What a Scrapper NEEDS!!!
I remember when Dual Pistols were just rumors and the entire Scrapper Community expected them to be a Scrapper set and were extremely excited about it.
Now you are trying to make yourself happy with an APP? That is kind of sad...
I'll be honest, I would love a pistol epic pool. For all melee ATs, not just scrappers. Giving them hail of bullets would be a bit overpowered, though. They'd have to nerf it some way. Personally I could see a scrapper version on a minute recharge, but doing only slightly more damage than a normal scrapper epic AoE and not having the defense that the ranged set gets. Though I think getting empty clips instead would be more likely.
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
I think Brand means Rain of Bullets, the TAoE, not the Tier 9 PBAoE Hail of Bullets
I'd love to see a Scrapper and Dominator Blade and Pistol set. Because, let's face it, having mid-short ranged attacks in Scrappers is NOT overpowered. If so, Spines, Claws, Kinetics and a few others haven't been informed that they should be imba
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
The problem you will never get around is that pistols are not a melee weapon and scrappers are a melee AT.
50's: Jennifer Halloween, DM/DA Scrapper; Black Peet, 50 DM/WP Brute; Siansha, Soldier; Miss Terie, Elec/Dark Corrupter
I remember when Dual Pistols were just rumors and the entire Scrapper Community expected them to be a Scrapper set and were extremely excited about it.
Now you are trying to make yourself happy with an APP? That is kind of sad... |
Because shuriken and grenades are melee weapons? Because Fire Blast is a melee attack? Have you looked at an Epic/Anchillary/Patron pool lately (as in, since 2005)?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Yes, I remember 2004, too. I didn't have a driver's licence, a job or a higher education degree then.
Because shuriken and grenades are melee weapons? Because Fire Blast is a melee attack? Have you looked at an Epic/Anchillary/Patron pool lately (as in, since 2005)? |
50's: Jennifer Halloween, DM/DA Scrapper; Black Peet, 50 DM/WP Brute; Siansha, Soldier; Miss Terie, Elec/Dark Corrupter
The problem you will never get around is that pistols are not a melee weapon and scrappers are a melee AT.
Spines: Impale, Throw Spines
Kinetic Melee: Repulsing Torrent, Focused Burst
Blaze Mastery
Body Mastery
-Every other mastery, all of which have ranged attacks in them
So...what was your point again?
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Cmon guy, surely you see the difference between a handful of short-medium ranged weapons/attacks that are accessory to the melee sets and an entire ranged set, right? I'm not saying they'll never do it because it's not for me to say. But from my perspective, I'd rather them worry about other things than crafting a ranged attack set for melee characters.
People are asking for-
*Google fails*
Ok, go watch the Korean City of Heroes trailer with Spark Blade in it. The scrapper with a sword AND a pistol.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Claws: Focus, Shockwave
Spines: Impale, Throw Spines Kinetic Melee: Repulsing Torrent, Focused Burst Blaze Mastery Body Mastery -Every other mastery, all of which have ranged attacks in them So...what was your point again? |
Now if they create a pistol scrapper set, I will make one. But again, I would personally rather they work on something else.
50's: Jennifer Halloween, DM/DA Scrapper; Black Peet, 50 DM/WP Brute; Siansha, Soldier; Miss Terie, Elec/Dark Corrupter
Sword and pistol.
Not a pistols set. A Sword AND pistol set.
You...seem to be either missing that rather important point or totally ignoring it,
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
50's: Jennifer Halloween, DM/DA Scrapper; Black Peet, 50 DM/WP Brute; Siansha, Soldier; Miss Terie, Elec/Dark Corrupter
50's: Jennifer Halloween, DM/DA Scrapper; Black Peet, 50 DM/WP Brute; Siansha, Soldier; Miss Terie, Elec/Dark Corrupter
I'll be honest, I would love a pistol epic pool. For all melee ATs, not just scrappers. Giving them hail of bullets would be a bit overpowered, though. They'd have to nerf it some way. Personally I could see a scrapper version on a minute recharge, but doing only slightly more damage than a normal scrapper epic AoE and not having the defense that the ranged set gets. Though I think getting empty clips instead would be more likely.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
I think Brand means Rain of Bullets, the TAoE, not the Tier 9 PBAoE Hail of Bullets
![]() I'd love to see a Scrapper and Dominator Blade and Pistol set. Because, let's face it, having mid-short ranged attacks in Scrappers is NOT overpowered. If so, Spines, Claws, Kinetics and a few others haven't been informed that they should be imba ![]() |

Weakened version of no +Defense, smaller range, and possibly no more damage than a PBAOE in their Primaries? NO PROBLEM!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
The point, which was hard to miss, is that none of those attacks remove the primacy of melee from a scrapper. No more than having melee attacks in blaster secondaries means Blasters should get War Mace. Pistols are a ranged weapon. You can have Pistol Whip and Point Blank but that changes nothing as far as I am concerned. As for your Ancillaries, Body Mastery has one ranged attack (which I use in my Dark/Dark, as the "get that running fool!" attack). And if you want to create a scrapper whose principal attack chain is Blaze Mastery, have at it.
Now if they create a pistol scrapper set, I will make one. But again, I would personally rather they work on something else. |
Blaze Mastery...5 powers...all ranged.
I'm not asking for a Scrapper Primary. My suggestion was purely as an Epic set, and my picking the three attacks I did was purely for animation LOVE reasons.

If I had to pick the other two abilities, Swap Ammo and Bullet Rain. Swap ammo for the ammo swap and Bullet Rain as it's one of my favorite animations as well.
Also, using Hail of Bullets as a PBAOE wouldn't that mean, not really a ranged attack

So, that's 3 ranged attacks, 1 PBAOE (and I totally expect it to be downgraded and not nuke level), and 1 Gimmick power.
And no one would beable to make an attack chain out of Dual Wield and Executioners Shot.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
And I forgot, yes, give it to all the Melee ATs, but I just prefere my Scrappers
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Cmon guy, surely you see the difference between a handful of short-medium ranged weapons/attacks that are accessory to the melee sets and an entire ranged set, right? I'm not saying they'll never do it because it's not for me to say. But from my perspective, I'd rather them worry about other things than crafting a ranged attack set for melee characters.
No-one is asking for Pistol/SR Scrappers. What people are asking for Kat/SR Scrappers with a Pistol Epic. Do you know what Brutes get in their Mace Mastery? Mace Blast, Disruptor Blast, Mace Beam Volley. How is that not a ranged pool?
Yeah, noticed the correction. I'm still leaving the post in, though. A Pistols Epic, if its powers are chosen correctly, can be well within the pattern of existing Epics and Patron powers.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I think this is a perfect example of people needing to go back and read what other people have posted.
DP Epic would be interesting though.
Don't I know you???
Could totally get behind a pistol Epic, although I would advocate they take the time to animate it for a (Hand weapon) + Pistol stance to avoid stupid amounts of redraw...
That said, I would STILL /sign for an actual Scrapper Primary and Dominator Secondary that was a Blade + Pistol combo. Dominator version would be a standard mix of blade for melee and ranged for pistol, and would be arguably easier to balance.
The Scrapper version would use the pistol in tandem with the blade for melee range, and the pistol on it's own for a few pure range attacks in the same vein as Focus, Impale, etc from other sets.
Quick-cutting someone with a blade and then taking a step back to shoot them seems like perfectly viable melee tactics to me. And anyone who's played Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood will know that sword + pistol is incredibly viable even when it's not an actual held pistol
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I agree with the OP but something else in the thread caught my eye:
. . .<Snip!> Ok, go watch the Korean City of Heroes trailer with Spark Blade in it. The scrapper with a sword AND a pistol.
I love the Sword & Pistol set!
But what was all that other weirdness? Is all that stuff actually in the Asian version?
I agree with the OP but something else in the thread caught my eye:
Thanks for the tip, just watched it for the first time and it looked great, but but many of the powers shown are ones I am not familiar with. I love the Sword & Pistol set! But what was all that other weirdness? Is all that stuff actually in the Asian version? |
Could totally get behind a pistol Epic, although I would advocate they take the time to animate it for a (Hand weapon) + Pistol stance to avoid stupid amounts of redraw...
If they keep to the trend of the damage on Scrappers, the only power I'm not sure of on DPS is Executioner's Shot. But factor in having to redraw weapons, I'm thinking it won't be a factor in DPS builds as the redraw would slow it down.
Dual Wield
Executioner's Shot
Bullet Rain
Swap Ammo
Hail of Bullets (smaller AOE, less damage, no +defense)
And with i21 making Epic Pools open at earlier levels, one could take all the powers, and have a MA or StJ/Whatever Character and \o/ Or in my possible case Titan/Whatever. >_> Okay who am I kidding, I'd have a lot of ???/???/Dual Pistol Epic just cuz I love the Dual Pistols

BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Eh, I don't see that layout happening. Following the track of other Masteries;
T1: Dual Wield
T1: Suppressing Fire
T2: Executioners Shot
T3: Bullet Rain
I don't see Swap Ammo coming in at all. That's Dual Pistols 'Thing'.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Dual Wield
Executioners Shot
Hail of Bullets
Pick any other two Dual Pistol abilities..
Dual Pistol Epic Power Set!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection