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  1. Don't waste your time posting in pvp threads guys,
    pvp Devs left the game a long time ago.
  2. Well what is the point in all the new stuff when they don't fix the stuff they already have????
  3. Inherant powers of both the Tanker and the villain epics(Widdows & Banes) need a revamp for this next patch.

    Widdow & Bane:
    Ever since day 1 of the Widdows & Banes I have thought the inherant power greater recover and regen bonus DOES NOT WORK!!! and does not have a better bonus than any other of the ATs.

    I have always made Brutes over Tankers because they do alot more damage and there is not a great deal of difference between damage resistance and defences. I have only ever got 1 Tanker to level 50 and I will never again untill somthing is changed about the Tank class.
  4. the 1 with the moving eye on the chest
  5. I want the costume parts from the PvP event costume
  6. Did you evan read this or did you just see the number 5??
    and think omg he is on about arena!!!!!
  7. I don't know about any1 else but RV is gettin boring. I think its time for a new lvl 50 PvP zone with new objectives and player ranking system after 400 PvP points.

    Only 5 players per side at the highest rank on both sides can turn into a Hero/Arch Villain for a short period of time and gain new skills while in the transformed state. with greater HP,End,Regen and so on...
  8. this guy tryed to do the same today selling high price IO
    and every1 was sayin scammer and posted this post and he soon shut up LOL
  9. Everyone who says Duel Pistols is good........they lie.
    I just got mine to 51 and I was doin lvl 50 missions and to kill a lvl 50 CoT Lieutenant it took me about 8 hits, evan using Executioner's Shot.

    Long animation + low damage = bad

    Only thing that is a big good is the AoE nuke Hail of Bullets
  10. PowerOfRA

    sticky:PvP vote

    What PvP did you like the most????

    A. Before issue 13.

    B. After issue 13.
  11. I think the game needs to go back to issue 12 regarding pvp, when tanks could tank, buffs worked and all stats from pve work in pvp. Dr and ts has wrecked pvp.
  12. Ok iv been playing the game for 4 years and out of the melee classes I always made a Brute over a Tanker because they do alot more damage.

    This week I made my 1st tanker to level 50 and TBH I am a bit disapointed and I have no reason to make another Tanker ever again.

    Brutes do the exact job in tanking and I find Tankers do not have a great deal more survivability over Brutes.

    Damage bonus
    300% Tankers
    675% Brutes
    I think the damage bonus of Tankers should be raised to 400% at least.
    If not I think the Tankers should get bigger AoEs
    Brutes Footstomp 10 cap.
    Tankers Footstomp 20 cap.

    Also the inherent power of Tanker "Gaunlet" should be somehow improved....
    My suggestion would be to grant a higher agro cap over any other class in the game.
    So the Brutes would be 16 and the Tankers would be 32, That way the tanker has more control over anyone else.
  13. PowerOfRA

    Tanker vs Brute

    Ok iv been playing the game for 4 years and out of the melee classes I always made a Brute over a Tanker because they do alot more damage.

    This week I made my 1st tanker to level 50 and TBH I am a bit disapointed and I have no reason to make another Tanker ever again.

    Brutes do the exact job in tanking and I find Tankers do not have a great deal more survivability over Brutes.

    Damage bonus
    300% Tankers
    675% Brutes
    I think the damage bonus of Tankers should be raised to 400% at least.
    If not I think the Tankers should get bigger AoEs
    Brutes Footstomp 10 cap.
    Tankers Footstomp 20 cap.

    Also the inherent power of Tanker "Gaunlet" should be somehow improved....
    My suggestion would be to grant a higher agro cap over any other class in the game.
    So the Brutes would be 16 and the Tankers would be 32, That way the tanker has more control over anyone else.
  14. GL, iv been waiting for a spines brute/ice armor brute since start.
  15. PowerOfRA

    fix weapons!!!

    I love weapons like titan, duel pistols. but hate hate how they get a big sword that is bigger than the player out of nowhere.

    I think sword and rifle weapons should be on the backs of players, And pistols on the hips.

    Also the use of the weapons then using the secondary skill makes you put away the weapon and bring it out again. This sucks.

    We are paying good money for these powersets, Surely the Dev's can come up with some animation fix to keep weapons out while using a secondary power skill.
  16. PowerOfRA

    Decoy Army

    I think Decoy Army in Illusion Control should be the exact copy of the player.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Twigman View Post
    Because there's a better way of doing what the Gull does and IMO think the Dev's took the easy way out.

    Example: options>gerenal>auto accept team TP [disable]

    Why can't they put those options in for accepting speed buffs, leap buff, etc.

    Also ... I want them to put in an in mission and out of mission speed suppression slider in general options

    Example: if I have SS on. I only want to travel @ 30 MPH in mission map instead of 70.
    Thereby controlling the likelihood of being caught on a chair or mob.
    I was suggesting "Null the Gull" to have the option to turn off the glow effect of super speed NOT having the option to turn down the speed.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    The Devs know that we want Power Pool customization (which would be better than just adding this to Null the Gull, IMO). There are just more technical hurdles to that than just the normal powersets, or so we've been told. I hope that in one of the next few issues they begin to address this, though.
    Well they have already introduced custom movement effects, It's called "Path Aura". And the only thing that is making this hard to see is "Superspeed". So an easy fix would be to make a Null the Gull option.

    And for Power Pool customization, Who cares about the rest? What can they do with Tactics, Assault, and Stealth ect.....

    Not alot.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    If I had to guess you'd be roughly around the 500th person I've seen suggest this.
    Take that for what it's worth...
    Dam that sux, so many people suggest and Dev's do nothing.........
  20. Ever since I started playing I have never liked the bright glow effect from Superspeed and even more so now we have Path Aura's. Myself and many others would like if we could have the option to turn off these glow effects via Null the Gull so we could get full effect of the Path Aura.
  21. PowerOfRA

    Retool the Nukes

    The perfect solution to this would be a normal cost of the nuke lets say.....
    25 Endurance cost to activate the nuke, THEN..... a recovery debuff for 10-15 seconds that way we can keep poping blues and don't get toggle drops.
  22. PowerOfRA

    Retool the Nukes

    I agree 100% they should just use 25-50 endurance to activate them and no recovery debuff at all
  23. Now that every class has a nuke that is better than the class nuke, Should the class nuke be improved?????

    eg,,,Half the crash so toggles don't drop?
  24. Thanks for moving this post, No1 will read this till issue 34 now........