V Day tips

Agent White



Ok, this is just stupid. Started doing some of the V day tips. As a villain toon, that has NEVER been anything other than a villain.

And I get a tip from Crimson, with the option to send it to Indigo, or Jenny Adair. Whichever option I pick, it sends me to PARAGON. You know, the side I cant get to? What a load of crap. Considering other tips send you to a warehouse, with the Contact in it, why can't there at least be ONE option you can get to, regardless of alignment?

Also..solo credit only? In an event that is meant to promote relationships and teaming? Yeah, makes sense.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Ok, this is just stupid. Started doing some of the V day tips. As a villain toon, that has NEVER been anything other than a villain.

And I get a tip from Crimson, with the option to send it to Indigo, or Jenny Adair. Whichever option I pick, it sends me to PARAGON. You know, the side I cant get to? What a load of crap. Considering other tips send you to a warehouse, with the Contact in it, why can't there at least be ONE option you can get to, regardless of alignment?

Also..solo credit only? In an event that is meant to promote relationships and teaming? Yeah, makes sense.
I ran these this morning on my hero and had the same issue. I got a few tips that wanted me to deliver to NPCs redside. I was happy to note that some NPCs did have an instanced map (Sands, and Mom) so you could deliver the letter.

A person I was talking too this morning also noted that we both had gotten a couple of letters to deliver to Praetoria, and wondered how this would play out for non-vips.

But to be honest, it wasn't that bad to just dismiss that tip and try to get another to drop.



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
A person I was talking too this morning also noted that we both had gotten a couple of letters to deliver to Praetoria, and wondered how this would play out for non-vips.
Anyone can go to Praetoria. Even freemies. Access is through Pocket D.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



It is not..'bad' as such. Just annoying. Those badges already require at least 14 different tips, and then this happens? Basically killed my desire to bother with the event on other alts.

And another thing..almost 50% of the tips I was getting on a Villain toon, HAD to be dismissed, because they were pointing hero side. Also had the exact same tip drop 3 times in a row..and had to ditch it each time. What fun.



Wow, sounds like they're giving more reasons to be vigilante or rogue alignment.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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Doing more tips, as a Rogue this time. Woot, I can do the hero side ones now!

Oh wait..I got a tip from Percy, to the Can of Trash (which is NOT Trashcan, in the crucible, stupid). Guess where it wants me to go? Fort Trident...a HERO only area. SO even as a rogue, you get bent. Awesome work.



Of course it is easier to let it stand! Than to, you know..FIX it. Sorta like how the base pvp bug was left to stand..not that I am saying they are of comparable levels of Stupid.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Of course it is easier to let it stand! Than to, you know..FIX it.
No need to fix what isn't broken. This is how they decided it should work. Just because YOU don't like it does not mean that it's 'broken'.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Ok, fine, it isnt broken, its just stupid. Change stupid into something LESS stupid.



DJ Zero doesn't even offer me the mission to collect valentine's even though I have the Snaptooth mission unlocked.

I thought finally something new for the spring fling event would be neat, but if it's just fed-ex missions (like resurrecting the Red Widow mostly is) then that's pretty lame. I tried grinding the trash in the snap mission for some tips and I just get the usual lot of tips, so whatever.



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
DJ Zero doesn't even offer me the mission to collect valentine's even though I have the Snaptooth mission unlocked.
He doesn't give you the mission and it has nothing to do with the Snaptooth mission. You need to do the first arc (two missions) from Ganymede or Scratch (depending on your alignment). After that, the contact will suggest you talk to DJ Zero. He'll give you some silly dialog, you agree to help out, and you're 'attuned' (i.e. able to receive Valentine tips).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Wow, sounds like they're giving more reasons to be vigilante or rogue alignment.
My top two badging characters settled into being Vigilantes like a year ago for situations just like this.
I consider this one more minor concession for not being able to get Alignment merits.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Yes, this was pointed out in Beta. A redname said they were going to let this stand since the Tips are easily dismissed and reacquired.

(Just the messenger.)
Yep, WAI.... and really just not well thought out.

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I like this. It does give a reason to be a villager or rouge. It points out that the rest of the game is there. For many people it may tell them of contacts and characters they have never heard of.

As long as you can easily drop the tip and get another, there is no harm in it.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I wish it was at least tilted towards your alignment; I played for a few hours last night on a villain and got only one non-heroic V-tip.
Being abe to misdriect all of them means that even if you get Hero ones, you can still cause trouble if you're a villain.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I like this. It does give a reason to be a villager or rouge.
Or a villager in rouge. From... Marykayville I suppose.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
No need to fix what isn't broken. This is how they decided it should work. Just because YOU don't like it does not mean that it's 'broken'.
Well the obvious solution would have been to have them all take place in 'board transit' instances.

I mean, ultimately, stuff like how abandoning missions and dismissing contacts work isn't well documented in game - you can play the entire game and never need to ever use it or even know that you can do that, until this event which can load you up with things you can't clear. We all know how to get past that because we use the forums - and I know that's generally the place I look for info if I derp on something in game. But requiring metagame knowledge to proceed is bad design.

It's cute to actually take stuff to people in their in-game locations, but it's a bad idea if they can't restrict you to only getting v-tip combinations you can deliver. There's no sense getting too worked up about it now of course, but I would be shocked if this wasn't altered for next year.




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Being abe to misdriect all of them means that even if you get Hero ones, you can still cause trouble if you're a villain.
How, when both possible targets are heroside?

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
... villager or rouge ...

No, seriously.

How the heck, man?!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I don't mind the tips themselves and the awkward places they send me, it's just annoying that you have to do FOURTEEN of them to get both badges.



14 missions that only cost travel time. I just racked up 3 tips I could do and then just hit teleport/tram. heck one time I got 2 to Positron, made it even easier. Then just back to wiping out crowds til another 3 drop.



Just to beat the horse a little more..seems very unbalanced in the amount of tips that are side specific. Doing it on villain toons, about half the tips I got had to be ditched, while I only saw one or 2 tips I could not get to, as a hero.