Pilot to Three Inches on SyFy tonight




Before SyFy greenlighted Alphas they had a choice between it and another super powered pilot called Three Inches staring Spike/Braniac James Marsters as the team's leader/recruiter. Well it looks as if SyFy finally decided to run the pilot and see if it garners any interest.

The premise involves a team of people with unusual but seemingly underwhelming super powers. The title refers to the new guy who can telekinetically move any object only three inches.

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So, he can move something 3 inches. When he's done, what's to stop him from moving it 3 inches again? Unless it's some kind of mental block, that just strikes me as painfully stupid.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



3 inches is all one needs to move a tumbler in a bank vault

sounds cool gonna have to check it out.



Or move someone's heart three inches to the front... Could be more useful than you'd think.



One of the rare times I wish I had this channel

I've already forgotten about most of you



And checking the guide for later on tonight, they'll be re-airing "My Name is Bruce" starring Bruce Campbell and Ted Raimi.

Must set DVR.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Well... So far I'm a bit unhappy that they didn't answer the "limits" of his power. They just tested against stationary objects and the distance. Doing other tests are important due to it could potentially be useful in creating things like a wall around yourself where anything got close to you got moved 3 inches in a different direction... They also didn't see if he could move in multiple direction or turn things... only forward backward distance on stationary.



finished and i agree with their decision, though not because the show was bad, but because the show doesn't vibe well for the station. It'd be great for another station... perhaps they could sell it somewhere else or perhaps make it a web series.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
3 inches is all one needs to move a tumbler in a bank vault

sounds cool gonna have to check it out.
Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
Or move someone's heart three inches to the front... Could be more useful than you'd think.
Or what about being able to push a button, flip a switch or pull a trigger from a distance? To be honest having telekinetics that was somehow "limited" in that way really wouldn't be a serious limitation if you used it to its fullest potential.

Sounds like an interesting premise for a show and I do like James Marsters for what that's worth. Too bad things like this pretty much always suck/tank on SyFy.

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Actually it wasn't all that bad. Had a bit of a Wanted (sexy teammate) mixed with Mystery Men (odd powers) mixed with Kick-*** (main character is a slacker who wants to be more) vibe.

Other members of the team include a voice mimic; an insect controller; a precog with a two minute limit but using the power causes pain proportional to the distance into the future; a teen who could emit foul odors; and a woman who can manipulate the emotions of those near her.

Durakken, it's obvious he could turn things as well since he turned on a hose and started a number of cars. Also we didn't need to see the battery of tests they would put him through or did you want to have a montage sequence? He "joined" them only days before the mission. I'm sure that if the series happened that we would see him being tested more extensively but for this mission they only needed him to manipulate locks.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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If I'd've known this had James Marsters in it I might've given it a look. The description in the guide just said "pilot" so I didn't even flip over to check it out. In my head I imagined it would be some silly show about someone who had been shrunk to three inches tall.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Well his role was limited to recruiter/leader. He claims to have no powers himself but he does wield the power of PSYCHOLOGY quite well.

It was odd to see him cast as a man with a grown son. I can't imagine him as "old".

Edit: Crap, just looked him up on IMDB, he's my age.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Well his role was limited to recruiter/leader. He claims to have no powers himself but he does wield the power of PSYCHOLOGY quite well.

It was odd to see him cast as a man with a grown son. I can't imagine him as "old".

Edit: Crap, just looked him up on IMDB, he's my age.
Holy cow! Spike is 49.

That's just...wow.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Holy cow! Spike is 49.

That's just...wow.
Yeah I never knew his exact age but I knew he was relatively "mature" and young-than-expected looking.

Back when he was playing Spike on the Buffy shows he used to joke during interviews that he was the "old man" on the set and that he was lucky to be able to pull off playing a role that appeared to be a lot younger than he actually was.

Like I said I never knew his exact age but if you had asked me to guess I would have said at least 45 or 50 just based on what I knew from Buffy.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Durakken, it's obvious he could turn things as well since he turned on a hose and started a number of cars. Also we didn't need to see the battery of tests they would put him through or did you want to have a montage sequence? He "joined" them only days before the mission. I'm sure that if the series happened that we would see him being tested more extensively but for this mission they only needed him to manipulate locks.
Oh yeah, now that you mention it, yeah... I don't think i was to that part yet when I said that...and I forgot about it later...

Compare this and Alpha's characters...
They are pretty close to each other with the same archtypes and pretty similar powers

emotion controlling girl = mind controlling girl
Insect guy + precog = synesthetic girl
Marster = Psychology guy
Smell guy = The autistic guy
Normal guy = The new guy to the team

The insect guy, and voice synth woman are unique and the super strength guy is unique.



Sadly I didn't get to really watch this last night, and when I went to watch it on the internet I can't really find it, even on syfy, it's like syfy went oops yeah this sucks lets just take it off our schedule, really go to syfy.com and they don't even have it listed as a show or anywhere on the website.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Well Alphas was originally a pilot for NBC and sat around for a few years. Three Inches was filmed last year and was targeted for SyFy. Both have relatively low SFX budgets which is important for a TV show on a small cable network like SyFy.

Of course I love Gary from Alphas, great character. However I did like Watts as the grumpy/hard edge/hot empath. The scene with her drinking in the bar looking miserable while the two blue color guys are sobbing uncontrollably to the sad country western tune playing was a hilarious example of her powers.

The thing about Three Inches was that the "supers" weren't as damaged psychologically or socially as a side effect of their abilities like in Alphas. Also it had a lot more humor than Alphas so it's more inline with Eureka and Warehouse 13.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Or what about being able to push a button, flip a switch or pull a trigger from a distance? To be honest having telekinetics that was somehow "limited" in that way really wouldn't be a serious limitation if you used it to its fullest potential.
I was hoping to see him try to deflect a bullet. If that's asking too much at this point, he should at least be able to spoil someone's aim.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
a teen who could emit foul odors
Wait...don't they all?



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
I was hoping to see him try to deflect a bullet. If that's asking too much at this point, he should at least be able to spoil someone's aim.
Ehh bullet probably not, but jiggering the gun before a shot is fired I could see. You would probably need a pane of telekinetic force to stop a bullet once fired depending on what range said bullet was fired. But if you move the gun three inches down or three inches left or right you change the trajectory enough that it theoretically could miss, still depending on the closeness of the shot.

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)