armor is so damn ugly, clunky and low res. I would never play one with that FX.
Could use some cold domination buffs goodness. Something more icy spiky and less clunky ice armor.
Same for fire armor. We should get the cool flames from thermal radiation or flames like demons got from MM set.
But we got that "ultra-ugly-over-pixelated-fart-from-hell" VFX for blazing aura.
At the absolute best, I'd suggest a Frosty Misty/Light Coating like Ice Armor's 'Hoarfrost' does. That would still display the element, be rather gorgeous, and not be NEARLY as costume-consuming.
/unsigned for PvP-only.
/signed to make it more... compact.
I realize that, due to size issues of character models, the ice armor is a sort of one-size-fits-all, but if they could find something that makes it feel more like a sheath over the player rather than replacing them with polygons, I'd LOVE it.

I'm with that idea as well, make it more subtle! Hoarfrost looks great, and I think I've posted it somewhere else, but what if the armor, instead of blocks of ice around your body, had somewhat of a similar concept to the Victorian Decor aura, with a little bit of the Cryogenic aura instead?
I can drop the PvP only idea, but please, make the Ice Armor more....subtle or elegant. It's just too hideous right now.
Everytime I see a CoT Ice Caster getting his ice armor up, I place a hold on him and just look at him....
...and wonder what made him decide to have that on.
I'd like it if they could just have it make a character glossy (perhaps even a tintable gloss) along with the various frost/flake/drip effects already in place.
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Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
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At the absolute best, I'd suggest a Frosty Misty/Light Coating like Ice Armor's 'Hoarfrost' does. That would still display the element, be rather gorgeous, and not be NEARLY as costume-consuming.
Ya perfect idea, this ice block stuff is so ugly I don't care how good it is I wont touch it.
I like the concept of Ice Armor for Stalkers, but I will say that it is really hideous visually. I suggest having the choice to have the effects visible in PvP only, like some of the other power sets.