Off the wall Photon Seekers idea




Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Trick question. An Extracted Essence Photon Seekers (unbuffed by enhancements or effects)
What I love about Extracted Essence is its another body. Attacking something attracting aggro perhaps. The trouble with it though is it may die too soon. Rikti dummies don't hit back. Then what I like about Photon Seekers is the burstness, stackability to the Nuke.

I got the figures down already but not unenhanced they're just slotted similarly. But the thing is what is on Excel will not reflect what you get ingame, I have never stated otherwise which is why some practical has to be involved with theory. The value of having the AoE burst and the value of having another body DPS'ing away are two values not directly comparable. There is value to me in getting people to reply and say whatever constructive thing they have to say, before any final thoughts as it can bring interesting or concerned ideas to the table.

Last thing I'd want to see in any section is one person saying jump and the other person saying "how high?". We need to question and answer for ourselves not watching Fox News and believing everything it said without investigating the news brought to people by other countries sort of thing. I will be comparing an SO build to another first of all as that is what the game is still built around but then looking further down the line would be interesting.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
At the moment Warshade has:
Human - Damage and control
Nova - AoE damage
Dwarf - Tanking and decent damage

But PB has:
Human - Damage
Nova - AoE damage
Dwarf - Tanking

There is more to them than that, I impressed people when I used a PB for a defender whilst using a Scrapper for a Tank, doing Scirocco. Yeah that's all we need, not even more than a SO build. You could give that dude nothing and take from him everything. It's all there, its just what the creative mind seeks to do with it. The Kheld has many avenues to go down, but people generally pick certain ones, certains one that maybe in truth what they need for 99% of the game, but again the game was balanced around everyone on SOs. The All Kheld Team on SOs is capable of much imo not just in theory but in practise.

WS, Dwarf is a poorer Tanker. PBs can aid better duct tape defensive manuevers. There are going to be pros and cons to each but if you wanted the same thing from both types you could be in for a disappointment as there are pros and cons to each.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
There is more to them than that, I impressed people when I used a PB for a defender whilst using a Scrapper for a Tank, doing Scirocco. Yeah that's all we need, not even more than a SO build.
When you talk about this what did you actually do that was 'defendery' aside from heal him though? (Not saying you were useless and the scrapper didn't need your help though - actually curious what people consider 'defendery')

It seems there is a leaning towards defendery powers, but they all need massive improvement to compare with how well a Warshade can control a mob.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I thought that was what I did to sum things up. I mean you guys have got to know it is not personal but it was clear she was making some seriously incorrect statements/false assumptions and basing changes on those incorrect statements/false assumptions.
Don't worry I didn't take anything badly.

If I make a mistake or am just plain wrong I like to know

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Trick question.

An Extracted Essence (unbuffed by enhancements or effects) is able to output how much Damage Over Time, on average, just by cycling its attacks? Pick a time window ... doesn't really matter ... 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute ... whatever. Use an alternate build to test it against the Rikti Dummies in RWZ and record the results to get an "accurate" in-game set of numbers to work with.

Then find out how much Damage per casting do Photon Seekers (unbuffed by enhancements or effects) do when they explode.

Compare the steady DoT yield of Extracted Essence to the "bursty" Damage by Attack (ie. ONE, or three if you want to think of it that way) that Photon Seekers do. From that raw data, it should be relatively easy to determine an average DPS for Extracted Essence ... which can then be used to determine how fast the Recharge would have to be on Photon Seekers in order to yield an equivalent/equal damage throughput via their "1" burst attack. It would even be possible to take that sort of raw data and mine it for results concerning the difference between single target and multi-target saturation of attacks, so as to get a sliding scale of equivalence between the two Pets.

I'm willing to bet that the BASE Recharge on Photon Seekers would have to be somewhere down around 60 seconds (or less!) in order for them to even begin to hope to yield an equivalent damage output *per casting of the power* so as to at least pretend to normalize the damage throughput of the respective PB-v-WS Pets on a per use of power basis that also "roughly" matches/aligns with their damage throughput over time. If that means that the Duration on the Photon Seekers has to drop along with the Recharge, I for one am perfectly fine with that!

I believe Smiling Joe did a lot of the work necessary to determine the answer to this question already. Joe? Do you still have your old data lying around?
Ask and ye shall receive:

Updated Peacebringer Spreadsheets

Updated Warshade Spreadsheets

All the math is laid out, and was checked by Dechs Kaison and Microcosm back in I-20/21 Beta.

I've been reading the thread - and the Kheld forums - but largely lurking. ESPECIALLY in thread talking about changing Peacebringers. I'm sooo done with that. I gave up months ago when my 50+3 Peacebringer went on the shelf and my 50+1 WP/SJ Tanker became my new main (who's had a long wait for DA content).

Some things I'll respond to, though:

Originally Posted by New Dawn
Use EXCEL, don't be subjective. The difference in DPS with multiple targets considered is a healthy gap in the PBs favour. The PB could do with Stygian to hold that gap really but without it it might be reined in. Tied down so to speak, tired sooner. WS TP about a bit, getting to mobs sooner potentially, allowing for end rec less, these factors have to be involved. All factors do.
Up above is your hard data, and it disagrees with your findings. The onus is now on you to pony up with your spreadsheets and prove mine wrong. One of the things I love about you is that you're willing to be wrong in the name of learning. Me too. Let's both learn something from all this, eh?

My spreadsheets found the following:

Peacebringer Human single target DPS: 117.68
Peacebringer Human AoE DPS: 172.05
Peacebringer Nova single target DPS: 101.68
Peacebringer Nova AoE DPS: 198.05
Peacebringer Dwarf single target DPS: 84.68
Peacebringer Dwarf AoE DPS: 141.05

Warshade Human single target DPS: 186.67
Warshade Human AoE DPS: 264.19
Warshade Nova single target DPS: 182.67
Warshade Nova AoE DPS: 383.19
Warshade Dwarf single target DPS: 196.67
Warshade Dwarf AoE DPS: 302.19

Now those AoE numbers count damage to multiple mobs and for both assumes a modest 3 mobs hit by the AoE's. I'm sure in most circumstances that would be more.

The builds used are SO BUILDS, and are virtually equal (I used updated versions of Plasma's Gold Standard Builds for both). Never mind that this game is *stated* to be balanced around SO's (I don't believe for a minute that Arbiter Hawk balanced around SO's when he altered Peacebringers). One reason is that IO's can make such a wide variety of possibilities open up. Another reason is that I don't have an IO spreadsheet for Peacebringers with the changes (I have IO spreadsheets for both Warshades and the old Peacebringers, though that compared my pb to THB's ws) and I'm NOT doing another spreadsheet! If someone wants to see how IO's would affect things, download them and plug in the builds of your choice.

Note that there's also mitigation in there. I used Dechs Kaison's mitigation tables for that, and you'll see that Warshades are ahead in that department too.

At any rate, Dawn, on MY Excel Warshades far, far outdistance Peacebringers in the AoE department, and are still ahead in the Single Target department.

The reason? Extracted Essences.

Which brings me to the trick question of Redlynne's post:

An Extracted Essence (unbuffed by enhancements or effects) is able to output how much Damage Over Time, on average, just by cycling its attacks?
If you'll look at the second sheet of the warshade document (Called "Fluffies") you'll see that, provided one fluffy cycles through its powers by tier and casts them as they recharge, a single unhasted fluffy can crank out 50 single target dps. Now if the Warshade has hasten running it transfers to the fluffy, I believe (I think it was proven that more than the effect transferred, but don't remember the source. I could be wrong.) it will produce 64 single target dps.

AOE numbers are 67 and 100, respectively.

Any warshade with hasten can have two fluffies out pretty much all the time, but only one will be hasted, for a total of 114 single target and 167 AoE dps.

Photon Seekers explode for 177.84 points of damage apiece. With three, that's 533.52.

Since a Warshade has to summon fluffies from a corpse in the middle or at the end of combat, let's assume a fresh spawn with three photon seekers and two fluffies.

In the approximately 3 seconds it takes to summon photon seekers and have them explode for 533 points of damage against a single target, the two extracted essences have done 342 points of damage to the same target. Three seconds later, they've exceeded Photon Seekers' damage and are still blasting while photon seekers are just starting their cool-down.

Taking AoE into consideration, Seekers did 1600 points to three targets, and Essences did only about 1,000. Nine seconds into the fight, they've even topped Seekers' AoE damage, AND they're still blasting.

And because they're ranged, the Essences don't really care that the photon seekers just scattered the survivors all over creation. This means that the warshade (who likely mired as photon seekers was animating) can switch to nova and not experience much in the way of a dps drop. The Peacebringer? Yeah he gets to switch to nova too, but doesn't have a steady stream of damage from his pets to help his aoe potential on a now-scattered spawn.

Now don't get me wrong. People can do amazing things with practically any archetype. I've got nothing but respect for New Dawn's stated ability to find creative ways to make Peacebringers "excell," and I'd be interested to see any in-game comparisons that can be quantified.

But if Peacebringers are meant to emulate tankers (as has been said in justifications of their damage potential) then I can tell you that the level of performance I have to WORK to maintain on my peacebringer is delivered effortlessly by my WP/SJ tanker. (and who needs ranged damage with taunt and a taunt aura?)

So why wouldn't I just play the tanker?

Well, you know the answer to that from the beginning of my post, right?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Smiling Joe, thanks for those. I knew you had updated things somewhere. I am sad you have given up on your PB, though. I am admittedly playing my STJ/EA Brute more these days (who is a Praetorian version of my Peacebringer), but I haven't given up on him!

Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I thought my sig explained that to some degree. It is what each person makes of it depending on build and playstyle, which means it's versatile.

I don't want to give the wrong impression, but I remember in I9 they said they were not going to make the Solar Flare change from KB but would look into it working while hovering since many PB's hover fight and they did that. I at that time was for KD, but after playing it for years I know how to work it and the recent change in casting works well for my style.

Pulsar's change worked well for me as well and while nice there is no pressing need to up the mag on the stun, but I would not fight it.

Photon Seekers recent change was very very good to me and my style of play. Increased damage or rain of arrow type casting changes would be welcomed but are not critical.

I just don't see anything calling out at me like before the recent changes, but ALWAYS look forward to the "devs" perspective concerning these things. For every Lord Xenite with a really really good suggestion there are ten other horrifically bad suggestions that essentially change the Kheldian to this or that person's favorite AT. Bugger on that ish.
I don't want Peacebringers to have a different or new playstyle, so we can agree there.

Not really seeing your reasoning with the other stuff. Sure, you can kind of/sort of control the KB from Solar Flare if you're hovering (though that requires a certain kind of playstyle, rather than being open to the player's choice), but no other melee PBAOE damage power has that same issue. War Mace/Battle Axe? No problem. SS, Broadsword, Katana, Fire Melee (and more)? No problem. There are no good reasons for keeping the KB in Solar Flare when it was removed from melee damage PBAOEs YEARS AGO. Peacebringers do not do scads of damage in human form and the KB in this power weakens an already weaker performing set.

I have talked Pulsar to death earlier. I'm not sure why anyone is content to use a weak, not useful PBAOE mez (and it is not useful... I want the KB out of Solar Flare, but Solar Flare and Incandescent together can do more than Pulsar might do).

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Last thing I'd want to see in any section is one person saying jump and the other person saying "how high?". We need to question and answer for ourselves not watching Fox News and believing everything it said without investigating the news brought to people by other countries sort of thing. I will be comparing an SO build to another first of all as that is what the game is still built around but then looking further down the line would be interesting.
Funny. I could have sworn I've been asking you to back up your statements for... ages. I'll be nice and tell you stop being Fox News.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
There is more to them than that, I impressed people when I used a PB for a defender whilst using a Scrapper for a Tank, doing Scirocco. Yeah that's all we need, not even more than a SO build. You could give that dude nothing and take from him everything. It's all there, its just what the creative mind seeks to do with it. The Kheld has many avenues to go down, but people generally pick certain ones, certains one that maybe in truth what they need for 99% of the game, but again the game was balanced around everyone on SOs. The All Kheld Team on SOs is capable of much imo not just in theory but in practise.

WS, Dwarf is a poorer Tanker. PBs can aid better duct tape defensive manuevers. There are going to be pros and cons to each but if you wanted the same thing from both types you could be in for a disappointment as there are pros and cons to each.
Wait, what? There is something missing here. If a Scrapper was able to tank Scirocco for your team (with you "defending"), then he probably was not SO'd (or other teammates were buffing him, or he used a lot of insps). All your Peacebringer could do for him is throw an occasional heal his way. You can't buff his resists or his defense, you have a paltry heal.

Sure, heals are nice on STF (that's usually all my Fire/Fire Tank needs on Recluse, though I use insps to get my defense and resists high enough to stand up to his ridiculous damage and +to hit), but he had to either have some buffs from other teammates going, or inspiration use. It's commonplace for teams I've played with to just pull all four patrons at once, but that's usually with someone that can take more heat than a Scrapper, and more help than a Peacebringer can give. My IO'd Fire Tank (with higher resists than most Scrappers get) had issues with the patrons before being Incarnated, so I'm skeptical that you are giving us all the info in this example. Seriously, no amount of "creativity" is going to make a Defender or even a pocket Defender out of a Peacebringer. I love 'em, but they are not Defenders.

And yeesh, work on that last paragraph with Dwarves. I'm not even sure what you are trying to say with all that confusion, but there is definitely nothing specific. Just... work on phrasing and be specific so we can discuss that deeper than the obvious "there are pros and cons" to each dwarf form.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Smiling Joe, thanks for those. I knew you had updated things somewhere. I am sad you have given up on your PB, though. I am admittedly playing my STJ/EA Brute more these days (who is a Praetorian version of my Peacebringer), but I haven't given up on him!
/EA is awesome, isn't it? When I'm in the mood to be more... active... I play my Elec/EA stalker who just got his alpha slotted to Tier 1. He wears me right out to play, but man is it ever rewarding.

And that's the thing. I have two basic playstyles and only so many characters to play. I assess the mood I'm in and either choose a laid-back, reliable bastion who can protect a team, kick a little butt and look damn good doing it, OR - when I'm in the mood to froth at the mouth and rip keys out of my keyboard - I'll choose the roller-coaster ride of a stalker, scrapper or a warshade (or a dominator - holy crap I fell in love with that archetype this past double xp).

Peacebringers used to be very much in the former camp. They needed some work to bring them up to par, but - fortunately for some and unfortunately for me - those same changes put them in the latter camp.

....where they are totally eclipsed by virtually every other rollercoaster character I have in my arsenal.

So my peacebringers got the shelf, for now. EDIT - To be fair, I gave the changes a shot. I have perma light form, perma hasten, perma inner light. I spent roughly a month or two with my eyes on the buff bar with my mouse pointer hovering over hasten and inner light (LF was on auto) and hitting tab/follow/attack keys with the left hand. And I'll admit that I was frightfully effective. But I ended each gaming session exhausted and not even sure who I'd been fighting, to say nothing of actually enjoying the graphics and story. In the end, it just wasn't for me.


I didn't like the changes. I adapted.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Grey Pilgrim unlike Smiling Joe, who I could fall in love with personally you have been very subjective. Need this and need that. What I would like you to do yourself is analyse what Smiling Joe has done and see if you agree on its conclusiveness or look for other factors and possibly add to it.
Anyone else for that matter.

What I am about to do having just got back to the forums as its now 6pm and (I don't know what everyone does with their day but mine is work and then it gets hacked with surprise tasks-families aye) anyway what I shall do is look into Smiling Joes work myself. It does differ. What I have is one draft and then another draft to tidy up my first draft yet still compiling more ideas to it. Replies are concerns that need to be factored in. I am still working on its progress. Then I will proof read mine so I can get my head back into the time I did it, which was weeks ago and then see how much I can practically expect of myself through testing so I am not expecting things from other people on Excel that I couldn't do myself. The WIP is going to be finished in my own sweet time. This is the main AT to most of you. It comes above Stalkers to me.

I'll do as I have them already 2 performance Human only Builds with good IOs and leave off shift forms. I haven't said that WS Nova is worse than a PB or a WS Dwarf Tank tanks better than a PB one anyway. PBs can emulate tankers with Dwarf form when common sense says so, not full time, they are flexibly better than a WS Dwarf, the WS Dwarf is rather better in a Brute type of sense.

The changes done to PBs of late quite probably had to get a PB with IOs to a certain standard but that doesn't really stop the game from being around SOs. Those changes were needed imo, it's working out if further or which further changes are best rather than simply accepting what someone else has done.

I don't like to use Photon Seekers as a ST ever and then at the sametime fluffies can die before they crank out all their DPS. Extracted Essences are the tipping point for you by your conclusion for me its Stygian Circle, the ability to keep going while a PB could be in need of some breath.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I have talked Pulsar to death earlier. I'm not sure why anyone is content to use a weak, not useful PBAOE mez
When I see a statement like this I realize this is more than likely a style issue since if it stuns anyone in the group then it is useful the way I view things, but hey I feel KB is useful as well. It just may be a PB's are not for everyone type of deal as well.

As I said I am not against KD if they make the change to Solar Flare, but since I have been playing with it for years with it, nothing will really change for me if they make the change however unlikely that is.

I use Pulsar effectively all the time, then again I did before the change as well, but would not be against it being mag 3. Based on the cast time alone it could be argued it should be mag 3.

I guess my point is I see more style issues than actual issues of ineffectiveness as some claim here. As I stated up thread though I feel confident about the devs and their perspective about the AT and MUCH MUCH less so about those here, not all, that are making AT changing suggestions.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Extracted Essences are the tipping point for you by your conclusion for me its Stygian Circle, the ability to keep going while a PB could be in need of some breath.
Aw.. I like you too!

It would be more accurate to say that Extracted Essences are the tipping point for me where offensive capability is concerned. I very much agree that Stygian Circle is what's still putting Warshades over Peacebringers in the mitigation department.

Having said that, however, I do feel that saying Warshades are more survivable than Peacebringers is the rough equivalent to saying 60 watt bulbs are brigher than 40 watt bulbs. In other words, they are both survivable enough for me to overlook the difference.

It sounds like you've got a nice analysis shaping up - good luck with it! I look forward to reading it.

I might be finished playing Peacebringers for the time being, but I am still at least interested in the archetype.

EDIT - and give Grey Pilgrim some credit - he's speaking from a perspective of having analyzed my numbers ad nauseum during the open beta for I-21 and even before. He was our most vocal advocate during closed beta, and has done more than his share of time forced in the middle between abrasive folks like me and Arbiter Hawk.

I do agree with him on Pulsar - and on Khelds in general.

If I were him, though, I'd be exhausted, and it's nothing short of amazing to me that he hasn't been reduced to sniveling lunacy by the position forced upon him by his advocacy on our behalf.

Heaven knows Arbiter Hawk's not going to listen to anything I say...

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I believe your using Photon Seekers on 3 targets. I Think that is unnacceptable. Its so good at hitting anywhere between 6 and 10 +4s with a very basic build. It doesn't reflect the potential in making a comparison with Dark Extraction. Combined with Dawn Strike it is a true asset in burst goodness despite KB even vs 0s Dawn Strike has a large enough radius. In my Excel I picked 10 targets for each Photon, now each Photon may hit 8 targets each causing differing levels of damage across all effected targets, upto 6 targets could be hurt less than the remaining hit. Its pretty tasty and not hard to hit 10. So damage output from getting out photons should be multiplied by an appropriate amount, not 3.

I am looking to get an average idea of every attack when fighting at 0s*8 to +4*8. Its DPS to the entire group that matters, keeping to 3 targets tells me nothing. Attacking fewer targets than possible is not reflective of potential.

I want people to suggest changes like that. If you can hit 10, work on hitting 10.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I believe your using Photon Seekers on 3 targets. I Think that is unnacceptable. Its so good at hitting anywhere between 6 and 10 +4s with a very basic build. It doesn't reflect the potential in making a comparison with Dark Extraction. Combined with Dawn Strike it is a true asset in burst goodness despite KB even vs 0s Dawn Strike has a large enough radius. In my Excel I picked 10 targets for each Photon, now each Photon may hit 8 targets each causing differing levels of damage across all effected targets, upto 6 targets could be hurt less than the remaining hit. Its pretty tasty and not hard to hit 10. So damage output from getting out photons should be multiplied by an appropriate amount, not 3.

I am looking to get an average idea of every attack when fighting at 0s*8 to +4*8. Its DPS to the entire group that matters, keeping to 3 targets tells me nothing. Attacking fewer targets than possible is not reflective of potential.

I want people to suggest changes like that. If you can hit 10, work on hitting 10.
Bear in mind that 8 or 10 targets hit by each photon doesn't necessarily equate to 24-30 targets. Photon Seekers has a very small radius at 10 feet and a max targets hit of 10. The only way to get ten targets into a ten foot radius is to herd them all together, either with Dwarf or pulling with a human Blast/corner pull, followed by casting seekers at point blank range.

And if you do that then all three seekers will head for the nearest target and explode, resulting in each seeker more often than not affecting the same mobs with its explosion as its two brethren. Which means at least some wasted damage potential, as the targets will be dead. Some variation will occur, but I thought I was being rather generous to Photon Seekers when I assumed three targets apiece. (See, I didn't limit them to 3 altogether - but 9 once all the seekers are accounted for. Keep in mind that each seeker does 177 points of damage on its own when you look back at what I wrote).

Especially given the fact that extracted essences can attack from 60 feet away, with a 10 target cap and a 45 degree cone, EASILY hitting eight targets with each blast of Gravitic Emanation. Had I chosen not to limit all aoe damage to 3 targets, I suspect the extracted essences would STILL have outmatched the seekers by embarrassing amounts.

Now what you should be raking me over the coals about is the fact that I didn't take into account that the extracted essences need to stay alive to deal all that damage, meaning that if a Warshade player wants to capitalize on everything the pets have to offer then he/she needs to tank for them, either in dwarf or in human with Provoke from the presence pool.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I admit I'll have yet to thoroughly read through your excel, I just scanned it, as I was finding out what I can and can't expect in actual play tonight. I was running into mobs over and over and at different settings using Pulsar only, or using Photons only, repeating and repeating to get an average expectation at different settings. Quite boring really so fitted in an ITF and helped someone with their alpha slot.

Dam*Max targets*freq will lead to showing a great big gap emphasising potential better between the two types.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Now what you should be raking me over the coals about is the fact that I didn't take into account that the extracted essences need to stay alive to deal all that damage, meaning that if a Warshade player wants to capitalize on everything the pets have to offer then he/she needs to tank for them, either in dwarf or in human with Provoke from the presence pool.
Pfft. Inky Aspect and Orbiting Death is plenty aggro magnet when solo to keep attention on yourself and not on the fluffies.

I think that what Joe's analysis of Photon Seekers concludes is that in order for them to deliver a sustained amount of damage comparable to the output of Extracted Essence, the base recharge time on Photon Seekers would need to be down around 20 seconds (or less!) so that they could become a second Incandescent Strike (of sorts). At 180 seconds of base recharge time, they barely add +1 Damage per Second(!) ... per Seeker ... per target hit ... under optimal (ie. no wasted damage) conditions. Compare that to Joe's minimum floor of *50 DPS* per Fluffy against a *single target* and the answers become clear as to which is superior over time.

+3 DPS ... vs ... +50 DPS ... against a single target. Hold on while I bust out my excel spreadsheets to tell me which one of these is doing more damage over time ...

I would argue that Photon Seekers needs to have the AoE radius of each seeker increased from 10 to 15 ft ... have the max targets increased from 10 to 16 ... have the recharge reduced from 180 seconds to 60 seconds ... leave all other parameters "as is" (including damage and endurance cost) and see how that plays.

An entirely different possibility would be something really bizarre, but potentially very interesting ... which would function more like a MIRV (as in, Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles).

You summon ONE Photon Seeker, instead of 3.

That ONE Photon Seeker "detonates" in a PBAoE onto its chosen target. The primary PBAoE deals NO DAMAGE ... but instead spawns a secondary Photon Seeker (re-use FX) for each Foe within the primary PBAoE Radius which shoots out from the point of detonation towards every Foe, as a projectile, within the primary PBAoE's radius.

The secondary Photon Seekers impact *their* targets within the primary PBAoE (ie. 1 per Foe) ... and detonate as secondary PBAoEs that do damage ... resulting in a much greater multiplier effect that better scales to tightly grouped Foes in large numbers.

Basically, you get a "big" primary (PB)AoE (of, say ... 16 ft) that does no damage, but which in turn spawns a bunch of secondary (PB)AoEs (of, say ... 8 ft each) which each(!) *DO* deal damage and which better scale to the number of targets being engaged. Still might not rival Extracted Essences for single target damage over time ... but depending on the number and positioning of Foes when deployed, could result in a rather undeniable BURST of damage which yields a competitive advantage in a way that Extracted Essence(s) could not match (or even hope to match) under the right circumstances.

And yes, before anyone asks ... I have suggested the "AoEs that spawn AoEs" idea for Photon Seekers before. Still waiting for Arbiter Hawk to make a head fake on that one.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Tomorrow I will be doing mobs relying on extracted essence only for damage. I like to see what it does which may well be what is expected, I have never paid much attention to it, probably cos I can't name it.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I had a look at those builds this morning Smiling, the ones you can copy and paste. I think they're not good representationally or even look like counterparts to eachother. If you are going to have Gravimetic Emanation in the human WS then have Proton Scatter in the human form PB.

I do not know what essential benefits the end mods give in Light form, let alone why if any they would give so essential a benefit that the slots are more favourable there than elsewhere.

This is where I think what I am doing in practise might work out. Run into mobs understand what works out on average and slot appropriately not needlessly. Use what works in reality rather than in theory. Don't over nor underslot. Don't have expectations that can not happen. Ofc some will differ in opinion but as a build planner myself I do think the builds are pretty cack. They do not mirror eachother. Also perhaps use Hami's, they were about no? Use them to smarten things up. I wouldn't work off of them builds.

I am going with two builds I prefer to work off of, two pure Kheld builds only Hasten added for kick and skipping unnecessary stuff like quantum acceleration or shadow slip, missing attacks that due to recharge I can leave out, they are built "equally" in cost, still cheaply which is very important for affordability, with an idea of being all rounders offering what Khelds can in terms of support and all that other jazz. As well as two well IO'd human form builds built with the same mindset comparatively mirror opposites that cost a tonne.

The comparison is biased because the builds are junk really.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
The comparison is biased because the builds are junk really.
I am pretty sure Joe is using the 'gold standard' builds which all the guides are based on so they can't be 'junk'.

But either way basing this kind of math on a particular build does give bias.

I would have used each power optimally SO individually slotted rather than how it would look in a particular build (I would also ignore accuracy so slot attacks 3dam 3 rech for example and use those numbers).

You get a better representation of what each power can do, because there is enough fleibility to build and slot so many different ways.

Still I don't think any build changes are going to have the drastic effect on the numbers that you are hoping for New Dawn.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



The nice thing about Google docs is the "save as" feature. I went with Plasma's Gold Standard builds because they were fairly equal, generally accepted as good standard builds, and because putting together spreadsheets of that complexity sucked up most of my available time.

And I'm sure the attack chains could use some optimizing. Hell I got into all KINDS of trouble with the damage cap when I tried to plug in the inherent (Microcosm discovered I'd forgotten to count enhancements toward the damage cap - nearly made my head explode.)

So I'd encourage anyone and everyone to download those spreadsheets and plug their own builds in. But if you do, bear in mind that the spreadsheets assume hasten is always active. They also assume that you drop to human form when necessary to cast all attacks and buffs the instant they recharge. In other words, they represent a snapshot of what each build can do on a *perfect* day. With the exception of aoe's, which I averaged out to 3 targets hit. Otherwise the Peacebringer build would never use the wakie the Warshade just gave it.

One day, I'll finish that spreadsheet I started that took the inherent, procs, IO's, and Achilles' Heel debuffs into account for an ultimate Kheldian spreadsheet.

But not today. Besides, that's why we have Mids.

EDIT - BTW Princess, good to see you back.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



It just came to me that perhaps its best to assume that both types can take all powers. No enhancing.

The builds are junk Princess especially for the process of comparison. For the sake of 2 end mods in LF the PBs Dawn Strike has its rechg less than what it could be. I am not hoping for anything, I already have done much that I am happy with. Doing the practical for realistic results right now.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
It just came to me that perhaps its best to assume that both types can take all powers. No enhancing.

The builds are junk Princess especially for the process of comparison. For the sake of 2 end mods in LF the PBs Dawn Strike has its rechg less than what it could be. I am not hoping for anything, I already have done much that I am happy with. Doing the practical for realistic results right now.
I haven't looked at the builds but thinking about it they are probably from before inherant stamina, so those endmods probably had a lot of use back then when endurance was hard to come by. And I think they are almost certainly before the Light Form changes.

You are right about assuming all powers can be taken, but I would definitely enhance them, because it allows the builds to get enough recharge to not have to use the really awful powers (T1 blasts). I wouldn't go past SO's though, because that is the stated balance point for AT's.

Thankfully it looks easy enough to save Joe's spreadsheets to Excel and swap the powers and number around if you are so inclined (I personally think Joes numbers are close enough, or at least I don't think there will be any sufficiently different discrepancies if we change the builds).

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I do not know what essential benefits the end mods give in Light form, let alone why if any they would give so essential a benefit that the slots are more favourable there than elsewhere.
I posted the answer to that back in February ... link.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
I posted the answer to that back in February ... link.
That doesn't change my point of view on it though. Unless there was something in invisible ink or..?

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Anyone here pro farmer with their WS able to have me watch them go through a farm mish and count the amount of time Dark Extraction uses its cones and how many it hits to get a estimate on average expectation?

I have done the boring bit of farming myself playing differently to give the pets a average life expectency, spawn expectency, damage expectency (taking figures from combat tab- getting averages from each) also put them in RWZ against dummies to see what they do with different approaches, sometimes the cone dont get used at all.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Anyone here pro farmer with their WS able to have me watch them go through a farm mish and count the amount of time Dark Extraction uses its cones and how many it hits to get a estimate on average expectation?

I have done the boring bit of farming myself playing differently to give the pets a average life expectency, spawn expectency, damage expectency (taking figures from combat tab- getting averages from each) also put them in RWZ against dummies to see what they do with different approaches, sometimes the cone dont get used at all.
Wish I had the time to help, but I don't - however, a demorecord should be sufficient to capture what you need without the need for both of you being in the same mission at the same time...

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



My Warshade is unfortunately shelved and IO'less at the moment so I can't help.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post