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  1. Cry you a river? Seriously?

    So it takes a hero 4 days to become a villain. Then you do the mission, Then another 4 days to go back to hero.

    Who cares that villains were not able to change their patron. That has changed now and is Moot.

    Your argument is that Heroes cant have Heroic patron power pools because we dont need to do an arc to do STF?

    You know what, Yes heroes should have to do an arc before doing the STF. Now what? That would make it fair.

    The Point I was trying to make is, A hero should not need to spend 8 days to get a power that it takes a villain an hour to get. (yes i know it is only 4 days to be villain from a hero, but if i wanted to stay villain, i would have made them a villain to begin with)
  2. Im not advocating unlocking them. I would like to see heroes able to take them from other notable heroes. If it was achillary for heroes and Patron for Villians that would be fine and dandy but currently its achilarry for heroes and both for villians. Yes, nothing says that you can not "go evil" to gain access but a villain doesnt need to "go good" to get the acihliary. I'm proposing something on a balance aspect.

    And if The patron is the person killed in the SSA, perhaps it wasnt the best choice of person to make the patron if you have to turn around and "fix" it.
  3. Any chance at getting some patron power pools for heroes without having to go villain? I mean heroes use to have the Achiliary powers but that has been opened to villains as well.

    Could do something very similar to what the villains have using numia, mantacore, positron, and Back alley brawler.

    Just a thought. I just dont see why as a hero i need to go to villain to get a power set and as a villain i have access to them all.
  4. Shroud_NA

    Villain Emotes

    pointing and laughing evily, but the laughter grows till its a shrill almost inaudible sound... ya..

    pulling out of hair

    breakng down and crying