Korra Arrives April 14!!!

Blue Rabbit



I was not expecting this. Bueno.



Interesting. I finally watched The Last Airbender yesterday. It was ok, but obviously seemed to leave it in need of a sequel. I went to IMDB and could find no reference to anything in the works. So to all those Avatar fans... has anyone heard if there will be anything to follow this?

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
Interesting. I finally watched The Last Airbender yesterday. It was ok, but obviously seemed to leave it in need of a sequel. I went to IMDB and could find no reference to anything in the works. So to all those Avatar fans... has anyone heard if there will be anything to follow this?

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
Interesting. I finally watched The Last Airbender yesterday. It was ok, but obviously seemed to leave it in need of a sequel. I went to IMDB and could find no reference to anything in the works. So to all those Avatar fans... has anyone heard if there will be anything to follow this?
If you are talking about the Last Airbender live-action movie, no, there probably will not be a sequel.

If on the other hand, you are talking about a sequel to the Avatrar: The Last Airbender Nicktoons anime/cartoon series, then yes, this is a sequel to the series set about 70 or more years after the end of the original series (I think, not sure about how much time has passed.) The original series wrapped up nicely, yet left plenty of room to further explore that world.

Most of the people here have known about the Legend of Korra for most of a year now, and we have been eagerly anticipating its arrival.



Nice. It airs on my brother's birthday, but I don't know if he has seen the movie or interested in it, but it might be a couple of years before his oldest daughter is interested in it since I think she is 4.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Not trolling. I meant the live action movie. It just kind of stopped in the middle... or what seemed to be a middle.
I went to IMDB looked up M Night, and saw nothing in the works.
The movie did that poorly that they will not finish the story?

Edit: I never troll. Not in my nature. Sorry if it seemed that way.

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Immediately find and watch all 3 seasons of the animated series. Do it now!!!

We'll wait...

Can't wait to see what Korra's like. Hopefully we'll get some more hints about what happened with Aang, Zuko and the rest in the intervening years as well.

There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
Not trolling. I meant the live action movie. It just kind of stopped in the middle... or what seemed to be a middle.
I went to IMDB looked up M Night, and saw nothing in the works.
The movie did that poorly that they will not finish the story?

Edit: I never troll. Not in my nature. Sorry if it seemed that way.
In essence, the live action film is a highlight reel of Season One of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Like Haz said, sit down and watch all three seasons of the animated series. You won't be disappointed.

As to LoK, yea, I can't wait. And it's about bloody time too...

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Well if you conservatively estimate that the first season of the animated series had 400 minutes of actual story, skipping the opening, recap and credits, and stuffing that into roughly 95 minutes of actual movie you can see one of the problems, an extra 25 minutes of actual movie would have helped a lot.

The second problem was the earthbending shown was just too darn slow in the actual bending technique as well as the rocks moving. All three forms are structured to act like martial art fighting but striking with a particular element.

Also M. Night blew a lot of money on the Kyoshi Warriors story point, which would be important if a 2nd and 3rd movie was made, and it resulted in that footage being left on the cutting room floor and when the money ran out, they assembled a movie from what footage they had completed which made the film seem choppy. Then the studio decided to give it a 3D treatment so it then became dim if you saw it in 3D.

Lastly there is the whole racebending issue. I don't really mind as long as they are self consistent but the actors the had playing Katara and Sokka looked very out of place back in their village. It was like an ice version of The Blue Lagoon but the shipwrecked kids were found and adopted by a local village of natives.

Also they needed to play up Sokka's snarkiness and Aang's crush on Katara. The animated series always had a thread of humor running through it to counter the seriousness of the overall story, that was also sorely lacking in the movie.

Yes watch the original animated series, in order, it's really good.

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Looking forward to this



I'm looking for to this too. I enjoyed the Cartoon (RL movie sucked hard).

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
Not trolling. I meant the live action movie. It just kind of stopped in the middle... or what seemed to be a middle.
I went to IMDB looked up M Night, and saw nothing in the works.
The movie did that poorly that they will not finish the story?

Edit: I never troll. Not in my nature. Sorry if it seemed that way.
Sorry just that the Last Airbender live action movie is pretty much considered an Abomination by most Avatar fans...hence why I took asking for a sequel as a possible trolling attempted.

It was poorly recieved by both fans and non-fans of the series alike...non-fans for the reasons mentioned above (it was very choppy, the acting was frankly sub-par on more than a few character etc.) and by fans because M.Knight Shallamallama pretty much butchered the story and characters (not to mention the 'racebending' incident as mentioned up above).

My bad about that.

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
Not trolling. I meant the live action movie. It just kind of stopped in the middle... or what seemed to be a middle.
I went to IMDB looked up M Night, and saw nothing in the works.
The movie did that poorly that they will not finish the story?

Edit: I never troll. Not in my nature. Sorry if it seemed that way.
As others have said, the live action movie doesn't hold a candle to the animated series.

The Last Airbender was a poor adaptation of the Book of Water, which was the first season of the series (Book of Earth and Book of Fire being season 2 and 3 respectively) so as a stand alone movie it only tells a small part of the overall story.

TLA was supposed to be the first in a trilogy of movies, so even in the live action version TLA would have only been a portion of the overall story arc, but well.... we see how well that worked out.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



A little bird has told me that the first episode has leaked...

Best line: "I'm the Avatar! Deal with it!"



I think you can find the video that goes with that quote on the 2nd page of the tumbler site, the White Lotus finds Korra clip.

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The first two episodes are available at KorraNation.com!

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Originally Posted by MDanger View Post
The first two episodes are available at KorraNation.com!
Only available for those that live in US. Those outside, need to use other means to get it. Clicking on the link will send people to the Legend of Korra Facebook page for those that live outside.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by MDanger View Post
The first two episodes are available at KorraNation.com!
Okay, that was awesome. I'm more excited for this series than ever!



Those airbending kids are just downright adorable.



Originally Posted by MDanger View Post
The first two episodes are available at KorraNation.com!
CURSE THEM! The ornery buggers! They brought up the whole Zuko's mother bit and then didn't even tell us what happened!!!!

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
CURSE THEM! The ornery buggers! They brought up the whole Zuko's mother bit and then didn't even tell us what happened!!!!
I thought that was hilarious!

Those airbending kids are just downright adorable.
Is it me, or do the daughters resemble Mai and Ty Lee somewhat?



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
I thought that was hilarious!

Is it me, or do the daughters resemble Mai and Ty Lee somewhat?
Ikki in particular looks similar to Mai with her lil hair buns.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
Ikki in particular looks similar to Mai with her lil hair buns.
I meant more in terms of personality. Ikki is the hyper one, like Ty Lee. Jenora is more like Mai, I think. Serious and straight-faced.



Loved it, can't wait for more episodes

Quite liking Korra as a character!