Off the wall Photon Seekers idea




Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Maybe because the same issues have existed for almost the entire run of the game (Issues 3-22 now) and have never been adequately addressed ... like ... EVER??

As far as Pulsar goes, I'd love to see it get completely remade into a Human Only Passive power which applies/enables a +1.25 Mag Stun for 7 seconds to all your Human Form attack powers (think Incarnate Interface Slot style modifier). You make it a Passive power so there isn't anything (else!) to retoggle by switching back into Human Form from Nova or Dwarf. Give Inner Light a modifier equal to +Damage% that increases Stun Duration. Need to Stun something? Just keep hitting it once you have Pulsar.
It's certainly an interesting approach to it, but I don't know that it's really even merited. If Pulsar did Mag 3, it'd be good enough (even with the long animation time). To change a power so drastically, it has to be really not working well as is (the whole cottage rule thing). The power isn't bad in concept, it's just too weak for what it is.

I like the thinking, though. Arcanaville is kind of suggesting something similar for Blaster ST attacks to help out their survivability, which I find really interesting. I think the concept works better for a whole AT (and the idea is different forms of mitigation based on the powerset), rather than a mez power that just needs a little oomph.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Johnny Butane has had the same issue with Tankers that he's been going on about for a long long time, they've never been adequately addressed as far as he is concerned. At some point certain things never change and that must indeed mean a no.

I fought some Disorient resisting groups today. If that's all I saw, then I'd think the power is poo. I can imagine someone getting Pulsar and getting that kind of result and respecing it out asap but that's not all I see. Also got my PB a farm mish that my WS can get, this'll be interesting as I wonder what times to complete map will be.
Of course, comparing to JB only flies if the two things are analagous, which they aren't. I would say JB is overly grumpy and negative about the state of tanks, though he's not always wrong. I can understand being annoyed about Brutes getting fury instead of tankers, as it is a fun concept that was originally "planned" there (or whatever passes for planning with Jack Emmert). His argument that Tankers are supposed to hit harder actually relates to the change made with Bruising, which is a great concept and a good help for Tankers against hard targets, which really were their weaker points soloing.

That was a digression, though, , because like I said, the two cases aren't similar. I've got plenty more solid reasons for my arguments than some gut feeling of what Tankers should be. Can you even argue for why Pulsar merits a Mag 2? You keep talking in other directions that never have anything to do with what is said (who said anything about getting rid of Warshades? Stay on point or I'll start saying you're pulling straw men and other logical fallacies on purpose). A guaranteed Mag 3 in Pulsar is no threat to the superior mezzing capabilities of Warshades... they have more than the cone that Pulsar is roughly analagous to. Pulsar at mag 3 for sure would just make them semi on par with what Warshades can do, and make the power more worthwhile.

I'll leave it at that, since you haven't really argue anything in response than "No, I can do this stuff with my Peacebringer!" No one is arguing Peacebringers can't play the game. People are arguing that there are powers in need of help, however. Stop confusing the two.

I'm not trying to be snarky, but this is something you consistently do in any discussion, New Dawn.

Diggaroo, I would say we are supposed to switch between forms however we like and to meet whatever situation we are facing. That's the whole point of a formshifting class. The toggle issue comes from some of CoH's mechanics more than anything... most other games with form-shifters don't have toggles, but take on new inherent abilities by default and don't have to toggle anything (like Dwarf and Nova currently do).

I don't know if toggle suppression is something they think is needed and the issue is the time involved to fix it, or if they don't even think it's merited. I've never heard a dev comment on it, so it would be good to hear.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Diggaroo, I would say we are supposed to switch between forms however we like and to meet whatever situation we are facing. That's the whole point of a formshifting class. The toggle issue comes from some of CoH's mechanics more than anything... most other games with form-shifters don't have toggles, but take on new inherent abilities by default and don't have to toggle anything (like Dwarf and Nova currently do).

I don't know if toggle suppression is something they think is needed and the issue is the time involved to fix it, or if they don't even think it's merited. I've never heard a dev comment on it, so it would be good to hear.
Oh I totally agree with you, I'm certain that the devs designed us to be shapeshifting to meet whatever situation we're facing. I was just trying to point out that maybe they didn't expect players to be shapeshifting as rapidly as we've come to know Triformers for today.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Can you even argue for why Pulsar merits a Mag 2? You keep talking in other directions that never have anything to do with what is said (who said anything about getting rid of Warshades?)
You puzzle me you really do I am sure I wasn't going in a new direction. What I am saying is that if PBs could do as sufficient disorientating as WS then PBs could overpower WS's built right, played right and we might as well delete the inferior WS. The idea is to not overpower one. The ever demanding call for buff after buff will only lead to one Kheld being better than the other one minute and then, the other Kheld being better than the next minute and before you know it the Kheldian AT is overpowered compared to other ATs. I can see differences in my Khelds, I don't think they're unfair at all. I can see differences on excel, but there are Pros and Cons to weigh up and each of us will put our own value them differences.

I am not relying on tohit to heal myself, I am not relying on dead mobs to heal myself. I am not relying on set number of mobs and at the same time tohit to be highly resistant. Warshades are having to, they deserve better control.

So I was never off point, you just read things your way and keep trying to champion things your way. Put up with alternative opinions. Atleast I have broken the AT down on Excel, I must of done alright if I am can see where Arbiter Hawks coming from. The fact that we will have a different opinion on things means we put a different value on things. Especially with Incarnate powers and what will be datamined, other important things to look at I can only assume any correct buffs will come when they do and not before.

Coming back here has reminded me to get the same mission as my PB with my WS. I built both with the same kind of build ideas, which one will be better or quicker we shall see. I am kind of betting on things turning out so close that it's just not worth crying about.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
You puzzle me you really do I am sure I wasn't going in a new direction. What I am saying is that if PBs could do as sufficient disorientating as WS then PBs could overpower WS's built right, played right and we might as well delete the inferior WS. The idea is to not overpower one. The ever demanding call for buff after buff will only lead to one Kheld being better than the other one minute and then, the other Kheld being better than the next minute and before you know it the Kheldian AT is overpowered compared to other ATs. I can see differences in my Khelds, I don't think they're unfair at all. I can see differences on excel, but there are Pros and Cons to weigh up and each of us will put our own value them differences.
If you're puzzled, I'm even more so. Pretty much all your responses to my posts say things that have little to do with what I said. That takes a lot of work. Like I said last time, you may not be trying to straw man, but you're pretty much getting there through your approach.

This part of your post makes it look like people are calling for buff after buff, balance be damned. I don't think I've ever seen a post calling for additional changes here in the Kheldian (or I21 beta) forums that does so. People disagree on what they should be and how far they should go, but most posters have been notably concerned about balance. I'm certainly in that category, because I know I worry about it with any of my ideas.

This part of your post also suggests that I want Peacebringers to mez as well as Warshades, when I have done no such thing. Making Pulsar a guaranteed Mag 3 would not suddenly make Peacebringers do better mez than Warshades. It would, at best, make Pulsar competitive with Gravitic Emanation. I say at best, because Gravitic has a much faster cast time, which would still make it more usable than Pulsar. 1 versus 3 seconds is a lot with how combat can go in CoH.

Even IF that change was made, Warshades would still do better with mez, because they have another mez power (and a good WS player can do well with Inky Aspect).

Heck, even IF Peacebringers got an equivalent to Inky Aspect, I don't see that as making Peacebringers overpowered in comparison. At best, that's an equivalent. Mez capability is not some fragile line that is the only thing keeping poor Warshades from being overwhelmed by their Peacebring brothers.

But I'm not even asking for that! I'm asking for Pulsar to have a Mag 3 guaranteed. Put it on rough parity with GE and any other AOE mez out there.

Asking for KD rather than KB in Solar Flare is much in the same lines: it's not an overpowered request, but a request for parity, much like we finally have with Inner Light and Mire, Eclipse and Light Form.

So I was never off point, you just read things your way and keep trying to champion things your way. Put up with alternative opinions. Atleast I have broken the AT down on Excel, I must of done alright if I am can see where Arbiter Hawks coming from. The fact that we will have a different opinion on things means we put a different value on things. Especially with Incarnate powers and what will be datamined, other important things to look at I can only assume any correct buffs will come when they do and not before.
This particularly takes the cake. I'm reading things my way? I'd say you're a pot calling me a kettle, but I'm not misreading you, the evidence is all over our posts. You are constantly and consistently attributing things to me that I am not saying!

And alternative options? I love alternative options (so thanks for yet again attributing something to me that is not there), if they make sense. You're not providing a response to my arguments or even an alternative option to think about or roll with. If I am arguing that there is evidence for Solar Flare and Pulsar needing changes, the response should be to argue against that evidence. Your response is boiling down to "my Peacebringers do okay," which is not even what we're debating in the first place. I'm not going to go with an option that has nothing to do with what is being discussed. The closest you get is suggesting that Warshades need to have superior mez, but like I pointed out above, I'm not arguing for a completely even field!

I don't even get the excel spreadsheet comment. I've looked at other good tables put out by people like Smiling Joe, and I'm pointing out specific things about the powers that are unequal to other, equivalent powers. If you're reading spreadsheets so well, you should be able to appreciate how much weaker Peacebringers are at mez, and how Solar Flare's KB can restrict their capabilities in Human form. If you're not able to see those things, I would rightly question your ability to read how powers work and apply them in game.

Enough for now, but the previous posts are rife with things like this, which I've kind of even pointed out before (Human is not the Tank form, so it should have great enough strengths that the tank form does not have, etc.).


Ack, I completely forgot to add that Inky Aspect STACKS with GE, meaning you can take a boss out of the fight, something Pulsar will not be able to do with my suggestion (but Pulsar will be more useful with every other mob type, at least). Probably didn't need to remind most, but it was worth adding.

And I apologize for being a little cranky with the above, but I feel like I've had to repeat these ideas for YEARS (we were saying this stuff well before I21), and it's a little frustrating to have to say it all again to a poster that has been around for all those threads, AND to have to deal with constant misrepresentation of what I am even arguing for.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



In the Tanky section is a thread that Aett Thorn heads. People have ideas. It doesn't matter what these ideas are. They get listed. No one can argue with them. Some of them I look at and completely disagree with but the idea is that its a nice consolidated place for a Dev to come look at and read through. I actually do trust the Devs. I basically look at the history of this game and think so much has been done right. So I would not hesitate to think that a Dev wouldn't be sensible with which ideas are good and which ideas are bad. I was a little disappointed with the -Range in Taunt in PvE, I knew what would happen before it was implicated but I am over that. There should be a chance for versus fliers imo and perhaps only Hurricanes -Range should work on AVs but I am digressing.

You do want to champion change. I don't care what ideas people have, throw them up for the Devs to see for them to pick and choose the most reasonable of them. Control that thread like Aett does in a unbiased fashion. You don't deny anyone from having their idea listed.

I think that would be what the Devs would want to see, plain and simple. None of these threads going over old ground.

We will stick to our guns. Lets just call it that.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



I'm sorry, but this has to stop... Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love love love love LOVE my Peacebringer. He is an incandescent time-bomb just ready to get into the action and destroy things... But no matter what anyone tells me, Peacebringers just don't have it the same as a Warshade. The Warshade gets 85% resistance capped to EVERYTHING (no Psi hole), much better damage bonuses, better synergy between forms, and fantastic control-like powers. The Peacebringer has great survivability, fairly decent damage, not-so-great control powers, and a stinking Psi-hole along with a crash that eats up both health and endurance. I don't think it's even a viable concern to worry about Peacebringers becoming overpowered compared to Warshades.

Sure, one could argue that the Warshade needs a suitable fighting environment to obtain all these crazy stats. He or she could argue that without mobs, the Warshade is generally a weak AT. But that's the thing; with the ability to modify missions to meet your requested team size, (-1,0,1,2,3,4)x8 is the normal for a Warshade. MOST of the time, we have our "suitable fighting environment" to obtain our absurd stats that are just completely outlandish.

This also brings me to this; both AT's have strengths and weaknesses. My Peacebringer does magnificent single target damage, making him my choice for fighting anything such as Elite Boss rank and higher. But he lacks that "oomph!" that my Warshade has when it comes to mowing down thousands of mobs in little to no time.

In my honest opinion, it would take a hell of a lot of changes for Peacebringers to make them stronger than Warshades. The fact that Solar Flare won't be changed from KB to KD because of the threat of them becoming "overpowered" is thrown around by the Devs is completely absurd.

My list of Peacebringer needs could go on and on and on, but I'd rather not spend an hour sitting here typing it all out.

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
But he lacks that "oomph!" that my Warshade has when it comes to mowing down thousands of mobs in little to no time.

In my honest opinion, it would take a hell of a lot of changes for Peacebringers to make them stronger than Warshades. The fact that Solar Flare won't be changed from KB to KD because of the threat of them becoming "overpowered" is thrown around by the Devs is completely absurd.

Going from the top there you say that your PB can not AoE the snot out of mobs like a Warshade can right? The reason is you as far as I am concerned. You built yours and you play yours. The responsibility is yours. When it comes to hitting multiple targets on Excel PBs have greater potential in my eyes. What helps is the amount of multiple target clicks involved, what might rein that in further for you is perhaps whether you took certain AoEs or not, whether you get around any KB or not. Then there is mob types. Another two things that can rein a PB in is the lack of potential survivability in a WS favourite environment and endurance.

Use EXCEL, don't be subjective. The difference in DPS with multiple targets considered is a healthy gap in the PBs favour. The PB could do with Stygian to hold that gap really but without it it might be reined in. Tied down so to speak, tired sooner. WS TP about a bit, getting to mobs sooner potentially, allowing for end rec less, these factors have to be involved. All factors do.

Solar Flare maybe changed but at the same time KB attacks for everyone might be able to change. They only have to introduce an IO set which will reduce KB rather than increase it, that set might not buff your base damage value by much causing less DPE to maintain balance, but if it decreases the endurance cost of the power by a proportionate amount too the DPE of the attack will remain the same.

I intend to farm the same missions with my PB and WS. Even ground missions, after DXP obviously and when my WS gets the same mission but I will using builds with attacks you might of skipped farm and see if they finish the same. It's applying a practical to a theory.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Going from the top there you say that your PB can not AoE the snot out of mobs like a Warshade can right? The reason is you as far as I am concerned. You built yours and you play yours. The responsibility is yours. When it comes to hitting multiple targets on Excel PBs have greater potential in my eyes. What helps is the amount of multiple target clicks involved, what might rein that in further for you is perhaps whether you took certain AoEs or not, whether you get around any KB or not. Then there is mob types. Another two things that can rein a PB in is the lack of potential survivability in a WS favourite environment and endurance.

Use EXCEL, don't be subjective. The difference in DPS with multiple targets considered is a healthy gap in the PBs favour. The PB could do with Stygian to hold that gap really but without it it might be reined in. Tied down so to speak, tired sooner. WS TP about a bit, getting to mobs sooner potentially, allowing for end rec less, these factors have to be involved. All factors do.
On paper I might just believe you (I haven't really checked) but the synergy Warshades have with their forms makes it MUCH easier to actually use their maximum AoE damage.

They are set up to jump into a mob, buff resists, buff damage, then drop to Nova and AoE everything with little fear of death. Then at the end of the fight a short Stygian Circle and they are away again with no real break.

PB's on the other hand have reactive heals instead of upfront resistance so they have to stop doing damage when they get hurt. It means they cannot leverage Nova form half as well as a Warshade, and Nova form is the only form that does enough AoE damage to really count.

I saw the other day that Light Form can now become perma, but i think that still means you get a crash, can't use Nova form at the same time and have to work around the KB mechanics in the human attack powers which again makes it very hard to leverage that extra survivability.

Changing Light Form to work like a clicky version of Eclipse might be a good idea (Drop the crash, make the resists 50% to all or something) and allow form changing while in Light Form so PB's can leverage Nova that bit better.

Drop any radial KB (But keep the direct KB) to allow fighting in human form to be a bit more convenient (Warshades have just as much radial KB but their human form is more like a controller, reducing the KB will turn PB's into more of a scranker which I think works well).

All these changes mean a PB is still self sufficient, still ~75% of a peak Warshade (But all the time) and they don't step on a Warshades toes in any aspect, but they bring the performance a bit more into line.

PB's will still lack something to get their health a endurance back to full, but you could work recovery and regen into Light Form maybe, or turn Glowing Touch into something that gives both health and endurance to both the target and the caster (Make it fairly powerful and on a longer recharge though).

Edit: Of the dev's don't like the scranker idea then they probably need to make the PB more 'defendery' which I think could be done by giving Light Form a +resist aura similar to Arctic Fog type powers. This aura would get a slight damage buff when Inner Light is used, a slight heal or +regen when Reform Essence is used, and a slight endrdx when Conserve Power is used.

This way they buff the team in a big way, are encouraged to take all the powers (I can't really think of anything to do with Group Energy Flight sadly) and just like a Warshade would have to work around the KB.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Use EXCEL, don't be subjective.
See, spreadsheets and numbers all LOOK wonderful on the white screen (or colored screen if you're artistic ), but I can tell you from experience that they never work out that way in real-time combat. Ever. And if you tell me they do, you're either lying or misinformed.

Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Going from the top there you say that your PB can not AoE the snot out of mobs like a Warshade can right? The reason is you as far as I am concerned. You built yours and you play yours. The responsibility is yours. When it comes to hitting multiple targets on Excel PBs have greater potential in my eyes.
While I understand that Kheldians are built by each player to suit their individual playstyles, I think you're missing a point here...

Sunless Mire. The sheer amount of damage boost this single power can give is, "in my eyes", beyond powerful. Inner Light doesn't compare.

Also, I'll have you know I've built my Triform PB to be sufficient for AoE. Nova form is six slotted in both Eman and Deton. Inner Light + Nova is fantastic!... But it still doesn't compare to the sheer amount of damage my Warshade can pull off. Corpse explode, Quasar + small blue + Stygian Circle, Dwarf Mire (Which has Armageddon, also adding to the original human form Mire for even MORE damage boost).

Peacebringers just don't have that kind of Synergy between their powers and forms. I'm not saying Peacebringers are bad. But they just simply don't compare to Warshades in AoE damage. Throw in a couple purple fluffies and AoE skyrockets once more for the Warshade.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
On paper I might just believe you (I haven't really checked) but the synergy Warshades have with their forms makes it MUCH easier to actually use their maximum AoE damage.

They are set up to jump into a mob, buff resists, buff damage, then drop to Nova and AoE everything with little fear of death. Then at the end of the fight a short Stygian Circle and they are away again with no real break.

PB's on the other hand have reactive heals instead of upfront resistance so they have to stop doing damage when they get hurt. It means they cannot leverage Nova form half as well as a Warshade, and Nova form is the only form that does enough AoE damage to really count.
My point precisely.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Edit: If the dev's don't like the scranker idea then they probably need to make the PB more 'defendery' which I think could be done by giving Light Form a +resist aura similar to Arctic Fog type powers. This aura would get a slight damage buff when Inner Light is used, a slight heal or +regen when Reform Essence is used, and a slight endrdx when Conserve Power is used.

This way they buff the team in a big way, are encouraged to take all the powers (I can't really think of anything to do with Group Energy Flight sadly) and just like a Warshade would have to work around the KB.
Very interesting perception on the AT. I would actually support a Defender-ish Peacebringer

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



If it were up to New Dawn, Pulsar would be a Judgement power and every interface ability would probably have a chance for KB. Some people are so diluted by their characters of choice that they fail to see their downsides even when they are logically and reasonably explained time and time again. This is a recurring theme with this particular poster so I'd really like to just save you guys the trouble.

The claim that Peacebringers have comparable AOE to Warshades makes the assumption that Warshades don't have any pets up and don't have any Mire food. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but against multiple targets, ie, the only time how much AOE damage you do is important, why in the hell wouldn't a Warshade have pets up and Mire targets? I can think of only one reason: They're teaming with a Peacebringer who keeps griefing their AOE's by knocking things out of the target radius... Which brings me to my next point.

Even if Warshades didn't do better AOE damage than Peacebringers from a plain-old logical perspective, which they do, Peacebringers would still be worse off. The randomness of the KB in the PB's best AOE powers is so bad that after the alpha strike, it is extremely unlikely that they will hit their target cap with any of their other AOE powers. This isn't a matter of "lrn2play," it's a matter of common sense. When you have PBAOE knockback powers on a fast recharge like Solar Flare and Photon Seekers (not technically PBAOE, but close enough) it is not plausible that you will be able to hit your target cap after the alpha strike. Someone has claimed that "I'm not doing it right" when it comes to Solar Flare. Well, there is no way to do it right. Solar Flare itself is doing it wrong.

Even if this scatter issue wasn't the case, Peacebringers would still fall behind Warshades both damage output and survivability wise against large groups of enemies. Peacebringers honestly don't even have that much of a single target advantage against a good human form Warshade build, without Mire targets, and they get blown out of the water with just a few. There are really no numerical benefits whatsoever to playing a Peacebringer over a Warshade. The only thing Peacebringers can do that Warshades can't is heal allies, and with Aid Other or a temp power Warshades could do that too. In every other department, Warshades outperform Peacebringers by a very wide stretch. I'm not saying all of this for the sake of putting them down, I'm saying it because I want them to be worthwhile to play by people other than delusional types or "this r fun i iz peasbringur u gais1!1" people. (I love some of you.)

Every Archetype should have the potential to overperform and reach a certain standard of excellence at max investment and with the right build. Peacebringers, 20 billion influence later and with all the ideal Incarnate powers, will be outperformed by just about anything else with a DPS/AOE role on less than half the budget. They are not able to bring anything unique to the table. My Blaster could take aid other and Oppressive Gloom. He has melee and ranged attacks. He could even take provoke if he wanted to. Peacebringers aren't special. There is nothing they are capable of doing that just about any other AT can't do just as well or better, and there's absolutely no reason for the disparity in their performance.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
On paper I might just believe you (I haven't really checked)
This is what I want people to do rather than be all subjective about it. If someone elses findings are different I would be interested to hear. I would personally love it if someone like Microcosm looked into it as I know much of what people claim to know came from him. I'd rather deal with the Master rather than the Apprentice so to speak. I am pretty confident he can excel too. I am sure you will be able to break things down. I personally have yet to finish with my breakdown. Mine goes as far as taking each attack, taking the damage, multiplying that damage by multiple targets. That gives me a max DPA per attack, then you need to know how many times you can use that within a time period. I chose the pets rechg times for that. There will be a maximum amount of usage per attack that is rounded down one rather than rounded up one. You do as many of the best attacks within that period, and the cast times take away from the time period. Ultimately the DPS over multiple targets is totalled and divided by the time period to give an average DPS.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
but the synergy Warshades have with their forms makes it MUCH easier to actually use their maximum AoE damage.
This is a point I have made and it is easier for different reasons. There is a gulf in the potential DPS that PBs can do on paper and what WSs can do, so that lack of ease with PBs is toning down what PBs can potentially do. Therefore the Solar Flares KB for one is toning things down. There are things a WS can do that accelerates what they can do that PBs can't too. When I will farm the same mission using both types of Khelds there will have to be allowances, a change ingame play to make up for the Pros and Cons of each.

The practical is necessary, can't just do theory. Everyones Practical will differ as we will have builds that differ but with these builds they are basically min/maxxed to give as close a approximate equality as possible.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
PB's on the other hand have reactive heals instead of upfront resistance so they have to stop doing damage when they get hurt. It means they cannot leverage Nova form half as well as a Warshade, and Nova form is the only form that does enough AoE damage to really count.
Both PBs and WSs have reactive powers, using them ideally when the lowest DPA attack in the chain comes up would be nice but nice doesn't always occur. Personal play is always going to give an untrue reading in Practice. Random conditions is going to upset what can be done in Theory. But atleast I am looking at both areas. Nova is better for WS whereas Dwarf is better in PBs. I' haven't gone into whether I'd be shifting at all yet.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I saw the other day that Light Form can now become perma, but i think that still means you get a crash, can't use Nova form at the same time and have to work around the KB mechanics in the human attack powers which again makes it very hard to leverage that extra survivability.
I have looked into Incarnates, Incarnates address much in the way of what changes people would of made to Khelds in the past. They also further a character to what they will ultimately be. I have looked into a PB and whether or not it can be made to run without running out of endurance. Endurance is potentially another issue toning PBs down. A WS will more easily not have issues with that given a perfect model. This is another concideration.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Changing Light Form to work like a clicky version of Eclipse might be a good idea (Drop the crash, make the resists 50% to all or something) and allow form changing while in Light Form so PB's can leverage Nova that bit better.
I had an idea for this but in another section as it would apply to all powers across all ATs the same way. Basically the Tier 9 is a toggle, the longer you have it on the harsher the crash. If it recharges the maximum amount of time then you will have the harshest crash. Its kind of the same mechanic people would like to see for Time Bomb.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Drop any radial KB (But keep the direct KB) to allow fighting in human form to be a bit more convenient (Warshades have just as much radial KB but their human form is more like a controller, reducing the KB will turn PB's into more of a scranker which I think works well).
I don't think WS have the amount of KB/s PBs do. Solar Flare can have its rechg lowered to improve its potential DPS and currently that would increase how much KB/s it will do which is the issue. I understand the issue and I can see how contributional the Solar Flare can be to Human Forms DPS without it. I think a solution that can work for others of other ATs might be the one to opt for. By offering a IO set that reduces KB you are offering a IO set that is increasing potential DPS which "might" aid towards the overpowerment of a powerset in PvE. So then you lower the Damage buff side of the set as a counterbalance but to keep the DPE of the power ball park correct the IO set could have extra end reduction to it.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
All these changes mean a PB is still self sufficient, still ~75% of a peak Warshade (But all the time) and they don't step on a Warshades toes in any aspect, but they bring the performance a bit more into line.
I don't get the 75% circa of a WS. Is that a figure you've come up with from thin air? Some people pluck things that are out of thin air to me. This is why I look into things, every reply does help in that I could be reminded to look into something in addition to what I was looking into but I wouldn't pluck a figure out of thin air. I would go get my own figures from somewhere, get my own ideas, if someone knows something I'd rather question it and understand how or why they know something. I don't honestly believe that a PB will quite step on a WS toes, unless the WS was badly played but the full potential inclusive of a PB might have to come down abit if it was as easy to farm with.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
PB's will still lack something to get their health a endurance back to full, but you could work recovery and regen into Light Form maybe, or turn Glowing Touch into something that gives both health and endurance to both the target and the caster (Make it fairly powerful and on a longer recharge though).
This is one of the things that I have looked into, the PBs endurance recovery will tone it down. Its okay to have possible potential DPS if you have an endless supply of endurance. KB removed from PBs, where a PB has to stop to rest a WS may well be carrying so over a 10 minute timescale they could well match eachother in amount done. Or it may take the endurance limits of a PB and that KB. This is something I am going to be using the practise of farming for.

Going back to what I said before I don't just accept what people say. I will challenge it. I will put things down on excel, I will then disagree with people over it then I will put things into practise and see if practise meets theory and what I believe the truth maybe then.

If the truth wins I win. Even if I completely have to do a U turn on everything I have said so far. I still win. I have learned something. I haven't simply accepted what someone has said and been spoon fed. The replies lead to action, considerations. I won't have a clue what THB will say but for all those to have a mature non forum guideline rule breaking reply I will.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Edit: Of the dev's don't like the scranker idea then they probably need to make the PB more 'defendery' which I think could be done by giving Light Form a +resist aura similar to Arctic Fog type powers. This aura would get a slight damage buff when Inner Light is used, a slight heal or +regen when Reform Essence is used, and a slight endrdx when Conserve Power is used.
The PBs are defendery enough imo. Any single AT should be able to 8 man up on their own AT and be able to do anything pre-incarnate on SOs imo. Khelds can. The PB is the main defender of it. Even Grp Fly can aid in a defensive manuever. Most people won't have it, that's their choice but for me the Kheld AT has everything it needs to be a Independent Unit. Some people may not realize it but the powerset doesn't have powers thrown at it for no reason.

Edit: I might of through bad grammar say something that may not come across as intended but I am in a rush. So not proofreading.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
This is what I want people to do rather than be all subjective about it. If someone elses findings are different I would be interested to hear. I would personally love it if someone like Microcosm looked into it as I know much of what people claim to know came from him. I'd rather deal with the Master rather than the Apprentice so to speak. I am pretty confident he can excel too. I am sure you will be able to break things down. I personally have yet to finish with my breakdown. Mine goes as far as taking each attack, taking the damage, multiplying that damage by multiple targets. That gives me a max DPA per attack, then you need to know how many times you can use that within a time period. I chose the pets rechg times for that. There will be a maximum amount of usage per attack that is rounded down one rather than rounded up one. You do as many of the best attacks within that period, and the cast times take away from the time period. Ultimately the DPS over multiple targets is totalled and divided by the time period to give an average DPS.
Assuming Monday is fairly quiet at work I will run the maths for you for a 1 minute fight with unlimited mobs, and a 1 minute fight with 1 mob for both classes using each form.

I won't take into account any SO's or IO's and I am fairly sure the WS will win. I am also fairly sure SO's and IO's would just widen the gap.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Trick question.

An Extracted Essence (unbuffed by enhancements or effects) is able to output how much Damage Over Time, on average, just by cycling its attacks? Pick a time window ... doesn't really matter ... 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute ... whatever. Use an alternate build to test it against the Rikti Dummies in RWZ and record the results to get an "accurate" in-game set of numbers to work with.

Then find out how much Damage per casting do Photon Seekers (unbuffed by enhancements or effects) do when they explode.

Compare the steady DoT yield of Extracted Essence to the "bursty" Damage by Attack (ie. ONE, or three if you want to think of it that way) that Photon Seekers do. From that raw data, it should be relatively easy to determine an average DPS for Extracted Essence ... which can then be used to determine how fast the Recharge would have to be on Photon Seekers in order to yield an equivalent/equal damage throughput via their "1" burst attack. It would even be possible to take that sort of raw data and mine it for results concerning the difference between single target and multi-target saturation of attacks, so as to get a sliding scale of equivalence between the two Pets.

I'm willing to bet that the BASE Recharge on Photon Seekers would have to be somewhere down around 60 seconds (or less!) in order for them to even begin to hope to yield an equivalent damage output *per casting of the power* so as to at least pretend to normalize the damage throughput of the respective PB-v-WS Pets on a per use of power basis that also "roughly" matches/aligns with their damage throughput over time. If that means that the Duration on the Photon Seekers has to drop along with the Recharge, I for one am perfectly fine with that!

I believe Smiling Joe did a lot of the work necessary to determine the answer to this question already. Joe? Do you still have your old data lying around?

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I remember back in the day with 3 fluffies out my alpha strike could 1 shot a row of romans on the Cimerora wall (If they all did their AoE at once, which wasn't often), not much else can do that even under optimised conditions.

Edit: When I do my maths on Monday I will exclude the fluffies, and I bet Warshades still win overall.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I am against changing the PB from what it is into something else individually preferred by this or that Kheldian driver.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I am against changing the PB from what it is into something else individually preferred by this or that Kheldian driver.
What 'is' it though? It doesn't seem to be anything in particular at the moment.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
There is nothing they are capable of doing that just about any other AT can't do just as well or better, and there's absolutely no reason for the disparity in their performance.
I agree with nearly EVERYTHING in your entire post besides this, THB. If you take Warshades out of the picture, Peacebringers are the only other shapeshifting AT in the entire game... That must count for something, right?

Templar of Truth Level 50+++ Triform Peacebringer - Server Freedom
Templar of Judgement Level 50+++ Triform Warshade - Server Freedom
Gaze into the Abyss... OR ...Walk in the Light
And you thought eight Kheldians were awesome...



Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
I agree with nearly EVERYTHING in your entire post besides this, THB. If you take Warshades out of the picture, Peacebringers are the only other shapeshifting AT in the entire game... That must count for something, right?
Lol the SuperScience pack and creative macroing even covers that! Kinda.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Smiling Joe's old thread with his spreadsheets are here. I thought he updated them with the Peacebringer changes... I'm assuming the links at the start of the thread are still the old one before the Inner Light changes, since he lists "Build Up" in the powers list for Peacebringers. I distinctly remember him saying he updated it, but that must have gone somewhere else, perhaps a beta thread. If he can point it out (or someone else can find it with better search fu), that would be good.

I just skimmed a few old posts, but posts made since the changes, and it's clear from them that Warshades are still a ways ahead (I think Inner Light only marginally drew the DPS numbers together). The deciding factor in the DPS numbers are Extracted Essence... without those, the numbers are close. To be honest, I feel dubious that anything will happen with Photon Seekers to help narrow that gap, if we can't even make headway on the Solar Flare KB and Pulsar mag 3 issue, which aren't going to change DPS as much as Extracted Essence really does.

Maybe Hawk will prove me wrong and he's got something up my sleeve, but I'm feeling a little down about the possibility, to be honest. In the history of this game's design, a thing gets looked at and some changes go through, and that's it for at least a significant amount of issues. It sounds like Blasters are in the dev's eyes currently (and you can bet Arcanaville is going to help there... couldn't convince her to help immediately with PBs back around I21), and I don't know how many other power balancing things they are going to look at around whatever new sets they have in the works, along with new incarnate powers.

Last but not least, New Dawn, you have to stop just appealing to Excel. Excel is a program, not actual numbers. If you find something to quibble with in Smiling Joe's old (or newer, when we find them) sheets, you can go ahead. But you actually have to discuss data, not a program for looking at data.

I'll also point out that the disparities that Solar Flare and Pulsar face are easily viewable on CoD or Excel or any other tool you want to use, when you compare them to other equivalent powers. You can debate those comparisons if you want, but stop with the appealing to some program for looking at numbers.

I may put in a consolidated thread for Peacebringers soonish, but we've had plenty of topics on the subject that were fairly consolidated, and I know Arbiter Hawk has read a lot of our posts. I'm not sure we're all that disorganized on the subject. Still, I think the last comments of his via Redlynne make me wonder what he is reading... if I recall correctly what was said, anyway.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
What 'is' it though? It doesn't seem to be anything in particular at the moment.
I thought my sig explained that to some degree. It is what each person makes of it depending on build and playstyle, which means it's versatile.

I don't want to give the wrong impression, but I remember in I9 they said they were not going to make the Solar Flare change from KB but would look into it working while hovering since many PB's hover fight and they did that. I at that time was for KD, but after playing it for years I know how to work it and the recent change in casting works well for my style.

Pulsar's change worked well for me as well and while nice there is no pressing need to up the mag on the stun, but I would not fight it.

Photon Seekers recent change was very very good to me and my style of play. Increased damage or rain of arrow type casting changes would be welcomed but are not critical.

I just don't see anything calling out at me like before the recent changes, but ALWAYS look forward to the "devs" perspective concerning these things. For every Lord Xenite with a really really good suggestion there are ten other horrifically bad suggestions that essentially change the Kheldian to this or that person's favorite AT. Bugger on that ish.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Assuming Monday is fairly quiet at work I will run the maths for you for a 1 minute fight with unlimited mobs, and a 1 minute fight with 1 mob for both classes using each form.

I won't take into account any SO's or IO's and I am fairly sure the WS will win. I am also fairly sure SO's and IO's would just widen the gap.
My new scrapper hit 47 yesterday and I realised my build needed changing so I am having to concentrate my free time on that for now.

If nobody beats me to it though I will do this when I get the chance.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
I thought my sig explained that to some degree. It is what each person makes of it depending on build and playstyle, which means it's versatile.
This is what I am trying to achieve, but I am basing any PB changes I think of on the Warshade because I think the Warshade pulls of versatility in an awesome way, but the PB doesn't.

I also want it to have different options to the Warshade.

At the moment Warshade has:
Human - Damage and control
Nova - AoE damage
Dwarf - Tanking and decent damage

But PB has:
Human - Damage
Nova - AoE damage
Dwarf - Tanking

The differences are fairly stark in my eyes because the powers given to PB's to allow their versatility are pretty awful and don't stack together well enough. I am not trying to change what a PB does, just suggest how to make it do what it does better.

At least that is the intention, and the reason I am adding not removing, while also obeying the cottage rule.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The differences are fairly stark in my eyes because the powers given to PB's to allow their versatility are pretty awful and don't stack together well enough. I am not trying to change what a PB does, just suggest how to make it do what it does better.

At least that is the intention, and the reason I am adding not removing, while also obeying the cottage rule.
I don't think you realize how some of the statements you have made taint this current iteration of your position.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
PB's on the other hand have reactive heals instead of upfront resistance so they have to stop doing damage when they get hurt.It means they cannot leverage Nova form half as well as a Warshade, and Nova form is the only form that does enough AoE damage to really count.
False. Sounds like more bias or a basic lack of understanding of how things actually work.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I saw the other day that Light Form can now become perma, but i think that still means you get a crash, can't use Nova form at the same time and have to work around the KB mechanics in the human attack powers which again makes it very hard to leverage that extra survivability.
False. Perma Ligtform Nova works just fine as does KB if used properly. The failure to recognize these facts sounds like more bias or a basic lack of understanding of how things actually work.

I was responding to your stated desire to change the PB from a scranker type to a defender type.

In the end I don't want you or anyone else to take my opposition to your ideas personally, I just think as presented they lack merit. Rest assured if something is presented here that does have merit the devs will see it and if good enough will implement it where they feel it is needed.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Darth, Princess is a returning player. She might not know about the Light Form changes, cut her some slack.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Darth, Princess is a returning player. She might not know about the Light Form changes, cut her some slack.
I thought that was what I did to sum things up. I mean you guys have got to know it is not personal but it was clear she was making some seriously incorrect statements/false assumptions and basing changes on those incorrect statements/false assumptions.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.