Heroic Patron Power Pools
I agree with this. It doesn't make sense to go through that whole process. If that's going to be the case, at least have Villains have to go all the way Hero to get certain powers too :P
Someone posted a pretty good idea not that long ago revolving around different significant Organizations having "patron" pools, like: Vanguard, the Midnight Club, Legacy Chain, Longbow, etc.
The idea was that certain ones would be hero, and others (like VG and Midnighters) would be for both sides. I think it is a better alternative to using specific characters for hero patrons simply because there are not JUST four main significant heroes... there are far more. So creating a suite of pools that would give 4 to heroes only, and a bunch to everyone seemed like a good one to me.
Lemme see if I can find the relevant post.
Personally, I think (for balance reasons), hero archetypes should open up the same Patron Power Pools, though through a different storyline. Perhaps Positron is trying to reclaim Black Scorpion's research, or Numina is trying to free the souls of Ghost Widow's victims, or Woodsman attempting to calm the Leviathan. It doesn't seem that far-fetched that they'd reverse-engineer their devices and magic, and in a world filled with Vigilantes and Rogues, grey moralities, soul-draining heroes and villains wielding the bright Kheldian energies... there isn't exactly much of a moral reason, either.
lol Never thought I'd see the day that Heros would envy Villain Power Pools.
When CoV Patron pools came out people hated them and demanded access to hero pools (and the ability to change pools) until the Devs broke down and gave it to them. Very funny to see people saying they want pools like the Villains have.
Really the only difference between what is available now and a Patron type pool is a pet power. I'm not sure this game needs any more pets. heh heh whatever more choices is always better.
BTW What happens if you pick a hero Patron and they are the one killed in the VIP arc? Do you lose your powers or have to swap pools?
You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.
Really the only difference between what is available now and a Patron type pool is a pet power. I'm not sure this game needs any more pets. heh heh whatever more choices is always better.
For what it's worth, I think the devs should just eliminate the need to unlock PPPs entirely. Leave the arcs in but give all characters free access to PPPs without needing to do the arc.
For what it's worth, I think the devs should just eliminate the need to unlock PPPs entirely. Leave the arcs in but give all characters free access to PPPs without needing to do the arc.
While I understand this desire I can't agree with it ever. Too much struggling and bad blood throughout the history of the PPP's. It took Redsiders close to 3 years to get the PPP's into the state they're in. As a part of that effort I can't support removing the unlock.
However I can support an additional way to unlock them.
While I understand this desire I can't agree with it ever. Too much struggling and bad blood throughout the history of the PPP's. It took Redsiders close to 3 years to get the PPP's into the state they're in. As a part of that effort I can't support removing the unlock.
I wouldn't even mind if there was a way to give the contacts to rogues or vigilantes. It would make sense that they would interact with them, and the player wouldn't have to do the entire morality loop just to get them.
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
While I can appreciate the sentiment I've not a big fan of the argument that something shouldn't be changed just because is used to be even worse. Yes, the current system is a huge improvement over the original but I don't really see that as a reason not to change it further. Having the PPPs locked behind an arc doesn't really add anything to the player experience (except inconvenience) which to me is a good reason to remove the requirement.
it's not so much that it used to be worse, it's more about the lack of support from primarily blue side players at the time.
Again though not against improving access to it, but I feel the PPP's should be gated, nothing wrong with the gate having multiple entrances.

Im not advocating unlocking them. I would like to see heroes able to take them from other notable heroes. If it was achillary for heroes and Patron for Villians that would be fine and dandy but currently its achilarry for heroes and both for villians. Yes, nothing says that you can not "go evil" to gain access but a villain doesnt need to "go good" to get the acihliary. I'm proposing something on a balance aspect.
And if The patron is the person killed in the SSA, perhaps it wasnt the best choice of person to make the patron if you have to turn around and "fix" it.
Id like a player version of statesman lightning nuke. (ofcourse I don't expect it to be nearly as damaging.)
Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
Im not advocating unlocking them. I would like to see heroes able to take them from other notable heroes. If it was achillary for heroes and Patron for Villians that would be fine and dandy but currently its achilarry for heroes and both for villians. Yes, nothing says that you can not "go evil" to gain access but a villain doesnt need to "go good" to get the acihliary. I'm proposing something on a balance aspect.
And if The patron is the person killed in the SSA, perhaps it wasnt the best choice of person to make the patron if you have to turn around and "fix" it. |
You do know that villains have to unlock the Patron Pools right?
Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.

Yes, but the POINT is that currently Villains have more options. A Villain can either take an APP or do a patron arc and unlock that. A Hero can only take an APP.
The thing is, a lot of my builds DO need PPPs. I need Shadow Meld for my /regen Scrapper, because nothing else is going to give me that +def. I want Scorpion Shield for my blasters because Ice Armor is obnoxious and ruins my theme. Darkest Night isn't available any other way for a tanker... Hell, I'm still annoyed I had to go Villain - again - because my Heroic Widow changed before she could unlock the pools! It's infuriating and unfair to heroes. If it's an attempt to bring more people to Redside, well, the problem is they're not going to stay. It's frustrating, easily fixed, and shouldn't be a problem. This isn't a new engine change or even a new powerset - it's just a simple story arc to let the HEROES unlock it too.
I'd rather there just be Hero pools. So the APP are the 'neutral' ones for everyone, and both heroes and villains are their own distinct unlockable power sets.
To me, the villain pools are just too entrenched in the lore to feasibly handwave allowing access to everyone for them. Some, yes, I could see, but something like Mace mastery that's practically an Arachnos symbol? Nnnnooo >>
I'd rather there just be Hero pools. So the APP are the 'neutral' ones for everyone, and both heroes and villains are their own distinct unlockable power sets.
To me, the villain pools are just too entrenched in the lore to feasibly handwave allowing access to everyone for them. Some, yes, I could see, but something like Mace mastery that's practically an Arachnos symbol? Nnnnooo >> |
Maces are a symbol of Arachnos...therefor it's impossible for a hero to master them?
if they were just plain maces, I don't see it being a problem. But they're not. it's a very specific kind of Mace you're 'mastering'.
The same with the summonables, they're all Arachnos summons.
Mace, at the very least, is just the least plausible pool for Heroes to 'just have access' to.
Theres plenty of tropish examples of the Hero using the bag guys weapons as they are simply more badass than what they had, or failed to have at hand.
They also seem to be pretty proficient with them nearly straight away too, so theres that.
Isn't there usually some build up to the hero getting the villains weapon though?
Originally Posted by taveena
Yes, but the POINT is that currently Villains have more options. A Villain can either take an APP or do a patron arc and unlock that. A Hero can only take an APP.
There are some costume pieces that can only be unlocked by doing Hero side content. A villain has to go hero side to get those. Also overall Hero side has more Content options available than Villain side.
I think what the OP wants isn't free access to Villain PPPs but all new ones for Heros which would be a considerable effort and a good thing on the surface but would no doubt cause another huge round of arguements among players.
Once both sides have PPPs should previously lazy Heros have to unlock them too? Once they do should Heros be able to use Villain PPPs and visa versa? It really doesn't make sense to swear yourself to Mako if you have always been a Goodie-two-shoes.
If you don't allow it people will complain the power sets STILL aren't exactly equivalent (or that they don't want a pet in set villains complained a lot about that). If you do allow it they will complain nothing in the game makes sense and there should be some consequences to your actions.
Lose/Lose: This is a good time not to be a Dev and stick to finger pointing.
Maybe we replace the whole system with a "free pick" system of level 1, 2 and 3 powers that you can choose from by AT (example: Doms have access to all the Dom Pools but have to take a level 1 power from some pool before a level 2, etc.) Then make the powers customizable so that they will fit any set. (of course some munchkin will find a way to break things if you do this but it is a nice dream)
You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.
Yes, we can switch sides to do it.
Four days to unlock something Villains can do in an hour. This isn't balanced, this is just... stupid. Give us functional equivalents or SOMETHING - and anyone complaining about heroes having arachnos maces or whatever... What about Heroic Crab Spiders and Bane Spiders? We've been subverting the hell out of that since Going Rogue! C'mon, guys.
EDIT: Also, there's a bit of a difference between optional costume pieces and FOUR POWER POOLS. Not that I object to Villains getting those pieces, but... the only one I can find restricted to side at all is the Witch's Hat, which is unlockable via KHTF... or by getting the Meticulous badge, which is available to both sides.
EDIT THE SECOND: My second point was the idea of a different patron unlocking the same - or functionally EXACTLY the same - pools. Perhaps Valkyrie helps you get a mace from War Earth (and eventually summon a fighter from there), perhaps Numina allows you to summon helpful spirits, maybe Woodsman lets you use the spirit of the Bear to bite down and hold villains in place, and, oh... Synapse gives you gadgets to shoot lightning. I'm not saying Heroes should get it for less effort, I'm saying they should get it for the SAME.
Any chance at getting some patron power pools for heroes without having to go villain? I mean heroes use to have the Achiliary powers but that has been opened to villains as well.
Could do something very similar to what the villains have using numia, mantacore, positron, and Back alley brawler. Just a thought. I just dont see why as a hero i need to go to villain to get a power set and as a villain i have access to them all. |
If heroes got patrons, like the freedom phalanx, then vills would need to get another lot of generic pools, to even it out. 10+ pools of 5 powers each? I doubt it.
Any chance at getting some patron power pools for heroes without having to go villain? I mean heroes use to have the Achiliary powers but that has been opened to villains as well.
Could do something very similar to what the villains have using numia, mantacore, positron, and Back alley brawler.
Just a thought. I just dont see why as a hero i need to go to villain to get a power set and as a villain i have access to them all.