The latest for Pixar's 'Brave'




Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
Eh, Pixar is in the business of making money. Their stock prices dropped when Up was announced because unlike Cars there would be little profit to be made off merchandising. And merchandising is a lot of the real money is made. Cars brought in over a billion dollars through toys and other merchandising.

Artistic integrity is nice and all, but a billion dollars is really hard to ignore. And running an outfit like Pixar isn't cheap.
I admit, it was somewhat disappointing to see a company like Pixar, which got where it got because of artistic integrity, go down the "fleece the kiddies" route, especially turning out what it considered an inferior product to do it. However, it was bound to happen sooner or later. At least they were blatantly honest about it and said pretty much up front this is a film to sell toys, don't expect too much.



Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
Popular =/= good.
Nope it doesn't. I didn't once say it was good.

But to take it from your standpoint, I'm seeing a lot of hate for something really popular.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Nope it doesn't. I didn't once say it was good.

But to take it from your standpoint, I'm seeing a lot of hate for something really popular.
This is the internet. Hating things that are insanely popular (Twilight, Bay's Transformer series) is our specialty.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
But to take it from your standpoint, I'm seeing a lot of hate for something really popular.
Yes but some of us are not hating on things directly -because- they are popular. Some of us are hating on the strangely divine forces in the universe that somehow MADE those god-awful things popular in the first place. I realize it may be a subtle difference to some, but it is what it is.

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Yes but some of us are not hating on things directly -because- they are popular. Some of us are hating on the strangely divine forces in the universe that somehow MADE those god-awful things popular in the first place. I realize it may be a subtle difference to some, but it is what it is.
Probably because the few people that post on things like forums have an incredibly different opinion than the many many more people that don't post on forums.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Yes but some of us are not hating on things directly -because- they are popular. Some of us are hating on the strangely divine forces in the universe that somehow MADE those god-awful things popular in the first place. I realize it may be a subtle difference to some, but it is what it is.
Where the hate is directed and where it is INTENDED tend to vary from "hated thing" to "hated thing."

To use the examples from this thred (and htis is by no means universally true, just generally true).

Cars 2 gets a lot of hate for being a money grab. The hate is directed at the movie for not being up to Pixar's usually high standards, but it's intended for the those inside the company who decided "let's make a toy-tastic film and damn the story."

Twilight gets a lot of hate for being just horribly written, horribly acted, horribly anti-woman and 9in some circles) badly translated mormon theology. The movies (and books) richly deserve the hate they get, but that is mild compared to the hate the Twi-hards get. People hate that a bunch of people lapped up worthless pablum and made it a money making sensation of epic proportions. That hate is intended for exactly where it was directed.

Bay-Formers gets hate for not being transformers (for the most part). It's action movie pap instead of what the fan base expected, a movie about cars and aircraft turning into robots and having out a small scale war that's now gotten to our planet. The focus on the human characters so you don't realy know any of the Autobots or Deceptacons and don't really care about them as a consequence, the confusing robot designs, the "in the fight" filming where you have no idea what's going on all come together into a steaming pile of somehtign to hate. The hate is intended for all the revisionist writers and directors who make it possible for this sort of thing to happen and the moronic "average movie goer" who gives them the money to make four of them.



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
This is the internet. Hating things that are insanely popular (Twilight, Bay's Transformer series) is our specialty.



I would love to see the article where Pixar says that Cars 2 was simply a money grab for their new Disney masters.

I think there are two things that drive the hatred of all things Cars here. First is the hatred among some of all things car racing especially NASCAR. Second that the first non-Toy Story sequel was Cars and not The Incredibles.

I thought that Cars was a good Pixar film. Yes it's an remake of Doc Hollywood and it's ilk but with anthropomorphic cars but it still was a fine film. And you want a Pixar film with no chance of merchandizing, try Ratatouille, at least with Up you could have Kevin plushies.

Can't wait to see the hate for the Monsters, Inc. prequel.

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Am I alone in that I really enjoyed Cars 2??

OK, it's not as good as the rest of the Pixar movies, but that's not saying much,is it! Pixar movies are all great!

It's a bit like TV shows like Buffy, Stargate, and Star Trek. Even the bad ones are way better than most of the crap that's out there like X-Factor!

Cars 2 was made to make a profit? Meh, I still enjoyed it! They're still a business and don't owe us anything after the amazing movies like Up and Finding Nemo!

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Nope it doesn't. I didn't once say it was good.

But to take it from your standpoint, I'm seeing a lot of hate for something really popular.
Except I stated the the first Cars was a good remake of Doc Hollywood. I am not hating Cars 2 because it is popular, I am hating it because it was a bad movie.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I would love to see the article where Pixar says that Cars 2 was simply a money grab for their new Disney masters.
It's in one of the Making Of documentaries. It's stated that Cars merchandising alone made more than all the previous Pixar films and merchandising combined; so, naturally, Cars was the most attrative one to make a second film for.

From a business standpoint, that's fine. And it was a good move. Right now, out of 12 films, the total is about 7 billion dollars at the box office. Cars merchandise alone is about 10 billion.

What made matters a bit hard to swallow is watching Cars and Cars 2 with the knowledge they were so heavily merchandised and turned into cash cows. Remember, Cars is about friends being more important than fame and money.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Am I alone in that I really enjoyed Cars 2??

OK, it's not as good as the rest of the Pixar movies, but that's not saying much,is it! Pixar movies are all great!
Cars 2 is one of those great examples of shooting yourself in the foot with your own success. Pixar's worst film at that point was Bug's Life (critically speaking) with Cars a very close second and their scores weren't that low. Out of 11 films, their worst films were still good movies. People said Pixar seemed incapable of making a bad film. and they had a point, the amount of time, care and money that went into making them led to a lot of good people going over every aspect of a new film with a fine tooth comb.

Then came Cars 2. By itself it's not a bad film. It's not a good one either. It's pretty much a run-of-the-mill kid flick with better than average animation and voice work. Had Dreamworks done it, very little would have been said. But this was Pixar, the guys who cannot fail, who are pathologically incapable of making a mediocer film. Worse, it was a send-up of spy movies, something Pixar could do in spades (The Incredibles did it so well it may as well have been a James Bond movie from the 60s). When you tack on the merchandising blitz that came with it, some ire begins to form.

Pixar was so good and such a winning horse, when they stumbled and fell off the purer path they caught a whole lot of grief for it, and Cars 2, a fairly bog standard film on it's own, caught the lion's share of that grief.

It's like when the straight A student brings home a B+ and is yelled at because "we expect better from you" while his brother brings in straight Ds and is praised for a D+.



Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
What made matters a bit hard to swallow is watching Cars and Cars 2 with the knowledge they were so heavily merchandised and turned into cash cows. Remember, Cars is about friends being more important than fame and money.
I have highlighted the part that makes me saddest about Cars being so heavily monetized.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Hey, whatever lets Pixar make awesome movies. It's not like Pixar owes us anything. They're a business, they require money to continue churning out quality stories, and the employees there need to eat, sleep, pay bills, and all around live. Plus, from what I can tell, kids loved Cars and Cars 2, so I'm not seein' the problem.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Hey, whatever lets Pixar make awesome movies. It's not like Pixar owes us anything. They're a business, they require money to continue churning out quality stories, and the employees there need to eat, sleep, pay bills, and all around live. Plus, from what I can tell, kids loved Cars and Cars 2, so I'm not seein' the problem.
The way I see it, the Cars franchise is Pixar's way of pulling a Matt Groening. Groening's real creative outlet is his Life in Hell comic strip. He was offered the chance to turn it into a series of animated shorts for Tracy Ullman, but chose instead to create the Simpsons for that purpose. So he has the Simpsons, which he's been able to pimp and sell for... geeze, going on 30 years, and that lets him do his Life in Hell strip, which is what he really cares about.

Cars is Pixar's Simpsons. It's the property they can pimp out with merchandise to keep the stock holders nice and happy so that the Pixar writers/producers can work on stuff that they really care about.

Goodbye, I guess.

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Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
The way I see it, the Cars franchise is Pixar's way of pulling a Matt Groening. Groening's real creative outlet is his Life in Hell comic strip. He was offered the chance to turn it into a series of animated shorts for Tracy Ullman, but chose instead to create the Simpsons for that purpose. So he has the Simpsons, which he's been able to pimp and sell for... geeze, going on 30 years, and that lets him do his Life in Hell strip, which is what he really cares about.
I didn't know that was still running, I thought he killed it in the 90s.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Probably because the few people that post on things like forums have an incredibly different opinion than the many many more people that don't post on forums.
I'll remain satisified to judge things as "good" or "bad" based on whether or not they are good or bad things, not on how many shee-ple herd up and spend money on something just because Hollywood tricked them into doing so.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
I'm worried I'm going to need subtitles. Billy Connolly's (the King) line after Merida's line about caber tossing (0:43 mark or so) is unintelligible to me even after cranking the volume up and listening to it a half a dozen times. All I can make out is "Or xxxxx bridges".
On reflection, my take makes little sense, but I initially thought Merida was talking about the lad wishing he was eating instead of shooting, as in "tossin' (back) kippers." Admittedly, that'd be a strange pronunciation, even accounting for the accent. I then thought the king followed up with "An' loadin' up fridges," which makes all kinds of no sense. If he was wishing he was eating, he'd be emptying fridges, of course, not filling them, notwithstanding the use of a slang term for a device that wouldn't be invented for hundreds of years yet. Something to do with bridges makes more sense, but what? Holding them up, as MentalMaden suggested? Dunno. But I am stoked by this clip.

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Farrell: What was I going to do?
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Originally Posted by Klatteja View Post
On reflection, my take makes little sense, but I initially thought Merida was talking about the lad wishing he was eating instead of shooting, as in "tossin' (back) kippers." Admittedly, that'd be a strange pronunciation, even accounting for the accent. I then thought the king followed up with "An' loadin' up fridges," which makes all kinds of no sense. If he was wishing he was eating, he'd be emptying fridges, of course, not filling them, notwithstanding the use of a slang term for a device that wouldn't be invented for hundreds of years yet. Something to do with bridges makes more sense, but what? Holding them up, as MentalMaden suggested? Dunno. But I am stoked by this clip.
Merida suggests that the lad would be happier tossing cabers, her father chiming in that perhaps holding up bridges would also be satisfactory to the boy.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



A bit late but I'll just throw my 2 inf out here...

I didn't like (don't like ?) Cars 2 because if any movie requires a sequel it's the Incredibles I say!

Yes I know Cars 2 probably made them a bajillion dollars but...blah...I like the original Cars movie alright but....definitely not my favorite.

I didn't care for the Toy Story sequels...until I saw them (yes saw Toy Story 3 in the theaters) and yeah, great stories and felt like a great continuation of the first story.

Cars 2? ugh...just seemed like a "money grab" (which from what some have said, they knew going in and admitted) whatever....I'll watch cars some point I'm sure.

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