Titan Weapons...smashy fun..but..




The title says it all really. I have a toon with every melee set we have, so naturally I got TW and decided on a tw/ea brute.

Now, I am going to list a few points here, good and bad..just looking to see if any agrees, or perhaps I am being overly critical.

The weapons are only useable with it point Left (I think?). Why can't we have them pointing the other way?

It is all Smash damage, with a few lethal dots...when you have a BIG sword, that doesnt make a huge deal of sense. Would have been nice to see the smashy type weapons do smash with lethal dot, and the blade types do lethal with smash dot..

The cones with the extra range are really good..fits with the big weapon theme, but they are all 5 targets max! Kinda dumb if your huge sword can only someone, stupidly hit 5 people. Compare with the dual blades tier 9, that has 10 targets and extended range.

The AoE. I was sure I read somewhere in the Beta forums, the aoe had a larger radius than other aoes. Maybe I didn't....the point is..it SHOULD have a 20 ft, at least, radius. Especially when you are limited to using it when you have MO. In comparison to Footstomp, it does less damage..and even has a DoT portion. Am I expecting it to be the new FS? Do I want it to be? No idea. I LOVE the animation for this power, to bad the radiusand damage seem lacking for how cool it looks.

The animations themselves. Ok, I get it..weapons as big as players, they IS going to be clipping issues. But pretty much every attack, if you queue it up and you are not facing the target, your avatar does some weird insta spin and ends up waving the weapon in weird directions.

NPC reactions. I think the Street Justice set has totally spoiled my here, but TW just isnt cutting it. Quite a few StJ powers, namely the aoe, cause baddies to stagger and move back, under the impact of the hits. Ok..so, a kick to the head makes people stagger, but hitting them with a 10foot pole, they just grit their teeth and take it on the chin?

Again, maybe I am just being picky. I like the set, I really do. But..



The cones and AoEs are limited in number of targets to match every other set. Removing or loosening those restriction would make this set vastly overpowered.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Whirling Smash is almost a FootStomp clone, with the DoT (which goes off 85% of the time) it does basically the same damage and has a 75% KD chance while FS has 80%.

I agree that at least Arc of Destruction should hit 10 mobs tho. The radii and range of the powers look fine to me.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
The cones and AoEs are limited in number of targets to match every other set. Removing or loosening those restriction would make this set vastly overpowered.
How? It is MEANT to be an aoe set? What is so crazy about expecting, or wishing, it had an aoe that was NOT the same as other sets? If you use that to justify everything, how the hell did we get 1000 cuts hitting 10 targets at a longer range..when no other melee cone does that? Or more to the point, please explain how Footstomp and Tremor are the same tier of powers, yet one takes 5 days to go off, one is super fast? Sets ARE different.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
The weapons are only useable with it point Left (I think?). Why can't we have them pointing the other way?
Probably something to do with having to make twice as many animations to make them work both ways. SCR, etc etc, and I'm guessing most players don't deeply care if their character is right- or left-handed.
It is all Smash damage, with a few lethal dots...when you have a BIG sword, that doesnt make a huge deal of sense. Would have been nice to see the smashy type weapons do smash with lethal dot, and the blade types do lethal with smash dot..
Making the attacks do different damage based on the costume piece chosen is very likely not possible. The reasoning presented is that once you've got a weapon that big, it does damage mostly by crushing anyway. Doesn't matter a lot if it cuts as well.
A lethal dot basically means bleeding, but a smashing dot doesn't make as much sense unless there's something continually crushing them, anyway, like Gravity's powers do. But really, it's probably mostly the technical limitations.
The cones with the extra range are really good..fits with the big weapon theme, but they are all 5 targets max! Kinda dumb if your huge sword can only someone, stupidly hit 5 people. Compare with the dual blades tier 9, that has 10 targets and extended range.
Arc of Destruction is Head Splitter, except faster and six times as wide. I'm not sure it's really reasonable to ask for even more
The AoE. I was sure I read somewhere in the Beta forums, the aoe had a larger radius than other aoes. Maybe I didn't....the point is..it SHOULD have a 20 ft, at least, radius. Especially when you are limited to using it when you have MO. In comparison to Footstomp, it does less damage..and even has a DoT portion. Am I expecting it to be the new FS? Do I want it to be? No idea. I LOVE the animation for this power, to bad the radiusand damage seem lacking for how cool it looks.
You seem to be forgetting that Footstomp already has an extra-large radius, so just being the same as Footstomp still makes it larger than almost any other melee aoe. It does barely less damage, and part of that damage is DoT, true. On the other hand, it casts in half the time, and has a 14s recharge instead of 20s. I'm gonna have to say TW comes out ahead on this one.
The animations themselves. Ok, I get it..weapons as big as players, they IS going to be clipping issues. But pretty much every attack, if you queue it up and you are not facing the target, your avatar does some weird insta spin and ends up waving the weapon in weird directions.
Haven't noticed this one personally.
NPC reactions. I think the Street Justice set has totally spoiled my here, but TW just isnt cutting it. Quite a few StJ powers, namely the aoe, cause baddies to stagger and move back, under the impact of the hits. Ok..so, a kick to the head makes people stagger, but hitting them with a 10foot pole, they just grit their teeth and take it on the chin?
Totally agree. Some better sound effects and/or screen shake would be nice, also.

I hope this helps, glad to hear you like the set



Yeah, when a sword reaches a certain mass, it's not cutting any more, it's just smashing.

This set is pretty much OP as it is. I've never been able to take on a x8 spawn with any character at level 16 before.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Yes, it's smashing damage. I don't really consider that a problem, especially when players have said they don't care about the damage type they're doing if it meant getting the weapon skin they want (ie...Dual Blunt Objects for Dual Blades).

While not true for every player, what is?

I just use my imagination on this one.

There's awesomeness and then there's really damn OP. Every cone having a 120 degree arc, and there's three of them, and one PBAOE. That's a slot of AOE. It's still limited to the usual AOE target cap many other melee sets are limited on.

As for the PBAOE, that's a 15ft range PBAOE, that's bigger than every other melee PBAOE except for Footstomp. So, it does have a larger AOE radius compared to most melee PBAOEs.

I see lots of enemies being knocked down myself for enemy reaction.

You also have a set capable of high ST DPS and great AOE.

The set is fun, and it looks like they made a new set that is indeed made to be up there in the top three instead of somewhere in the middle.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
I agree that at least Arc of Destruction should hit 10 mobs tho. The radii and range of the powers look fine to me.
In other words, you want a 10-target 400 damage cone?



It would be cool if some characters were randomly left-handed and VIP status bestowed you with the ability to change your character's handedness, but that's not really a significant gain for the effort. Granted there are other things they've done that might seem to be little gain for the effort, but whatever.

changing the damage type by weapon model - that's a bit crazy. costume parts shouldn't be tied to gameplay mechanics.

I have a new titan tanker and a titan brute and they're both loads of fun.

you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you <3



Defensive Sweep: Activation Time - 2.20sec, Rech - 4sec, End - 5.36 (10 sec defense buff of 11.25% to Smash and Melee on Scrappers and Brutes, 15% on Tankers)
Crushing Blow: Activation Time - 2sec, Rech - 8sec, End - 8.78
Titan Sweep: Activation Time - 2.43sec, Rech - 10sec, End - 10.50
Follow Through: Activation Time - 1 sec, Rech - 10sec, End - 10.50 (can only be used w/ Momentum)
Rend Armor: Activation Time - 2.30sec, Rech - 16sec, End - 15.64
Whirling Smash: Activation Time - 1sec, Rech - 14sec, End - 13.93 (can only be used w/ Momentum)
Arc of Destruction:: Activation Time - 2.70sec, Rech 20sec, End 19.07

Defensive and Titan Sweep and Arc of Destruction are 120 degree cones w/ a 10ft radius and 5 target cap
Whirling Smash is a 15ft PBAoE w/ a 10 target cap

Crushing Blow, Follow Through and Rend Armor have a 9ft range
AoE looks fine to me.



It may only be 5 targets, but that 120 degree, 10 ft long arc makes a gigantic difference. Most melee cones are only 45 degrees, so you have to be careful in lining them up, and while they CAN hit 5 targets the area is so small that you can usually only get 3 at best. With Titan Weapons you have to struggle to hit only 1 target; you'll usually get 2 and it's very easy to hit a full 5.

Broadsword's Slice is 130 degrees, but only 7 feet in range, and with the way cones work that extra 3 feet is a significant area. (130 degrees 7 feet is 105 square feet, 120 degrees 10 feet is 173 square feet.) Arc of Destruction is as powerful as Headsplitter, but Headsplitter has a 10 feet 19 degree arc. You're lucky to get 2 targets into that.

So yeah, the max targets is unchanged, but the ability to hit the max targets is vastly improved. I'm seriously hard-pressed to think of any other powerset, melee or ranged, that has this much AOE potential. Possibly Fire Blast, then Crab Soldiers, but it's a close race.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



You know what? I rerolled a level 50 Boradsword character to remake her as Titan Weapons, so it feels like that might be a good comparison. And a comparison I want to make, because when I looked at the Titan Weapons numbers - the scale damage numbers - I was a big... Schocked, for lack of a better word.

Let's start with Defensive Sweep. That's scale 0.729, which isn't a lot, but it's not very little, either. Your typical "light" damage attack is scale 0.64, so this is stronger AND it has the recharge and cost of a small attack. Not quite, but close.

Crushing Blow is what surprised me first. That's scale 1.804. These are Disembowel numbers, even if Disembowel itself is at 1.9. I get Disembowel at level 1 with Titan weapons.

Then there's Titan Sweep. That's scale 1.429, and listed as "heavy," which it is. A typical heavy attack - like Broadsword's Hack - is 1.64, so close. Whirling Sword is 1.0 and Slice is 1.23, so I get a stronger Slice with more range.

Then there's Follow Through at 2.156. That's above Disembowel levels and reaching for Head Splitter levels, and I get that at level what? 8? Yikes! Hell, Follow Through is about on the same level of damage as Power Burst.

Then there's Rend Armour at 3.212. Broadsword doesn't have anything even remotely close. The biggest single attack Broadsword has access to is Head Splitter at 2.6. Rend Armour is a stone's throw away from Total Focus damage.

Then there's Whirling Smash. At 1.15 scale damage, it's not that much, but it's still more than Whirling Sword AND has about double the range - 15 for Whirling Smash to 7 or 8 for Whirling Sword.

Finally, there's Arc of Destruction at 2.596, which is almost identical to Head Splitter, only with a much larger area of coverage. Head Splitter is at 2.6 scale damage with a 10-foot, 19-degree cone while Arc of Destruction is almost the same damage with a 10-foot, 120 degree arc.

Honestly, these numbers scare me a little bit. I'm not sure how these numbers are could be set so high, but I guess momentum as a balancing mechanic is the reason, especially given Synapse's feedback in Beta. I think this may well be the first time that a gimmick has vastly improved a set, or at most the second time, if we count Street Justice. I remember sets like Dual Pistols and Shield Defence who had to pay a price for their gimmick, and yet Titan Weapons seems to have benefited a great deal for its.

And it's not "just numbers," either. I've been playing this set on Live and I played it on Beta, and it's pretty much the strongest a character of mine has ever been put over, or if it isn't the strongest I haven't seen that in years. Single-target damage, which I was initially worried about, is no problem. The set has such huge single-target burst I have trouble transcribing it, plus Defensive Sweep is cheap enough to use as single target to fill in an attack chain. AoE is even better, and I don't even have Arc of Destruction yet. With Momentum, this set can deliver a LOT of AoE damage, and with those huge cones, doing so has never been easy. Sure, it's still hard-locked by the 5-target limit, but I can't imagine how broken this set would be without that limit. It's amazing even with it.

I'm starting to worry it's making the rest of the melee sets look bad.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You know what? I rerolled a level 50 Boradsword character to remake her as Titan Weapons, so it feels like that might be a good comparison. And a comparison I want to make, because when I looked at the Titan Weapons numbers - the scale damage numbers - I was a big... Schocked, for lack of a better word.

Let's start with Defensive Sweep. That's scale 0.729, which isn't a lot, but it's not very little, either. Your typical "light" damage attack is scale 0.64, so this is stronger AND it has the recharge and cost of a small attack. Not quite, but close.

Crushing Blow is what surprised me first. That's scale 1.804. These are Disembowel numbers, even if Disembowel itself is at 1.9. I get Disembowel at level 1 with Titan weapons.

Then there's Titan Sweep. That's scale 1.429, and listed as "heavy," which it is. A typical heavy attack - like Broadsword's Hack - is 1.64, so close. Whirling Sword is 1.0 and Slice is 1.23, so I get a stronger Slice with more range.

Then there's Follow Through at 2.156. That's above Disembowel levels and reaching for Head Splitter levels, and I get that at level what? 8? Yikes! Hell, Follow Through is about on the same level of damage as Power Burst.

Then there's Rend Armour at 3.212. Broadsword doesn't have anything even remotely close. The biggest single attack Broadsword has access to is Head Splitter at 2.6. Rend Armour is a stone's throw away from Total Focus damage.

Then there's Whirling Smash. At 1.15 scale damage, it's not that much, but it's still more than Whirling Sword AND has about double the range - 15 for Whirling Smash to 7 or 8 for Whirling Sword.

Finally, there's Arc of Destruction at 2.596, which is almost identical to Head Splitter, only with a much larger area of coverage. Head Splitter is at 2.6 scale damage with a 10-foot, 19-degree cone while Arc of Destruction is almost the same damage with a 10-foot, 120 degree arc.

Honestly, these numbers scare me a little bit. I'm not sure how these numbers are could be set so high, but I guess momentum as a balancing mechanic is the reason, especially given Synapse's feedback in Beta. I think this may well be the first time that a gimmick has vastly improved a set, or at most the second time, if we count Street Justice. I remember sets like Dual Pistols and Shield Defence who had to pay a price for their gimmick, and yet Titan Weapons seems to have benefited a great deal for its.

And it's not "just numbers," either. I've been playing this set on Live and I played it on Beta, and it's pretty much the strongest a character of mine has ever been put over, or if it isn't the strongest I haven't seen that in years. Single-target damage, which I was initially worried about, is no problem. The set has such huge single-target burst I have trouble transcribing it, plus Defensive Sweep is cheap enough to use as single target to fill in an attack chain. AoE is even better, and I don't even have Arc of Destruction yet. With Momentum, this set can deliver a LOT of AoE damage, and with those huge cones, doing so has never been easy. Sure, it's still hard-locked by the 5-target limit, but I can't imagine how broken this set would be without that limit. It's amazing even with it.

I'm starting to worry it's making the rest of the melee sets look bad.
I think its more of just that it suprises you they introduced a new set and made it a top tier set (which TW is looking to be) instead of introducing a new set which many consider to be a middle of the road set.

Which is what many of the newer sets have been considered up to this point...middle of the road. They might be nice anyways, but they werent a top new set.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
As for the PBAOE, that's a 15ft range PBAOE, that's bigger than every other melee PBAOE except for Footstomp.
And Tremor.



Sam, out of curiousity, how does it compare to Battle Axe?



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Sam, out of curiousity, how does it compare to Battle Axe?
Quite well, actually. Battle Axe is not too dissimilar from Broadsword in terms of base damage, save for two powers - it swaps Parry for a much stronger single-target attack and it swaps Slice for a much stronger, bigger cone. Beyond that, base numbers are similar. You have:

Beheader/Slash: 1.0 scale damage
Hack/Chop: 1.64
Whirling Sword/Whirling Axe: 1.0
Disembowel: 1.9 / Gash 1.96
Head Splitter: 2.6 / Cleave 2.76

Then Battle Axe also has:

Swoop: 2.28
Pendulum: 1.9

In terms of single-target damage, Battle Axe and Titan Weapons are not too far apart, honestly. Crushing Blow is about on par with Gash and Follow Through is about on par with Swoop, though Follow Through being momentum-locked makes is slightly faster-recharging and cheaper, but on that front the sets are well-matched.

Sadly, Battle Axe has no answer for Rend Armour at 3.12 scale single target damage, as Swoop actually IS the set's largest single-target attack at 1.96. However, Cleave is balanced like a single-target attack, but even if we count that, it's not close enough at 2.76.

The reason I'm reluctant to bring up Cleave is I'd sooner compare it to Arc of Destruction, which is a large cone at 2.596. It's not quite as damaging, but it's many times bigger in terms of cone range.

Initially, I was going to say that Battle Axe wins in the AoE department, as its Pendulum is a very large, very heavy cone. That was because I wanted to compare it to Titan Sweep or Whirling Smash, but Arc of Destruction is what it most closely resembles. Pendulum has a cone range of 7 feet with a 180 degree arc, or around 80 square feet, at a damage scale of 1.9, which is not bad at all. Thing is, Arc of Destruction is a 10-foot, 120 degree cone, or around 105 square feet, at a damage scale of 2.596. Hell, even if I were generous and compared it, instead, with Titan Sweep, that still has a larger area of 105 square feet and a 1.429 scale damage. Granted, that's quite a bit lower, but it's a T3 attack you can take at level 2.

Lastly, I think we can pair up Whirling Smash at 1.15 with Whirling Axe at 1.0, but Whirling Smash wins. It's a bigger AoE with slightly more damage. I guess that's to be expected since the power is Momentum-locked, but it's just one more thing.


Now, obviously, the two sets aren't the same and can't be compared on a power-to-power basis. Titan Weapons is an AoE set, so it's obvious it would win out in AoE. What I'm surprised by, however, is just how strong it is in single target, too. Yes, it has fewer attacks, but this is the only set I've ever seen that combines both such powerful single target AND such powerful AoE. I'm just about convinced that Arc of Destruction may well be the most powerful AoE attack available to a melee character short of Incarnate powers.

People always bring up Foot Stomp, but you know what Foot Stomp is? It's a 1.42 scale damage AoE. Yeah, it has a long range and a 10-target cap, but Whirling Smash comes close, and Arc of Destruction is just... Wow. It's a ~2.6 scale very large cone. Again, that's Head Splitter at over six times the cone range.

And single target? While the set doesn't go quite as far as to drop in a Knockout Blow, it comes pretty damn close. Knockout Blow is a scale 3.56 damage attack, and Rend Armour goes up to 3.212 scale. Again, it's not quite Knockout Blow, not by quite a bit, but it's close enough to be meaningful in a set with such huge AoE otherwise.

Battle Axe seems about on par. It doesn't have quite as much shock damage in either single target or AoE, but it's still a solid set without a single weak attack that can just keep on swinging. But I'm just concerned about it and Broadsword because they seem to be outclassed, somewhat.

See, originally, Scrapper sets were given overall lower damage mods, capping at around 2.5, give or take a few tenths, plus fairly limited AoE. Tanker sets, by contrast, were given both large AoE powers AND huge shock damage powers. Stone Melee gets Disembowel at level 2 in the form of Heavy Mallet AND gets a 3.56 scale damage attack in Seismic Smash at level 18 (I think) AND still gets a large, if not very poweful AoE AND gets an AoE control power in Fault.


I really don't mind Titan Weapons as it's balanced and I don't want to see it nerfed. Far from it. I'm just saying that this is the first time I've seen a set's gimmick allow a set to be this powerful, where gimmicks in the past have almost universally kneecapped the sets they're in and made them have to work harder just to break even. Dual Pistols is a great example. Without Swap Ammo, this set is garbage, and it's balanced to be garbage, because Swap Ammo is seen to be such a huge advantage to the set that it's supposed to make up for it.

Titan Weapons is the reverse. Were this set launched without Momentum and with Follow Through and Whirling Smash rebalanced to match, it would be about average, probably on par with and even a bit lower than Battle Axe. But WITH Momentum, this average set becomes great. That, to me, is a gimmick done right. When the gimmick adds more to an already solid set, rather than forcing the set to be launched gimped with the promise that the gimmick will make it at least average, that's a gimmick done right.

It seems to me that both Titan Weapons and Street Justice strike pretty much the right balance in both gameplay complexity and numbers. I find both sets to be incredibly powerful, yet many still see them as under-performing. That in itself suggests they're just right.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It seems to me that both Titan Weapons and Street Justice strike pretty much the right balance in both gameplay complexity and numbers. I find both sets to be incredibly powerful, yet many still see them as under-performing. That in itself suggests they're just right.
Many folks out there may think that Street Justice underperforms, but if it does I haven't noticed. My 50+3 StJ Brute is doing just fine and I'm having more fun with that powerset than any other in the game (and I started with issue 2). In fact, it seems to me that StJ is so good--and so much fun--that it could be in danger of a nerf in an upcoming release. And that would make me very, very sad.

Sorry for the threadjack...don't mean to turn this into a StJ discussion...

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Many folks out there may think that Street Justice underperforms, but if it does I haven't noticed. My 50+3 StJ Brute is doing just fine and I'm having more fun with that powerset than any other in the game (and I started with issue 2). In fact, it seems to me that StJ is so good--and so much fun--that it could be in danger of a nerf in an upcoming release. And that would make me very, very sad.

Sorry for the threadjack...don't mean to turn this into a StJ discussion...
Pft! Anybody who says STJ underperforms should come see my character destroy entire mobs in 2/3 hits max! STJ has the PERFECT blend of Multiples/Single target attacks imo for a scrapper!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



My TW/EA Brute is a AoE killer... fun and very aggressive. TW is a nice powerset with good damage and enough tools to stand alone against mobs or bosses/AV/EB.

Re-draw animation is long on some attacks with the exchange to have massive damage and knock down in return.

The only thing i could address is the sound fx for the power set. On my opinion the sound doesn't feel like smashing and cutting things in the game.

Ea depravate semper triumphatum...



So far my only complaints with TW is performance on a couple of trials. On BAF, prisoners run past me before I can windup and are dead before I connect. On MoM, I have died quiet often by animation which irks me to no end.

Lambda and TPN are fun with TW. I haven't hit UG or Keyes yet with her.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
So far my only complaints with TW is performance on a couple of trials. On BAF, prisoners run past me before I can windup and are dead before I connect. On MoM, I have died quiet often by animation which irks me to no end.

Lambda and TPN are fun with TW. I haven't hit UG or Keyes yet with her.
I can assure you that on the trial marathon I ran today (3 BAFs, 3 Lambdas and 1 Keyes) my EM/Nin Stalker corpse blasted much more than all the TW toons there.



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Lambda and TPN are fun with TW. I haven't hit UG or Keyes yet with her.
I assume that in TPN you are never assigned to Telepathist duty, right?

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Why do I keep misreading the thread title as "Smashy butt fun"?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Just got Arc of Destruction..VERY nice power..in fact, I can see why it is not more targets. The animation for it rocks to..this and Whirling Smash seem to look the best.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post

It is all Smash damage, with a few lethal dots...when you have a BIG sword, that doesnt make a huge deal of sense. Would have been nice to see the smashy type weapons do smash with lethal dot, and the blade types do lethal with smash dot..

This is like saying that because my toon is wearing armor instead of tights that my Resistence should be up.