So here's hoping tomorrow's store release...




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Blood's right. If the devs gave us our weight in solid gold bricks there would be people on the forums complaining that they didn't give them a wheel barrow to carry it around in.
Why would they fork out so much gold, and then go and skimp on the wheelbarrow? Now they are just being petty.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Blood's right. If the devs gave us our weight in solid gold bricks there would be people on the forums complaining that they didn't give them a wheel barrow to carry it around in.
And people with broken backs claiming it's great to be unable to walk and thanking the devs for the privilege.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Edit: Aura Just Went Live

Second Edit: The aura looks better in game than in the CC. Was ho-hum about the individual particles in the CC, but the growth patterns are quite nice when tooling about the world. Good effect. Ideally, the particles for this particular path aura would linger perhaps 50% longer than they do, but there may be some tech limitations regarding this?

Original post:

So the aura is not in the store yet but can be viewed under path auras in the CC:

Autumn Path Aura

Despite the name, it is more of a verdant growth aura. Bushy leaves that grow while standing and running along with leaf particles that bounce off while running. Can be fully recolored to take any color. Looks decent with green. My one Eve-like plant heroine will look great with this aura option. No more repurposing Seismic as green vines.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
All I'm gonna say is if you're impressed by have low expectations.
Kind of a necessary thing these days.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I feel they should do new sales at least bi-weekly. Maybe then there will be less need for filler.
Kind of agreed. I'd rather not have anything for two weeks and a certain power set than a few nifty auras. But hey, been looking forward to SSA3 too.

Feel better by the way, Zwillinger.



Even if we hadn't had today's release spoiled yesterday, this thread would still have been moot since it is impossible to release something more underwhelming than the undead survival kit.

That said, how is anyone complaining about this? New story arcs and a new costume piece? Isn't that exactly the kind of thing everyone tends to hold up as the best stuff they can release? What would you have had them put on sale instead? Are you expecting a new power set every single week?

Whew, sorry! Just slightly baffled that anyone is calling this a lame release.



Well this time last month we got street justice, so while it's silly to constantly badger about it, titan weapons has been hyped since June/July and a WIP since then. Hell, knew about TW before I did Beam rifle, time, Street justice, etc.

Now there IS someone on virtue who got a TW set while it was in stores, and that sort of pisses me off that the toon hasn't been locked or anything. It's like a gigantic "Nah nah boo boo" sort of thing.

Well, later tonight I guess I'll be grabbing me some hero merits *Cracks knuckles*.



Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
Wow, the sense of entitlement lately is a bit odd. I mean, we used to go months with nothing and now people re complaining that there aren't amazing new releases every week.

For me, part 3 of the SSA is just fine on it's own. If the new aura is nice, I would be fine with that one item. I personally don't need to be blown away on a weekly basis.
This is about where I am, too. I'm not up for spending points every week to buy something. I'm not up for buying points to do so. With limited points to work with I'd rather not be blown away each week and feel the need to buy it all now.

While last week's offer was, imo overpriced since it was a single-toon pack, I thought it was appropriately themed. I didn't have interest in buying it, but I didn't think it was a bad offer. I still haven't bought the Halloween pack (can't decide if I just want Bats aura or the whole shebang), or the Circle of Thorns costume pack. Or many other things that were featured on the market.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I feel they should do new sales at least bi-weekly. Maybe then there will be less need for filler.
Seconded. I love the intention of the Dev team to give us new content every week, but we all need to understand that this is a self-imposed, very arbitrary deadline. I'd be perfectly happy with new market goodies every two weeks, especially if the team is having to come up with offerings like the somewhat underwhelming Undead Survival Kit just to have something for a weekly update/sale. Honestly, all of us appreciate the effort to get new material out there, and waiting two weeks between new goodies in the Market is still much better than waiting months between issue updates for any new items. Sales could certainly still change weekly, too.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Last week was the Undead Survival Kit. Re-read the post you quoted.
Actually I was agreeing with the post I quoted in that this week's offerings are better than last week's. Which is why I was saying there's nothing wrong with this week's items (since the post I quoted was saying they weren't good). I was possibly unclear in my wording though.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I would, with better pricing and/or utility.
Sorry, that was sarcasm on my part. Sometimes I forget it doesn't work well over the internet and it slips out. I can easily see people who have some disposable cash and not a lot of free time buying the IO sets they offer (or even just people who don't have a lot of inf but have some spare cash). I know I've seriously debated buying some Thunderstrikes for some of my leveling blasters at least.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Bright View Post

Many things will be forgiven if they eventually give us a puppy.
Sorry, I am not going to be happy until they give me a pony.

This is a service-oriented business, and it's all
about keeping the player happy over the long term.
So you have to listen and pay attention. If a large
portion of your playerbase is screaming about
some change, you be wise to listen. - Raph Koster



Originally Posted by Merry_Mayhem View Post
Sorry, I am not going to be happy until they give me a Nemesis warpony.


"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



So let me get this right, you'ld all want them to do [for example] a monthly release onto the store than have the SAME items released more regularly?

Of course some weeks [like last week] will seem a bit "meh" and some of you are again going "meh" at this weeks, but i heard a lot of people ingame really liking the aura and even heard a few people thinking of buying mako's bite. Personally i like these small releases every week, some weeks i wont purchase anything while other weeks i'll purchase the lot. Know why i aint complaining? Because they are releasing content/items/costumes/auras at a much higher rate than ever before.

Ah i remember the days of having to go 6 months before issues before anything came out that was new to play with. Plus we're still getting i21.5/i22 worked on Part of my honestly thinks some of you are expecting something groundbreaking and newsworthy every single week, just chill out

The firemans hat so many people also went "meh" at? Yeah i have a friend who went nuts in joy over it because in his words "omg i can be fireman sam finally!"

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Originally Posted by syrusb View Post
This is about where I am, too. I'm not up for spending points every week to buy something. I'm not up for buying points to do so. With limited points to work with I'd rather not be blown away each week and feel the need to buy it all now.

While last week's offer was, imo overpriced since it was a single-toon pack, I thought it was appropriately themed. I didn't have interest in buying it, but I didn't think it was a bad offer. I still haven't bought the Halloween pack (can't decide if I just want Bats aura or the whole shebang), or the Circle of Thorns costume pack. Or many other things that were featured on the market.

Can i get that recipe your using because you just made sense! [sorry, bad i know ]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personally, I feel they should do new sales at least bi-weekly. Maybe then there will be less need for filler.
Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
Kind of agreed. I'd rather not have anything for two weeks and a certain power set than a few nifty auras. But hey, been looking forward to SSA3 too.

Feel better by the way, Zwillinger.
Strongly disagree. We get BOTH, folks. Releasing the zombie survival pack ISN'T the reason TW was delayed. It was delayed because it's still getting tweaked under active feedback on the test server.

The little weekly tidbits are FINE. Lots of people do enjoy them. Lots of people won't buy them. Personally, I didn't buy the fireman's helmet, the undead survival pack, or any of the permanent NPC changes. Does that mean they shouldn't have been released? Ridiculous. I've seen other folks using them, so what gives me the right to say they shouldn't?

Little tidbits every week is great, and if they were only doing monthly releases, that wouldn't necessarily hurry the powersets we want. It would only raise expectations for that monthly release. And when we get a monthly release with the SSA, the NPC powers, the undead pack and a hat? Then what? Will people clamour to have content releases pushed back to quarterly?




Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Strongly disagree. We get BOTH, folks. Releasing the zombie survival pack ISN'T the reason TW was delayed. It was delayed because it's still getting tweaked under active feedback on the test server.
I wouldn't mind quite so much that it had been delayed if not for the fact that reportedly people lucky enough to spot it in time were able to purchase it and can play characters with it. If it's out for some it should be out for all and any further tweaks can go in when they go in.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I am very happy about the pacing of the store so far. I was hoping my initial investment of $30 at Freedom launch (+monthly stipend) would last until around Christmas time. At this rate, it just might. I buy almost every costume piece (minus fireperson's hat and school backpack) and powerset, but little else (I did buy 1 extra costume slot, mostly to have more available at lower levels).

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
So let me get this right, you'ld all want them to do [for example] a monthly release onto the store than have the SAME items released more regularly?
Well, that kind of fits, doesn't it? Release something genuinely new only once every two weeks, and fill in the intermittent weeks with reruns of old releases. I don't necessarily mind them releasing stuff every week. What I mind is the feeling that this schedule is making some things come off as rushed, unfinished and botched.

In fact, repeating old releases, but at a discount, instead of pretending to release anything new might be a good idea. Do you have any concept of how many things I've bought off Steam not because I wanted them, but because they were on a 66% discount?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Actually, I'd like to say the path aura alone would be a fantastic release for me. The SSA is frosting on the cake. I've been dying for something like this for my dryad character forever!



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Actually, I'd like to say the path aura alone would be a fantastic release for me. The SSA is frosting on the cake. I've been dying for something like this for my dryad character forever!
Agreed. Though the aura is *very* concept specific, it's a very solid implementation of it.



In order heres what we've had each week.

  1. Barbarian Costume Pack, Rocket Board, Beam Rifle, Back to school backpack.
  2. Signature Story Arc, Volcanic Aura, Revival 50% off, Unslotter 50% off, xp booster.
  3. CoT Costume Bundle.
  4. Street Justice, xp booster 50% off, Costum slot 50% off, Revival.
  5. Signature Story Arc part 2, unslotter 25% off, respec 25% off, Firefighter helmet
  6. Halloween Costume bundle.
  7. 3 npc costume change powers.
  8. Undead Survival Kit.
  9. Autumn Path Aura, signature story arc part 3, Mako's Bite [plus two other IO sets].
So if you take that into consideration . . . . . . . .

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
In order heres what we've had each week.
  1. Barbarian Costume Pack, Rocket Board, Beam Rifle, Back to school backpack.
  2. Signature Story Arc, Volcanic Aura, Revival 50% off, Unslotter 50% off, xp booster.
  3. CoT Costume Bundle.
  4. Street Justice, xp booster 50% off, Costum slot 50% off, Revival.
  5. Signature Story Arc part 2, unslotter 25% off, respec 25% off, Firefighter helmet
  6. Halloween Costume bundle.
  7. 3 npc costume change powers.
  8. Undead Survival Kit.
  9. Autumn Path Aura, signature story arc part 3, Mako's Bite [plus two other IO sets].
So if you take that into consideration . . . . . . . .
Isn't Time Manipulation on sale as well this week? (for Premiums, since it's a VIP granted powerset) If so, that's 4 sales out of 9 weeks of the Paragon store being open.



I'm fairly content with not having to get something each week. Saves me money! I do wish the Paragon Rewards would get updated soon though.

I haven't gotten anything the two weeks before this and for this week the only thing of interest (besides the free SSA) is the Autumn Aura. I rather like it! I do wish it had a Heavy setting so the taller foliage could be what shows up instead of just the leaves when you're standing still (more foliage upwards, not outwards so that it doesn't disturb other people's personal space).

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Even if we hadn't had today's release spoiled yesterday, this thread would still have been moot since it is impossible to release something more underwhelming than the undead survival kit.

That said, how is anyone complaining about this? New story arcs and a new costume piece? Isn't that exactly the kind of thing everyone tends to hold up as the best stuff they can release? What would you have had them put on sale instead? Are you expecting a new power set every single week?

Whew, sorry! Just slightly baffled that anyone is calling this a lame release.
Which was more original point that some folks missed.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
IOs no-one's gonna buy, three missions, and an aura.

At least I can use 2 out of 3 of those.

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