Let us use the IO's we already slotted on our free accounts




Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Yeah, this is about the place where I fail to be able to connect to your logic. This is a game. To me, if ANYTHING in it can be described as "work" and/or "hard work" then you are most assuredly doing something wrong.
Not doing it does not let you reach a certain end goal though.

For instance, I have one of getting one of every control set to 50. (Damn them for bringing Electricity out!)

This means I get to play Earth, which I love. Ice, that I love. Mind, which I have far too much fun with. Fire, for scorchy fun. Plant, for environmentally conscious controlling.

And... Illusion. Which I *despise.* I well and truly hate that set. Getting that one to 50 was a relief, because I could finally toss it on the pile and get it out of the way. Once it WAS out of the way, I could go back to the other sets I have fun playing - and get closer to a personal goal.

Or, to take something *out* of game - people have hobbies that are "work" all the time. Building a boat. Building an aircraft. Building models - tell me, looking at something like, oh, this:

or, say, this:

(Note, no, neither one is mine)

... that they wouldn't call rigging either of those "work." And for many (I think, being a modeler myself, and speaking to others for decades, I can say "Most" safely) people, rigging those kits *is* the least enjoyable part of the build - but without it, the end result is nowhere near as good.

So it is possible to do "work" - even "hard work" - while the overall goal is fun.

... I still don't agree with the OP, though.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
No thank you, I will take my own advice and not do things in-game I wouldn't enjoy.

See how that works?

OMG that would've sucked... to lose all that time when you could have been farming or some other unpleasant activity instead.

But I did enjoy building it, the first time, and I loved the reaction I got from my friends when they saw the finished product and checked it out.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
But I did enjoy building it, the first time, and I loved the reaction I got from my friends when they saw the finished product and checked it out.
And that, is why you did it in the first place... much like Bill's example above with models and such.

For me, I play this game to get away from work, and chores, and daily tasks... so if something is unfun, I don't do it here. My argument isn't that NO work can be fun, just that work in a video game, is sorta contradictory to the goal.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Doesn't Exemplaring already do that? Leave enhancements functional but discout set bonuses, I mean?

So, technically, that code already exists in game, right?
I'm not so sure of that. I was exemplared down to level 7 the other day, and my set bonuses from Winter's Gift (level 50, built at 50) were kicking in.



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
I'm not so sure of that. I was exemplared down to level 7 the other day, and my set bonuses from Winter's Gift (level 50, built at 50) were kicking in.
They work like Purples or PvP sets, at any level.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy