Looks like good stuff. I love how people complain, no matter what they get. Shields for the melee sets, Pain Domination for MM's and Corrs. (For stalkers, the shield should be a trash can or box.)
Like everyone else, I'm eager for the architect system. Reading over Positron's letter, it's clear that it won't be what people expect. Some people will be delighted to see the system is more powerful than expected, and many will probably be disappointed that it wont have a feature or two that they wanted in the system. I have a strong feeling that not only will there be a pool of generic villains and such to include into the storyline, but a more basic way of creating your own NPC's. To keep them fair to the various levels that one might play the mission, you'll probably only be able to select the primary and secondary powers of the NPC, and the system will figure out which powers they get for which levels, and, hopefully, you'll have good control over the costumes.
Pistols.. yeah, too bad they didn't have that, but honestly, not a huge disappointment for me. It'd be neat to have, but honestly some of the powers in the blaster set for pistols would have to really be stretched. How would you make a sniper attack for pistols?
What I think we need before we get too many more brand new powersets is more power proliferation. I'd like to see elec/elec and earth/earth doms for one thing, and plant/plant trollers. I'd also like to see MM's get a new pet set. Five is the least amount of primary powers in the game, and with as popular as MM's are, it's surprising that they haven't been given some primary love, though the secondary they're getting does sound promising. I understand that MM's are only one archetype, and it's a lot of work to make a new pet set.. but out of the 5 origins, we don't have a pet that symbolizes 'Mutant'. I'd like to see some horrific creatures, or rat people or something under an MM's control.
But anyway. The day job system sounds awesome. Free rewards for logging off. It sounds like, unless they put a time limit (you have to be logged off for 2 hours to 'begin' a day job), then people might be logging on and off all over the place to try and get their badges, and just for the sake of logging on and off. Hopefully it won't create any lag for specific areas that might be more popular to log in/out of, though with the range that they're promising, I doubt that'll be a problem.
New stuff for Cimerora... That doesn't excite me. I wasn't too pleased with what they had, though a full costume set for one TF was sure nice. I guess we'll have to see what they add.
I predict that they'll be announcing more news on top of all of this. I mean, it hasn't hit beta yet, and with the Halloween and Christmas events coming up, I kinda doubt that we're going to see a completed issue within the next month, maybe two. I'm eager to have it though, so let's get going devs!
As for the Captain America ripoffs... I can't wait to see a bunch of 'Generic#####' running around Atlas. But really, I doubt that many people are going to do that. I'd like to think that the CoH community understands the situation, what with copyright laws and such.