Do your characters age?





When I came back after a 3 year hiatus I peered at one of my teen characters bio's and thought 'he's been gone ages, I think I will add 3 years to this bio and rewrite it a bit'. Since it made it a little more interesting to do so. For the most part though I guess I go for the typical comic book trope of only when the plot demands. I guess the 'away for a while' kinda falls into that too. Comic book characters do get a bit of a redesign when they take a break from the comics, and are often a bit older when they come back.



My characters do age, but they aren't perfectly aligned with real-time either. I think they've progressed about 3 years over the course of the game.



Well one of mine ages very slow due to her mother's side of the family. Currently she is in her 50s yet has the looks of someone in her early 20s.

Other than that, I consider leveling to be a form of aging since I don't actively try to get to 50 ASAP, plus all the alts I have created. I also consider active playing time. I had shelved my teen Peacekeeper for years and in my mind's eye she's the exact same age since I last played her.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Deamus the Fallen "Evolved" as I leveled - at level 1 he was a mostly human punk who had some demonic powers - at 20 he was skilled in the usage of underworld powers, 30 he was able to control his demonic powers, by the time he was 50 he was a demonic prince with no remnants of humanity left.

Other that one character, I didn't really focus much on aging my characters.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



I hadn't thought about it before, but they probably will.



Originally Posted by Wonderslug View Post
I tend to assume Comic Book Time is in generally not unless it's convenient.
Sort of this.

The only character I have that has aged is my necromancer MM, whose costume progression showed her descent into madness and then becoming undead herself. So she aged approximately 5-10 years during her run from level 1 to 40, though she hasn't aged since 40.

I have a character who will have another progression through her costume slots once we get Beast Mastery for MM (I have no idea why both of my aging characters are MMs, other than MMs have VERY distinct milestones in their power progression) that will progress from a teenager with a kitty on her shoulder to a 20s/30s lady with an animal pack who has "gone native".

So really, no unless there's a plot I made up for it.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



It depends upon the character. Most of the time I don't have a solid enough story behind them so they exist in a perpetual 'early to mid 20's' state.

The few that actually have aged usually have done so in real world time . For example:

Valentina Rose started off her hero career at age 17. Now, 5 years later (and I have had this character for 5 years) she's about to hit lv 50 and retire and start looking for a real job.

Doc Vendetta didn't even become a villain until her mid 30's. Now, 7 years later, she's in her 40's and has made her personal fortune and has decided to leave the whole villain game up to the younger fools of the Rogue Islands.

I guess it all comes down to whether or not their story needs them to age.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



My characters not only sometimes age, sometimes they age backwards. They've also been known to change race depending on what looks good with their costume colors though, so I'm not a good benchmark.



I only have one character who has aged, because how they look defines so much of the character for me.

The character who aged is an 11 year old, who loves quirky costumes, particularly if it involves a hat. She is the only character who has so much personality that SHE picks out her costumes, not me (Once I put her in a pretty party dress. Oh, there was hell to pay for that!).

So, anyway, trying on new clothes one day, she lit upon the Defense set, and fell in love with it, and now feels that she is a PROPER super hero. Thing is, it's so tight, that even with the bust and leg sliders at minimum and waist slider at max, her figure shows too much development to look 11. Since she's not giving up the costume, then it stands to reason that she's about 14. But only in that costume. With the other costumes, she's still 11.

But since I just rescued Statesman a couple days ago, several weeks after I saw him die, I feel that her aging up and down is pretty much just another typical day in Paragon!



I've always viewed the levels as decades.

By the time my hero hits 50 they have been around for quite some time, with the 40-50 journey being the zenith/twilight of their career. The costumes generally reflect this 'maturing'

Though quite a few of my characters don't play that way. Instead having time playout ingame, so that a week ingame is actually a week in their life. As such, those toons are ageing slowly compared to the levels.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



My main, the Aspirant, started out as a 14 year old former sidekick, and just recently turned 17. I never made any specific mention of when he turned each age, I just made reference to him aging when it fit his storyline and character development.

Another memebr of my SG has a character who has been '...totally almost 18' since she started the character.

What's amusing about that is I knew people when I was younger who would play the 'round up game' from 16-21....



My main is chronologically in his mid 30s. Physically though, he ages much slower than normal due to the nanomachines present in his bloodstream. The nanomachines are responsible for his rapid healing, and they function by perpetually repairing any tissue to the exact state it was in when they were first introduced to his body.

My BS/DA scrapper on the other hand, ages at the exact pace I age. Since, well, he's "me". Currently in his early 30s, just like me, and will remain on pace.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Admittedly, I've got a thing like Sam going for my main hero and villain. They are different dimension versions of a Muvian human-based battle construct. They are both pushing 14000, but are physically maybe late-20s to early-30s. As such, an extra year here and there doesn't much bother them. And those who tap into their power (so far, only really my main hero's wife) come out of the process changed - Their hair takes on whatever color it was at the time (her's was dyed pinkish-red) permanently, and they gain some measure of his magic (including a bit of regeneration, generally enough to keep up with time, if not outpace it a bit).

As it is, I actually have a family tree for those two, branching out to almost 100 years ahead of where we are chronologically in the game. Those two are still around, observing what their great-great grandchildren are doing

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
New Judgement suggestions
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I've always had a difficult time wrapping my head around the non-aging of comics and cartoons like the Simpsons when I bother thinking about it. To cope, I just assume all my characters are in their early 20s when I start them. That way, I can handwave that they are aging, because they're at a time of life when their precise age isn't all that important. I have yet to do any children or middle-aged/old heroes (not because I have a problem with heroes of those ages, but because I have a harder time getting 'into their skin').

So any of my characters could be between 20-35 and it doesn't matter all that much. They're typically younger adults with superpowers. All set. =)

- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]



What an interesting question.

For the most part, I'd never given this much (if any) thought.

As I think about it now, I like Seldom's answer:

I confess my character adhere to the improbable aging of comics- they age based on story, not time, and along different timelines than anything else. Some have an excuse, some do not.
It's really story based for each character. Without a story reason to age, they
basically don't age (in my mind).

I have a few that are very long lived to begin with (a Tolkienesque Tree Ent,
a Dragon, and an incarnation of an ancient Hopi Indian legend). The current
timeline is a mere blip for them.

I have a broad age range of other toons from a school kid, to an aging grandmother,
and while their current age is pertinent, they don't really continue to get older
in real time.

My original main is probably the only one who has aged within the context of the

Having been in the Cities since I-1, he's seen a lot, and over the years has
evolved his focus from solo PvE hero to a brief PvP career, to retirement with
an adopted (from the Shadow Shard) teenage daughter (a Grav/FF troller), and
back again to PvE hero as he gradually responds to a calling from the Well of Furies.

Apart from him though, most of my other toons remain at their current ages.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.




In fact, my regular main has retired from general super hero work to maintain his mass-production prosthetic and robotics company. He isn't "old" (he'd now be in his late thirties), but.... yes.



Originally Posted by JohnP_NA View Post
Sure, they grow up from 1 to 50.
I know you're joking, but that's actually how the game is set up. Level 1 occurs chronologically before Level 50, so if you're playing with someone of a different level, one of you is technically from the future.

Recent additions to the game's early levels have muddied that a bit, but it's still the case overall. (Although it does give me another reason to dislike the tutorial: it takes place after the events you experience in Kings Row or The Hollows, yet you do it first.)

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My slight astimagtism kicked in and, despite having already read this topic, I forgot I did and thought the title said "do your characters aoe?". My characters don't age, but I certainly do.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
I confess my character adhere to the improbable aging of comics- they age based on story, not time, and along different timelines than anything else. Some have an excuse, some do not.
Succinctly (and brilliantly) put.

One character is effectively immortal, discovering as a young adult that she could absorb the psychic energy of desires, dreams and ambition from enemies to further her own power and life. As such, she did grow up but never began to degenerate. That puts her at a forever 25ish, though living on psychic energy has turned her into a being of mental manifestation with time.

Others have no is a mastermind boy who has been a boy for 6+ years running. To me it's a story thing, and aging is only used as a plot point rather than an inescapable force affecting all life. Heck, there is nothing doing it to the rest of the town, so there's little reason for my characters to be subject to time in such a divergent way.
I go character-by-character, as well. Admittedly, I was a bit more rigorous in the game's earlier days than I am now, but that's mostly because the game isn't as linear as it used to be. I sorta-kinda roleplayed it a little, like when Ironik got the new boots to explain his Super Jumping, I made it a half-***** aging moment as he got all new armor. I do that for a character here and there.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Not really. Too many characters to track.

If we want to get down to it,

Hyperstrike's body is more or less self-repairing. Not like W******** levels of regeneration, but he (eventually) heals up from pretty much anything. His form is more or less in a state of biological stasis. He's more or less, physically in his early 30's, but is homing in on the 4.0 (yeah he's an expy).

Inion, my warshade, her physical body's more or less mortal, but the nictus inside has been around since Cimerora (she's "Master Dark's" sickly nictus offspring and one of the first tries at a human/nictus bonding, prior to Romulus).

Eclipse Phase, my PB (yeah yeah, don't get me started), was fighting in WW2. He was forcibly retired from the Marines, but has little more than cosmetic aging going on. So he's short (was always short) and old/grizzled looking (was always a bit grizzled). But he's as physically fit as any Olympic athlete.

Cosmic Rae isn't "technically" alive. She's something of a Dr. Manhattan expy, and is essentially a living radiation storm with a human personality overlay.

Blastion is not human. He's a magi-tech construct from Crey that was built from genetic material from multiple fire-based supers. They then tried sealing a fire elemental in as a substitute for a soul. Let's just say it didn't go over too well. He's affable enough, but is kinda like a little kid (who can generate spot temperatures in excess of one million degrees kelvin).

Tectonica was a guinea pig for the experiment that ultimately created Terra. It's only been a few years, so whether or not she's actually aging is up for grabs.

Stabbitha is probably aging (she started out as a young teen magical girl who'd accidentally been put on a bus to an assassin's academy instead). She's in her late teens (maybe 17-19 now).

Pretty much every other toon I run is some combination of "No" and "Haven't really thought it through".

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I either put them as some supernatural being that only looks a certain age, or I just use the magic powers of Ouroboros! Though for a more natural character I did have him go into the mountains once when I was focusing on another alt. When I got back on him, said he aged a bit and had a huge beard. Like Santa!