What do you want to see added to?

Agent White



Just full of questions tonight.

Ok so we've seen a big push for adding completely new content and features, and some effort to revamping older/unused content.

What's something that already exists in the game that you'd like to see expanded on? That is, what is it that already works that you just want to see -more- of?

So like, I'd like to see them add more of these:
Enhacement sets - They -are- adding the ATIOs and that's nice, but there are soooo many places they could add different sets. There are just a ton of categories where there's maybe 1-2 'good everyone wants' sets and then the rest are pretty lame duck. Some categories don't even have that much.

Tips & morality missions - Ok tips sorta have a good variety, but for something that you have to do 10 of for progress, you see them all pretty fast. Every level range could probably use another 4-5 or so added. And Morality missions, definitely give me more. How many times do I have to screw over Frostfire, or Murder Silent Blade's father or save the One Good Bane Spider. If nothing else, add at least one more mission per alignment per level range to balance it out, the difficulties between them are sooo skewed.

Radio/Newspaper mission - These are randomly generated, but they could probably add a new type here or there. You've got the kidnapping you stop/commit, the beat up a boss, and find the macguffin usually. Tips have shown a -wide- variety of mission styles, it seems like it shouldn't be hard to add some of the tech here.

Lore slot - Already tons of suggestions here :3

Judgement slot - Obviously we've got more damage types to cover. I'd love to see something like a psychic wave, like a PBAoE that triggers off smaller PBAoEs, like the Contagious Confusion proc. Or a narrow cone Sonic with knockdown/knockback. maybe a Toxic AoE that leaves a corrosive (ie Debuff) pseudo-pet patch?

how bout you guys?



Costumes, specifically more unexplored themes. First and foremost, a muscular skin for women, and then adding a greater variety of non-robotic robotic arms. Then more weapons. Tons of more weapons.

I'd like them to also work on power customization. It's been, what? Two years? Three years now? It's about damn time. I'd also like them to work on Mastermind henchmen customization while we're at it. And let us customize out base animations, too.

I also want to see more powersets, and even more archetypes. We can never have too many of those.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Honestly, for Mastermind customization, I'd like to see a few different things.

Summoning animations. Right now, there's the summoning circle for Demons, the wrist console for Robotics, the hand gestures for Ninjas, the large clunky radio for Mercenaries.... well, add some more. Maybe I want Mercenaries to come out to the hand gestures. Maybe I want a different console effect for Robotics. Maybe I want to radio out for ninjas.

Also, I'd love to see customized minions. Okay, sure, some of the minions should be easier to customize then others. And some probably shouldn't be customized at all, or as much. (I mean, what can you really customize on the ninjas other then maybe clan logos?) But I should be able to change the colors of the Thugs street clothes, the mercs could maybe have different outfits, and so forth. (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MONTRESSOR! LET ME COLOR TINT MY ROBOTS!)



Two things.

First, I'm agreed on more IO sets. There are how many Targetted AoE powers in the game and about one decent non-purple IO set for them? Definitely would love to see more options for inventions outside of the ATIOs which I will not be touch with a 40 foot barge pole.

Secondly, and I know this may sound odd, I want to see more missions dealing with ordinary people. I've been playing through old low level arcs and enjoying freeing trapped citizens from the clutches of evil-doers. The new arcs in Atlas are a great start but I want more things that make me feel like a hero (or a villain) and not just a pawn in someone's game.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



I want more epic powers in my epic pools. I'd love to see them fleshed out to a full 9 powers and kick in around the late 20's.

A 10th power for the primary sets.

Knockback added to the Alpha slot as a primary boost. ((my FF/Energy defender Mayham Monty must have MORE KB))

Adjustments to Damage resistance, +damage, +HP, +Knockback ect in the IO sets to make them more on par to +defense, +recharge ect.

More enhancers which boost a singluar stat ala Luck of the gamblers (only boost something like range, damage(not damage procs), control effects, HP, resistance)

Control effect set bonuses merged into a singular/paired types and/or found outside of control sets.



The Rogue Isles. There are three or four islands on the southern end of the map, but no one can seem to go to them. Seriously, what's going on down south in the "unexplored" regions? I find it hard to swallow that they'd remain unexplored in the modern age.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
The Rogue Isles. There are three or four islands on the southern end of the map, but no one can seem to go to them. Seriously, what's going on down south in the "unexplored" regions?
Non-stop partying we're not invited to.

I second the wanting more tip missions. The ones we got are nice and I'd like to see more of that.

More lower level mission arcs. I write my own starting stuff these days, unless I want to just run dfb until I can run off and do later arcs at like, level seven.

I'd like to see underused costume sections expanded. Like backpacks, shirts (and shirts for men too!), helmets, etc.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Same thing I always want.

A proper ape/chimp/gorillas/monkeys/simians costume set for my heroes and villains and dinosaurs to fight. I would also accept the option of a dinosaur which I could ride, in lieu of the opportunity to fight one. I would so need to make another beam rifle hero for it though.



The things I'd like to see will most likely never happen, either because of limitations intrinsic to the code base, or because they are just too damn hard:

  1. Increasing the level cap (perhaps doing away with the awkward "level shift" concept in the Incarnate system).
  2. Extended power sets following from item 1.
  3. Items in the environment that can be used in combat.
  4. Smarter enemy A.I.
  5. Special combo effects derived from simultaneous attacks from different toons with different power sets. Let's get some real synergy between power sets going!
  6. Cowels with and without hair.
  7. Missions/TFs/Trials with an entirely different structure for objectives, and open-ended means of achieving them.
I think a lot of the reason why there is no such thing as combat tactics when fighting anything except gimmicked AVs is because the mob A.I. is so primitive as be virtually non-existant. Therefore, no combat tactics are really necessary. The simplest tactic--overwhelming force--wins every time. Sure, sometimes you have to get a little specific, e.g., take out the Tsoo Sorcs first, but by and large there is absolutely no subtlety or sophisticated thought involved in fighting the PvE enemies.

The lack of mob behavior outside of standing around palm-punching, and the usual shoot-then-engage (or shoot-from-range-always) attack script means nobody has to get creative, which has the domino effect of the engine never having a reason to provide creative synergy between powers. Buff/Debuff/Mez stacking is about the only thing besides straight damage that comes from multiple toons attacking together. Here's an idea: how about damage that hits within the same server tick is added together before the target's resistance! There's an awful lot that could be done with this game, but never is.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
The lack of mob behavior outside of standing around palm-punching, and the usual shoot-then-engage (or shoot-from-range-always) attack script means nobody has to get creative
I just had a cool thought. What if one day we logged in after a new issue, and "Advanced AI" was added to the Hero Corps Field Analyst options? And what if every enemy group had its own tactical strengths and weaknesses--AND if certain enemy groups, when allied, actually gained tactical bonuses from combining their strengths--AND if you could choose from a list of tactical strengths and weaknesses when creating your own enemy groups in Mission Architect?

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



- A Savage Land zone
- An Atlantean Zone
- More Golden Age costume options/styles (really looking forward to the retro/sci-fi set)
- More Silver Age costume options/styles
- Utilize Cimeroa more, with all these heroes trying for incarnate/god powers, wouldnt it make sense to use the Greek/Roman mythology of the zone and implement the Gods. Missions from Zeus for example. Fighting Hades. Trials of Hercules.
- More powersets are always welcome
- since we are now getting wolves and dogs, an animal based mastermind comes to mind.



Alternate animations.

elemental animations would be nice for weapon/non weapon options, as well as more martial artsy options. right now elemental combat is made up of the same 4-6 generic punching animations, can we time out some kicks and maybe some less brawl-y hand techniques?

also maybe "styled" weapon moves. katana, dual blades and titan weapons are good, they fit their theme, but broad sword, and axe and mace to a lesser extent look kind of generic. a chinese wushu styled broadsword set would add variety, as well as a set of animations that use more traditional European sword fighting styles(ok thats kind of vague, but the stuff you see the ARMA guys doing who do their homework, "good" sword fighting if you will). katana could even benefit from a set of animations that look less like kendo and more like the one handed "cocky" style of swordplay they use in anime or fighting games. mugen from samurai champloo or sol badguy from guilty gear are good concepts for this. pistols could also use a set of animations that look more close to the depictions from cowboy movies. timing the animations to still work would be an issue.

Pool powers..man, too long a post to go into detail. short version, would like a magical and magical with kanji version of medicine pool powers. give kick and boxing new animations that work more for a trained fighter. give jump-kick a different animation, maybe a pro wrestling drop kick, and give flurry the option of using the old storm kick animation.

Finally my personal crusade, martial arts. Many of you are likely saying, those already got alternate animations and while true..its kind of a thing. They got new punching animations, largely more brawling moves than something that would be something a skilled martial artist would use. they were seemingly concessions to the crowd that wanted street fighting, and before sj existed, they were fine, more concepts the better, we can come back to it..right? Well sj came out, brawlers now had their moves, but martial arts was now a system that had old mechanics, and animations that were either ancient or were not really "martial arts". i know martial arts covers a huge number of styles, and broadly applies to any way of fighting, regardless of refinement or weapon. In this case i'm referring to striking arts, either European or asian, such as the various styles of karate, savate, tae-kwon do, the huge number of arts operating under the umbrella term of kung fu, basically the recognizable stuff that people have heard about, but not capoeria, since apparently that would cause the animators to explode, as per the ustream. A reason it sticks out to me as martial arts are real world things, i can't tell you how to project fire out of your hands, because i have never seen anyone do it, but real world and stylized depictions of martial arts, seen them all the time, so bad depictions dont work.
thunder kick is very bad, its kind of a roundhouse kick, but is delivered completely wrong. the angle is bad, supporting foot only turns halfway and the hips are completely absent from the follow through. Throwing a kick in real life like this would cause more abuse to a player's groin than the collective costumes of desdamonda, mother mercy and sister psyche.

(after editing book sized posts down twice now)
really, rather than bore everyone to death with a bunch of ultra technical martial arts stuff that you either already know or dont care about, id love to see the moves to take closer inspiration from real techniques, tae kwon do and muai that would be good places to start. street fighting has their set now, future brawling animations can go there well, but I'd love to see better ones based on real fighting styles, and for the love of all that is holy, delete the current animation for thunder kick, just kill it... it is indefensible.



1: More repeatable missions, that go up to level 50, with a wider variety of enemy groups. At the very least, all the appropriately-levelled enemy groups should be available in the paper, and in regular missions, not just some "stop the Pawn Shop robbery" mission that hardly ever comes up. And get rid of the rescues and kidnaps, nobody ever does them.

2: More tip missions, especially at 40-50. Simple ones, not the fancy ones with a million scripted encounters that aren't properly tested and lead to things like two ambushes hitting you before you're done zoning or an NPC that you have to talk to dying and making the mission uncompletable.

3: Finish power customization.

4: More sets with taunt auras for Scrappers. Nobody likes runners.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Custom death animations.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post

2: More tip missions, especially at 40-50. Simple ones, not the fancy ones with a million scripted encounters that aren't properly tested and lead to things like two ambushes hitting you before you're done zoning or an NPC that you have to talk to dying and making the mission uncompletable.

3: Finish power customization.
agreed, no question, only thing is, I dunno if id ever like to hear something is finished. more power customization alt animations are good, as some overly wordy nerd mentioned upthread, but finished? eh, i dont want finished, finished means no more support in the forseeable future i just want continued support at a reasonable time-frame.



Oh yeah, and the obvious: AE. I'd like to see them actually add some stuff for authors to use instead of just nerfing farms that have been around for six months and going back to ignoring it. Custom death animations for custom critters would be nice, as would the ability to set standard minions and lieutenants as a "fight a boss" objective, or use high-level Devouring Earth or the AV-class Kronos Titan, among other things. The list is long and long ignored.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Stuff I'd like to see expanded upon instead of just passed by for the next new thing.

IOs - there should be more varied bonuses instead of so many that are all pretty much the same thing. It would be great if you could build for more than just defense or recharge and have it be viable.

AE - add more of the new maps, new powersets, and new enemy types. Add new storytelling options - clickable allies for more dialog, branching dialog.

Expand some of the enemy groups level ranges, the ones that make sense to at least.

Power pool revamp, fix some of the ones that don't get used, add new ones, and customization while your at it.

More content in Cimerora and First Ward. Less new zones, more content in the zones we have.