15 -
I'm shocked that you guys are bothering to acknowledge Brillig and Another_Fan. The "proof" that they are unicorns is in the level of their argument. If they had something more relevant than "did not" and "I know you are but what am I," then they would be somehow worth notice.
Quote:I laughed so loud at this that I got funny looks from people around me. (I'm in the student lounge between classes.)Just so you know, no matter what NCSoft does to try and kill CoH, there will be a player funded and run attempt to create some kind of online superhero experience, even if it just starts off as a shared virtual space for avatars and a chat program.
I love the idea, but it sounds eerily similar to how Kevin Smith described what a super hero movie would be like if he wrote and directed it. I believe it was in "Too Fat For 40," but I could be wrong. Basically, he describes Green Hornet and Kato leaning on the Black Beauty, smoking and talking. Some bad guy "shows up" off-screen, so they go take care of it, again off-screen, and come back to their cigarettes. "So, where were we?"
Personally, I would watch that. -
I don't have an old post, but I still have three characters in Outbreak. I'll be getting on and playing that mission through again.
Sadly, there will be no more access to the ski chalet. On the current timeline, the servers will go dark before the chalet reopens. My group has pretty much convinced ourselves that the there won't be a Halloween trick or treat this year, either. That's assuming that those things don't trigger automatically.
I've sent mine, and, having read through most of the thread replies, I wish I'd copied and pasted it for all here to read. Went with the whole city in peril, heroes and villains, rogues and vigilantes in a struggle for their very survival angle. I have a similar one for Joss Whedon, if I can get contact info for him.
Quote:There were at least half a dozen on Champion in the weeks following his death, but they were player-generated.
Seriously, I should be surprised we never got a Stateszombie. -
Is this a bad time to ask why the female avatar chest size modification only changed bust size? That's always bugged me.
I experienced this on Defiant earlier this evening. I was level 3, so I had the Rocket Board power available as well as numerous other account items at my disposal. Also had no group affiliations on Defiant, but the zone doors do still seem to work. The next one of us who finds a new toon in Galaxy, or gets there on purpose from Outbreak, should open a support ticket while in zone to force the attention. At the moment, it doesn't appear to be a "known issue."
As much as I enjoy most of the changes that came with Issue 20/Freedom, I have a couple of problems.
1) The Hollows and the radio missions have become neglected as characters level past them after a few runs through the sewer trials. I have managed to hit level 16 in a matter of a couple of hours with about half a dozen runs through the trial. On the surface, this is great, but there was a lot of good content in the lower levels. Maybe we need to find a use for all those initial, origin-based contacts. As it now stands, origin is meaningless, beyond role-playing "color."
2) Making a Villain ("red-side") character is now pointless, causing all of that content to now be neglected. I have yet, even during peak periods, to see anywhere near the volume of traffic in the Rogue Isles that I once saw before Issue 21/Freedom. With the blurring of archetypes, making a character on "red side" is now meaningless. The changes to Mercy Island are nice, even interesting, but everyone is making Regen brutes and Masterminds in Paragon City, now. Any time I get on, again, even during peak periods, there are not enough players in the Rogue Isles interested in the sewer trials to get a group formed.
3) The Tutorial now has less meaning. The run-up to the release touted it as a more "streamlined" experience. It certainly is more brief, but it lacks the informativeness of the original. Sure, the content had gotten a little stale, but I could have set my 10 year old loose in the "Breakout" tutorial and been reasonably confident he could have picked up all he needed to know to play the game, short of intermediate-level strategy. Now, there's just enough instruction to get you able to run around and attack things. The audio cues are annoying, at best, and the audible exposition is kind of pointless.
I'm not jumping ship, or anything, but I'm a whole lot less enthusiastic about maintaining my "VIP" status. -
<sigh> Well, I guess I'll have to try riding the hairy edge of copyright infringement another time...
"Now it's on! Now it's off! Now it's on!"
"That's called 'flashing...'" -
And just got booted. There are strange things afoot at the Circle K.
There was a message one of the times I logged in yesterday saying that the CohUpdater was going to be turned off today. Probably causing more problems than expected.
OK, skimmed through the whole thread and don't think I saw this expressly addressed: can Vigilante/Rogue collect teleport beacons on both "sides?"