Reflecting on the Winter Event and the ghosts of Winter Lord's Past

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Since we're coming onto the outset of the Winter Holiday Event, I figured that I'd give a short foray for my nice audience of anthropologists with a video about it and thought I'd share it with you:

City of Heroes Winter Event Impressions 2011 [VIDEO]

The essay I wrote on the subject featured, if a little bit, how when the Winter Lord boss-monsters were introduced they had a huge experience bonus when defeated and how that created quite a stir in the community. It's a long winded thing but it only crosses the scrim of how the event affects the players "City of Heroes Winter Holiday Event: Christmas, New YearÂ’s Eve, and the Winter 'Level' Lord" so I'm wondering how everyone has enjoyed the event themselves.

The event has looked relatively the same for the past few years, with the exception of additional aesthetic items.

Have you taken part in the mission against the Red Caps to save Baby New Year this year? Using candy canes or shop tokens to buy Christmasy winter gear? Let me know how you've spent the winter holiday in game this year.

I'm curious.



I rescued baby new year a time or two and defeated the winter lady a few times. Those are fun and easy to get into. I bought a few things with candy canes, and opened a few presents.

I haven't defeated the Winter Lord yet. I spent some time in the team-up teleporter queue one evening, but despite a listed wait time of 5 minutes no event ever started. I gave up after an hour or so, once I was done with the ski slopes and other non-instanced activities.

I suppose I could try harder, using global channels and so on, but it's not like I've never defeated him before. I was hoping the team-up teleporter would be a quick and easy way to get into the event, and that turned out not to be the case.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



It just an re hash of the last few years with a few little thing to buy with candy canes. Oh yeah and the use of LFG tool for attacking Lord Winter..which work as well as some folks point out. Not well.
The focus of the content team seems to be on more paid content and the Itrials now. Not updating fun special events to keep them updated.
Just not a fun holiday this year in Paragon. *sigh*



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
I rescued baby new year a time or two and defeated the winter lady a few times. Those are fun and easy to get into. I bought a few things with candy canes, and opened a few presents.

I haven't defeated the Winter Lord yet. I spent some time in the team-up teleporter queue one evening, but despite a listed wait time of 5 minutes no event ever started. I gave up after an hour or so, once I was done with the ski slopes and other non-instanced activities.

I suppose I could try harder, using global channels and so on, but it's not like I've never defeated him before. I was hoping the team-up teleporter would be a quick and easy way to get into the event, and that turned out not to be the case.
I wish I had enough time this year to experience Lady Winter! I missed out on so much CoH because I ran out of money (and time) but with Lady Winter is new content and now that it's free-to-play and I have space on my computer, I'm back again for a while.

I noticed that the Ski Chalet was ... nearly a ghost town. Of course, I recollecting 2004-2005 when I and half the server went there and Pocket D became the center of attention during the NYE countdown in the states.

Wow, I totally forgot to include that, I'll put it in my notes for next year. People gathering at Pocket D for the NYE countdown and all using the /dance emote happened to be one of the most amusing things in the game for me. Although certainly 12mid happens about six times across US timezones meant that there was a lot of churn going on and a great deal of dancing people in the crowded club on Champion.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
The focus of the content team seems to be on more paid content and the Itrials now. Not updating fun special events to keep them updated.
The focus shift must have been made sometime after Halloween then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The focus shift must have been made sometime after Halloween then
Which will be repeat and not updated after this year. It will be a repeated over and over again and not updated or add the Winter or Spring event.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
Which will be repeat and not updated after this year. It will be a repeated over and over again and not updated or add the Winter or Spring event.
Don't bet against new Valentine's Day stuff

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Not holding my breath GG.



Got to fight Lord of Winter once on Victory, was in the league right after the queue popped, did not get badge credit. After a few 45 minute waits in queue (with 5 minute waits listed) with nothing popping gave up on getting that badge this year. I made the mistake last year of not doing it the first night it was available. Between finding people for a present team and having enough people to take down the LoW it would have been more productive to ask people if they wanted their teeth pulled without Novocain.

Found someone to do the new presents with, they had no clue what they were or how they worked until I explained what I knew of the new badges.

In summary, yay for preformed closed leagues, bestest idea ever for holiday events.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
It just an re hash of the last few years with a few little thing to buy with candy canes. Oh yeah and the use of LFG tool for attacking Lord Winter..which work as well as some folks point out. Not well.
The focus of the content team seems to be on more paid content and the Itrials now. Not updating fun special events to keep them updated.
Just not a fun holiday this year in Paragon. *sigh*
It's nice to hear that the LFG is working well to bring people to the Winter Lord event and Lady Winter. I recall adoring the LFG system for running door missions and just experiencing team play.

I'm sad to hear that they've only rehashed the event from years past, although if Lady Winter is 2010 content at least we're only a year out and now it's free-to-play.

I wonder if the development team has thought about adding extra open-world content to whet the appetite of would-be customers who would then buy more items (especially costume) from the shop. After all, it seems to me that in-game marketing of items might work better than simply announcing them on the website. CoH now free-to-play does need to spend time on getting people to buy into the virtual item shop after all.



Trying to get all the event badges and goodies on all my alts would drive me crazy, but I find that if I just pick one character to run through it, I enjoy it. I'll open a few presents on my way to wherever I'm going, or run a Baby New Year rescue in between other missions. I managed to solo Lady Winter, and was lucky enough to get on a couple of Lord Winter / Winter Lord teams. In the end I was able to get all the badges and costume pieces I was interested in, and by pacing myself, I didn't get too burned out.

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ran the bny and lady winter quite a lot, great for lower level chars to get a solid hit of exp. no wl's but that had more to do with so much to do now that it didnt have one up when i was free. hit a good number of presents as well. tried to get my lowbies badged up, rian and the elders are pretty solid at what they are.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
Which will be repeat and not updated after this year.
If you're going to complain about the HYPOTHETICAL things you IMAGINE the devs doing (or not doing), can't you come up with something a little more interesting than that?



Originally Posted by Chyron HR View Post
If you're going to complain about the HYPOTHETICAL things you IMAGINE the devs doing (or not doing), can't you come up with something a little more interesting than that?
Sorry. Had a little too much fun NYE this year in RL.



Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
Sorry. Had a little too much fun NYE this year in RL.
Heh, I think that while it's good not to complain about things we don't know will happen -- it is still a reflection of what we expect. If too much of CoH's playerbase exists only a rehash and they want to enjoy new content that's a sign.

MMOs suffer under the burden of marketing strategy when they look at their players. Especially free-to-play, and right now we're only barely scratching the surface of what is to be a subscription-based-gone-free-to-play MMO as City of Heroes and DCUO are our best recent examples. Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online seem to be doing fairly decently with whatever they're doing so perhaps we can look to their models to see what we might expect CoH to do.

Free-to-play doesn't need to mean a drop in quality, but we can probably expect CoH to be a little bit rocky for a short time while they attempt to pin down content strategies.

Like I said above, I'd love to see more open-world based content that brings players together on the maps to cooperate and enjoy each other's company.

All speculation, I know, but with the Winter Holiday Event on the outset, it's about time for me to start dreaming of 2012.



Being a new player all of the winter content was pretty fresh and interesting, for a bit.

I will say, compared to the Halloween event, the Winter event seems a little lackluster. Most of it is entertaining for only a short time or a 'just once' experience.

The presents are kinda fun, but I can't help but feel they could be rebalanced a little. With trick or treating it only works in the zones appropriate to your level and if enemies spawn, they also con to your difficulty settings. With the winter horde, they will spawn appropriate to the zone, so a level 50 can just farm around in Atlas. I took a 44 around Peregrine because there were so few players to 'take' presents, but there were several times I had to take off quickly because the things spawned at 47+.

There was also a minor problem with Winter Lords spawning in low level zones and kicking out Frostlings at way way too high a level. This is basically an attack of the Winter Lord, throwing out minions at an even level with whatever hero they're attacking. Problem is, a number of high level folks were spawning things in Atlas or King's Row and no lowbie could take it down without finding another 50 to team with (as several just spawned the WL and took off).

The ski chalet is pretty entertaining, but the ski slopes are just a mild amusement. Father Time's missions are fun, I liked doing them with a few different characters to get the different pieces and powers or just farming out candy canes. Snaptooth is a pretty good mission for solo folks, but the Lady Winter event you really wanted either a team or specific ATs. My ill/rad didn't have a problem. My dominator couldn't get her down past half health. I didn't even attempt it with my squishier toons. Not that that's a problem per se, it's good to have a challenge. I was a lil disappointed they didn't add any other missions though, I had fun with Halloween doing a lot of the different events and the exclusive Tip (we need more of those!). In fact the Father Time missions were probably my favorite events to do for the characters I felt it was worthwhile to run them (Which sadly wasn't -too- many?)

The Winter Lord itself, aside from the above problem, wasn't bad, though like any Giant Monster it was a problem most of the time to pull together a team to take them down if people didn't swarm on it the moment it came around.

Now as for the Trial Lord Winter. I honestly have to say I was pretty nonplussed. I jumped into it the first day with my main toon and for one, it was just kind of frustrating because people were taking it a little -too- seriously and treating it like an incarnate trial, trying to get 'max people for the best run' and talking all this non-sense strategy. After the 40 minute wait when the league leader finally got his act together and we had everything sorted we jumped into it and literally steam rolled it in about 8 minutes. It's such a simple trial, just tank and spank with the occasional pulling off to take down the extra spawned GMs.

Sadly afterward, pretty much any effort I saw to pull together a team just didn't come to fruition. Either no one was that interested or the leader did a repeat of the above, refusing to do anything til they had 30+ people for the event. And frankly it just wasn't all that fun or rewarding. I didn't mind it, but I think compared to the trial they busted out for Halloween, the Haunted House trial wins hands down because it was fun, interesting, even a bit challenging and worth repeating a couple times. Lord Winter was worth doing exactly once for the badge, and the 20 canes were nice, but I didn't have any desire to do it again.

As for rewards. Eh, I loaded up one character with pretty much all the badges and costumes and the Winter's Gift Proc. After that I very selectively picked out here and there between all my alts what I wanted for each, mostly just whether I wanted the Santa gloves/boots for specific ones, everyone else has pretty much sat out or ignored the winter events, completely unlike Halloween.

So, I dunno. It was funnish? But the entertainment value wore pretty thin pretty fast after about a day or two. I liked it, but I thought Halloween was more worthwhile and felt like it had more entertaining things that I'd want to do on a lot of different characters.



I still can't get the hang of controlling my character on the ski slopes and gave up pretty quickly. Again. I try every year. Too much work for too little payout. If it was at least fun I'd do it anyway. But, it's not. It's frustrating. The only character I have that cared about any of the badge titles or costume options is Frosty Femme and she already has the stuff she cares about. The rest of it remains...meh.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Probably the best thing about this winter event wasn't in the game, it was in the store. Sorta bahumbug but being able to unlock halos for every current and future character was a win.

Not "needing" (come on people, just freaking queue) a mega-league for the two new badges is nice now that I've completely given up on the Lord of Winter badge after another 45 minutes in the queue (with a 5 min wait time).



I finally got the skiing badges (all fricking 6 of them) on my Blaster, and I'm never doing it again.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



I had a couple of characters who were created since last year that thematically "needed" Cold Warrior, so I gathered presents until I got that badge for them.

I also gathered enough candy canes to pick up a couple of Winter's Gift Slow Resistence recipes (at lower levels) to fund a couple of lowbie characters.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
Probably the best thing about this winter event wasn't in the game, it was in the store. Sorta bahumbug but being able to unlock halos for every current and future character was a win.

Not "needing" (come on people, just freaking queue) a mega-league for the two new badges is nice now that I've completely given up on the Lord of Winter badge after another 45 minutes in the queue (with a 5 min wait time).
Making the LFG queue the only way to experience a major portion of the winter event content was one of the best ideas the devs ever came up with.

bwhahahhahahahah right.

Forcing the LFG queue idea upon the winter lord zone remains a TERRIBLE choice for this past winter event period. Hoping they actually make it useful come issue 22 before trying to shoe horn more content into it that doesn't need it's uselessness to actually be run.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Forcing the LFG queue idea upon the winter lord zone remains a TERRIBLE choice for this past winter event period. Hoping they actually make it useful come issue 22 before trying to shoe horn more content into it that doesn't need it's uselessness to actually be run.
The people actually getting in were getting in fast enough to keep the wait time to 5 minutes, so it was preforms and closed leagues. Disable the closed option and make people solo queue and the random solo people would probably be getting in as well.

I *thought* I'd have a better shot at the Lord of Winter this year because of LFG but then apparently the raider mentality of only full preformed groups can complete anything in LFG kicked in. I'm hoping the devs will realize that for whatever reasons players are using LFG in almost the exact opposite way from how it was initially billed. People are only running DFB in full preforms for well's sake. DFB.



You must have been on a high population server. People did form LW events on Justice, but it was rare. Frankly, I felt like more people ran it when it was through the WL spawns + present portal. There were things wrong with that method (people often missed the timer), but there seemed to be more willingness to dive in when it had that exclusive window element about it.

I might like it to be behind the LFG queue more if I didn't think the queue's functionality was extremely limited. You can't tell if anyone is waiting in it, who they are or what AT they're on, you can't tell what's already running, you can't be in mission instances while you wait (supposedly coming later), and the wait times displayed are utter tripe. If you actually believe the number it was showing, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell.

Oh, and as an aside, the league size minimum was crap, but that was covered in a much earlier thread.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA