Horror movies




I enjoy scary movies but gratuitous gore a la George Romero turns my wife off. I don't care whether it's there or not personally; it certainly is not a selling point for me. I like thinking-man movies, so well-constructed zombie or ghost films are way more interesting for me than your average slasher.

That said, I'm looking for some recommendations. I like to watch movies with my wife, so excess gore is pretty much an immediate "no." Anyone know some intelligent and SCARY movies appropriate for a cute little Japanese woman? I adore the original Dawn of the Dead (and the remake!) but that would have way too much blood for her. I'd go for something that's even just "creepy," more like a thriller than your typical all-must-die horror flick.

I'd love to find a website that rates the gore in a given movie on a scale of 1-10 or some such, but wouldn't know where to begin looking....

Thanks for any ideas!




Originally Posted by GrandSpleenPART2 View Post
I enjoy scary movies but gratuitous gore a la George Romero turns my wife off. I don't care whether it's there or not personally; it certainly is not a selling point for me. I like thinking-man movies, so well-constructed zombie or ghost films are way more interesting for me than your average slasher.

That said, I'm looking for some recommendations. I like to watch movies with my wife, so excess gore is pretty much an immediate "no." Anyone know some intelligent and SCARY movies appropriate for a cute little Japanese woman? I adore the original Dawn of the Dead (and the remake!) but that would have way too much blood for her. I'd go for something that's even just "creepy," more like a thriller than your typical all-must-die horror flick.

I'd love to find a website that rates the gore in a given movie on a scale of 1-10 or some such, but wouldn't know where to begin looking....

Thanks for any ideas!
So, doesn't need gore, psychological thriller type thing is good?

May have to go back a bit... and I'll admit I don't dig deeply into the genre. (Had some friends that loved this sort of thing.) I do seem to remember The Changeling being decent (the version with George C Scott. ) Most of the ones I can kinda-sorta think of are black and white, and the titles escape me, though.



Hm, good question. I can think of three off the top of my head:

Prince of Darkness This one is very creepy and has rather disturbing imagery in parts. Very 'in your head' type of horror

In the Mouth of Madness Not a ton of blood and gore, very Lovecraftian style horror film.

Nightbreed This one is hard to describe. It's not super horror-ish... it's just kind of cool.

I know at least a half-dozen or so others, but it's been a while since I've been through my horror collection.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



The Shining
Paranormal Activity
Halloween (the original has surprisingly little gore for being the first "Slasher" film)
The Ring
Alien (just have her hide her eyes during the spaghetti dinner scene)

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Dog Soldiers (kind of more action but still features one of horror's classic monsters)
The Descent

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
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Wickerman (original British version...not the amazingly crappy Nicholas Cage version).
Any of the Hammer horror films.
I second the notion of In the Mouth of Madness, an awesome film with a massively Lovecraftian sensibility to it.

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Throw in another vote for In the Mouth of Madness, closest thing to a great Lovecraft movie that you're probably going to get.

Here's a few horror films that I own and will throw in. There is going to be a gore factor present in each one. It just varies from title to title.

John Carpenter's The Thing
Event Horizon
Brotherhood of the Wolf
Seven or if you prefer the l33t spelling, Se7en
The Host (Korean monster film)
Victim (released around 2010)
Human Centipede First Sequence
Silence of the Lambs
The Relic
Bram Stroker's Dracula
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
28 Days Later
American Werewolf in London
Evil Dead 2
Silent Hill
John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness
The Omen
Rosemary's Baby
Creep Show 2
Scream 1 and 2, wasn't a big fan of 3 and 4
The Ghost and the Darkness

Have fun

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Dog Soldiers (kind of more action but still features one of horror's classic monsters)
I loved Dog Soldiers. I have almost every werewolf movie available and that was like NOTLD with Werewolves. I left it out because as most werewolf movies go, it has a bit of gore and blood in it. Still an excellent watch though. If you're looking at Werewolf movies, Ginger Snaps (the whole series, but I liked 3 the best if I had to pick) was great. The original Howling (which wasn't that bloody actually) and American Werewolf in London was massively good (though their sequels were a bit lacking) but again, with werewolves you get a bit of bloody mess involved.

Plus I have a 'special exception' rule with werwolf movies. I don't consider most of them horror (and to my dismay I don't consider most of them even... good ) but you know me, if it's lame and about werewolves, I'm there!... (bonus points if you get the reference)

Really looking forward to what they do with Dog Soldiers 2, though.

Anyway, another one I really liked for the 'psychological' aspect was Stephen King's "IT". Not as good as the book, but still appropriately creepy. The fact that it was a major network miniseries should tell you it wasn't horribly bloody. Also, the fact that Tim Curry played the antagonist wasn't a point against it, in my book.

Thinking of Tim Curry, if you want a bit of 'fantasy' style horror, "Legend" had some good horror moments in it, though it is by far a fantasy story, but a good primer if you want to introduce someone to horror elements.

Also another one that came to mind from all this was The Keep (assuming you can find a copy). A WWII story about an entity that had been trapped for centuries. Though again, I consider it more a good story than a horror film, though that's what its identified as.

If you like space or sci-fi stories, I really liked Galaxy of Terror. It's not nearly as scary as it used to be, but it's still a great story, and the 'twist' at the end can be as great a horror as the things they faced if you look at it. The movie's dated, but it's still a fun watch. After all, it's Roger Corman, what's not to like?

As time has marched on, and formats have changed, there's a LOT of good movies that have become invisible or nonexistent, which is a shame.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Now if you don't mind black and white silent movies that can still be creepy I'd give Call of Cthulhu a go but I accept that it may be just a little bit too esoteric for some people.

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Originally Posted by GrandSpleenPART2 View Post
I like to watch movies with my wife, so excess gore is pretty much an immediate "no." Anyone know some intelligent and SCARY movies appropriate for a cute little Japanese woman?
Oh well, that eliminates Audition.

Well I don't think Ringu was bloody. Neither was the American version. Well maybe there were flashes but it's been a while since I've seen either version.

Then of course there's Paranormal Activity. Only seen the first movie and 95% of the scary bits are in night vision/black and white so if there was any blood, it wouldn't be red. Again, I don't remember much if any. It's not much shaky cam, most of the time it's footage from a tripod mounted camera.

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By excessive gore, do you mean, well, any? Are you looking for something you could see on cable TV? 'Cause some of the movies mentioned here tip the scales a good bit on the side of gruesome visuals. Good horror movies, just gory. Event Horizon and The Descent are out. Nightbreed is a Clive Barker movie, and gore was sorta the guy's thing, the movie has a scene were a guy cuts his own face off.

I'd say Paranormal Activity, Session 9 and The Haunting ('63 version) are all safe bets.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
Which is also the movie where Rob "House of a Thousand Corpses" Zombie was so disturbed by the ending that he walked out.
Yea, that's the one.

Then you could always go with old classics like The Legend of Hell House.

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I'm curious if you would enjoy "M". Black and white, from 1931 (which is absolutely amazing, as this movie is timeless... yet also interesting to come out of Pre-WWI Germany) starring Peter Lorre. It is subtitled, as it was done in German.
I really enjoyed that movie. I recall it being creepy and suspenseful, but zero gore... Although, it is about a child murderer.

I'm trying to remember if Ju-On has gore or not. It's another Japanese horror film. I really enjoyed that and Ringu. Ju-On might be my favorite horror film. At least, based on the first time I watched it. I'm not sure if it can be quite as good any subsequent times through, but it still stays up there for that first time (they ruined the one final safe place you want to think you can hide!).

I am not a fan of most modern "horror" movies, as they seem to have misunderstood the title as though it meant "horrible".
Then again, I do enjoy the old Friday The 13th slashers (as a fun goof... not really horror either, for the most part).

Oh, shoot... yeah, The Haunting (1963) is possibly the best horror film. Entirely suspense... crazy, really. I love that one.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
Which is also the movie where Rob "House of a Thousand Corpses" Zombie was so disturbed by the ending that he walked out.
o_O and I thought House of a Thousand Corpses was ****** up...



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Oh well, that eliminates Audition.
Pretty much anything from that director is off my list.

I do like Japanese and South Korean horror films if they're the atmospheric, creepy sort rather than the over-the-top splatterfests.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Nightbreed is a guilty pleasure of mine. Very unique and very 80s/early 90s vibe to it. Good choice Lycantropus!

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Some of my recommendations:

The Prophecy (skip the sequels, they're terrible)
In the Mouth of Madness (yeah, it's that creepy, that's why so many of us love it!)
Let Me In (American version) or Let the Right One In (Swedish version)
Dark City
Lord of Illusions



Originally Posted by GrandSpleenPART2 View Post
That said, I'm looking for some recommendations. I like to watch movies with my wife, so excess gore is pretty much an immediate "no." Anyone know some intelligent and SCARY movies appropriate for a cute little Japanese woman? I adore the original Dawn of the Dead (and the remake!) but that would have way too much blood for her. I'd go for something that's even just "creepy," more like a thriller than your typical all-must-die horror flick.
The Shining and Rosemary's Baby are definitely great horror films, though they do revolve around marriages that are, well, troubled. Add to those the psychological thrillers Gaslight and Suspicion, as well as Repulsion and Diabolique (the original, not the remake).

As for more supernatural horror movies, the cult film Carnival of Souls has a reputation for being truly eerie, and The Innocents is supposed to be as good as above-mentioned The Haunting (I need to catch up on my Netflix, clearly).



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
As for more supernatural horror movies, the cult film Carnival of Souls has a reputation for being truly eerie
It is, I like this one a lot.

I'd also toss in (if you don't mind B&W silent films) the old Nosferatu, still creepy after all these years. The film Shadow of the Vampire is a good follow up, a fictional take on the making of Nosferatu where - hey guess what? - the guy playing the vampire actually is one!

Rare Exports (about digging up the original Santa who is not as nice as we thought) wasn't terribly bloody as I recall.

The Japanese 70s House has some blood but is so off-kilterly cartoony (and low budget fake) that I doubt it will upset anyone.

Any of Ed Wood's films are good for a laugh and not gory.

Vamyr is an arty vampire movie from the 30s, very atmospheric.

And yes, you can almost never go wrong with anything from the Hammer vaults (fair warning, the later ones went a little off the nudity-end of the pool, if that bothers you).

If you don't mind mixing in some sci-fi, Five Million Years to Earth (from Hammer to boot) is pretty good too. Also known as Quatermass and the Pit, which is the title of the tv show it was based on (which was a big influence on Doctor Who when that was getting started).

I liked Silent Hill a lot, but my GF who's also squeamish about blood thought it went too far and we didn't finish it...

Also, although it's not strictly horror, Night of the Hunter is still great stuff, a really well made film.

Check everything out on IMDB and see what strikes your fancy.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
The Keep
NO! Just NO!

That movie was based off a book, and it is a total pile of [censored]. The author was upset with the studio he had sworn off movies of his books unless he had some control over it. That movie did his career more harm than if it hadn't off been made.

A recent one that was pretty interesting since it was original, was The Burrowers. It was a wild west monster film. Frozen was another psychological horror, some others in that vein is Wind Chill-a ghost story, and Thirst-the opposite of Frozen, desert instead of the ski slopes.

That is all I can think of at the time that aren't gory, most of my collection is gory horror films.

P.S. Try The Collector, it has a few gory moments but most of it is cat and mouse.

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Hmm...so you're wanting more of the creepy sort and not any gore, huh? Off the top of my head then, I'd recommend you 'Darkness Falls' and 'They' - both nicely spooky, but (iirc) not really any blood or dismemberment in those. Of course, if your wife can look past those a bit, then I would very much add my voice to recommending 'Alien'. That one's just a classic.

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Hmm... Is Stir Of Echoes out of the too gory character? There's some disturbing violence in one scene, but it's not splatter blood axe through face type of thing...

And how about The Others?

I enjoyed both of those movies. And will still put one on when wanting something spooky.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I'm curious if you would enjoy "M". Black and white, from 1931 (which is absolutely amazing, as this movie is timeless... yet also interesting to come out of Pre-WWI Germany) starring Peter Lorre. It is subtitled, as it was done in German.
I really enjoyed that movie. I recall it being creepy and suspenseful, but zero gore... Although, it is about a child murderer.

I thought about mentioning M, great movie. Creepy at times, yeah, and there's the whole child murderer thing, but I consider it more a suspense/thriller/crime drama than horror. *shrug*

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
I thought about mentioning M, great movie. Creepy at times, yeah, and there's the whole child murderer thing, but I consider it more a suspense/thriller/crime drama than horror. *shrug*
Agreed. It has a dark psychological aspect to it, along with the subject matter and the dark cinematography, that puts it somewhat on the border. At least, for the OP's case. Especially since he said he likes "thinking-man movies". Those are just the reasons that led me to mention it. I do understand and basically agree.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"