Obsolescence with latest issue




As much as I enjoy most of the changes that came with Issue 20/Freedom, I have a couple of problems.

1) The Hollows and the radio missions have become neglected as characters level past them after a few runs through the sewer trials. I have managed to hit level 16 in a matter of a couple of hours with about half a dozen runs through the trial. On the surface, this is great, but there was a lot of good content in the lower levels. Maybe we need to find a use for all those initial, origin-based contacts. As it now stands, origin is meaningless, beyond role-playing "color."

2) Making a Villain ("red-side") character is now pointless, causing all of that content to now be neglected. I have yet, even during peak periods, to see anywhere near the volume of traffic in the Rogue Isles that I once saw before Issue 21/Freedom. With the blurring of archetypes, making a character on "red side" is now meaningless. The changes to Mercy Island are nice, even interesting, but everyone is making Regen brutes and Masterminds in Paragon City, now. Any time I get on, again, even during peak periods, there are not enough players in the Rogue Isles interested in the sewer trials to get a group formed.

3) The Tutorial now has less meaning. The run-up to the release touted it as a more "streamlined" experience. It certainly is more brief, but it lacks the informativeness of the original. Sure, the content had gotten a little stale, but I could have set my 10 year old loose in the "Breakout" tutorial and been reasonably confident he could have picked up all he needed to know to play the game, short of intermediate-level strategy. Now, there's just enough instruction to get you able to run around and attack things. The audio cues are annoying, at best, and the audible exposition is kind of pointless.

I'm not jumping ship, or anything, but I'm a whole lot less enthusiastic about maintaining my "VIP" status.



Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post
As much as I enjoy most of the changes that came with Issue 20/Freedom, I have a couple of problems.
1 - The Hollows were already neglected, even after the revamp, in favor of police scanner missions in Kings Row and Steel Canyon. Less travel time, easier enemies, availability of market in zone, and potential of 'invasion' style event or seeing a task force forming ensures that the Hollows never really stands a chance in most players minds.

1a) Origin was always useless beyond veteran attacks and type of enhancements you can use. Adding back 5 lame level 1 to 5 missions won't change this.

2 - Red side has always been a graveyard. Going Rogue sealed its fate and Freedom put a nail in the coffin. There's nothing new here, aside from people not being 'forced' to play a blue side AT they didn't want to because they don't like villains or having to spend 20 levels in a setting they hate to play the AT they want to play in the place they want to play it. Freedom did more damage to Praetoria that it did to red side for this very reason.

3 - No comment, as I skip the new tutorial just like I skipped the old ones.

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Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post
As much as I enjoy most of the changes that came with Issue 20/Freedom, I have a couple of problems.

1) The Hollows and the radio missions have become neglected as characters level past them after a few runs through the sewer trials. I have managed to hit level 16 in a matter of a couple of hours with about half a dozen runs through the trial. On the surface, this is great, but there was a lot of good content in the lower levels. Maybe we need to find a use for all those initial, origin-based contacts. As it now stands, origin is meaningless, beyond role-playing "color."
No one is forcing you to do the sewer trial, if you want to play hollows, play hollows.



Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post
The Tutorial now has less meaning. The run-up to the release touted it as a more "streamlined" experience. It certainly is more brief, but it lacks the informativeness of the original. Sure, the content had gotten a little stale, but I could have set my 10 year old loose in the "Breakout" tutorial and been reasonably confident he could have picked up all he needed to know to play the game, short of intermediate-level strategy. Now, there's just enough instruction to get you able to run around and attack things. The audio cues are annoying, at best, and the audible exposition is kind of pointless.
If they would allow the defeats of these Shivan for The Man/Woman In Black badge,maybe it would be more interesting.

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Don't blame Freedom for people not wanting to play the Hollows or redside. They're still there, you still have the ability to do the stuff there. People just don't want to do it.



Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post

1) The Hollows and the radio missions have become neglected as characters level past them after a few runs through the sewer trials. I have managed to hit level 16 in a matter of a couple of hours with about half a dozen runs through the trial. On the surface, this is great, but there was a lot of good content in the lower levels. Maybe we need to find a use for all those initial, origin-based contacts. As it now stands, origin is meaningless, beyond role-playing "color."

The Hollows have been neglected for a long time and way before this issue was released. The typical pattern was to run through the sewers till around level 8 and then head to Kings Row.. do the missions there.. do bank mission.. get rocket pack.. Then off to Steel Canyon. This was way before the current content.

And I agree with what someone else said. Origins are meaningless except for concept reasons. It has never meant anything substantial in the actual game

Making a Villain ("red-side") character is now pointless, causing all of that content to now be neglected. I have yet, even during peak periods, to see anywhere near the volume of traffic in the Rogue Isles that I once saw before Issue 21/Freedom. With the blurring of archetypes, making a character on "red side" is now meaningless. The changes to Mercy Island are nice, even interesting, but everyone is making Regen brutes and Masterminds in Paragon City, now. Any time I get on, again, even during peak periods, there are not enough players in the Rogue Isles interested in the sewer trials to get a group formed.
I think here you are dealing with several issues. First off at its core the game is called City of HEROES. I believe most people would rather play a hero than a villain. You grow up watching Superman and Spiderman cartoons not Lex Luthor and Venom cartoons.

I also believe that people who play villains lend themselves to playing solo more than teaming. I see villains playing, but I do tend to see people running more solo than team. Everyone is not making Regen brutes and Masterminds. I believe many people are doing like me turning Villains into Rogues allowing them to run whatever content they wish and not being restricted to one since.

Also my suggestion is always utilize your servers Global channels to find teams. Many times no one wants to start a team so there are no teams running. The best way to find a team is to start a team. [/quote]


3) The Tutorial now has less meaning. The run-up to the release touted it as a more "streamlined" experience. It certainly is more brief, but it lacks the informativeness of the original. Sure, the content had gotten a little stale, but I could have set my 10 year old loose in the "Breakout" tutorial and been reasonably confident he could have picked up all he needed to know to play the game, short of intermediate-level strategy. Now, there's just enough instruction to get you able to run around and attack things. The audio cues are annoying, at best, and the audible exposition is kind of pointless.
I agree with this 100%. The tutorial was OVER simplified.

I'm not jumping ship, or anything, but I'm a whole lot less enthusiastic about maintaining my "VIP" status.
Well this is a personal choice but I dont see how any of these things have to do with the things VIP status offers you such as free transfers, free paragon points, access to all available AT's, IO's, Signature Story Arcs for free, and the Incarnate system, as well as the ability to utilize the forums and all the in game chat channels..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post
1) The Hollows and the radio missions have become neglected as characters level past them after a few runs through the sewer trials.
The Hollows was only popular while it was the 'only game in town'. It was never popular because everyone loved it. Most of the missions are as mundane as the radio missions. Only a handful are actually interesting.

As for the radio missions, I don't see them being neglected. Certainly, they are less popular now that we have the tip missions which are newer/better. But the radio missions have the appeal of the bank missions (which are pretty good), which offer powers all the way up to the 45-50 range. The radio missions are not 'low level content'.

2) Making a Villain ("red-side") character is now pointless, causing all of that content to now be neglected. I have yet, even during peak periods, to see anywhere near the volume of traffic in the Rogue Isles that I once saw before Issue 21/Freedom.
Yeah, because now we don't HAVE TO. I never liked playing a villain much. Now I have the option of playing the red AT's on blue side. Yay! I just don't like being the bad guy and I think a lot of other people feel the same way.

3) The Tutorial now has less meaning. The run-up to the release touted it as a more "streamlined" experience. It certainly is more brief, but it lacks the informativeness of the original.
Yeah, the new tutorial sucks. It has a lot of flashy new stuff, but doesn't do the job of being a TUTORIAL. Seriously, voice-overs that never show up anywhere else in the game? What's the point? I ran it once to run it. Then ran it again because I forgot about the comic the first time. That's it for me. Good riddance.

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I didn't buy CoH. Every game in the world lets you play the hero.
I bought CoV.



Great! You can play CoV to your heart's content. But apparently, many people bought CoH and prefer it.

If you want to propose a way to make redside more attractive to players, sure, great. If you just want to lock people in there even though they'd rather play blue, you might find less support.

Edit: This seems like completely the wrong subforum for such a thread...



I usually switch sides every few months based on what I feel like doing toon wise. I recently have been redside for the past year now and dont see the problem that is often brought up about it being a dead place (Freedom & Virtue). I always recommend relooking at what server you play on and go from there if you enjoy villain content.

No opinion about the rest of the original post since I rarely did the tutorial and got tired of the hollows about 3 years ago.

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"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



I view most contact/arcs as solo play for those who enjoy a story. And some of the Legacy Arcs... well, the story is lost in really bad design of street sweeps, fedex, and repetitive missions, which, though maybe necessary in their day, not so much anymore.

Most of the stories of the legacy arcs, which were told in 12 missions can be done today in 3-4 missions.

But once you've gone through the story once or twice or ten times... no need to anymore. Stick to powerleveling trials and TFs.

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Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Great! You can play CoV to your heart's content.
Awesome! ty

Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
If you just want to lock people in there even though they'd rather play blue, you might find less support.
I'll try to keep that in mind should it ever come up.



I think it's worth keeping in mind that what used to be covered in the Tutorial now has been spread over the first 20 levels of the game. What you now call the tutorial is really the first part. the REAL tutorial is running that, the Matthew Hashby arcs and Dual Shots arcs Blue side or the Inquisitors arcs and Doctor Graves arcs redside.

Those cover all that Breakout and Outbreak used to cover and more. Of course, they do it way too slow and too far apart, but they do cover it. Is it a good make-over? Heck no! The write-up for the arcs is pretty good, and sometimes very funny, but by the time they tell you about stores or Icon, chances are anyone but a rank newbie is on his second costume with every slot filled already. And nowhere is it advertised that those arcs teach you about the game, which I'd say is a criminal oversight. But ultimately, the information IS there.



For the record, I would watch the crap out of a Venom cartoon.



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
For the record, I would watch the crap out of a Venom cartoon.



Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post
1) The Hollows and the radio missions have become neglected as characters level past them after a few runs through the sewer trials. I have managed to hit level 16 in a matter
As mentioned, origin never really mattered (I've never understood why the game says "Technology Brute" vs "Dark/Dark Brute", as that's more informative). That said, I do feel like there should be more "intro" content that takes the sewer trail into account. No one is forced to do the sewer, but it's GREAT to teach new players team-play, which is something I would have dearly loved when I was new to the game and as someone still new to teaming I find it great, so "you don't have to do sewers" sort of misses the point.

The sewer trial really prepped me (who didn't do TFs) to join in iTrials. BAF was understandable and made less confusing by a familiar interface and prompts. Far superior to what I've seen in other games, and TFs are a confusing mess in comparison.

Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post
2) Making a Villain ("red-side") character is now pointless, causing all of that content to
A lot of responses thus far miss part of this point. I played almost exclusively red-side for years. Smaller zones, tight missions, I liked it. Now that I'm exploring teaming, there's a real incentive to just play blue-side. (I've wondered why the sewer trail wasn't cross-sides. Each side could see their respective prompts)

I wouldn't say being red-side is "meaningless" - the meaning is to have fun. I would say it's at a disincentive, which is an unfortunate thing to do to one of the game features that can draw and keep players.

Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post
3) The Tutorial now has less meaning. The run-up to the release touted it as a more
I just have to disagree. I like the new tutorial, I thought the audio added a lot. I like that it introduces zone events and combat. I like that it gets you into the game faster and with less tedium. I do think they can add more optional "tell me more about" type stuff, but that's a fairly minor nit.

The stuff I see new players confused about is not things that were in the tutorial (new or old).

Originally Posted by MetalBritches View Post
I'm not jumping ship, or anything, but I'm a whole lot less enthusiastic about maintaining my "VIP" status.
I don't really see this related to VIP one way or the other.



what about Preitoria? last night on server chat a player was complaining about lack of players so he deleted the char he was running and re-created a hero version.

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Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
what about Preitoria? last night on server chat a player was complaining about lack of players so he deleted the char he was running and re-created a hero version.
Freedom of movement. That was its problem from the start. A hero/villain can go to and from Praetoria, Ouroboros, Rikti War Zone, Pocket D and their own side's maps (anywhere I forgot?)... Praetorians however are limited to Praetoria and Pocket D.

It's easy for a hero or villain to join a Praetorian for leveling (providing you have access..) but a Praetorian is simply stuck.

As for the topic itself...

1) As said before.. The Hollows gets boring rather fast. Personally I managed to drag 6 or so characters through the missions right up to Flux's Frostfire.

1a) Read above posts.

2) TheBruteSquad and Airhammer said pretty much everything I would. Most people enjoy playing Heroes even if the (clasically) Villain ATs are more fun for them.

3) Netphenix5 and SwiftOneSpeaks have a lot to say that I agree with here. I do however agree that the "audio overlay" in the new tutorial is horrifically cringe-worthy. They really do need to remove the audio and replace it with either the pop-up captions of the pop-up dialogue windows that already existed in-game.

Originally Posted by McNum View Post
Between the Loyalists and Resistance, I'd be tempted to support Praetorian Hamidon.
One side uses mind police and will "disappear" you and the other uses poison gas and bombs on civilians. Hamidon? He'll just have a tree eat you. Much simpler. If we're all going to be oppressed and/or killed by someone, it might as well be the walking trees. At least they don't speak in annoying code or doublespeak. They just devour you.



Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
what about Preitoria? last night on server chat a player was complaining about lack of players so he deleted the char he was running and re-created a hero version.
I just did the same. I had a character stuck in Praetoria at level 16. You can't join a supergroup, or run a sewer trial, or associate with other players, so there's really no point in having a character there unless you really enjoy the content solo. I've done it once, and it's not compelling enough to do it again.

Having more starting options is great, but when there's forced segregation as there is with Paragon City, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria, it seriously hampers teaming on all but the most populous servers.

Looking at it from a practical point of view: if people were to spread out among the starting zones evenly, it would reduce the number of potential team mates by 2/3. The most common question people have when selecting a new server is, "How busy is it?" Players want there to be lots of activity on a server. In a social game, most players want to be where all the other players are. (Not all, of course. I actually like playing on less populated servers. Since the players need each other more, they tend to be more civil.)

The availability of other players becomes especially important with TFs and trials, which have minimum team/league sizes. That's the main reason why all the incarnate trials are co-op. On small servers it would be all but impossible to put a trial together if heroes and villains couldn't team together. That is, until all the villains become rogues or heroes.



ive always and only will play redside, never felt like a graveyard to me, i love the redside content and zones, heroside annoys me at every turn and EVERY toon i make goes redside, no question

i do feel that the one side which is neglected is praetorian, theres little to no reason to make a praetorian unless you like being trapped in a jail for 20 levels