Coffee Talk Highlights, Nov 30: Compensation Melee with Synapse

Adeon Hawkwood



Am I the only one who still remembers that VK's post is a transcript and not a word-for-word quotation on things? When I read the costume gender part ports I thought to myself "Alright, females are getting stuff that the males did but they didn't, more jackets and stuff", not "They're going to turn females into menwomen, the end"

Ambiguous wording can make anything sound bad if you're enough of a pessimist. I'm also hoping they take time to port some female pieces to males. Shorts and Sandals are unisex in my opinion and have no idea why they're not allowed on the guys. If I were allowed go to onto CoH right this moment I'd look for more female-only-when-they-shouldn't costume pieces to add to the list.

I'll be happy if they do a costume piece proliferation amongst genders, game-unlocks and then the additional premium sets. And mention of non-pre-tint versions of pieces. Sounds like the next issue will be one to look out for!

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Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
The talking is fine. There's just very little listening happening any more.
That applies to both sides. feedback is a negotiation of give and take, not digging your heels in and demanding. nor is it beginning negotiations in bad faith with an already hostile stance.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
That applies to both sides. feedback is a negotiation of give and take, not digging your heels in and demanding. nor is it beginning negotiations in bad faith with an already hostile stance.
"But the customers don't listen to us!"





I love how, in a few short months, we've gone from having very heated debates over the fact that, from here on out, all new costume pieces would be paid for to this.

My main gripe with this 'issue' was the emotion I sensed on the Dev's part. Like a parent that was never able to please a spoiled child, getting annoyed and fed up. Offering us reverse psychology tricks and threatening to take away our toys.

The either or mentality doesn't have to exist, even more so if the Dev's have more resources in this department than before. We've been given gender equal pieces, and male/female only options for years, the creator is chock full of them. The only thing driving the perception of having to divide the sets with maths is a monetary one. Now that you can charge for things, the desire to hold them back isn't as present.

It could be some mandate being dictated, I don't know. All I know is this whole thing, to me, sounds like creating a problem out of nothing.

If the new time table for releases means you can't deliver the same level of equality then the timetable needs to be adjusted, not the amount of pieces...

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They're looking into porting Titan Weapons to stalkers down the line, as it would need new animations. They were surprised by the disappointment regarding it not being on stalkers.

I honestly hope this DOESN'T happen. Good god, what's wrong with people.

I, for one, am not disappointment. :\



Originally Posted by Denji View Post

I honestly hope this DOESN'T happen. Good god, what's wrong with people.
I know, right? Some people are just jerks. They would deny other people from having something simply because they themselves can't wrap their brain around the concept.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Denji View Post

I honestly hope this DOESN'T happen. Good god, what's wrong with people.

I, for one, am not disappointment. :\
I guess Controllers shouldn't get Dark Control or Dark Affinity because...well you know they're a hero AT and Heroes don't use Darkness that's an evil type thing right? Oh The same thing with Dark Miasma on Defenders and Dark Blast on.....



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I know, right? Some people are just jerks. They would deny other people from having something simply because they themselves can't wrap their brain around the concept.
Lol I just find it hilarious that when it comes to one AT? Oh, people can say it has to be like this and that and you can't break soandso theme because they are like *THIIIIIS!* But when it comes to their favorite AT? No question is raised for any possible changes.

I mean, what kind of sense does a Katana Brute make? OR a dual blades Brute? Not a word.

"We want ice melee/armor Brutes! It can work with new fury now!!"

Yeah? So? Ice armor/melee doesn't make conceptual sense on a Brute.

"I want ninjutsu Scrappers!"

Are you high!?

Yeah, I can hear the backlash from what I post already, concepts of why suchandsuch set does fit those ATs...but when others come and argue about TW Stalkers, this is somehow completely different.

That's called hypocrisy, kids! It's not a good thing.



Personally, I think it's entirely hypocritical to deny Stalkers anything based on theme while they have Electric Melee and Electric Armor - what part of "big flashes of light while attacking including a screen-filling lightning bolt" and "glow-in-the-dark armor" fits The Theme(tm)?

Titan Weapons makes as much sense for a Stalker as it does a Scrapper.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Why is anybody trying to say that any AT shouldn't get a set that falls within their primary/secondary? It's up to the players to make it fit, and that's sort of the point of the game. Give Stalkers Titan Weapons and Shields. Give Brutes and Scrappers Ice Melee/Armor. People'll figure out their own concepts for why it "fits."

Either way, TW may not seem like the best idea conceptually for a stealth-based AT (same goes for electric, but who cares), but mechanically I think it'd work pretty well, especially with the proposed changes for Stalkers. AS, get momentum, attack some, get Focus, AS again to get more momentum, repeat.



Ice brutes make sense - Mr. Freeze is quite the example in his own way of "Cold Fury"

Before it was simply the fact that fury did not place nice at all, but new fury apparently makes it worth looking into again.

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Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
Personally, I think it's entirely hypocritical to deny Stalkers anything based on theme while they have Electric Melee and Electric Armor - what part of "big flashes of light while attacking including a screen-filling lightning bolt" and "glow-in-the-dark armor" fits The Theme(tm)?

Titan Weapons makes as much sense for a Stalker as it does a Scrapper.
I wouldn't say they 'denied' access to Stalkers. It is simply based on the popularity of Stalkers compared to other ATs, they didn't allocate resourses to produce a Stalker Assassin's Strike animation for Titan Weapons. Their 'perception' of theme probably played into that decision, but it wasn't the sole reason.

Still, it would be really, really nice to get it someday. Titan Weapon Stalkers were the reason I was excited for Titan Weapons, but alas, I cannot make a 'Zabuza-inspired' Titan Weapon ninja yet.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
I wouldn't say they 'denied' access to Stalkers. It is simply based on the popularity of Stalkers compared to other ATs, they didn't allocate resourses to produce a Stalker Assassin's Strike animation for Titan Weapons. Their 'perception' of theme probably played into that decision, but it wasn't the sole reason.

Still, it would be really, really nice to get it someday. Titan Weapon Stalkers were the reason I was excited for Titan Weapons, but alas, I cannot make a 'Zabuza-inspired' Titan Weapon ninja yet.
Demon of the Hidden Mist!

Stalkers are not popular because they need fixing...the same thing applied to Doms before the buff.