FUNdamental Design Problems (Longish)




I think I'm gonna agree with a lot of what Moo said.

The Incarnate stuff just ain't up to scratch and actually in terms of content pales in comparison to older content.

What is worse, the older content isn't played as much because everyone wants the new shiny.

Golden Girl makes the point that we're missing out on story but there are two issues there that I shall try and summarise thusly: A) the story is pants and B) it's over too quick and gets repeated too often to be of interest. Aside from the cut scene of Mother's cleavage it just doesn't pass muster in comparison to what already exists in the game.

BAF and Lambda are run now not because they are good content, but because they are the quickest, most painless way to the REWARD.

I was so happy when GR came out but the rest has just disappointed

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
How would I change the trials? I'd remove 9/10ths of the timers. They are simply overdone.
This. I suspect a lot of the "cat-herding" problems in the trials would go away if people weren't under such constant time pressure.

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My random observations, some of which have already been made in this thread:

-Raiding a military facility and rescuing brainwashed prisoners is not amazing epic content. Blueside, you've been doing that since level 20. It feels like content from the 30s, not Incarnate content.

-Shutting down a reactor before evil forces can make it explode? Since level 24, blueside.

-The Underground Trial would have been spectacular if it had been balanced as an 8 member taskforce. I loathe it as a 24-person raid.

-Praetorians are not and should not be the only Incarnate content. I understand the devs want to tell a story, but the Incarnate trials should be balanced. For every one Praetorian-oriented trial, there should be one of something else - some other world-shattering threat. Army of Rikti poised to land an invasion force on our Earth? Epic. Rularuu the Ravager preparing to devour our world? Hequat preparing to return to our dimension and wipe out the bloodline of Mu? Crey's latest Code Merlin is REALLY BAD? These are situations that call for Earth's mightiest superpowered beings.

-I just listed off a bunch of heroic epic examples. There should be roguish or villain-oriented Incarnate trials as well. Preferably pro-active ones.

-Don't tell me that facing off against a guy with a couple of guns for PR purposes is somehow epic.

-Even Apex and Tin Mage are better as Incarnate content than the trials (in terms of feeling epic.)

-You want a ready-made epic battle that's already been alluded to? Read the Ouroborus lore over again. Remember the unknown agency changing the past that the Menders are fighting against? Remember the mysterious influence of Nemesis, who is breaking the rules of time travel when he appears as Mender Silos? Remember that there are 12 other methods of time travel, and eras other than ancient Rome?

If you can't make Incarnate content out of that, you're not trying.

-In my Incarnate content, I want the feeling of surmounting insurmountable odds. Give me a team of Archvillains that work together. Give me an army of Rikti. Don't give me one dude I already soloed drinking some Enriche - that I need 15 friends to beat up. That's insulting. It's like claiming that I should feel special that I soloed a Council minion, just because his flavor text says that they're as good as an entire commando team.

-I've played this game since launch, and I loved the 8-person teaming mechanic. It was just right to give an Avengers team feeling. 24 people is ridiculous, unwieldy and doesn't fit the genre - outside of truly cosmic threats (I'm looking at you, Anti-Monitor from 1985) 24 superheroes going against one guy is just silly. Especially a guy with a pair of pistols or big metal gloves that are ESTABLISHED as being the guy with the metal gloves or the guy with the guns.

-Likewise, 8 persons on a team generally gives everyone an opportunity to shine, to throw in a witty quip, or to do something else memorable. 24 people? I don't remember anyone I met running Incarnate trials on my main (though I did run into a handful of old faces.) Likewise, the trials are so focused on their unique mechanics that I found it virtually impossible to stay in character while running them - and I'm a seven-year RPer from Virtue running my main. Staying in character with him is practically second nature.

-Want to make it interesting? Bring in characters from the past who are starting to get their hands on a little Incarnate power. Frostfire. Alexander. The Envoy of Shadow. Hardcase. Maestro. King Midas. Duke Mordragar. An Incarnate trial centered around the Golden Giza and featuring Hardcase as the antagonist would be a great thing. Likewise, the Striga Island Incarnate Trial should be spectacular.

-The mechanics of the Incarnate Trials are decent enough. The window dressing sucks. And there need to be a few 8-person trials to counterbalance the horrendously bloated 24-person trials.

-Don't make me do something ten times, then make me do it again slightly differently another ten times, then make me do it ten more times yet another way. That's bloat. Keep the trials lean and story-focused. The mechanics should serve the story.

There are more, but those are a few of my issues.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Neither of which I actually said, by the way.
You want the raid content (and by "content" here we mean the incarnate powers) but because you don't like raids you want the raid content changed to something else. Even though you acknowledge that those powers are total overkill outside the raid environment. I don't think that's reasonable. Doubly so, when the Devs say they have plans for solo incarnate content but for some reason that's not good enough?

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Our raids start at 8 or 12.
8 is a normal team, here. A normal task-force sized "raid" would be fine. Glad we agree!

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
-Praetorians are not and should not be the only Incarnate content. I understand the devs want to tell a story, but the Incarnate trials should be balanced. For every one Praetorian-oriented trial, there should be one of something else - some other world-shattering threat. Army of Rikti poised to land an invasion force on our Earth? Epic. Rularuu the Ravager preparing to devour our world? Hequat preparing to return to our dimension and wipe out the bloodline of Mu? Crey's latest Code Merlin is REALLY BAD? These are situations that call for Earth's mightiest superpowered beings.
They're the first chapter of the Incarnate storyline - the next chapter is about the Coming Storm, so we'll be gettign Trials related to that once we've finsihed the Praetorian chapter.

There should be roguish or villain-oriented Incarnate trials as well. Preferably pro-active ones.
You'll probably have to wait for the solo Incarnate path for anything like that - the devs have said that all the Trials will be co-op, to give the biggest player pool to recruit a league from.

Don't tell me that facing off against a guy with a couple of guns for PR purposes is somehow epic.
One's epic and the other isn't?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just throwing it out there, but they really, really should have stuck to the Tin Mage and Apex model for Trials.

Taking down Neuron? Check. And THEN beating the snot out off his ticked of hench-kitty? Yeah, you might be able to solo Hamidon, chicka, but you ain't a patch on US!

And even if the Battle Maiden fight was frustrating at times on an MM, it was still fun.

Trials? Nah. Nowhere near as epic feeling.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Doubly so, when the Devs say they have plans for solo incarnate content but for some reason that's not good enough?
Whether or not it's good enough depends on when it comes out and what it is. If Posi's idea of solo incarnate content is anything like Posi's idea of giving people who missed the Isolator badge the opportunity to earn it, then no, it's not good enough. And since I get the impression that he really really really doesn't want to pull people away from his precious trials, I have no reason to believe it will be good enough until they actually tell us what it is and that we'll have it sometime before i25.

Actually scratch that. Anytime after i22 is not good enough. They've had plenty of time to process the fact that people want a viable alternative to multi-team raids.

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Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



The reason the incarnate system needs to be incentivized at a higher (not neccessarily different, but they picked that way) level than regular content (exception: Hami and Mothership raids) is becuase they require a lot more people. More people=more time required to get it going=More time=More Rewards.

That's really it.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Whether or not it's good enough depends on when it comes out and what it is. If Posi's idea of solo incarnate content is anything like Posi's idea of giving people who missed the Isolator badge the opportunity to earn it, then no, it's not good enough. And since I get the impression that he really really really doesn't want to pull people away from his precious trials, I have no reason to believe it will be good enough until they actually tell us what it is and that we'll have it sometime before i25.

Actually scratch that. Anytime after i22 is not good enough. They've had plenty of time to process the fact that people want a viable alternative to multi-team raids.
It'll be faster than the current solo way, but slower than the Trials - it might involve new content, or it might involve some kind of Incarnate reward table for current non-Incarnate content if it's played with the Alpha slot unlocked.
We've been getting a lot of new content recently, so the solo way could have new content to go with it - but as it's also something they've added to their schedule, and wasn't planned in advance like the Trials, a new reward system for existing content might be a quicker and cheaper fix.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
You want the raid content...
No, I don't. Not in the slightest. What I want is story arcs.

Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
...but because you don't like raids you want the raid content changed to something else.
No, I don't. Clearly, raid content is very popular and therefore good for the game. I want to leave raid content alone for the people who enjoy it. I want non-Raid content IN ADDITION to the raid content.

Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Even though you acknowledge that those powers are total overkill outside the raid environment.
That's not what I said. I said these powers are overkill in 1-50 content, not in "non-raid" content. It's not just entirely possible but actually very doable to create new story arcs which feature stronger and/or more enemies, as well as other challenges which require Incarnate power to defeat. "Must have 24 people to ride" is just one such approach and, to be honest, it's a very lazy approach. Throw enough players at anything and it's beatable.

1-50 content is balanced around having the powers available from 1 to 50. Going back to doing it with +3 Incarnate powers is, obviously, overkill. It's like getting to level 50 and then going back to beat up level 30 enemies. Yes, it's ridiculously easy and, yes, it's not very rewarding, but this doesn't mean that 30-50 story arcs cannot exist.

Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Doubly so, when the Devs say they have plans for solo incarnate content but for some reason that's not good enough?
At no point have they said they have "plans" for solo Incarnate content. All they've ever said is they're aware people want it. They're also aware that people want improvements to SG bases, PvP and Stalkers. The last I hear is they announced that they were going to make an announcement about solo Incarnate content at the player summit, and judging from general regard towards the issue, I expect announcement to be "We are now definitely working on this, but we have no ETA and it probably won't be in the next few Issues." Just like the last five times.

It's not good enough because there isn't anything concrete, unless you want to specifically read promises where none have been made. I remember people in I19 Beta getting on my case for being "impatient," fully convinced that solo content was actually part of I19 and they just hadn't announced it yet. We're a year down the line and it hasn't happened, and the most I've heard about it is "Yes, we know about it." Like Bigfoot and Nessie, I'll believe it when I see it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It's not good enough because there isn't anything concrete, unless you want to specifically read promises where none have been made.
Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
We will have concrete news about the Incarnate Solo Path at the Player Summit.

Sounds like they have some concrete info :P

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
The reason the incarnate system needs to be incentivized at a higher (not neccessarily different, but they picked that way) level than regular content (exception: Hami and Mothership raids) is becuase they require a lot more people. More people=more time required to get it going=More time=More Rewards.
That's really the sad truth of it. The Incarnate system is a self-perpetuating phenomenon - it will sustain itself as long as there is a certain critical number of people interested in it. If enough people stop raiding, there won't be enough people left to support those still wanting to raid and the system will stop. And once it stops, it's VERY hard to get it going again.

Think back to a few years ago and the big Hamidon fiasco of the 50% multi-aspect enhancements. People were farming the crap out of the thing, until the enhancement values were slashed, and then the Recluse and Statesman TFs showed up to give the same enhancements, but without needing 100 people to do it. Raiding pretty much died on most servers and those who still wanted to raid simply couldn't, because even Bill Z Bubba couldn't solo the Hamidon.

I understand the desire to keep people on the threadmill, but I still want something else to do, at least for myself. I'm not going to raid come hell or high water so I'm not contributing to the raid system's critical mass, but I'd still like a shot at the storyline and the powers.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No, I don't. Not in the slightest. What I want is story arcs.
Really? Because currently the incarnate story arcs is the Praetorian story arc and it is not limited to the content in the Incarnate trials. Aspects of this story arc are available without doing the trials.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I want non-Raid content IN ADDITION to the raid content.
So what's the problem? 99% of this game is non-raid content and the last issue delivered a whole new zone of non-raid content. Non-raid content that is part of the same story arc.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Really? Because currently the incarnate story arcs is the Praetorian story arc and it is not limited to the content in the Incarnate trials. Aspects of this story arc are available without doing the trials.
The Incarnate storyline is the storyline of the Well of the Furies, which will only take notice of people once they hit level 50. The Praetorian side of things is just one small aspect of it. Pretty soon, I'm sure the Shadow Shard will enter into the picture, as will more of Ouroboros. But the Well is still central.

Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
So what's the problem? 99% of this game is non-raid content and the last issue delivered a whole new zone of non-raid content. Non-raid content that is part of the same story arc.
Are you being intentionally dense just to mess with me?

99% of the game doesn't feature Incarnate powers and, as I mentioned, THAT is also something I want to have a shot at. It's post-50 character progression. Your argument would be valid if you said 99% of the game's content doesn't take place in TFs, so if I don't want to do them, I don't have to. And this is true. I can get to 50 without running a single TF. Can I get my Judgement, Lore and so on slots without running Incarnate Trials? Specifically, before I grow old and die?

The problem is you keep finding new ways to twist my words, and if you keep doing that you're going make me stop taking you seriously.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
Sounds like they have some concrete info :P
How much do you want to bet that they don't? Name anything up to $20 and a PayPal account. I'm actually serious

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
The very basic root of the problem is that the Incarnate System, as it's working right now, is not very FUN.

Grinding for Currency to Buy Rewards isn't Fun. (It's called 'Work' in the Real World.)
MOO nailed it on the head for me.

I refuse to grind and I only have a few hours a week to play, if at all, so I'd rather do stuff that I know I will enjoy (like those lower-level story arcs I missed) then cooling my heels waiting for a Trial to start, THEN get lost in the masses without a clue as to what's going on.

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Then you'll miss out on the major Incarnate story moments
The Trials are the resolution of all the problems we've been show in Praetoria - the entire storyline there has been building up to them, right form the GR tutorial, through Praetoria City, First Ward, and Tyrant's invasion.
And once the Praetorian chapter of the Incanrate storyline is over, we'll start the Coming Storm chapter, with more Trials for the big story moments as we try and save the multiverse for a second time.
My dear, I'll simpy do like I did for all the TFs that I participated in: I'll read it up on ParagonWiki...

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Praetorians are not and should not be the only Incarnate content. I understand the devs want to tell a story, but the Incarnate trials should be balanced. For every one Praetorian-oriented trial, there should be one of something else - some other world-shattering threat. Army of Rikti poised to land an invasion force on our Earth? Epic. Rularuu the Ravager preparing to devour our world? Hequat preparing to return to our dimension and wipe out the bloodline of Mu? Crey's latest Code Merlin is REALLY BAD? These are situations that call for Earth's mightiest superpowered beings.
Want SO badly!

Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
-The mechanics of the Incarnate Trials are decent enough. The window dressing sucks. And there need to be a few 8-person trials to counterbalance the horrendously bloated 24-person trials.
So I completed my first successful Underground Trial last night. And you know what sucked? With 24 versions of AT and Incarnate powers firing off, I could barely see this beautiful map, often having to trail behind the mob to sightsee. And we were more than halfway through the iTrial before I realized the Greater Devoureds I'd been targeting were different from the ones I'm use to in standard DE missions. Then, the Avatar went down so fast (seriously, less than a minute) that the only look at it was from the cutscene.

One reason the Halloween trial is so fun is that you can see the set pieces. (And I love Sparky McAV's "pound pound pound" attack.)

I agree with Smerch. Smaller trials.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Archiviste View Post
I refuse to grind
As they add more and more Trials, the need to repeat the same one or two gets less and less.
We already have 6 Incarnate Trials that we know about, with many more to come in future Issues, so the idea that anyone is going to be "forced" to "grind" is just silly.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



These incarnate trials are meant to be hard, it seem like you guys always want it too be easy. I don't want thing to be easy and i won't mind failing or getting my but kick once in a while.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The Incarnate storyline is the storyline of the Well of the Furies, which will only take notice of people once they hit level 50. The Praetorian side of things is just one small aspect of it. Pretty soon, I'm sure the Shadow Shard will enter into the picture, as will more of Ouroboros. But the Well is still central.
This is typical of your posts. Here you are complaining that you can't do something that isn't even in the game. The Well part of the Incarnate trail is covered by the mission you do solo. The rest of the Incarnate stuff is about Praetoria.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

99% of the game doesn't feature Incarnate powers and, as I mentioned, THAT is also something I want to have a shot at. It's post-50 character progression. Your argument would be valid if you said 99% of the game's content doesn't take place in TFs, so if I don't want to do them, I don't have to. And this is true. I can get to 50 without running a single TF. Can I get my Judgement, Lore and so on slots without running Incarnate Trials? Specifically, before I grow old and die?

The problem is you keep finding new ways to twist my words, and if you keep doing that you're going make me stop taking you seriously.
You twist your words enough on your own without me touching them. Earlier you were claiming you wanted the stories not the powers, now its back to the powers again. At this stage I don't believe anything will satisfy you.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
This is typical of your posts. Here you are complaining that you can't do something that isn't even in the game. The Well part of the Incarnate trail is covered by the mission you do solo. The rest of the Incarnate stuff is about Praetoria.
The Well of the Furies/Incarnate Path is laced throughout the game lore. It's already cropped up in new content outside of the Praetorian trials, and will likely continue to do so.

You twist your words enough on your own without me touching them. Earlier you were claiming you wanted the stories not the powers, now its back to the powers again. At this stage I don't believe anything will satisfy you.
Frankly, from the perspective of someone who's been following the interchange, it seems like you're yanking his chain. It's either that or you really need to work on your reading comprehension.

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Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Earlier you were claiming you wanted the stories not the powers, now its back to the powers again.
OK, let's play your game. Quote where I said this. Go on, I'll wait.

Actually, I'll give you a hand. What I said was:

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
There's more game to play, more "stuff" to earn, more ways to progress my character.
And also:

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I want to take part in the Praetorian war, I want to pursue the Well of the Furies storyline, I want to find out the truth behind Mender Silos, the Coming Storm, Ramiel, Prometheus and so forth. I want my Sword/Fire Scrapper to have that huge kill-all fire AoE, I want my Bots Mastermind to have that powerful team buff barrier.
Now if you're referring to where I said:

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No, I don't. Not in the slightest. What I want is story arcs.
then that's because I was responding to you saying:

Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
You want the raid content...
What I was saying was not that I want ONLY story arcs, but rather that I don't want raid content. I'm sure you'll find ways to spin that into me worshipping the devil, though.

Putting you on ignore would be a mistake. Your spin is far too entertaining and fascinating to miss out on.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Confusing goals aren't fun.

Keyes Facility is currently the worst about this. There are dozens of subgoals with frequently only slightly differing requirements and a not a lot of information to tell you how to meet them. My experience is that most people get through Keyes the first time and still don't really have much clue what was going on.
While I agree. Who's to say what constitutes "confusing"?

Being Insta-killed isn't Fun

There's at least some of this in all the trials. In a lot of cases, players are defeated with no warning and through no fault of their own. In cases where they have warning and can evade death via skill or sheer toughness, it's great! In cases where you can't even see WHY you died, it's simply frustrating.
Agreed. There are ways to ramp up threats. But being one-shotted just feels cheap and cheaty.

Zerging an Objective isn't fun.

All the trials suffer from this to some degree by including so much unresistable damage and insta-kill effects. The single worst offender is the glowie hunt in Lambda. When a player is defeated and has to run back into the maze after going to the hospital, chances are the enemies left behind in the mad rush are going to zap him again before he catches back up to his team.
Agreed...partially. Part of the issue is, the timed nature of these portions prevent players from being thorough and just killing through the enemy groups.

Sitting in the Hospital while other people finish the challenge isn't fun.

All the trials have the frequently pointless 20 second lock on the hospital doors (as does Death From Below!). That's frustrating. However, the worst single example is when a team leader asks part of the group to sit in the hospital while another part finishes an objective. I've seen this happening pretty frequently on Keyes as players attempt to earn the badges. Players who have problematic hardware-- they can't see the green patch or lag too badly to avoid it-- are asked to stay in the hospital. Neither the team leader nor the rest of the team begrudges them the badge nor holds them responsible for their hardware issues. Still, I wouldn't even WANT a badge that I didn't help earn.
While I understand that the devs want to penalize death in the trials, and don't want a rolling wave of heroes breaking over the GMs, the hospital timer IS annoying as hell.

Grinding for Currency to Buy Rewards isn't Fun. (It's called 'Work' in the Real World.)

What can I say? Some people really enjoy Skeeball. I like the rolling the balls part of it, but the collecting tickets bit comes off as just kinda dumb to me.

In the same way, getting 1 or 2 Empyrean merits a day and then discovering that you need dozens of them to get the costume pieces you want is EXACTLY like getting 12 tickets from a Skeeball machine and then discovering that you need 5000 of them to buy the crappy black and white TV at the rewards counter.

In the real world, you can say, 'Screw this. I'm not enjoying the game any more, so I'll just go to Best Buy and buy the TV I want.'

In the game, however, there's no way to do that. By gating those rewards behind untradeable, uncraftable Empyrean merits, the designers can say, 'No! You cannot have that unless you do EXACTLY what we want you to!'

Downtime is no fun.

Queuing for an incarnate trial could work if people used it, but most don't, perpetuating the problem. Instead they sit in Pocket D or RWZ shouting 'LFT for BAF!' over and over again.

When I do run a trial with friends, I typically pull out something to read while I'm waiting for everyone to assemble. I'm not even PLAYING the game at that point, let alone enjoying it.
Agreed. The fact that the LFG queue prevents you from doing anything more involved than street-sweeping SUCKS.

The bad part is, I don't know any way around it.

Maybe using some of the event tech from the Arenas. Set up a raid on a specific time and date. Then allow players to sign on to the event.

However, something of this nature would require a LOT more server-side tracking.

Trying to Corral 16 or 24 Strangers is not fun.

When I'm trying to meet new people and play with others I haven't before, I feel like that if there are any more than about 5 or 6 others, I can't really keep track of what's going on, especially if I'm also providing any kind of leadership.

Trying to do the same thing with 16 others is about as much fun as listening to a screaming baby in a restaurant.

You can't immediately weed out the bad seeds or the abusers simply because there's too much going on to keep track of everything.

Regardless of the Designers' desire to make the trials accessible, they DO need leadership. Someone has to make decisions, even if it's only flipping the coin to decide who pulls.

When you're on a team of 16 and 24 and there are no leaders, or worse, there are several people on the team who refuse to listen to the leaders who do step forward, it's not just the crying baby in the restaurant any more. The screaming baby's 3 year old brother has just taken his pants off and is running around the tables, half-naked. He keeps running up to your table and trying to grab your dessert and his parents won't do a damn thing about it.
16 people is a bit hassle-ish. But not too bad.
24 can be painful. Especially when multiple groups are competing for trial members on low-pop servers.

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