Please port over invulnerability to stalkers.
*raises hand*
I'm one of those people <.<
I think it's safe to assume we'll get it eventually. I'm just hoping it's sooner rather than later.
No doubt it's in line to be ported over, just needs time..but only needs minor editing so it can be used as a stalker power instead of a brute/scrapper/tanks power

Likely instead of losing tough hide for hide, they'd lose invincibility. It being an aura that scales with nearby enemies and all. Probably tough hide would become a toggle with higher numbers to compensate.
(Obligatory 'but it's too glowy, that's not stealthy at all' comment here.)
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
I really like this idea mmm more options for the players!
"What counts is not what sounds plausible, not what we would like to believe, not what one or two witnesses claim, but only what is supported by hard evidence rigorously and skeptically examined. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan
I would like this as well, especially if we got it when they ported Titan Weapons to Stalkers.
Keep Invincibility, just have it give more Def for the first target, and have a lower scaling value than other ATs with it (and remove the Taunt component, of course). Replace Unstoppable with Hide.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Hopefully it will be done the same time that Scrappers and Brutes get Ninjitsu.
Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?
Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?
Which invuln power gives the AoE taunt?
Keep Invincibility, just have it give more Def for the first target, and have a lower scaling value than other ATs with it (and remove the Taunt component, of course). Replace Unstoppable with Hide.
![]() |
So logically we can expect a hypothetical Invulnerability set for stalkers to lose invincibility since it has to lose something for hide anyway, and have one or more powers in the rest of the set buffed a little to compensate for the lost defense.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
I'm just thinking, neither of the other two powersets that stalkers get that have the buff per foes nearby powers retain those powers for stalkers. Willpower lacks Rise to the Challenge entirely, and Energy Aura has a modified version of Entropic Aura that gives a static bonus instead of a variable one.
So logically we can expect a hypothetical Invulnerability set for stalkers to lose invincibility since it has to lose something for hide anyway, and have one or more powers in the rest of the set buffed a little to compensate for the lost defense. |
I think you're right in how things will play out, but Invincibility is one of the key powers for Invuln, and I personally think it should stay, even if it needs to be modified. I don't know why the Devs gave Stalkers the Entropic Aura static boost versus the scaling boost. The only idea I have on that is that the Devs believe that Stalkers should be on the edge of combat, not the middle. To which I say phooey! Stalkers can be in the middle of combat as much as they want to be!
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
I want fiery aura (and melee) for stalkers far more, even with being a resistance set in mind.
And the whole "a bright ball of fire means FA can't work for stalkers" is a silly argument to make imo. Especially with customization, you can tint the flames black or any other darker shade, or just go with bright colors and make that your concept.
I'm just thinking, neither of the other two powersets that stalkers get that have the buff per foes nearby powers retain those powers for stalkers. Willpower lacks Rise to the Challenge entirely, and Energy Aura has a modified version of Entropic Aura that gives a static bonus instead of a variable one.
So logically we can expect a hypothetical Invulnerability set for stalkers to lose invincibility since it has to lose something for hide anyway, and have one or more powers in the rest of the set buffed a little to compensate for the lost defense. |
Based on the other sets Stalkers have, it's much more likely one of the passives would be dropped (or rolled into another power) for Hide, and then Invinc would probably change to be something other than a taunt aura. It might also change to a static bonus instead of a scaling one, like Entropy Shield.
Invincibility is possibly the most important power in /Inv other than Unyielding. Trading it for Hide would gut the set. (Willpower also traded RttC for Reconstruction. Hide replaced QR.) |
I think you're right in how things will play out, but Invincibility is one of the key powers for Invuln, and I personally think it should stay, even if it needs to be modified. |
Unslotted Invincibility on a scrapper gives 11.25% defense with 10 foes in range, so on a stalker it'd be 11.25%/2 = 5.625%, +3.75% from Tough Hide = 9.375% total, unslotted. Enhanced that'd be almost exactly 15% , assuming ED cap of 60% or so. It would also inherit Tough Hide's 25% defense debuff resistance.
Still call it Invincibility though rather than Tough Hide. Cause it's a better sounding name for a power in my opinion.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
I agree with that, though Rise to the Challenge was taken out before the Devs created the whole "auras suppress when hidden" thingy, so having it in at the time made a Stalker pretty useless (see: why dark Armor was so bad before aura suppression).
I think you're right in how things will play out, but Invincibility is one of the key powers for Invuln, and I personally think it should stay, even if it needs to be modified. I don't know why the Devs gave Stalkers the Entropic Aura static boost versus the scaling boost. The only idea I have on that is that the Devs believe that Stalkers should be on the edge of combat, not the middle. To which I say phooey! Stalkers can be in the middle of combat as much as they want to be! |
Logic aside, I prefer having the static boost so I'm not always relying on the heat of combat to get the full boost. It's a welcome difference that encourages trying Energy Aura on more than one archetype to see which fits your play style.
Unslotted Invincibility on a scrapper gives 11.25% defense with 10 foes in range, so on a stalker it'd be 11.25%/2 = 5.625%, +3.75% from Tough Hide = 9.375% total, unslotted. Enhanced that'd be almost exactly 15% , assuming ED cap of 60% or so. It would also inherit Tough Hide's 25% defense debuff resistance.
None of the other stalker powersets take that into account that I know of, when balancing their own defense powers. Super reflexes, for example, has exactly the same numbers on all its toggles as the scrapper version except for Evasion which is somewhat higher to make up for the loss of the aoe passive.
I believe Entropic Aura for Stalkers is a static bonus not because they're expected to always be at the edge, but because they're an archetype that thrives more on single target combat than others. |
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
[QUOTE=Rebel_Scum;4096172]None of the other stalker powersets take that into account that I know of, when balancing their own defense powers. Super reflexes, for example, has exactly the same numbers on all its toggles as the scrapper version except for Evasion which is somewhat higher to make up for the loss of the aoe passive.QUOTE]
Dark Armor does. The combined defense given by Hide and Shadow Dweller is almost exactly the same amount of defense you get from Cloak of Darkness.
I agree with that, though Rise to the Challenge was taken out before the Devs created the whole "auras suppress when hidden" thingy, so having it in at the time made a Stalker pretty useless (see: why dark Armor was so bad before aura suppression).
I think you're right in how things will play out, but Invincibility is one of the key powers for Invuln, and I personally think it should stay, even if it needs to be modified. I don't know why the Devs gave Stalkers the Entropic Aura static boost versus the scaling boost. The only idea I have on that is that the Devs believe that Stalkers should be on the edge of combat, not the middle. To which I say phooey! Stalkers can be in the middle of combat as much as they want to be! |

But I could see them replacing Tough Hide with Hide, and then replacing Invincibility with a straight +Defense/+toHit Toggle.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I'm for more options, but I hope that they get around to Ice Melee for Stalkers prior to anything else.
GL, iv been waiting for a spines brute/ice armor brute since start.
Spine/Fire brute FTF For The Farm ... LOL
I have always wondered why we don't have Fire stalkers
Maybe I'm crazy but, it looks like it'd be so easy to do that I don't understand why it hasn't been done yet.
Replace Tough Hide with Hide.
Make a minor adjustment to Invincibility to compensate for the loss of defense from replacing Tough Hide with Hide.
Remove the taunt bonus from Invincibility.
It doesn't look like it would really need more done to it than that and I already know of a couple people that would appreciate being alowed to use this set on a stalker.