Let us use the IO's we already slotted on our free accounts




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Too low for too much. However, I've been suggesting that in the same spirit of unlocking individual character slots permanently the devs should probably add a way to unlock inventions on a specific character slot permanently. Something like 300-400 points to permanently unlock a character for invention use might be fair. You'd then have two options to use inventions: a 30 day temp license that would allow you to use them on all characters in your account, and a permanent license that would unlock inventions on a single character forever.




Originally Posted by Downtown View Post
So all of your characters are running around with SOs then? No basic IOs or sets in any of them?
Despite the utter stupidity of the question, which has ZERO to do with the playability of sets on IOs ... In several of my characters - and I'm talking 50s, since it should be *fairly bloody obvious* the lower levels in my 300-ish characters are going to be running on TO/DO/SOs - yes, they're still running SO-only or SO-heavy builds.

The last character I ran through the Alpha unlock was a Sonic/Sonic defender on pure SOs. I've run Peacebringers through on SOs, as well as an Ice/Psy dom. Others have a mix. Very few are heavily SO'd.

Plus, of course, Issue 0-Issue 9 - when both COH and COV were running, people were PVPing, and every AT (I believe even VEATs) were in the game - were SO only. If any were gimped or unplayable, *they would have been fixed or not released before IOs even existed.*

Last character I unlocked alpha on - solo build (which is what I used.)
|789C6D93DB6ED3401086D7DDA46E9CA6C5694A4F0949531A9 A16DC5420EE10821644|
|252245F4012AD7D9242B8253C5A62277951012EFC7E18233D C73780398ECCC067955|
|4BD167FFF3FF33B3B6D27C7130CBD8F95DC6E6F6FB7E141D1 F888E08DB62986EFA5D|
|19141EF9C36783500695FD417826865D1106C2668CAD6ADFF 1FDE79D8E7734F640F6|
|041E8A93D2133FEC8A3615EFC5B11F3C750FC39E188A30F6F 44DB63518F4BD877DD9|
|EDC53975DF146D19C850B8EAE9303C93913C917D198F1CA51 C9D0AD12E3C389581D7|
|8A46410F9A37FD2816C3D1326CB601BFF3294617DEA438DE8 CF9172EF66162486B43|
|4A9323A70DCED8C88F10B5306A516486E8F024673529FA09A 21CA39C22739A64BD64|
|304F51C7D6AB5A698AE4C99281928D87B1D5E13EC3980C8EC 990B7A04999CB069769|
|CC2B8866F18D64ED6469359F649138F6E5707C8EAC5FA0CB3 C2E304F838BC42BFC62|
|56285A02BAD8CD7551FA0ADD16505A20A90CAE45A5F0458B1 A50A9E220D789E39D96|
|30BD44335E42C3157C972BB4D63AF11B94D6F0FC6B4669831 B2C20ABD0B584034AB4|
|C36BE852C6F397297D55932759A3488D76FB0ED12A46AB14A 911AFF18B59571FFD07|
|043771F34D0AD4A9679D8CDB9A547F0BCF5B18D962C9D275D 7A09AF10E023BF8DA77|
|2697126E99C2B629EC99C24D536898C2635368A5F41F9C594 AF8E9FC1732B8E02FC7|

Pure SOs. No problems at all.

Another, alpha unlocked:
|789C6D935D53DA4014863704480151A2581101F9B2A0600AD 3DE77A6562BADCC30E3|
|55AF1C4A57DD1926719294D1DED4B6D7FD6E7F573FFE473FF E417BB2E7C4E2D69D81|
|2779F3BEE7ECD940FFF4DE0C63E77718CB6C8D879E77B0E5D 8BEEB8CC7DC35F64782|
|DB233EFB68C27D9F97771D573C736C833156FDE70A03D67D7 73811FE59789F9BB2DC|
|7D7A78683D1436F7C5C8337BF63177B9ED5BE1456AE0407E6 72C8E8EFDA4BCDE3FE1|
|FC89292F7BF64478E2B11843ED341A039FB08FB2DB2762640 D3CE1D86274D01F7A3E|
|77CF72B0BB1A7C5E6B8C564C7E47751609A923A30AE32672F BFF689C78AD0E6C20AA|
|2CD902B45992726F2187D19846FE9990D462566186A26F20A 06354A7488638AF5F66|
|B6289B66299930C26DB2D81F58EC3D9432F0DEA012D743528 99CC23CD5DA8168026B|
|2528B20B520AA5144929289B46295D81AF1C7B07A6396C394 7A63CB1402D0AC1AE8B|
|AC44B725EAF8119226264D4A94886553610A59213E80E8026 E63410EDE0361118545|
|297C00610985252AFA09A465ECB77CAE05E75879A105AFB2F 212D064B55788E75AB0|
|DBDAA94415065E91A1C80A6DA6AE306D0446B98AC19974D96 788AE62A7556A5E27DE|
|D0AF668326DB933B92E62A451A21A9DF7AC8B2FC31F421B12 613FA5A5E1EF43A0536|
|CCCBFCAA07F3C9599ACAA336F11B585A58AC85B3B4E7C941D C247E01A7854E8BFADD|
|D4AFE6776007AD1DB276E54BEA16650B4221CA2E967CDC518 53D551844C37F1DD3A4|
|705B756CA84257156EA9C28FA452F4E794D09427FC6B4AA94 BE5F78512D1F0BD6C12|

Most of one set (which doesn't make a huge difference) and a few commons. Oh no, not 3 whole minutes to replace those - if I'd even bother. The rest? SOs. Still soloed, and does perfectly fine in the rest of the game, too.

Hell, this one still has the Fitness power pool:
|789C6D93EB4F1A4114C507165D968774157C62A95AAD0F5C2 1EDF726569B989484F8|
|B90959618149E962D8B5E97EEBBFD856FBF86BDACBDC33244 CD8047ECC997BEE99C7|
|D2FA7A5510E2DB5B2156DE8DFC28EA5C05FD20EC05936CEB2 1F663390E9D56D0939F|
|641C27B610A2A2E73B970FFDBE77FDF9DE8F87496DA6DEFAE 120E879B77E4F2A77E7|
|92BAC6EE4D380C2641187BFA47BE3D1E8FBCF7233918C605F E2DE3308822570D6EC2|
|2F3292777224E3A48869AA94E1A07C7D2FBB5E3B4ABA43D9E DB4A879304936696535|
|20638A8D29187260C19AE78AA632FE24A3C5460B86679A285 C35585646C7D68B4C2D|
|61F56587391DDBBC0D1BD223C5381CE3A0FDBA26DA6E1ADC5 631456A94E7983C62B6|
|C1E9B8C853454855C43D515C894FB084982AF8DC5ACC3BB2B 8CA62B9B8AD17269799|
|36A5ADF1FED6708159922A4A495750B567F017056CB06B030 DBB246D71E616A43DF0|
|401301BFA974870F70073B39005F5A8B79B48E1781D6B6CBE 7B40BCB114A4A36BFAA|
|F4D470847F28689F83F67535F8CA5ACC1375537FC978C8C64 3184E3451786A925F41|
|1A1DF3651D63D77514D4D1A09E679E834F347FC6077786759 FAFCEF3027CA4528F4B|
|3D74BBD0445AB38C1BA2D2065F62035D9B9A6AA5D58C983D4 A78630AA7A6D03485D7|

I can dig up the others, but they've had Alpha a bit longer, and/or have had other degrees of IOing since then... but I'd still have absolutely *zero* problem playing them on SOs. I usually do when I fire up a second (or third) build first ANYWAY, before sinking any money into IOs, even for those I'd *want* to do a heavier IO investment in.



I notice you use hover in those three. I'm not a fan personally, but I guess I would have to change to that or pick up acro since no IOs means no kb IOs. But I'd be more than willing to bet you're in the minority when it comes to IO use. One of the builds you posted as SO proof even has IOs in it :P



Originally Posted by Downtown View Post
I notice you use hover in those three.
Purely coincidence. Fit what I wanted for the character. All three are squishy, all three do support - hover keeps me out of melee if I want to avoid it.
I'm not a fan personally, but I guess I would have to change to that or pick up acro since no IOs means no kb IOs.
*shrug* Or don't worry about it.
But I'd be more than willing to bet you're in the minority when it comes to IO use.
Most of mine are mixed common IOs, SOs, maybe bits of a set. Hardly anything going to straight SOs would make a big difference in... and I'd bet, quite frankly, that I'm in the same situation as the *majority of the game.*
One of the builds you posted as SO proof even has IOs in it :P
Gee, didn't I mention that on that very build? Let's re-quote that:

Originally Posted by me
Most of one set (which doesn't make a huge difference) and a few commons. Oh no, not 3 whole minutes to replace those - if I'd even bother. The rest? SOs. Still soloed, and does perfectly fine in the rest of the game, too.
Gee, look at that! And how extensive? *Most of one set, which doesn't make a huge difference, and a few commons.* Perhaps you should try reading everything before trying to make some sort of counter out of something I said flat out - and said flat out it wouldn't make a difference to just replace with SOs.

However, the "point" Heated - and by extension with your questioning, you - were trying to make about anything being unplayable without IOs is, unsurprisingly, *wrong.*

The ATs and powersets are built around SOs.

All the content - save Apex/Tin Mage, which is punitive for anyone without an Alpha slot slotted, and (for obvious reasons) Incarnate content - is based on SOs (TOs/DOs for earlier content.)

People did the content for years without IOs. Most of that content is still in the game. Those very groups are still in the game, just as they were. Hell, people soloed GMs on SOs.

IOs are not needed for - well, anything. They are a luxury.



Originally Posted by Downtown View Post
So all of your characters are running around with SOs then? No basic IOs or sets in any of them?
Heck, even my *main* isn't all IO'd out. She still has most of her build filled with pre-i9 Hamidon enhancements. What few common IOs she has could easily be replaced with SOs for basically the same performance. The only special IO she has is the Zephyr -KB, and I can pay 100pp for an attuned Karma -KB that would still function outside of the Invention System License.

You can buy 400pp for $5 and get IOs for two months, with some pp left over. Are you really that up in arms about $5 every other month? Plus every 1200pp you buy gets you a reward token.

Alternately you can buy 1320pp for $15 and get IOs for eight months and some change. That's the same as subscribing for one month, plus it gets you a reward token.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Downtown View Post
It's not F2P but they let you play for free? Call it what you want, but it is F2P.
Even so, what part of Free to Play implies free to use Invention Origin enhancements?



Originally Posted by Downtown View Post
since no IOs means no kb IOs
The attuned Karma -KB and Steadfast -KB you can buy on the Paragon Market work even if you don't have the IO license. They're 125pp each (about a dollar fifty).

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
The attuned Karma -KB and Steadfast -KB you can buy on the Paragon Market work even if you don't have the IO license. They're 125pp each (about a dollar fifty).
If that's true about all the attuned IO's on the PM then there's even less reason for people to complain. As the devs add more attuned IO's they can still IO out their characters and not worry about the license.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Gee, didn't I mention that on that very build? Let's re-quote that:

Gee, look at that! And how extensive? *Most of one set, which doesn't make a huge difference, and a few commons.* Perhaps you should try reading everything before trying to make some sort of counter out of something I said flat out - and said flat out it wouldn't make a difference to just replace with SOs.
Ok, the smiley at the end should have been a sign for you to realize I was joking with you. Perhaps you should try reading everything before coming back with snarky answers.

Welcome to ignore.



Originally Posted by Downtown View Post
Ok, the smiley at the end should have been a sign for you to realize I was joking with you.
That :P comes off more as "I'm catching you out in something," not "Joking with," frankly.

Perhaps you should try reading everything before coming back with snarky answers.
... says the person who takes "No character is gimped or unplayable with SOs" and somehow thinks "So every one of your characters is on SOs" is a logical response. Gotcha. Or who says the same thing back to me ("Your character even has IOs in it!") that I said when posting that build ("This one has a few IOs, but nothing extensive.")

Welcome to ignore.
No skin off my nose. Be sure to get the underscore. I keep it there for the heck of it, but it can be missed with underlined links. Never felt like changing it.

Quite frankly, I'm glad people are going to have to start playing with SOs again. Get more people to play their *character* instead of trying to play their IOs.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Originally Posted by Downtown
Ok, the smiley at the end should have been a sign for you to realize I was joking with you.
That :P comes off more as "I'm catching you out in something," not "Joking with," frankly.

Perhaps you should try reading everything before coming back with snarky answers.
... says the person who takes "No character is gimped or unplayable with SOs" and somehow thinks "So every one of your characters is on SOs" is a logical response. Gotcha. Or who says the same thing back to me ("Your character even has IOs in it!") that I said when posting that build ("This one has a few IOs, but nothing extensive.")

Welcome to ignore.
No skin off my nose. Be sure to get the underscore. I keep it there for the heck of it, but it can be missed with underlined links. Never felt like changing it.

Quite frankly, I'm glad people are going to have to start playing with SOs again. Get more people to play their *character* instead of trying to play their IOs.
Quoted solely to keep the lines of communication open after someone has been ignored.



Most of my characters use SOs. Of the ones that don't stick solely to SOs, only one of them is built with specific IO set goals in mind (and at the time he was built, I found the market much saner to cope with). The rest may have sets on a lark, or in one or two instances to protect from Knockback, but in most cases they're just using Basic IOs (which I have slotted at about SO level effectiveness) and I could easily shift to SOs on them without looking back.

I also tend to avoid Tough and Weave (and Tankers are one of my favourite ATs).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



While just about all my characters are IO'ed, I know how to run with SOs, and i typically build a build in Mids with IOs, and try to duplicate the values best i can with SOs (i/e, if a power has 95% dam, 40% acc, and 60% rech, i slot 3 dam, 1 acc, 2 rech) Its not a perfect system, but it works.

IOs aren't required for anything, They are a bonus. When you stop paying, or haven't paid enough to access them, you lose that bonus. It sucks, but it happens.

Now, if they had a 'Permanent per character' option for like 10 bucks (not sure how many points that is...1000 or so?) then I'd be cool with that. You could either unlock ALL your characters for a month for $2 (160 points) or unlock a specific character forever, for $10.



Agree with the OP. Would also suggest selling enhancement slotters.



Disagree with the OP, but have a compromise to suggest.

Allow the IOs to still enhance your powers, but disallow set bonuses.

That way you wouldn't have to respec your character or use a second build in order to play it, but if you want the set bonuses to work you still need to buy the license.

Sound like a reasonable compromise?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Downtown View Post
This attitude reaks of neener neener neener, I can use my IO's and you can;t
If the devs gave for free everything to free/premium players that paying customers get there's no incentive to being a paying customer.

Bottom line:

If you had an inactive account prior to Freedom, you weren't using that account unless you paid.

Post Freedom, you can play the account albeit with limitations but still less so limitations than someone who is starting out from the beginning.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Disagree with the OP, but have a compromise to suggest.

Allow the IOs to still enhance your powers, but disallow set bonuses.

That way you wouldn't have to respec your character or use a second build in order to play it, but if you want the set bonuses to work you still need to buy the license.

Sound like a reasonable compromise?
I'd agree with that.

Where to now?
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
If that's true about all the attuned IO's on the PM then there's even less reason for people to complain. As the devs add more attuned IO's they can still IO out their characters and not worry about the license.
Yes it is true. Any of the IOs you buy in the market work with or without the Invention system. They really aren't stupid enough to sell something to people that can't use it.

Originally Posted by General_CoH View Post
Agree with the OP. Would also suggest selling enhancement slotters.
What would an "enhancement slotter" be?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I'd agree with that.
The problem with us making reasonable compromises is the Standard Code Rant. None of us have seen the code, none of us have worked on it, and none of us have any idea how much work it would take to make it happen. And it may not be possible at all.

I don't believe that the Devs worked on this stuff for over a year and never considered the stuff brought up in these threads. For most of it, they probably looked at different options and chose the easiest. Not because they are lazy, but because their time is limited and there were things that had to be done, like designing and creating the Market, the Reward system, new arcs, new costumes, new zones, etc.

When it came to something like the Invention system, they may or may not be able to just turn off the set bonuses. But if it is possible, they had to trade off the time doing something like that would take against all the other stuff the programmers absolutely needed to do. The fact that we think it would be a reasonable compromise means absolutely nothing.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Disagree with the OP, but have a compromise to suggest.

Allow the IOs to still enhance your powers, but disallow set bonuses.

That way you wouldn't have to respec your character or use a second build in order to play it, but if you want the set bonuses to work you still need to buy the license.

Sound like a reasonable compromise?
The only way I could see that happening is if they didn't just disable set bonuses, but disabled everything that wasn't direct enhancement strength. That means no set bonuses, no procs, no global bonuses, nothing that doesn't buff attribute strength within a single power like a conventional enhancement.

I'm not saying that would necessarily be a good idea, I'm just saying that's the only way I could see this happening at all.

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Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Disagree with the OP, but have a compromise to suggest.

Allow the IOs to still enhance your powers, but disallow set bonuses.

That way you wouldn't have to respec your character or use a second build in order to play it, but if you want the set bonuses to work you still need to buy the license.

Sound like a reasonable compromise?
I was a bit surprised that they hadn't implemented something like this when they first announced the IO limitations. But as was mentioned, SCR does apply. Should they ever get something like this to function properly it would probably have to be set along the lines Arcana mentioned, disabling procs and global effects as well.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Ah. Didn't think about the second build option. That is certainly one way to take care of the problem.

You keep your original build (is that correct?) plus redo a new build that follows the restrictions...that way you have the original if you resub.



Originally Posted by quickfire View Post
Ah. Didn't think about the second build option. That is certainly one way to take care of the problem.

You keep your original build (is that correct?) plus redo a new build that follows the restrictions...that way you have the original if you resub.
You keep your original build, yes.

And your second (or third builds) can be different from your first - not just the enhancements. You can pick different powers, pools, etc (obviously your primary and secondary powersets can't be changed...)

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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It's interesting to note that even if the account doesn't have access to the slotted IOs and the IOs aren't enhancing the power in any way, you still get the set bonuses if they are purps.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
If the devs gave for free everything to free/premium players that paying customers get there's no incentive to being a paying customer.
Disregarding the fact that you jumped way ahead in your conclusions, what if they lowered the required tier for you to be able to have IO access?

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Disregarding the fact that you jumped way ahead in your conclusions, what if they lowered the required tier for you to be able to have IO access?
I would not be against them lowering the tier.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!