I like people buying costume pieces I don't have




Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Though I am a bit disappointed in CoH's face selection and options after Fallout New Vegas and Saint's Row The Third. :P I've never really liked any of the main faces, I end up covering em up with accessories, helmets etc. Usually in games like the above I just randomise all the sliders til I come up with a face I like, and I know it's almost definitely unique. Doesn't have to be perfect, since no real person is.
I would like to see more "Asian" faces, and the ability to choose eye color. I've been a bit ... surprised ... to find that some of the faces with clearly "Asian" features (at least the female faces) have non-brown eyes. So I end up adding glasses or other details to hide the blue/gray/green eyes. And just more non-Caucasian face options in general. I like ethnic variety among my characters, and while being able to choose skin color is great, it's frustrating to create a black character and have only a handful of suitable faces to choose from, i.e. having both brown eyes and "African" features. I suppose I could compensate with the face sliders, but it looks like that would take a lot of practice. My attempts so far have been ... not good.



God, I love the costumes of this game.

I tried the other two Superhero MMOs... The one that strikes me as really "Super" actually makes you earn the costume pieces as you level up... Really?!
The character creation process was choosing what beard, or helmet I wanted (which was really hard, since their styles are really scattered throughout the creator), the chest art, pants art, boots and gloves. Beyond that, I was on my own... No, wait, I take it back. I had some "mentor".

I LOVE that CoH gives us the feeling of having no boss. Yes, we've got contacts, but you can complete an entire game without ever talking to one if you like patrolling and AE, which provides a ton of amusement.

The "other" game? Well, I bought it in 2009 and when I went back to log in, I'd lost half of my costumes, couldn't play the characters I'd made and was completely indistinguishable from someone who'd picked up the game that day.
I went to post on their forums and they essentially told me that I was entitled and that I'd just been "renting" the special costume pieces... that were available to me when I bought the game.

Thank you, CoH, for having Premium players. Being a Premium Player encouraged me to spend an entire $50 rebate on new power sets and a few Super Packs. Making this game Free-to-Play was a genius move. No other game makes me feel both in-control of my character and important.



Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
I would like to see more "Asian" faces, and the ability to choose eye color. I've been a bit ... surprised ... to find that some of the faces with clearly "Asian" features (at least the female faces) have non-brown eyes. So I end up adding glasses or other details to hide the blue/gray/green eyes. And just more non-Caucasian face options in general. I like ethnic variety among my characters, and while being able to choose skin color is great, it's frustrating to create a black character and have only a handful of suitable faces to choose from, i.e. having both brown eyes and "African" features. I suppose I could compensate with the face sliders, but it looks like that would take a lot of practice. My attempts so far have been ... not good.
I totally agree! All my characters are Black, Hispanic, or Asian and I would live to see more options that don't require me to spend 30 minutes playing with the sliders on the same 2-3 faces. But other than that, I think the costume creator has lots of great options.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I remember when City of Japanese Schoolgirls came out (Issue 4).
I have an Electric/Electric blaster who is a Japanese school girl! What of it?! I'm on Virtue and I haven't seen another Japanese school girl looking character for quite awhile now actually. There was a Japanese school girl super group about 3 years ago. When they all got together and hung around AP that was a sight to behold.



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
I have an Electric/Electric blaster who is a Japanese school girl! What of it?! I'm on Virtue and I haven't seen another Japanese school girl looking character for quite awhile now actually. There was a Japanese school girl super group about 3 years ago. When they all got together and hung around AP that was a sight to behold.
And we havent had a big themed supergroup sense then!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Yeah, I do have paired costumes for RP groups but otherwise it's incredibly hard to find duplicate costumes, which does a lot to break the monotony of the game.

Also, ty for playing my arc and the feedback dug.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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Originally Posted by Flame_Strike View Post
I totally agree! All my characters are Black, Hispanic, or Asian and I would live to see more options that don't require me to spend 30 minutes playing with the sliders on the same 2-3 faces. But other than that, I think the costume creator has lots of great options.

I'd really like Mirror Spirit's face, especially.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Indiramourning View Post
I have an Electric/Electric blaster who is a Japanese school girl! What of it?! I'm on Virtue and I haven't seen another Japanese school girl looking character for quite awhile now actually. There was a Japanese school girl super group about 3 years ago. When they all got together and hung around AP that was a sight to behold.
At the time I posted, the conversation was discussing that when a new costume set comes out, you no longer see large groups of players adopting it as we had at one time. Issue 4 was my last remembrance of such a mass adoption to what could be considered to be a themed costume set.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
And we havent had a big themed supergroup sense then!
I can think of a few.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
At the time I posted, the conversation was discussing that when a new costume set comes out, you no longer see large groups of players adopting it as we had at one time. Issue 4 was my last remembrance of such a mass adoption to what could be considered to be a themed costume set.
I think Ascension was adopted by a large majority of the player base when it first came out.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I think Ascension was adopted by a large majority of the player base when it first came out.
But obviously not with new characters. Same could have been said about Vanguard and Roman sets before you could buy a global unlock for them.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Yeah, that's one of the things that drives me nuts in other games. You finally get a look you want - and you have to change it in a level or two because, well, the armor's no longer any good, or you finally have a weapon that'll do more than tickle whatever you're fighting...
The "your gear is your appearance" theme of virtually all the other MMOs is one of the things that turns me off about them; Aion attempts to add back some variability by letting you burn a piece of armor to give its appearance to another piece of armor, but it's got the problem that there are a limited number of different armor models, so not only does everybody with chest piece X look the same for that part of their body, everybody with chest pieces F, R, and U look like they're wearing the same armor, too. And as you go up levels, the variability in armor decreases as everyone moves toward the same minmaxed armor set, so it's more and more like wearing a uniform.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Even if I cannot use the stuff on my characters, the added variety and coolness of the costume pieces enhances my enjoyment of the game.
seeing other people's characters out in the game world is one of the signature enjoyments of CoH. Since my return I've been running into a lot of *really cool* stuff that didn't exist when last I played- the other day I saw someone tooling through Steel Canyon on a flying carpet! I followed them for a couple of blocks checking it out. And the other night I saw my favorite character since forever, a big steampunk-looking cyborg guy with a classic 'brain in a jar' head that was FDR continuing the good fight.

Player diversity has always been a strength, and the Paragon Marketplace seems to have given it a big boost.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
The "your gear is your appearance" theme of virtually all the other MMOs is one of the things that turns me off about them;
Yeah, I spent a fair bit in another game trying to find where the clothing tab was since it didn't make sense that my soldier character had no armor on. Apparently that's just how you start. Good lord.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Oh yeah, I love the costume creator in this game. A lot of my costumes end up having similar themes, but none of them are exactly alike. And being able to buy more sets over the years has been lovely. I'm angry I missed out on a few of them (Pocket D set, nooooo! One day, you will be mine!)

But yeah. I didn't realize how much I loved the character creation until I tried a few other games. I absolutely HATE it in other online games when your appearance is dictated by your gear. It just seems lazy to me, and leads to a lot of people looking exactly the same, whereas in CoHY, I can make my character look exactly how I want at level 1. In TOR, I had to sometimes wait 20 levels just to get all the moddable gear I wanted, and that was an expensive process.