Coffee Talk Highlights, Nov 30: Compensation Melee with Synapse
Thanks for getting this up so fast!
"Zwill states that they will be starting to 'port over' male pieces to the female model rather than making female-only pieces with future costume sets from here on out."
This kind of sounds snarky to me. So the plan is to do away with female specific pieces altogether?
You have the patience of a saint, VK.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
"Zwill states that they will be starting to 'port over' male pieces to the female model rather than making female-only pieces with future costume sets from here on out."
This kind of sounds snarky to me. So the plan is to do away with female specific pieces altogether? |
Oh, and Titan Weapons was awesome when I tested it back in Open Beta

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Thought for the day:
"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."
"Zwill states that they will be starting to 'port over' male pieces to the female model rather than making female-only pieces with future costume sets from here on out."
This kind of sounds snarky to me. So the plan is to do away with female specific pieces altogether? |
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
But in reality, pro-Stalker players already feel like their AT is shafted, and missing out on a melee powerset just adds insult to injury.
De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.
Thanks for this.
Re: Whips--I think it would make a fine dominator set. Would also love to see it as a controller primary/defender secondary/dominator primary. This would spread the whip love around a bit more and it would permit doms to be "pure whip" characters if one so desires. Have suggested this in the past--a set that relies heavily on soft control, stuns, and "reverse knockbacks" as the whip grabs the target and pulls them forward, maybe even past, the whip wielder.
As far as a "fire whip set"--I'd prefer it be a general non-corporeal whip in more general: psychic chains, fire whips, energy cables, etc. I know this makes it a little more complicate regarding what sort of damage it will do. But if ranged gets varied damage and secondary effects via DP's swap ammo and melee is getting something similar via Staff Fighting's three different fighting states (or whatever they are calling them), whips could represent the place where this mechanic appears for control sets.
"Zwill states that they will be starting to 'port over' male pieces to the female model rather than making female-only pieces with future costume sets from here on out."
This kind of sounds snarky to me. So the plan is to do away with female specific pieces altogether? |
As for pre-tinting... why not use more bump-mapping for textures? Is it more client-intensive?
I could see the fire whips as maybe a Dominator or maybe a Blaster secondary (we haven't gotten a new of those in a while). The animation from Hell on Earth could make a good Hold or some other Mez attack, for instance. And while a "reverse knockback" would be cool (I imagine it like Scorpion from Mortal Komabt. "Get over here!"), it'd be almost a TP foe attack, wouldn't it? Basic knockdown or knockup is easier to control in a fight.
As a melee set... hm. If you went down that road with Fire Whips, I'd say it'd be something like Spines. Not in the AoE sense, but in being an unusual amount of range for a melee set. It'd be probably a bit on the low side, damage-wise, for a melee set, and have to make up the difference by the advantage of fighting at range.
Good to hear that they're looking into tweaking Dual Pistols.
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"Zwill states that they will be starting to 'port over' male pieces to the female model rather than making female-only pieces with future costume sets from here on out."
This kind of sounds snarky to me. So the plan is to do away with female specific pieces altogether? |
The snark, however, is all mine!
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"Zwill states that they will be starting to 'port over' male pieces to the female model rather than making female-only pieces with future costume sets from here on out."
This kind of sounds snarky to me. So the plan is to do away with female specific pieces altogether? |
Of course a broader selection of choices would be great, but if the art direction wasn't ALREADY phenomenal in City of Heroes, I wouldn't be here. The community should pick its battles more carefully "going forward", and if a sea change does occur, I won't blame the art team.
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
This is exactly what I expected when I voiced my opinion and stressed that the art team should listen to the community but avoid giving them the steering wheel. There are minority biases in the "Gender Equality" thread that do not reflect the tastes of the game's wider audience. All you need to do is log into the game to see it.
Of course a broader selection of choices would be great, but if the art direction wasn't ALREADY phenomenal in City of Heroes, I wouldn't be here. The community should pick its battles more carefully "going forward", and if a sea change does occur, I won't blame the art team. |
The fact that it snowballed so fast into 30 pages+ is clear indicator that I was NOT the only one feeling that way. And, yes, while the forum might be a smaller window of players than the game in general, it also tends to contain the longest playing and most paying players. The Devs can't just be fair weather friends when it suits them with comments like 'We are dedicated to our veterans and ongoing playerbase' one minute and then totally disregard perfectly valid feedback the next. That's just not on, ESPECIALLY not with paying customers. I almost dread to think how much I've sunk into this game, along with many of the board and in-game vets.
They can't claim to listen, not listen, and then throw a hissy fit when they get called on it.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Prove it.
Also, their Facebook page proved to fare no better in regards to critical feedback than the forums (and their supposed limited scope). |
I always pick fights carefully. I have only maybe once or twice made a thread decrying anything. This is quite possibly my one Big 'Explosion' thread.
The fact that it snowballed so fast into 30 pages+ is clear indicator that I was NOT the only one feeling that way. And, yes, while the forum might be a smaller window of players than the game in general, it also tends to contain the longest playing and most paying players. The Devs can't just be fair weather friends when it suits them with comments like 'We are dedicated to our veterans and ongoing playerbase' one minute and then totally disregard perfectly valid feedback the next. That's just not on, ESPECIALLY not with paying customers. I almost dread to think how much I've sunk into this game, along with many of the board and in-game vets. They can't claim to listen, not listen, and then throw a hissy fit when they get called on it. |
@Captain-Electric � Detective Marvel � The Sapien Spider � Moravec Man � The Old Norseman
Dark-Eyes � Doctor Serpentine � Stonecaster � Skymaiden � The Blue Jaguar
Guide to Altitis � A Comic for New Players � The Lore Project � Intro to extraterrestrials in CoH
I have to go back to work, but for now, all I'll say is that I hope we all enjoy our forthcoming homogenous outfits. The community wins!
I.e. he was going to do what he damn well wanted, and the players could just lump it.
Which, really, isn't what PS is going for these days, as far as I can tell.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Zwill states that they will be starting to 'port over' male pieces to the female model rather than making female-only pieces with future costume sets from here on out. |

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
This is exactly what I expected when I voiced my opinion and stressed that the art team should listen to the community but avoid giving them the steering wheel. There are minority biases in the "Gender Equality" thread that do not reflect the tastes of the game's wider audience. All you need to do is log into the game to see it.
Of course a broader selection of choices would be great, but if the art direction wasn't ALREADY phenomenal in City of Heroes, I wouldn't be here. The community should pick its battles more carefully "going forward", and if a sea change does occur, I won't blame the art team. |
Edit/PS: The whole point of microtransactions is to encourage customers to spend more money. The point is moot if the attitude is to either ignore customer feedback or to punish the customer for giving feedback. An inferior product isn't worth buying, now or in the future.
I'd hate to see NCSoft make the same mistakes as Turbine in dismissing player feedback, pushing microtransactions beyond reason, and punishing dissent. This is a great game and I hope it remains such.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
Zwill states that they will be starting to 'port over' male pieces to the female model rather than making female-only pieces with future costume sets from here on out.
From here on out they will also be offering pre-tinted and non-tinted pieces of costumes from now on as well so you can choose.
Zwill shills the costume contests going on today. Think Tank drops by and he's one of the judges.
Arbiter Whiteboard has been recording the Ultimate Frisbee games using his iPhone attached to a headband. It makes Zwill seasick.
He says he'll edit a version down and show it sometime.
TANGENT: The Muppet movie.
Zwill has officially thrown up the Synapse Signal, so he ought to be arriving soon.
ZombieManCoH: It's a 1950's man-on-street reporter interviewing a waif.
ParagonKid: Zwill could be announcing a horse race.
TANGENT: Karaoke at the pummit.
TANGENT: Thanksgiving meals
They're looking into porting Titan Weapons to stalkers down the line, as it would need new animations. They were surprised by the disappointment regarding it not being on stalkers.
Someone in chat mentions that Synapse looks tiny compared to Zwill, he has his chair down 4 inches lower, so Zwill drops his to make it look more even.
Titan Weapons!
Defensive Sweep
It's the only powerset that gets AoE as a Tier 1 power!
Adds defense!
Melee Cone, hits up to five targets!
Extraneous exclamation points!
Crushing Blow
Lowers foe defense!
Titan Sweep
Melee Cone with knockdown!
Build Momentum
Like Build Up!
Less Damage!
Momentum for 10 seconds!
Synapse says that Build Up is kind of bleh and they like making new mechanics for new sets to have.
Follow Through
Huge damage!
Light DoT/Bleed damage!
Requires Momentum!
Very VERY short animation!
Herp a derp!
Shatter Armor
Debuffs defense and Resistance!
Whirling Smash
Requires Momentum!
Arc of Destruction
Have to be on the ground to use!
Massive Cone Damage!
Synapse gives an explanation about momentum. You have to hit with the attack, and the attacks are faster for the next 5 seconds. You cannot gain more momentum unless you use Build Momentum, which is a 10 second override.
Nothing consumes momentum. You will always have it for 5 seconds. That is about enough time to make two or three attacks.
The powerset is AoE intensive, and Synapse recommends slotting for Endurance.
Also get Accuracy and Tohit.
Base accuracy is 1 rather than 1.05 like most weapon sets, as this set has more damage than the End usage would indicate.
He gives some IO recommendations. Of course he mentions the expensive +Recovery IO's and Kinetic Combat. Zwill states that Kinetic Combat IO's are on sale in the Paragon Market right now.
Chat states that it's cheaper to buy the Kinetic Combat IO's individually, as they are 12 points cheaper when bought individually rather than in the set. Oops.
Titan Weapons' downside is that missing hurts.
Zwill isn't sure what secondary he's going to go with on his TW Brute.
Synapse is rerolling an /Elec with the new Titan Weapons set.
Zwill won't tell the theme of his character because he thinks it's unique enough to recognize him on the personal account.
TheNetPQA: Its Cloud from FF7
coh_beastyle: he admonishes people about Cloud clones
coh_beastyle: so he can be Cloud
TheNetPQA: ^this
I ask if Zwill's character is a swordfish. That draws groans from both of them.
Tank's Bruising is only on the targetted enemy, I think that's also the case with Momentum.
There will be NPC's using Titan Weapons
Fluffy will be staying in Darkness Affinity as the Tier 9.
There are no plans for TW alternate animations, due to the two animations per power.
Zwill says they're not focusing on that since it's as much work as making a new set.
Dark Assault will have the old Dark look rather than the new Dark Control look.
"Why no Pine tree for Titan Weapons?"
Synapse: "I wish we'd thought of that!"
Zwill: "I want a fully decorated Christmas tree for Titan Weapons."
They're 'very aware' that players want more MM sets.
Talk about whips. Back Alley Brawler did some experimenting with whips, trying to have it recoil, or lay on the ground when idle. But both looked bad. Synapse says any whip sets would have to be effects like the Demon Summoning. He says that an entire fire whip melee set would be okay, but he thinks it would make a better Dominator Assault set.
Momentum is not an actual power, it's two separate powers that goes "Do you have Momentum? If so use this other power."
Power Redirect is being used in upcoming trial mechanics.
Synapse can't name the list of Dark Assault powers off the top of his head.
syrusbliz: Q: in regard to Dual Pistols, the combo of long animationss and lethal damage means low damage, certinaly lower than other blast sets; any chance of a damage tweak for them?
Synapse: "A damage tweak? No. A DPA tweak, yes. The cone and the targetted AoE, and Executioner's Shot could have better cast times."
Next week we will have Arbiter Hawk talking about the upcoming Stalker changes as well as yet unannounced changes for other power sets.
Zwill: "I think people will be floored when they hear about them."
Hopefully in a good way.