End Game Content




Alrighty, I'm new and I'm hanging around CoH a heck of a lot lately.

One thing I've noticed is that there's only 50 character levels, for an MMO that's 7 years old that's.... not very much

So, considering the max level is so low, what's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for? As it's one area almost every past MMORPG I have played has let me down in.



Having a higher level cap isn't increasing the end game content, it is increasing the grind to get there...
Increasing the grind is a great thing when it comes to the company's finances but it isn't something the players should want.

Having said that, the end game content isn't very extreme. We have incarnate trials and hugely unsupported PVP and badging I guess.

If you are looking for end game content, find an mmo that focuses on PVP, it is literally the only way to ensure you have a limitless supply of content.



I so hate “end game content” crap that WoW has brain washed people into. I really whish WoW wouldn’t have screwed it up for all other MMO’s and tainted a generations brains to what it is to actually play an MMO’s through all levels.


Sorry if I seemed annoyed, its just so frustrating to see so many AE babies power level their characters up to 50 and miss 1000's of things to do in the game, then scream there is no ”end game content”. They are so use to power leveling their guys for end game raids in WoW.

CoX is not WoW. The merits you get while leveling up and doing low level TF's can be applied to your character at anytime, even level 50 items. The game is designed that 1 – 50 is the experience and not just 50 that’s why they put into place a system that allows you to alter your level up or down to experience all the content in the game.



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
One thing I've noticed is that there's only 50 character levels, for an MMO that's 7 years old that's.... not very much

So, considering the max level is so low, what's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for? As it's one area almost every past MMORPG I have played has let me down in.
How many levels do you think a 7 year old MMO should have? Why does MMO age factor into your belief?

So low compared to what? There isn't some universal yardstick to measure number of levels against. A game isn't better or worse than another because one has 100 levels and one has 20. If MMO 1's endgame is at 75 and MMO 2's is at 50, that doesn't make MMO 1 better.

I'm not going to go into a long post about it, but suffice to say that there is plenty to do at 50 and unlike many other games, there are good reasons to do lower level content even if you are 50. If you are the kind of gamer who wants to grind out a million raids in order to get the complete set of the armor needed to grind out a million higher-level raids in order to get the complete set of the armor needed to grind out et cetera ad nauseum, then the endgame might not be for you.

Regardless welcome to the game and to the forums, and hopefully you find stuff you enjoy enough to stick around.



Taskforces and trials come to mind. Though City has always had more of an emphasis on leveling up multiple characters--hence all the character slots available to you. It's about the journey, not the end destination. I'd find more cheesy phrases to throw at you, but my brain ain't working right at the moment.

We do have enough variety that if you decide to stick around (hope you do, we do like new players, honest), you basically pick your own end game. I know people who play the market for hours, others who badge, others who only do task forces. It's all in what you like to do.



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
Alrighty, I'm new and I'm hanging around CoH a heck of a lot lately.

One thing I've noticed is that there's only 50 character levels, for an MMO that's 7 years old that's.... not very much

So, considering the max level is so low, what's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for? As it's one area almost every past MMORPG I have played has let me down in.
I suggest you play the game more and experience it for yourself. Some people enjoy re-rolling as end game. Some people enjoy badging. Some enjoy the Incarnate Trials and TFs. Some of these people are one in the same.



Guild Wars has a level cap of 20. Runescape doesn't even have a hard level cap; your level is simply calculated based on a number of your other stats, which AFAIK don't have caps, just exponential experience requirements (at the time I last played, the effective cap was around 113, but a dedicated player could push beyond that).

What CoH does have, though, is the Incarnate trials (the rewards of which can be used to increase your effective level), a couple task forces limited to the upper levels, and a couple raids. Rewards from Incarnate trials at the moment can give you +1 to normal content, and up to +3 during the Incarnate trials, but the whole Incarnate system is not fully released yet.




Also, once you hit 50, there's the Ouroboros system, which allows you to 'flash back' to content you may have missed along the way (based on origin or whatnot). If you missed storylines or missions, it'll scale you back to the appropriate level and allow you to play the content.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
Alrighty, I'm new and I'm hanging around CoH a heck of a lot lately.

One thing I've noticed is that there's only 50 character levels, for an MMO that's 7 years old that's.... not very much

So, considering the max level is so low, what's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for? As it's one area almost every past MMORPG I have played has let me down in.
For a very long time CoH's endgame was to create a new character. Basically, there was no endgame content. Over the past few years, crafting and the incarnate trials were added.

Crafting is not as extensive as what you'll find in other games, but there are some crafting rewards that take a bit of effort to achieve. Playing the market and even creating enhancements for your other characters can be entertaining, if you like that kind of thing.

Incarnate trials were added within the past year and are similar to raids that other games have. They offer a form of alternate advancement. Your character can get new powers and become much more powerful by gathering items that only drop during these trials.

PvP is not very popular at this time. It used to have a very vocal group of players, but PvP nerfs a few years ago caused enthusiasm to wane.

Personally, I do crafting, incarnate trials, collect badges and take part in supergroup events. The sg I belong to holds a lot of costume contests. I also occasionally crank up mission difficulty and "farm" for rare recipe drops. I can turn these recipes into enhancements, give them away or sell them for hundreds of millions of influence. I also usually have one or two project alts that I'm working on. These tend to be power sets or ATs that I have not played much in the past.

I've been playing this game since the start of beta testing back in 2003 and find that there's plenty to do. I hope you find enough to keep your interest!



In this particular game, the mentor/exemplar system cause levels to be halfway meaningless, anyway.

This game does not have the traditional end game of your favorite fantasy games, where every year you stack a new end game on top of the old end game and assign it a new set of level numbers.

Fifty is the top. If you think that numbers signify anything other than the number of powers you happen to have available to use in any given situation then you need to take off your fantasy game glasses.

An end game sort of like what you're used to does exists now, though for many years it did not. The "end game" was hitting the top and starting over with a new build or doing PvP. We built sideways instead - The inventions were added, and the Architect and other such things.

Incarnates are the current "end game". Your level won't go up but you can grind through various fantasy-game-style raids to earn credit towards giving yourself new power levels that exceed the level cap. Those power levels are primarily useful in the end game raids themselves, though if you think about it, that's not really so different than the same raids in the fantasy games.

If you power level through City of Heroes on the theory that "the end game is where the real game starts" then you will miss out on most of what the game has to offer. This is not one of the fantasy games where the lower level stuff is just there as a time sink to slow down how fast you get to the end game.

The journey is more important than the destination, here.



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
What's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for?
It could keep you busy your whole life if you value your free time. If you're looking to MMOs just in the form of time sinks, the Incarnate System will be right up your alley. If you're looking at broader character optimisation past the level cap, you can always look at the more rare Inventions enhancements, which could keep you busy even longer depending on how high you aim.

All of that said, my advise would be to enjoy the game at any level, rather than focusing on the end game. If it lets you down, it lets you down. At least you have the whole rest of the game to still have fun with. And it is a fun game if you allow it to be.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
Alrighty, I'm new and I'm hanging around CoH a heck of a lot lately.

One thing I've noticed is that there's only 50 character levels, for an MMO that's 7 years old that's.... not very much

So, considering the max level is so low, what's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for? As it's one area almost every past MMORPG I have played has let me down in.
I guess it depends on your view of the game overall. I mean, when you think about it, there's quite a bit to do in City of Heroes.

The one major thing about the game is that it's alt-friendly and alt-encouraged. So, even if you level a character from 1 - 50, you can do it again and again and take different routes to get there.

For argument's sake, let's say you have 1 character that you particularly like and want to "advance" further. Well - you have the Incarnate System - 10 additional "levels" so to speak with different methods of achieving them (only the first 5 "slots" are available). Trials/grinding may not be your thing... so what else is there to do?

Well... there's the Market (Mini-Game). Some folks enjoy buying/selling/crafting (not necessarily in that order) and making themselves ebily rich.

Not your thing? Okay, you have the AE to make your own stories/missions. Or you could play through other users' stories.

Still no good? There are various zone events throughout Paragon, Praetoria and the Isles. You can be any level (more or less) for those.

Then there's Hamidon raids, Mothership raids, and things of that nature. Those can be fun.

Badges badges and more badges. Between all the various badges and the methods to achieve them you can definitely keep yourself busy trying to get them all.

And I'm sure there's more stuff to do that I'm forgetting (Oh, RP - if you're into that kind of stuff) but you get the idea.

So while the path to 50 these days seems like a much shorter road as compared to days of yore, there's still plenty of stuff to do in game if you're willing to take advantage of it.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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There is also Architect Entertainment. Despite its' problems, it is effectively infinite content (there are more AE arcs than you can play on any character, and indeed arcs are being created faster than you can play through them).

Sturgeon's Law applies.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
My end game content was creating a wiki site and, eventually, joining the Titan Network. I'm still not finished.
Winningest end-game content ever =D




Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
So, considering the max level is so low, what's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for? As it's one area almost every past MMORPG I have played has let me down in.
This latest release is referred to as Issue 21. "Issues" are (usually) large content upgrades, with new missions, zones, powersets, etc. Sometimes Issues have coincided with new boxed sets, such as City of Villains or Going Rogue.

Before Issue 9, there was very little to do with a max level character. In those days, I actually avoided hitting level 50, because I saw it as "the end". There just wasn't much to do once you hit 50 and wrapped up the content available there. However, in Issue 9, they introduced the game's crafting system, along with Invention enhancements, which opened a whole new dimension to making characters more powerful. After Issue 9, I hit 50 on the characters who were close, and have been playing them ever since.

Other things the devs did was grant more and more retroactive access to things we might have previously outleveled, so that we can repeat them, or experience them if we missed them before. They introduced the idea of "reverse sidekicking", so that max-level characters had some semblance of power matching to content designed for lower-level characters. They made sure that all the game's TFs and trials (the game's primary team content) used this technology*. They also started adding more re-usable content that functioned for max-level characters.

Finally, Issues 19-21 have expanded on a new end-game "raid" system. It's very lightweight compared to many other MMO's raid systems, but is very "grindy" compared to this game's prior advancement methods, with the possible exception of high-end Inventions builds. (That depends on how you went about obtaining them, and what you consider "high end".)

Primarily, this game is designed around breadth more than depth. It's common for people to have over a dozen characters. People start new characters all the time, and so an "end game" has been less important here. I say this as someone who concentrates heavily on a relatively few characters. I'm happy to be getting some "dedicated" endgame at last, but I have been here the whole time even without it. Without the changes starting around I9, though, I might not have been.

* Except the Eden Trial, until just recently.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I'm surprised people seem to have missed BADGES

they are like achievements from other popular MMOs (except they were here first)

Some open up nice extra powers or bonuses.



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
Alrighty, I'm new and I'm hanging around CoH a heck of a lot lately.

One thing I've noticed is that there's only 50 character levels, for an MMO that's 7 years old that's.... not very much

So, considering the max level is so low, what's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for? As it's one area almost every past MMORPG I have played has let me down in.
Welcome to the boards,

As many posts here suggest, City of Heroes is a bit of a haven for people that HATE the idea of endlessly raising the level cap. The game for most isn't a mad dash to 50 to see when the "game begins" but more about the journey.

Content-wise, CoH has a great deal to go through heroside, villainside, and Mission-architect side. It has a rather robust "exemplaring" and "flashback" system that lets you experience content you've outleveled... or even apply other challenges to yourself for additional badges (do it without deaths, with enemies buffed, with enhancements disabled, etc).

There's also the rather new "incarnate system" for 50's. These give encouragement for running trials (large-group content similar to rather quick raids) and task forces (smaller team-sized story-driven content that often takes a bit longer) over and over.

I, personally, am an altaholic. I've dabbled with the 50's content, but I'd much rather roll an alt, take a different path through the content, and try something different. I've been here 7 years and have yet to grow bored with that.



I don't consider badges to be "endgame content", since you can get almost every badge long before you're 50. Admittedly, it's rather unlikely for some (Empath), and requires help from a higher-level character for others (Multidimensional), but there are few badges where you must be high level to earn.




I didn't forget about badges, but I'm not sure they provide continued play motive on the same scale as what other games call "end-game" content. Most of the badges seem to be either something a dedicated player can knock out in a few sessions or something that takes so long you do it on the side of your other play over a long period. The former usually isn't enough activity to keep people engaged. The latter is often secondary to main play, so if the main play isn't sufficient to keep people engaged, the badges probably won't keep them around.

But maybe that's just me.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
Alrighty, I'm new and I'm hanging around CoH a heck of a lot lately.

One thing I've noticed is that there's only 50 character levels, for an MMO that's 7 years old that's.... not very much

So, considering the max level is so low, what's the end game content like and how long will it keep you busy for? As it's one area almost every past MMORPG I have played has let me down in.
I think the question at hand is "What do you think the phrase 'end game' means?"

In what way did other games "let you down"?



I guess it depends what the OP wants and expects but there's a huge amount to do here - from 1-50 and beyond. Many people have pointed out a lot of the stuff but apart from anything else there's what... 13 (I may have missed some) ATs to explore... and of those ATs there are many sub-variants. Once you've found one AT you like you'll probably have a lot of fun enjoying playing with the possible combos.

As many have already said, the journey is the important thing and there is some seriously outstanding content in the game. (There's also some dross but that's the minority these days and easily skippable.)

There is end game which isn't totally complete yet but while getting to that there's inventions, and plenty of trials and TFs and badges and all sorts. There's enough here to make you wish you had a lot more time!

Enjoy it all

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I think the main thing to remember is that this game is fun starting at level 1. This is not a game where you have to go kill a zillion insignificant things just to make the faintest progress towards gaining power. At level 1 you are out in the streets punching enemies in the face. It doesn't take long at all before you can be flying through the air, or 'leaping tall buildings at a single bound'. You don't need to plow your way up to level 50 to feel like you are accomplishing something. The game is fun all the way through.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
If you power level through City of Heroes on the theory that "the end game is where the real game starts" then you will miss out on most of what the game has to offer.

I'd like to add that if 'End Game' is what you look for when selecting a MMORPG that would be like selecting a resturant based only upon what kind of deserts they offer.