Off the wall Photon Seekers idea




Originally Posted by Diggaroo View Post
After gaining some inspiration from your PB's build, I decided that I wanted to create one hell of a PB. The reason I shelved my shade' was because I unslotted some pretty important enhancements from him and then placed them into my PB. I'm not going to lie; this is the most fun I've had playing my PB in a very, very long time. He is a force to be reckoned with. I've managed to take on wave after wave of +3x8 Malta in a tip mission without dying once (even if I did, I have a self-rez to accomodate for the minor downtime), I've held Anti-Matter's attention throughout Keyes Island, dragging him through reactors to different consoles so they could be deactivated with relative ease, and I've saved some people using Glowing Touch and my Dwarf antogonize. I'm -really- happy with how this toon has turned out after rebuilding him, and I've actually had a couple people I've teamed with comment on my build in a positive way, saying they've never seen a PB do the things I did while on their team (which just goes to say that most of the general public has not seen a lot of these forum goers in-action lol.)
Ever since issue 21 the question for me hasn't been whether Peacebringers could do difficult things, but how well. Warshades set the bar so high and Peacebringers just don't have the tools to compete offensively, and depending on how you look at it, defensively through controls.
Also, another thing I'd like to point out about the PB that I truly do enjoy (when looking from a WS's standpoint) is the fact I don't rely on a constant supply of food to maintain efficiency. In fact, I'm the opposite of the Warshade. I benefit when I wither away my foes, rather than losing a well-needed feed to continue fighting. It's feels good, having my Light Form and Inner Light up and ready whenever I need them.
If you played a human form Warshade you would never need to rely on food for efficiency, it would just be a nice luxury to speed things up. My Warshade has 32.5% defense to all positions. If there aren't enough enemies to saturate Eclipse, I don't need Eclipse. Killing isn't slow without a Mire either. If there aren't enough enemies left to saturate one, your fluffies would kill them all by the time you finished casting the power anyways. The only reason why down-time buff wise could possibly be equated to deficiency on a Warshade is how unfairly good a Warshade becomes *with* its self buffs fully saturated.

While a Peacebringer is plenty stable defensively, it never excels offensively. That's not to say that a Peacebringer is bad offensively, but it's just designed to be mediocre. There isn't a whole lot of difference between a Peacebringer all the time and a Warshade when it doesn't have fuel. The reason for this is that if there isn't enough fuel, there's no need for the Warshade's self buffs in the first place. The only exception to this rule would be AV fights, but Warshades will even outdamage Peacebringers in that situation with 2-3 pets up.