FUNdamental Design Problems (Longish)




I agree with pretty much all of the points in the OP. I have three characters who I've filled with T3 stuff by now, and have basically decided that the system isn't for me. The powers are really cool, but I just don't enjoy the Incarnate Trials. It's been a couple of months since I ran my last iTrial - I still haven't run the Underground yet, mostly because I haven't been able to find a league interested in braving that instead of yet another BAF or Lambda.

I agree with Smersh - there need to be some smaller trials. It's hard for me to really experience and care about the story when I can't actually run these things with my friends in character.

Also, the LFG tool needs to work. I haven't been able to use this to get on an Incarnate trial with any success since the week the system was first released. I don't know what the deal is, but that thing lies to me - it often claims to take less than five minutes to start an event, but I've sat in the queue for over an hour with no nibbles. I don't know how long it would actually take to get on an iTrial using just the LFG tool these days, because I tend to get frustrated and log off after 30-45 minutes. That said, the tool does work consistently for Death From Below and Dr. Kane's House of Horror. What's the difference? Is it a matter of seasonal popularity, or is it that these trials only take four people to run?

I'm quite excited about having a solo path. I would especially like to see more challenging content for regular-sized teams of level 50 characters - one of the worst things about the Incarnate system so far is that the rewards are so good, they pretty much trivialize the existing content if you have a few tricked out characters on your team. It's something of a problem in my supergroup. It would be great if the oft-suggested Incarnate Difficulty setting were a reality, or if there were a new zone designed for Incarnate-powered characters - anything to challenge such teams other than trials.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



I like the trials. I think there are some things wrong with them. I dislike how long they take to form, which is related to them being designed for larger than 8-man teams. I dislike that I cannot progress my Incarnate status any other way, which makes me dependent on lots of other people getting together to form that larger-than-8-man team.

Now, we are told firmly that non-league content that will allow some sort of Incarnate progress is coming. I'm very interested in seeing to what degree this allows solo progress, not because I want to progress only solo, but I want to be able to make progress when I can't find at least 11 other players to form a league.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by The_Hegemon View Post
Also, the LFG tool needs to work. I haven't been able to use this to get on an Incarnate trial with any success since the week the system was first released. I don't know what the deal is, but that thing lies to me - it often claims to take less than five minutes to start an event, but I've sat in the queue for over an hour with no nibbles.
YES YES YES. I've tried several times just to join things on my own, and the window says how many minutes I can expect to wait, but I have NEVER gotten into a LFG-window-event without already being on a team/league. The thing is STUPID.

Then there's the whole confusion over locking leagues and teams. We had someone get DCed last night while loading, and then couldn't rejoin. AT ALL. The mechanics of the LFG window need some help.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



AmazingMOO pretty much sums up my objections to the system.

But I could put up with it, if there was a resonable alternative to do when burnt out on Inc Trials. But all there is is regular Trials or a MSR.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Really? Because currently the incarnate story arcs is the Praetorian story arc and it is not limited to the content in the Incarnate trials. Aspects of this story arc are available without doing the trials.

So what's the problem? 99% of this game is non-raid content and the last issue delivered a whole new zone of non-raid content. Non-raid content that is part of the same story arc.
And none of it is for incarnates.

People keep being intentionally sloppy with their use of language. They keep using "non-raid" and "non-incarnate" as if they mean the same thing when they do not.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yes it does - that's how to set up multi-team content, and show the level of the threat we face.
For example, the Praetorian Hamidon destroyed hundreds of superpowered people, and wiped out whole divisions fo the Praetorian Guard as it moved up from South America and into America, and only stopped when it agreed a truce with Tyrant - and now that it's woken up again, it's not something that 3 or 4 heroes could take on by themselves - it'll need a couple of dozen Incarnates just to have a chance of defeating it.
Oh really?

Funny, I just got off an STF.

I joined a team of 7 other heroes (all of whom were incarnate, btw) and we got together and beat down 4 AVs, and then Recluse (who... oh yeah! Is an Incarnate himself!)

Is there some reason that 8 man content can't be Incarnate content?

No. It's completely arbitrary.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Our raids start at 8 or 12.
And for the vast majority of non-level shifted, non-IOed, PUG masses actually need 16 or 24.



I just rejoined to play around with some of the new stuff. While some of it's fun, the incarnate system is terrible. Too long, too repetitive, too boring, too much of a PITA.

If I[m going put that kind of time into a game, it's going to be one with modern graphics and gameplay. There are too many MMOs coming down the pipe for me to invest that kind of time in a 7 year old game. If the incarnate system was fun and less of a long boring grind, I might actually keep a sub to play on different alts. After all, the casual, mostly solo experience that let me easily level up and really do stuff with a lot of alts is what got 5+ years of sub fees out of me in the first place.

Inventions made alting more of a pain, but it was doable. With the incarnates system, I'd have to devote too much time for even one character, and that robs the game of any of its potential fun factor.

It was an interesting visit back, but I won't be sticking around, and it's primarily due to the incarnate system feeling like an entirely different game than the CoH I remember.



When I first heard about the Incarnate system, I thought: Oh, another ridiculously repetitive end game gear grind. None for me, thanks, I'm on a game grind diet.

I haven't tried any of the raids, because I just don't like raiding (or even TFs for that matter), but I'm not surprised to hear that they follow the standard formula. The end game system is there for the achiever crowd who will keep on grinding to get that cool gear no matter how grindy it is. If that keeps more people in the game, that's fine by me.

I don't seriously expect the developers to make end game content that I would enjoy. Hopefully the Incarnate System doesn't turn out to be a lot of effort for a short term player retention. I've seen a case of critical raid retention failure, as not enough players stick around to provide teams for the raiders. Still, other games have managed to come up with something workable, so it's possible this might work out for a long term.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
YES YES YES. I've tried several times just to join things on my own, and the window says how many minutes I can expect to wait, but I have NEVER gotten into a LFG-window-event without already being on a team/league. The thing is STUPID.
That's because people gather full teams before queueing for the trial. That way, no one in the queue will ever be picked up unless there happens to be enough for a full league in there.

I hate that about the DfB trial. IMHO, it's really bad form to queue with a full team. Think of the poor LFG'ers!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
That's because people gather full teams before queueing for the trial. That way, no one in the queue will ever be picked up unless there happens to be enough for a full league in there.

I hate that about the DfB trial. IMHO, it's really bad form to queue with a full team. Think of the poor LFG'ers!
I agree. Both the sewer trial and the Halloween trial are so straight forward that there's no need to form a team before rolling in. Just about any group will be able to complete them. iTrials I can understand some concern for balance, having buffs/debuffs, and level shifts.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I agree. Both the sewer trial and the Halloween trial are so straight forward that there's no need to form a team before rolling in. Just about any group will be able to complete them. iTrials I can understand some concern for balance, having buffs/debuffs, and level shifts.

Personally I also pre-form for these, just so I know what I will be getting into.

I used the LFG tool for my first run through the Halloween trial. It ended up going like this: before I got through the third room of the mansion, one of the team members hit whatever the objective was involving zombies, before the other three members could do much of anything. The mission told us to go out of the mansion. Before we could move very far the first player used super speed to run past everything in the trial and used Assemble the Team to teleport the rest of us to the boss. Basically, he imposed a speed run on us. He didn't speak a word of text the entire run, just beelined all the objectives and teleported us wherever he wanted the rest of us to be.

Sadly the LFG tool just doesn't have the level of granularity necessary. It assumes that leadership has no effect on the outcome of trials, when IMO the person forming the trial sets the tone for everything that will transpire.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Now, we are told firmly that non-league content that will allow some sort of Incarnate progress is coming. I'm very interested in seeing to what degree this allows solo progress, not because I want to progress only solo, but I want to be able to make progress when I can't find at least 11 other players to form a league.
I wonder why this is so hard for some people to understand.

I enjoy the raid content when I'm in the mood for it. When I'm not in the mood for it, I don't do it. I would like progression alternatives for those times: solo and small groups.

It's that simple.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
I hate that about the DfB trial. IMHO, it's really bad form to queue with a full team. Think of the poor LFG'ers!
I don't really PUG anymore.

There are reasons for that.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



I just recently got my first charactor (old charactor, pre incarnate) to level 50. Started the incarnate thing, unlocked alpha slot. Took 20 minutes to figure out how to use the incarnate slots and how to earn what's required to do use the slots.

Went to pocket D, waited an hour for a group, joined a Lamda group. First time doing an incarnate trial, just followed along and did my best to support the group. By the time we clear the field and go to grab the grenades and acid half the league has left.. so they rush through the mobs to grabs the supplies.

I'm left wondering what the heck to do, attempt to follow through the base, get ambushed and rofled.

AV shows up, everyone starts fighting, I'm dieing.. a lot.. have no clue what the hell is going on, meanwhile everyone is yelling for people to get grenades to beat him.

Still confused, asking what to do.. getting yelled at, getting flamed for being a "noob", and the party scratches the entire trial.

So, 45 minutes of random stuff that I have no clue about what's going on, and what did I gain from it? I still don't know.. 2 empyrean merits.. oh boy.. what else? no one has the common courtesy to help me.

Honestly, I'm half tempted just to work on other toons and say screw it to the "uber godlike" incarnate BS.

The entire incarnate trial system leaves a sour taste in my mouth, and still, no one is willing to sit down and tell me what is going on.



As XG says, a lot of teams doing the trials go very fast..leaving very little time for a new player to actually work out what to do. Of course, there is a lot of people who will do this..and think..'Ok, time to go again and work it out! I wanna be more powerful!.' But there is also the groups of people who think..'45 of dying for..what?' and give up.

I dont think that is an entirely unrealistic attitude. There was the tread from Posi recently talking about changes to the trials and trying to work out why KR and UG werent being done as much as baf and lam. Ti anyone who has actually done all 4 trials..the reasons are glaringly obvious.

Regarding the changes made to Keyes..I think it is too later. Those people who didnt mind it, will keep doing it..but still not as much as baf/lam. And those who hater it, wont give a toss, and STILL wont do it.

To quote that famous saying..You can't please Everybody. Which is 100% true..but when everyone I know regards the incarnate stuff as a huge grind (not counting the fact it IS an mmo..grinding is what we do)...surely it is pretty damn clear that the way it works IS a grind?



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
These incarnate trials are meant to be hard, it seem like you guys always want it too be easy. I don't want thing to be easy and i won't mind failing or getting my but kick once in a while.

See that tiny thing whistling away up there in the sky?

That is the point. And you totally missed it. /golfclap

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by XG-686 View Post
The entire incarnate trial system leaves a sour taste in my mouth, and still, no one is willing to sit down and tell me what is going on.
Did you actually mention when you joined the league that you'd never done it before? Maybe it's a server thing, but I've usually found people to be very helpful with explanations.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
Did you actually mention when you joined the league that you'd never done it before? Maybe it's a server thing, but I've usually found people to be very helpful with explanations.

Indeed I did... that response went unnoticed.



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
These incarnate trials are meant to be hard, it seem like you guys always want it too be easy. I don't want thing to be easy and i won't mind failing or getting my but kick once in a while.
One: The trials are not hard. Confusing as heck, but as soon as you learn how they work, they're formulaic and boring. You really don't play, you just follow the script, and the chance that even a PUG league will be so badly put together that it can't win the trial is pretty low, thanks to the probability curve of 24 random players.

Two: I don't want it easy. I want it epic. And "epic" means facing the ultimate horror of doom, alone, with a dull toothpick, and still have a chance to win, but everyone has to do their utmost to have that chance. Well, see above. You follow the script, you win. You can even have a pretty good chance of just pretending to be there, firing off your powers just for show, and let the other 23 follow the script, and still win. Is that epic?

Three: I don't want to have to do those same four trials over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, just to advance. It's a bit like the only way of progressing to 50 in any way is to do Frostfire, Positron, Synapse and Sister Psyche task forces over and over and over and over again.

The solution: Add an Incarnate difficulty setting. Everything is extra hard, cheats more, hits harder, chews your intestines for longer, regurgitates them, and spits them out longer with napalm. Add incarnate rewards to it, balanced so that you have to play for about as long grinding trials as you have playing regular missions at stupid difficulty.

Suddenly you have "over 1000 missions" that can move you forward past 50, rather than "four soon five incarnate trials" to grind and repeat as your only option. You also get the added bonus of not being a faceless nameless cog in the 24-man machine, and the content will actually be hard and challenging!

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by Shadow_Kitty View Post
And "epic" means facing the ultimate horror of doom, alone, with a dull toothpick, and still have a chance to win, but everyone has to do their utmost to have that chance.
That's just one kind fo epic

I don't want to have to do those same four trials over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, just to advance.
Soon it'll be 5 with TPN, and then 6 when MoM is released - and there's no end to the Trails that they'll be creating for us -they like making them, and players like playing them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
and players like playing them.
That's a very debatable point and erroneous as a blanket statement. SOME of the players like playing SOME of them.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
That's a very debatable point and erroneous as a blanket statement. SOME of the players like playing SOME of them.
I'll take it a step further...

SOME of the players like playing SOME of them SOMEtimes.

The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
That's a very debatable point and erroneous as a blanket statement. SOME of the players like playing SOME of them.
I'm just going by what Positron said the other day

Originally Posted by Positron View Post
As much as you players love to play them, I know the designers love to design them. ItÂ’s one of the more enjoyable parts of our jobs, designing these Incarnate Trials to see just what our players are made of.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I'm just going by what Positron said the other day
And Positron is often deluded about what he feels the playerbase should like. News at 11? :P