PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something about the forums




Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
If the forum software is out of date, would that leave it open to attacks? Just curious after reading TonyV's posts about the recent stuff that's happened to the Titan Network
That's a risk with any old software.

The issue is that all software, new or old, tends to have various vulnerabilities due to bugs or just oversights in its design. As new versions of software come out, they patch known bugs and remedy old oversights (and introduce new bugs and oversights). Old bugs and oversights tend to be known about by more people, just because they've been around longer. That makes it more likely someone may create a way to exploit them. The older your software, the more vulnerabilities you may have with working exploits circulating for download or just to read about, and therefore the more likely you are to suffer an eventual attack.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Who has time to stay logged into CoH forums for hours on end during the workday...
...uh right, 9% unemployment.

I get home from work, post if something interests me then go do something else, it's not really a terrible issue for me...does that make me the 1%?
I'd say you're in the minority, yes.

From what you wrote, you probably don't have time to use the internet from work. I don't have either - maybe I could use the net for 15-20 minutes at work but on the little free time I get there, I prefer to chit chat or go drink coffee / whatever, it relaxes way more than using the internet in the few (and little) breaks I get.

Now... Even using my workplace as an example, there are lots of people there who work all day in front of their computers. What do they do? They spend half the time on Facebook or Orkut (I don't use Orkut anymore, but it's still the 2nd largest social network here in Brazil, Facebook surpassed it only this year). Now imagine if Facebook had this login problem - loads of people all over the place whining.

I'm using Facebook as an example because it's a website I check once or twice daily, post something, comment on another post and leave. And as a CoX player who hasn't even been playing for the last 45 days or whatever, I use the forums in quite the same way - check new posts once per day, post something, forget about it. And in the times I was extremely addicted to CoX, it'd be safe to say I used this site more than any other. I'd guess many people here use these forums as much as those people who barely knew what 'internet' was five years ago and now spend all day on Facebook, twitter, etc, at work or not.

And you know there would be so many people raging if Facebook had a similar problem - and there's a difference, we pay to have full access to this place here. Surely you can say we pay for the game and the forum is a bonus, but I go though recurrent periods of not wanting to touch the game with a 10-foot pole and the forums are what keep me subscribed, and I know I'm not the only one who does this.

And even now that I'm checking the forums once per day usually, even not having the 'mid post boot bug' some people do, I hate that whenever I open a new tab with the forums I have to login again. It also seems the forums log me out after some period of inactivity, so sometimes I get home even with a tab opened with the forums and I find myself logged out.

(yes I know I typed 'forums' and 'Facebook' a hundred times)



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
I'd say you're in the minority, yes.

From what you wrote, you probably don't have time to use the internet from work.

Access yes but the spare time infrequently, and I was more or less joking, there are people in any number of situations, college, retired, stay at home moms etc who have the free time, what they do with that is their biz. ;]



I had my weekly call with the web ops team this afternoon.

- The random log out bug has been clearly defined to Seattle as something that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- The issues with the Hero Skin has been clearly defined as something that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- The cookie to flag you to log out due to inactivity is currently set to expire at 1 hour. This is, IMHO, a bit short. Originally, I had requested that the log out due to inactivity be set to 14 days. This caused some rather bad things to happen which resulted in the forums crashing over the weekend. We'll be setting it back to 8 hours soon. To be clear: If you are inactive on the forums for 8 hours you will be logged out.

More as I have it.


Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I had my weekly call with the web ops team this afternoon.

- The random log out bug has been clearly defined to Seattle as something that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- The issues with the Hero Skin has been clearly defined as something that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- The cookie to flag you to log out due to inactivity is currently set to expire at 1 hour. This is, IMHO, a bit short. Originally, I had requested that the log out due to inactivity be set to 14 days. This caused some rather bad things to happen which resulted in the forums crashing over the weekend. We'll be setting it back to 8 hours soon. To be clear: If you are inactive on the forums for 8 hours you will be logged out.

More as I have it.

1 hour is not the issue for me. If I close my browser session down and then open a new one 30 seconds later I have to log back in 100% of the time, something I don't have to do on any of the other boards I frequent.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
Access yes but the spare time infrequently, and I was more or less joking, there are people in any number of situations, college, retired, stay at home moms etc who have the free time, what they do with that is their biz. ;]
Oh sure, I didn't criticize you or anything about the work talk. If someone wants to play all day long, that's okay. I also barely have time even for a coffee break on my job, but I chose it and I like it, I could work in certain areas within my field that I could easily spend half the time on the interwebz lol (in fact, I turn WahtsApp off at work because I have a group with 5 of my friends from college and when I left that on I felt like 'notification man', then 'vibrating phone man', then I shut that thing off when working).

Just wanted to say that whether you use this forum all day long, once per day or once per week, it's very annoying to have to login every time (which I just did... and I left the tab open for the last 3 hours or so). You may not be bothered by this which is okay, I just mentioned you're probably the minority, in my case I get annoyed when I go check some website I'm registered and I have to login again for some reason, no matter if it's one I visit daily or not.

EDIT: I see Zwill posted about it since I started the post, went to do something and finished my post. Still not very happy with 'logged out after 8 hours' but I guess it's okay since we use the same account as the master NC one and it helps improving security for people who access this from mobiles and notebooks. My main gripe is that if I close this browser tab now, I'll have to login again (like Minotaur said) so I'm good if it gets solved.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I had my weekly call with the web ops team this afternoon.

- The random log out bug has been clearly defined to Seattle as something that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- The issues with the Hero Skin has been clearly defined as something that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- The cookie to flag you to log out due to inactivity is currently set to expire at 1 hour. This is, IMHO, a bit short. Originally, I had requested that the log out due to inactivity be set to 14 days. This caused some rather bad things to happen which resulted in the forums crashing over the weekend. We'll be setting it back to 8 hours soon. To be clear: If you are inactive on the forums for 8 hours you will be logged out.

More as I have it.

The forums should expire your session, not log you out. Logging you out erases your "Remember Me" setting, making "Remember Me" worthless. If whatever hack they put into the boards to integrate with our authentication servers actually require a "logout" for some reason, remove the code that sets bbuserid and bbpassword to "deleted" or null and sets the expiry date into the past.

Jeez if they actually think they need to log people out, I guess I should make it a higher priority to write that proxy filter to axe those cookie deletes. Who knows what the forums are going to be sen next.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Not only have the old problems not been solved, it's got a new problem: the RSS feeds for Developer Digest and Community Digest are both broken.



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Not only have the old problems not been solved, it's got a new problem: the RSS feeds for Developer Digest and Community Digest are both broken.
This seems to be related to the hero skin issue as others have reported changing to the villain skin and resubbing to the RSS feeds makes them work.

Zwill - any indication from them if the cookie changes they are doing will make it so I don't have to explicitly mark the forum read and then manually log out for the system to remember read threads?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



yes please

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
I had my weekly call with the web ops team this afternoon.

- The random log out bug has been clearly defined to Seattle as something that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- The issues with the Hero Skin has been clearly defined as something that needs to be addressed ASAP.
- The cookie to flag you to log out due to inactivity is currently set to expire at 1 hour. This is, IMHO, a bit short. Originally, I had requested that the log out due to inactivity be set to 14 days. This caused some rather bad things to happen which resulted in the forums crashing over the weekend. We'll be setting it back to 8 hours soon. To be clear: If you are inactive on the forums for 8 hours you will be logged out.

More as I have it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The forums should expire your session, not log you out. Logging you out erases your "Remember Me" setting, making "Remember Me" worthless. If whatever hack they put into the boards to integrate with our authentication servers actually require a "logout" for some reason, remove the code that sets bbuserid and bbpassword to "deleted" or null and sets the expiry date into the past.

Jeez if they actually think they need to log people out, I guess I should make it a higher priority to write that proxy filter to axe those cookie deletes. Who knows what the forums are going to be sen next.
Derp. This making the intended as a joke part of an earlier post seem prescient:
Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
whoever is in charge of maintaining the forums has finally given up completely on getting them to work well and now types in all changes using their forehead.
Or would clairvoyant be more accurate?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Fastest logout ever - I logged in, got the thank you for logging in page. When I was redirected back to the forums I was logged out again.
yeah, I've had that loads, usually on my iPad. My phone and various PCs usually fair a little better.



So, I was having the log out problem myself for a while, then today I accidentally didn't check the remember me box and I've been logged in all day. Perhaps the check/uncheck states got mixed up or something? If you check it it acts as if it's unchecked and if it's unchecked it acts as if it's checked?

Maybe other people having trouble can try logging in without checking it and see if that helps?

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
Fastest logout ever - I logged in, got the thank you for logging in page. When I was redirected back to the forums I was logged out again.

I think I can top that.
Just yesterday I logged into the main boards, got the thank you page and was logged out.
Logged in again, this time successfully.
Clicked "For Fun"
For Fun section loads and I am logged out.
Log in again, welcomed, am in For Fun and logged in. Clicked "Comics and Hero/Villain Culture"
Comics section loads and I am again logged out.
I log in for a final time while in the Comics section.