Exalted Channels




we need to condense the 1s we have already. All this is accomplishing is dividing the server even further making it even more difficult to get thing organized and publicized.

As an event organizer its incredibly frustrating having 50 thousand channels to advertise in.



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
we need to condense the 1s we have already. All this is accomplishing is dividing the server even further making it even more difficult to get thing organized and publicized.

As an event organizer its incredibly frustrating having 50 thousand channels to advertise in.
Well yeah but there nothing wrong with having special channels like Freedom-Exalted or Virtue-Exalted. But we should change up the other alittle bit.

Originally Posted by Heyman View Post
Type /chanjon "channel name" to join any of the channels below.
I can only put a basic description of the public channels that I find. If any channel mod would like their description updated please let me know.

Exalted Events
For any kind of Event you can think of. From TFs to Costume Contests, from Trails to Mothership Raids. The perfect channel to arrange them all in.

BMT of Exalted
The VIP (B)adges, (M)onsters and (T)rials/Taskforces/Strikeforces.

Global chat channel for general chatting and fun.

Exalted LFG
General teaming and pick up groups.

Victory Exalted
Those who main on the Victory server, but like to play on Exalted from time to time.

Freedom's Exalted
Those who main on the Freedom server, but also like to play on Exalted from time to time.

Virtue Exalted
Those who main on the Virtue server, but also like to play on Exalted from time to time.

Stands for, Project Obsidian Operations Friends.
Silenced on entry, we do daily teams, events, raids, trials, badging and more fun activities. No requirement to have fun, so why not have FUN! We keep our MoTD updated with events ran by Obsidian Operations SG.

Exalted Incarnates
For all Level 50 Incarnate Trail activity.

Exalted TFs
Exalted TFs is a wonderful source of finding TF/SF/Trial/iTrial teams on Exalted server.

I hope someone doesn't have all these channels cuz I for one would be so confused if anything have the follow main on Exalted Server and the Freedom & Virtue Server Exalted thing is fine but the other Exalted need to be change down to the following.....

Exalted Incarnates
For all Level 50 Incarnate Trail activity.

Exalted TFs
Exalted TFs is a wonderful source of finding TF/SF/Trial/iTrial teams on Exalted server.

Exalted Events
For any kind of Event you can think of. From TFs to Costume Contests, from Trails to Mothership Raids. The perfect channel to arrange them all in. (This should be Just SG Special Events and CCs hosted by SGs cuz already have two things that is good for TF and Trials)

Exalted Elite
This is like the lvl 50 channel on Guardian from the server where I'm from. General Chat,Teams,TFs/SFs, and Trials
^and I know that im going back on what i said but this is for more VIP players^



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
exalted = vip
i get that.......



This is kind of funny, you missed one of the biggies.

/chanjoin VIP

This is the current leading-in-numbers channel on exalt. Might want to toss this into your list.


Channel 'VIP' Host!
/chanjoin VIP



Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
This is kind of funny, you missed one of the biggies.

/chanjoin VIP

This is the current leading-in-numbers channel on exalt. Might want to toss this into your list.
Actually, Exalted Events, BMT of Exalted and EXALTED-UNITED have many more numbers than VIP. Whilst it is a large channel, it is no where near leading in terms of numbers.

Having said that I will update the list to include VIP soon as it is an important channel to be included. I would like to know though, what would you like the description to be mate?

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



My suggestion of the channel merge topic. yes, there is to many channels. You/I cannot please everyone, nor cant you get everyone together in 2 if not 3 major channels of Exalted. No it is not splitting the community as long as the moderators of th channels communicate to keep the same info up in the MoTDs to get big crowds at events/raids. Will be a pain to have a lot of exalted channels to broadcast to get a incarnate trial. I like to see updated MoTDs, i personally dont see the need to be in a channel if its not updated with events or teams or productive things. Hope everyone can agree on 2 or 3 desinated channels for Exalted. I think someone said the mods of the other Exalted channels can have modship in the main ones. That's fair, but we mods will need to communicate without stepping on each others toes when a person breaks a rule, or a disagreement between mods. When i was mod of LFA, i had a personal forum with mod rules etc. Every mod i chosed had to sign off(private boards of mine) also kept a blacklist of past rule breakers, who.ve been silenced in the past.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



I am on about 3-4 of the above listed channels, and have been able to run on average 3 tf's per game session, and a ton of tip missions; so much so, my new "vip" toon hit lvl 50 in a shade over a week! (and without farming...not that there's anything wrong with that, my luck just fell that way)

I just wish that more experienced players would hook up and run I-trials, lots and lots of I-trials...

....I'm just holding out hope that they are rolling alts, and bringing them up...maybe in a month or so we will see regular trials running.

Whaddya mean, we aint got no booze?!



Originally Posted by The_Major View Post
I just wish that more experienced players would hook up and run I-trials, lots and lots of I-trials...

....I'm just holding out hope that they are rolling alts, and bringing them up...maybe in a month or so we will see regular trials running.

To cut down on the number of channels on Exalted, Exalted Incarnates is rolling in to BMT of Exalted. To join type /chanjoin BMT of Exalted or ask a Mod from BMT for help. We thank you for joining and hopefully this will expand the player-base so we can get more iTrials rolling.

BMT stands for Badges, Monsters, Trials(& iTrials, Taskforces, Strikeforces)

This consolidation will facilitate more trials ran and since most people are in Events and E-U it will have less channel spam.

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...

http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



Exalted General

Open for any and all discussion, a very relaxed channel



Too many damn exalted channels...



Originally Posted by BeornAgain View Post
Too many damn exalted channels...

true story



Originally Posted by Rapthorne View Post
Exalted General

Open for any and all discussion, a very relaxed channel



List updated to include channel merges.
I hope the new format is easier to read and provides more infomation.
I've also removed the small niche channels like Virtue Exalted, as they can be advertised on the servers they originated from.

It's now Issue 21 and I am back!
My new Global is @Zyhar
Currently enjoying the Exalted Server!



Where is the Exalted catgirl channel?



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
Where is the Exalted catgirl channel?

That would probably be Virtue Exalted...

@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...

http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)



I'm getting invite spam pretty much every night now for Exalted United. The only does that does is make certain that I'm not going to join it. Please stop it.

| dave | onion | @davejb |



While BMT Exalted and Exalted Events are *fairly* casual channels there ARE some basic rules and etiquette that have to be followed.

Recently, I caught wind of some bashing that was goin on with a person that was leading an event and someone else wasnt happy with the rules that the leader was asking of others..

Bashing other players in the channel isnt going to be tolerated. You will be silenced and or kicked. There is no need for anyone to act like 3 year olds when they dont get their way.



I have set BMT of Exalted silenced on entry. This is due to spammers, and griefers, also RMTers. Why kick when its open channel, they can just rejoin. Why set private when its supposed to be a Community Channel for Badge Monsters Task/strike forces.

Server is a Month and a week old(5weeks if you want to say). It wasn't needed to be silenced on entry. Now it's the time to.

Sorry, SCybertaz for not informing you asap. Needed to be done due to a impersonated Mod, and kicked/demoted a few mods. One has been restored.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Channel Name: Exalted League
Description: We are a semi-social channel for Exalted server players to form or find teams, Task / Strike Forces, raids, trials, and events.
Web site: http://exaltedleague.guildportal.com/
Lead Mods: @Celestial Lord, @Cherry Cupcakes, @James Donner, and @WickedWendy
How to Join: Type /chan_join "Exalted League" - Or you can send a channel op a tell for an invite.

New members are auto-silenced, but channel operators routinely peruse the channel members list for newcomers, and un-silence them.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
This is a public SG channel.

POOF - Stands for, Project Obsidian Operations Friends.
We moved to our new and permanent channel, OOCIC.
OOCIC is open to the public, the "Project/Rogue" Obsidian Operations runs the channel. All the Operators are current Leaders/Senior Members, send one of them a tell to get unsilenced. We also provide Ventrilo for the Channel unpon request, used for events and raids etc.

Description: OOCIC stands for Obsidian Operations Combat Intel. Center. It's open the public, silenced on entry. A Channel for anyone and everyone. I recommend you to keep the language, and other "unwanted" chat out, otherwise is Free Speech. Channel is kid and family friendly as well.



Originally Posted by Global_DJB View Post
I'm getting invite spam pretty much every night now for Exalted United. The only does that does is make certain that I'm not going to join it. Please stop it.
No kidding! In the last week, I had some chucklehead try to invite me at least THREE times, to some PVP channel they'd created. I don't even play PVP and I have no idea why this dude thought I'd want in on that channel. To top it off, after I declined for the THIRD TIME, he sent me a tell asking my why I wouldn't join his channel. I finally had to stick him on /ignore.

Another pet peeve: When I leave a channel and the mod comes after me with tells wanting to know why I left and get me to come back. I mean, c'mon--a person should be able to vote with their feet without getting chased down about it. . .

. . . Tact is for those without the wit for sarcasm



Anyone agree / disagree on a Poll on what Channels to Merge. Im working towards Channel merges to get things going. I've been getting tells theirs not much activity on any of them at certain times. Pretty much all the Channels on Exalted have the same Mods as the main channels, aif not single mods of the minor channels.

I did not feel this would need its own thread.

Divided we Fall, United We stand. Anyone against me on this? Server Wide Poll to merge channels. Also, most people are in 2 or 3 of the same channels. Most if not all of them serve the same purpose.

**Note: This will not create a new channel. Using the current ones. If all agree to have a poll to choose what Major channels, the mods will try to shift the population there.** This is my idea and others, no drama started it.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Hm, which channel is best for normal teaming? I have no fifties on Exalted yet and only two over thirty.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Hm, which channel is best for normal teaming? I have no fifties on Exalted yet and only two over thirty.
For general teaming and PUGs it would be EXALTED-UNITED, for raids, CC's, invasions and zone events Exalted Events, and if you're after Badges, Giant Monsters, or badge oriented Teaming (Trials, iTrials, TF's SF's, ect.) try BMT of Exalted. Trials, TF's, SF's, and other group activities tend to get spammed to all 3 to help connect people and keep them in the loop. All 3 are open channels so either type /chanjoin and it's name or ask someone for an invite in help or send a tell to @SCyberTaz


@SCyberTaz / Champion & Exalted: Home of my anthology characters.
Virtue: Where my anthology characters get all freakynaughty...

http://www.facebook.com/SCyberTaz (I'd kiss your rear, butt I don't have time to cover the acreage!)