Off the wall Photon Seekers idea




Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Reading that communication, having exceled the AT myself, I can see his point.

I wonder if there could be a means to reduce the KB and reduce the Damage per Endurance of a power as a balancing consequence sometime in the future.
IDK, but I am just happy that he was able to comment on some of the direct misinformation that had me contacting him in the first place. Clearly he wants to do the right thing at the base and because of that kind of concern I feel good about the future for Khelds.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Can the dev please at least make it Photon Seekers "dropable"?
This would be a welcomed change.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
They can easily reduce Solar Flare's damage so it's a knock down instead of a knock back. I usually don't have a big problem with a cone aoe but I really dislike pbaoe knock back because everything is scattered AWAY from you even if you do it at corner.

Anyway, back to the main topic. I forgot to mention that I was REALLY SURPRISED that you can't drop Photon Seekers the way you drop Seeker Drones in /Trap. If I can drop seekers in first to take alpha, then I'll love P. Seekers more.

Can the dev please at least make it Photon Seekers "dropable"?
I would really like this actually. I tried using my seekers to take the alpha strike for me, and I ended up having to dwarf TP PAST the group i'm trying to bomb. So that the seekers would follow me into a mob.

Does anyone know exactly how the seekers determine when to attack, proximity wise?

They could most likely be re-worked to function like the seeker drones. This would make the power more versatile. I could use it for a planned attack, or a mini-PBAoE attack.



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post
I would really like this actually. I tried using my seekers to take the alpha strike for me, and I ended up having to dwarf TP PAST the group i'm trying to bomb. So that the seekers would follow me into a mob.

Does anyone know exactly how the seekers determine when to attack, proximity wise?

They could most likely be re-worked to function like the seeker drones. This would make the power more versatile. I could use it for a planned attack, or a mini-PBAoE attack.
They seem to attack your target, but yes making them like seekers would rock.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Bionut911 View Post

Does anyone know exactly how the seekers determine when to attack, proximity wise?
They seem to attack whoever they see first, which sucks because if you cast them before the fight, they tend to only hit the first few targets but if you cast them in the middle of the crowd to get the most damage, most of the enemies are knocked the way f!@#$ back.

If I can drop seekers in first (doing it out of sight), then they can eat some alpha for me and do some damage and then I jump in to hit. Making a "droppable" attack doesn't mean you can't drop them around you when you run in, so it's really a win-win situation. If some people prefer how seekers are throw out currently, they can still do so with the white circle.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
They seem to attack whoever they see first, which sucks because if you cast them before the fight, they tend to only hit the first few targets but if you cast them in the middle of the crowd to get the most damage, most of the enemies are knocked the way f!@#$ back.

If I can drop seekers in first (doing it out of sight), then they can eat some alpha for me and do some damage and then I jump in to hit. Making a "droppable" attack doesn't mean you can't drop them around you when you run in, so it's really a win-win situation. If some people prefer how seekers are throw out currently, they can still do so with the white circle.
WIN-WIN is correct! I do wonder how folks have their's slotted these days. I 5 slot mine with Expedient Reinforcement which give a 615 in damage in mids without my perma inner light and 890 with it. Tends to kill stuff outright or sliver them more than scatter with not enough damage is the reason I wondered.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



As for the OP's idea, I'm all for seekers getting increased effectiveness in direct relation to the number of enemies present. Scaling effectiveness certainly has a precedent set in our game as is from Soul Drain to Carrion Creepers.

I also would like to know is, a Jibikao inquired, seekers could be given the targetted aoe patch/"droppable" treatment in order to offer some versatility.

Lastly, the Knockback on seekers combined with the current damage and high incidence of mob scattering makes seekers a more chaotic tool in damage mitigation and a questionably effective tool in damage-dealing.

Of all the times i've used seekers, the most damage-efficient and least team-combat disruptive uses for seekers has been when a mob has already been engaged, herded, and taken some damage enough that seekers can finish off minions and lieutenants. At least in those instances, there are less enemies scattered to diminish the AOEs of my allies.

Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.



Those quotes from Arbiter Hawk are nice to read, so thanks for posting them. That being said... The idea is no different from what I've already presented. His position clearly warrants posting from the position of Dechs Kaison TF's, rule number.. I forget which number, but that rule is "Any build, any budget, no exceptions" or something to that effect.

While from Dechs' perspective, that is a totally fair, honorable, and flat-out awesome rule, from the perspective of a Developer the same standard does not apply. He's talking about "inf per second" and saying he doesn't think Peacebringers are designed to grief themselves through KB, he's failing to address the players who DO spend billions of inf. to maximize the performance of their characters.

Yes. I understand that most players don't spend billions on their Peacebringers to maximize their performance... But some players care about their characters enough to spend billions upon billions on them, and we expect them to perform up to par with everything else on the same budget when we do.

I just don't think it's fair to dismiss the "min/max" philosophy, because the people who min/max their characters are the people who tend to care most about their characters, and have the most vested interest in their potential.

Arbiter Hawk is saying that he was afraid of Peacebringers becoming farming machines, and then mentioning how powerful Footstomp is, and what it does to make SS good? Well, awesome. SS is good. Footstomp is good. Is he nerfing Footstomp? Hell no, he isn't. Obviously SS isn't overpowered if it hasn't been nerfed and no comment has been made about any pending changes, so why can't Peacebringers perform up to that same standard? Why would it be so horribly overpowering for Peacebringers to have the same AOE potential as Super Strength? Obviously SS is WAI, so why should Kheldians continue to suffer?

As for the KB change he's currently "working on," all he presented the poster with is a boatload of potential problems and no proposed solutions, so I can't say much... All that I can address is the "social issues" he mentioned, and I certainly have a solution for that, which is proposing one of the things he rejected:

Why not let people have the option to turn off their KB?

Arbiter Hawk says that it would lead to social pressure. I say that it would lead to more choices for the players. Sure, some people might not like KB. As it is right now, if you have KB, they can just deny you a spot on their team. If KB could be turned off by the little parrot in PD though, you would have a choice: Either turn off your KB or find another team. Better yet, it would encourage smart KB players to form their own team, assuming they could lead content effectively. No one can kick you because, well, you have the star. Just like anyone else who forms a team.

That's just my sentiment. I appreciate that Arbiter Hawk corresponded with a player and gave permission to re-post, but that's still not cutting it in my opinion. I really think that we need a Dev-Made "Kheldian Issues" thread where we can all present our views and ideas to the powers that be and have some interaction, rather than our current system of posting, speculating, and hoping for results.



Interesting perspective and reinterpretation of his post you have going on over there.

I am just glad the devs are not over there, and based on past and present discussions with them it is more than clear why they are not there and never will be. Thank goodness for the level headed thinking of devs like Arbiter Hawk. Cheers.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I certainly approve of the devs not wanting to go too far and being conservative, as being overly radical or uncautious has led to bad things in the past (over-nerfing of Burn still being my most hated example). Still... that quote from Arbiter Hawk is just what he said in the I21 beta forums, and we were flabbergasted as to how KB to KD with Solar Flare was going to change things that radically at the time... and I still am. The changes had been in beta for quite a bit of time before that, and it was pretty clear to players that while Peacebringers had been improved, they weren't really farming machines.

I guess you can kind of argue that he didn't say that "KB in Solar Flare keeps Peacebringers from being overpowered," as some people have quoted him, but it wasn't far from the truth, and his reasons for keeping the KB were to keep from improving Peacebringers too much. Again, I don't know anyone reasonably arguing that the I21 changes were too far.

He's also correct in saying that many players do not like change, but I also recall some players complaining when Mace went to KD and Clobber had its stun time lowered (in return for a LARGE amount of ST damage that actually put the set on par with other melee sets). The set's performance was improved by the change, even if the aesthetic oomph was a little weaker (something I really can appreciate... but this game isn't designed like X-Men Legends or something else where KB doesn't weaken your performance).

Players being change averse doesn't mean you avoid making changes, it means you make sure those changes are warranted and needed when you make them. Solar Flare not being KB is warranted and needed. It doesn't give any benefit to a Peacebringer player, and I'll point to all the melee sets that lost their KB to anyone that argues different.

I dunno. Arbiter Hawk has always seemed nice and polite to me, but he seems particularly averse to removing KB from powers where it would help to do so (same thing happened with Wormhole for the Grav changes). This while Synapse has posts saying he knows how players don't always like KB so they try to avoid it with new sets... I just don't understand how the two philosophies are jiving, to be honest.

And thinking Arbiter Hawk is a nice guy and liking most of his design decisions doesn't mean you can't disagree with some of 'em.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Well, I've got my plane tickets and hotel room and badge ticket for the next Player Summit ... so I'm sure we'll be "having words" again on this topic (if I can corner him again).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Well, I've got my plane tickets and hotel room and badge ticket for the next Player Summit ... so I'm sure we'll be "having words" again on this topic (if I can corner him again).
Sounds good. Best thing to do is to keep highlighting player concerns and the DATA for them (not the emotion). There are very good reasons for why Solar Flare would be better to change to KD, why Pulsar needs to be a guaranteed Mag 3 stun, and why time needs to be found for a lowered animation time to the Kheldian formshift.

There are other things that are still wonky, but I keep going to those because they're so easy to show (or were stated as being wanted to be done but haven't yet). They're also the ones I feel like I can explain the best. I'll leave form viability to people like Smoking Joe, etc., that can explain that side of things better.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
There are very good reasons for why Solar Flare would be better to change to KD
Talked about that last time with him and got the "KB rather than KD is needed to prevent overpowering" response ... which I tried to get him to explain so I could appreciate his point of view instead of just merely believing it was "wrong" from the get go. Didn't get very far.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
why Pulsar needs to be a guaranteed Mag 3 stun
Talked about this one too, and laid out how the fact you have nothing to stack Pulsar's stun with on a Peacebringer makes it especially anemic (particularly in relation to Warshades and their potential for Stun stacking). Right now, I'd take an automatic +1 Mag Stun while Inner Light's buff is active, and keep the random 50% chance for a +1 Mag Stun (that we've always known) to go along with it. Basically, if there was just a single data line addition of adding +1 Mag Stun (for the same duration as the Base Stun duration) when buffed by Inner Light, that would basically "Solve" the problem with Pulsar being so completely lackluster (Minions only, Lieutenants MAYBE) with absolutely nothing to stack it with, and having a Duration/Recharge ratio which combined with a slow animation time of being so far behind Inky Aspect in terms of Uptime that it is not even funny.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
and why time needs to be found for a lowered animation time to the Kheldian formshift.
Considering that the Form Shifts, if redone from scratch, would essentially only need *TWO* animations (for Nova and Dwarf) designed to allow recolorization of the textures and FX (so you can get Bright and Dark) ... even if those colors are "baked into" animations like they used to be in days of yore ... it really wouldn't be THAT MUCH WORK in relation to (re)designing an entire powerset (which needs 9 animations, or if using Momentum Mechanics, 18!). The QoL upgrade from just making new animations for Nova and Dwarf form shifting would be absolutely staggering!

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



It would also be nice if you could mention the toggle suppression issue. I don't think we've ever even had a statement about whether they haven't gotten around to it, or if they're not willing to consider it for some reason. I personally can't see any reason why they wouldn't want toggles to suppress while in forms, combined with faster animations it would make them much less clunky to use, especially for a Warshade it seems like a logical choice to make considering that there are two offensive toggles in Umbral Aura.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Talked about that last time with him and got the "KB rather than KD is needed to prevent overpowering" response ... which I tried to get him to explain so I could appreciate his point of view instead of just merely believing it was "wrong" from the get go. Didn't get very far.
I just don't get what he could possibly be seeing. Solar Flare does damage on par with a lot of Tanker AOEs. Tankers. Not Scrappers. Human form is not equivalent to tankers: Dwarf is. What justification is there to say the power tips the balances too much when it matches up with a weaker damage class? I know Arbiter Hawk often says you have to look at the whole set, and I certainly agree. But there isn't anything in the Peacebringer human form damage potential that puts them past tankers, let alone in the ballpark with Scrappers.

You know what is also insane and I have only recently discovered? For their ancillaries, Brutes and Controllers both have access to Energy Torrent. It does KD and not KB. Arbiter Hawk's recent changes to Propel are going to have it doing AOE KD (revised from KB after player input). What more do Peacebringer players really have to do to show that KB in Solar Flare (not even their ranged attacks) is not beneficial? The devs can see it for other powersets and ATs... I am just at a loss for how to know what they are thinking.

I would love two things. A solid justification of what he is seeing that makes Peacebringers so strong offensively that removal of KB from a staple power of theirs would make them TOO strong. I would also love to hear what kind of role he sees human form Peacebringers as having. Are they closest to Scrappers? Dominators? Either class outdamages them, even with removing KB from Solar Flare.

The onus is on players to show this to the devs, rather than just say "it sucks, fix it!" But we HAVE shown that. We've compared powers and powersets and ATs, and Smiling Joe did a good numeric analysis. There is nothing in any of that data to show that Peacebringers are in a position to threaten Warshades, Dominators, or Scrappers in human form, and considerable evidence to show that they are substantially weaker (not to mention many comparable powers get KD instead of KB).

I do not understand what he sees as the role for human form, or what analysis he is possibly using to make his worries about the KB to KD debate viable.

He's supposedly got some idea he's working on to give people KB options, but that hasn't stopped other powers and their KB considerations. If the idea flies, it should work for any powers that have KB with them. In the meantime, don't make people wait for a much needed performance boost because something might be in the works for far down the line. This isn't like the possible changes to Snipes and Nukes that are in the future. It's something that can happen now.

Talked about this one too, and laid out how the fact you have nothing to stack Pulsar's stun with on a Peacebringer makes it especially anemic (particularly in relation to Warshades and their potential for Stun stacking). Right now, I'd take an automatic +1 Mag Stun while Inner Light's buff is active, and keep the random 50% chance for a +1 Mag Stun (that we've always known) to go along with it. Basically, if there was just a single data line addition of adding +1 Mag Stun (for the same duration as the Base Stun duration) when buffed by Inner Light, that would basically "Solve" the problem with Pulsar being so completely lackluster (Minions only, Lieutenants MAYBE) with absolutely nothing to stack it with, and having a Duration/Recharge ratio which combined with a slow animation time of being so far behind Inky Aspect in terms of Uptime that it is not even funny.
Peacebringers basically have very little VIABLE AOE mez options currently. Their KB puts enemies out of range of their best attacks, and they are better off using an attack than Pulsar. They can defeat minions well enough (or hold a troublesome well enough) that it's not worth using on just them when the lts. and bosses will still be roaming.

Warshades have far more options. Dominators certainly do. Even melee sets for Tanks, Brutes, and Scrappers do, as their KD or other mez opportunities synergize with what they can do. The strongest comments I got from him in a PM on this was concern about Pulsar stacking with IS, which is what he thought I was suggesting. I don't know that even that would be overpowering, but just making Pulsar worth it is needed.

Again, I don't know what use he thinks Pulsar has, or what kind of analysis he is using that shows the improvement would be overpowering. Peacebringers can't do the mez or soft control that other sets take for granted.

Considering that the Form Shifts, if redone from scratch, would essentially only need *TWO* animations (for Nova and Dwarf) designed to allow recolorization of the textures and FX (so you can get Bright and Dark) ... even if those colors are "baked into" animations like they used to be in days of yore ... it really wouldn't be THAT MUCH WORK in relation to (re)designing an entire powerset (which needs 9 animations, or if using Momentum Mechanics, 18!). The QoL upgrade from just making new animations for Nova and Dwarf form shifting
would be absolutely staggering!
I don't know what they are planning. He just said that he would like to shorten how long the formshifts take, but that doing so requires animator work (it looks weird if they just speed it up). It's on Tunnel Rat's list of things to do, last I heard (August of last year or so), but nothing else. A LOT of animation work has been done since then. A lot. I'm not saying Kheldians deserve priority over everything else, but they at least deserve a spot at the table for this change over the past six months. We can hold off on more over-priced items like a frisbee throw (I like the power, but sheesh, a powerset should have some kind of priority).

Anyway, sorry to talk at you, but I had a moment to get the ideas out there again and thought I would try to state them. Might help. *shrugs*

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
(it looks weird if they just speed it up). It's on Tunnel Rat's list of things to do, last I heard (August of last year or so), but nothing else
See, this I don't get. The shift down to human form is already instant, and that really doesn't look weird at all. I fail to see the difference between shifting from nova or dwarf to human and shifting into either Nova or Dwarf from human. There's really no point in an animation period, in my opinion. Shapeshifting should be fluid and convenient,it should be able to be used at the players discretion in order to take full advantage of the mechanic.



I prefer the change from human to one of the other forms, as there should be an animation. Just suddenly nothing is not as interesting as it could be. The only advantage is that it's instant, and if they could do a fast animation that preserved some of the current look of changing from human to a form, I'd prefer it a lot more.

As for why/how it looks weird, I don't know. It seems like you could take out much of the "flexing" phase and just using the burst portion, and it'd look fine. But I don't really have the tools to break it down (like some did for Executioner's Shot with Dual Pistols). I'm willing to accept that some work is needed. What I'm less willing to accept is that I22 did not have the change, many many months after I21.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I did do a wicked long post yesterday but the internet died. So I kept this shorter. I am not going against Champions of change for the sake of it I am seeing Arbiters points cos I do and just remain doing so perhaps until I have worked some other stuff out. I was looking into travel suppression and the advantage of outranging with that and how much of an advantage rechg enh has over a range enh. Ya can dig and dig and just find yaself in a big deep hole.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I just don't get what he could possibly be seeing. Solar Flare does damage on par with a lot of Tanker AOEs. Tankers. Not Scrappers. Human form is not equivalent to tankers: Dwarf is. What justification is there to say the power tips the balances too much when it matches up with a weaker damage class?
Most everything seems more on par with Tankers when human form, except for the PBs extra range attacks which have greater range with them. AoEs which ofc hit multiple targets which ofc means damage multiplication which ofc adds up. Then there are the additional flexibilities, no wonder it is to me that PBs aren't as tough as Tanks for what they can do in total.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
That more do Peacebringer players really have to do to show that KB in Solar Flare (not even their ranged attacks) is not beneficial? The devs can see it for other powersets and ATs... I am just at a loss for how to know what they are thinking.
Lets put a PB in a team where it has superb end recovery rate and hps rate be it regen or heals from a defender, it could potentially outperform Warshades with the same benefits. So the KB is calming things down and so is the level and rate of Stun. Warshades rely on mobs dying, numbers of mobs, PBs don't. PBs don't have to exist in the thick of everything as much as Warshades to reach an overall sustainable peak. Maybe on a PB it may pay to stop thinking like a Warshade I dunno. Given Arbiters qoute, farming is not the goal with PBs. If PBs are doing that then opps.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I do not understand what he sees as the role for human form, or what analysis he is possibly using to make his worries about the KB to KD debate viable.
Human form has secondary effects (or lets just say effects that isn't damage) now all those effects to a creative mind can pull things in favour of a team. The creative mind can come up with dynamics to turn a tide for even the weakest looking team against seemingly insurmountable odds whilst the caveman mind just knows it wants to run in and hit things with a club, eat dirt, res and hit it again. Those secondary effects should help remove the wonder of what human form is for to the creative mind.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Peacebringers basically have very little VIABLE AOE mez options currently. Their KB puts enemies out of range of their best attacks, and they are better off using an attack than Pulsar. They can defeat minions well enough (or hold a troublesome well enough) that it's not worth using on just them when the lts. and bosses will still be roaming.
I get a lot out of my Pulsar, some people writing it off don't even have it, some have it but then don't really slot it and those who do have it and slot it well, have a Warshade and they're seriously happy with the stuns -> pretty much want their PB to do the same stuff when it's meant to be different.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Again, I don't know what use he thinks Pulsar has, or what kind of analysis he is using that shows the improvement would be overpowering. Peacebringers can't do the mez or soft control that other sets take for granted.
I perma mezz most minions, thats a good lot of attacks not coming my way, it's a lot like hard control to me as they can't be damaged out of it or woken etc.

I'll stop it here incase my internet dies.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Wow. I love Peacebringers, but this is wearing rose-colored glasses. To such an extent that I'm having a hard time following your logic. Damage in human form attacks seem on par with Tankers, but that's okay to you? What's Dwarf form? The Peacebringer uber tank form? Human form had better be a different approach than tanking, or Dwarf is really up a creek. If the different forms don't have different capabilities and viabilities, we might as well just get rid of them.

I'd love to like Pulsar. I've had it on my PB ever since I made one, and I still have it well slotted on both of of his builds. Listening to you talk about it, you'd think it was the best thing ever, which it certainly can sound like when looked at in a vacuum. A moped can sound like the best form of transportation ever (it's better than walking or running!) if you leave motorcycles, cars, trucks, or even planes, etc. out of the equation.

Pulsar pales in comparison to anything Warshades can do with mez and at best comes out as a wash with their toggle stun. VEATs? Forget about it. The melee ATs frequently get KD in attacks that can do MORE than Pulsar can.

You noted that you can lock down minions with Pulsar, but in all honesty, you're better off using other powers at the start of the fight. It's a long animation, and even though I hate the KB in Solar Flare, it's better at the start and more likely to affect the entire mob. Egads, what a statement. But you can follow up on the minions well enough after that, and really, with all your resists, the only minions that are a major issue are Sappers. You can use pulsar then if you want, but your ST melee attacks will take them out far better.

I seem to be reiterating the same ideas in Blaster and Peacebringer threads. Both groups are not broken and do well enough in game. But it doesn't pay to put on rose colored glasses and pretend that there aren't issues with certain powers and capabilities of the two, particularly in comparison to what other, comparable sets can do.

The issue isn't that Peacebringers get along "okay" enough to play the game solo and on teams (which I agree with). The issue is that they're not doing well enough or standing out as they should, i.e. they're not balanced as they need to be.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Peacebringers can do what Warshades can't do, solo and in teams. You can't have them performing in areas Warshades do better at too. Hell lets just delete Warshades.

You may differ on your experience with PBs and Blasters for that matter, I'll inform you that I have more level 50 Blasters than anything else, my Avatar, my forum name, is a Blaster and just for starters I solo Frostfire at level 6/7 with them as a ritual a mere start of rituals. The Rikti challenge that Scrappers do, can be done with a Blaster.

I love active mitigation. I like secondary effects. I like working on my timing, my positioning, I like getting to know the enemy for holes in their defense/AI common sense. I like not having passive defense hiding all my mistakes or lack of ingenuity.

What have I done with PBs? Well I got to admit I don't play them as much but I do know how to blast and I will play tanks. PBs do both basically with a few extras that people may skip (but are there with good reason). So then it's just taking what I know from other ATs and applying it to a PB perhaps having certain things easier.

What else? On Excel, two builds, same mindset built them, not mine and it works out PBs can do more damage than WSs. PBs are potentially limited by any secondary effect counterproductive to maximum targeting potential and the endurance bar which in the Warshades case given their best model for performance aka a farm mission is not something to worry about.

I can't help but feel that any buffs to the PB has to be the right buffs. All Pros and Cons considered. Some buffs asked for count for Warshades too like the toggle suppression and so I like that one. I am not sure that reduction of shapeshift time needs to happen, shortening it maybe aesthetically displeasing to some people. The toggle suppression change can in itself make up for any loss in DPS that people may cry about from shapeshifting.

The PB has greater ranged multitargeting damage potential than the WS in Human form. The Warshade has potentially better endurance recovery rate. Both ATs could do with what the others got. That's precisely how it's meant to be. In teams they can utilize eachother, soloing their experiences can differ which is a good thing.

There are plenty of things Arbiter Hawk has to get on with, no doubt and I have no doubt that he's taken opinions on board and is looking to do something in good time. I can't help but feel I keep seeing the same threads over and over.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
It would also be nice if you could mention the toggle suppression issue. I don't think we've ever even had a statement about whether they haven't gotten around to it, or if they're not willing to consider it for some reason. I personally can't see any reason why they wouldn't want toggles to suppress while in forms, combined with faster animations it would make them much less clunky to use, especially for a Warshade it seems like a logical choice to make considering that there are two offensive toggles in Umbral Aura.
Here's a good question: Did the Devs ever -intend- for the Warshade to be played like they are now? (Triform, at least.) Did they expect players to make macros that would cause them to switch between forms quickly within battles and to allow for a very fast paced game-play style? Or did they expect the Kheldian AT to play more like Jack of all Trades, switching forms to fulfill desired roles in groups?

If the second scenario is true, then that means the Devs wouldn't want to give out anything that increases the strength of the Triformers simply because they didn't design them to be that way. They expect the Triformers to stay in one form for long periods of time so that they can follow a specific role. This would mean they see Peacebringer Triformers like this; Dwarf would be a psuedo-tank for teams that needed a tank or an extra one, Nova would be a team's blaster when they didn't have one, and human form would be a Scrapper with Defender abilities. This also means the Warshades would be seen the same, except as Blasters/Controllers in human form, not Scrappers/Defenders.

Of course, this perspective on the AT limits us extremely, locking ourselves into a "designated role" in a shapeshift form and basically hurting our full potential just by thinking this way. Good Triformers understand the concept that you are all three forms at once and you switch in and out like a machine running through a bunch of objectives in its system. But most of the Kheldians here understand this, so I'm probably boring most of you right now

If the FIRST scenario is true, then toggle suppression and quicker shapeshifting would seem like -one- of the best ways to go for promoting the use of forms in the thought process I described in the paragraph above this one.

Can you imagine? Toggle suppression and faster shapeshifting... *Grins gleefully and daydreams a little.*

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I can't help but feel I keep seeing the same threads over and over.
Maybe because the same issues have existed for almost the entire run of the game (Issues 3-22 now) and have never been adequately addressed ... like ... EVER??

As far as Pulsar goes, I'd love to see it get completely remade into a Human Only Passive power which applies/enables a +1.25 Mag Stun for 7 seconds to all your Human Form attack powers (think Incarnate Interface Slot style modifier). You make it a Passive power so there isn't anything (else!) to retoggle by switching back into Human Form from Nova or Dwarf. Give Inner Light a modifier equal to +Damage% that increases Stun Duration. Need to Stun something? Just keep hitting it once you have Pulsar.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Maybe because the same issues have existed for almost the entire run of the game (Issues 3-22 now) and have never been adequately addressed ... like ... EVER??
Johnny Butane has had the same issue with Tankers that he's been going on about for a long long time, they've never been adequately addressed as far as he is concerned. At some point certain things never change and that must indeed mean a no.

I fought some Disorient resisting groups today. If that's all I saw, then I'd think the power is poo. I can imagine someone getting Pulsar and getting that kind of result and respecing it out asap but that's not all I see. Also got my PB a farm mish that my WS can get, this'll be interesting as I wonder what times to complete map will be.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
As far as Pulsar goes, I'd love to see it get completely remade into a Human Only Passive power which applies/enables a +1.25 Mag Stun for 7 seconds to all your Human Form attack powers (think Incarnate Interface Slot style modifier). You make it a Passive power so there isn't anything (else!) to retoggle by switching back into Human Form from Nova or Dwarf. Give Inner Light a modifier equal to +Damage% that increases Stun Duration. Need to Stun something? Just keep hitting it once you have Pulsar.
Interesting way to look at Pulsar, indeed! I think that'd actually be really neat to see implemented. I currently have Pulsar myself, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as people says it is. It may not -reliably- stun lts., but I find that most the time it does get the job done. It really helps me manage a nasty group of Malta or anything of the like.

Although, I feel that the Peacebringer shouldn't have -too- much control or they'll feel too much like a Warshade. If I want to be dastardly and control/stun mobs, I'd prefer to do it on my Warshade. If I want to send things flying and yell, "For the light!" as I come crashing down on some poor mob's head with Incandescent Strike, I play my PB

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
If I want to send things flying and yell, "For the light!" as I come crashing down on some poor mob's head with Incandescent Strike, I play my PB
Ironically, my PB's battlecry is ... "Go towards the Light!"

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...