Why won't people listen? MY RANT




I am not one that hates PUGs they way some do, but lately things have been getting worse for me. People flat out will not listen. Then yell at you for being a jerk because you are trying to implement some sort of strategy. I think it is because the game is "old" and people know what they are doing, but does that mean there shouldn't be any plan?

I was leading a Katie the other day. I literally gave one instruction in the first 3 missions. On the 2nd mission lead out I asked the team to fight their way down while I, the tank, grabbed her and started leading her back. Two people just ignored me and when I called them on why they were following me on said, "I have done this a hundred times, I am good" (obviously I wasn't asking who could survive to katie, so that wasn't the point) and the other said, "you don't need to give orders, just kill." Grrr

I have also had people block me because on Lambda I split people into acid and grenade teams. When they were in the wrong place, I told them (Hey Captain Whatever, you are supposed to be at acids). You'd think I called his mother bad names.

Maybe I am overbearing, but I REALLY don't think so.

OK done with rant.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



People are dumb.

I still run into the occasional BAF leader who spouts

now we have to do this again


My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



We're about to get an influx of A) people who aren't old enough to afford $15/mo to play the game and B) people who are more familiar with less savory gameplay coming into the game, and PuGs are going to become a lot worse.

What you as a leader need to understand is that people, no matter how senseless, will embrace irrationality and cause problems. Usually, this is in the form of overconfident arrogance and they'll act like they don't need to pay attention to anyone. The Stalker runs to the end of the mission, triggering all the ambushes. The Mastermind draws all of the map's aggro to the team. Things like this, and they'll continue to do it even after being advised otherwise.

The best option is to give however many warnings you find appropriate, then just click the Kick button if they ignore you. There's no sense in making the game unfun for everyone on the team, and people are (and will be) a dime a dozen, so you can just grab someone else to fill the spot.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post

The best option is to give however many warnings you find appropriate, then just click the Kick button if they ignore you. There's no sense in making the game unfun for everyone on the team, and people are (and will be) a dime a dozen, so you can just grab someone else to fill the spot.
I don't disagree with this to a point. Some servers are just hard to get a team going, so it's harder for me to want to make the team that much smaller. I know, I know, enjoying my time is easier with good players, but I get caught up sometimes.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
We're about to get an influx of A) people who aren't old enough to afford $15/mo to play the game and B) people who are more familiar with less savory gameplay coming into the game, and PuGs are going to become a lot worse.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Despite what some of these starry-eyed dreamers on these boards would like to believe, some of us are going to be beating feet to the VIP server to get away from a significant portion of the new player base.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I am not one that hates PUGs they way some do, but lately things have been getting worse for me. People flat out will not listen. Then yell at you for being a jerk because you are trying to implement some sort of strategy. I think it is because the game is "old" and people know what they are doing, but does that mean there shouldn't be any plan?

I was leading a Katie the other day. I literally gave one instruction in the first 3 missions. On the 2nd mission lead out I asked the team to fight their way down while I, the tank, grabbed her and started leading her back. Two people just ignored me and when I called them on why they were following me on said, "I have done this a hundred times, I am good" (obviously I wasn't asking who could survive to katie, so that wasn't the point) and the other said, "you don't need to give orders, just kill." Grrr

I have also had people block me because on Lambda I split people into acid and grenade teams. When they were in the wrong place, I told them (Hey Captain Whatever, you are supposed to be at acids). You'd think I called his mother bad names.

Maybe I am overbearing, but I REALLY don't think so.

OK done with rant.
One of the reasons I don't often care to do TFs or iTrials is because there's so often someone handing out orders. Now, it's not that person's fault that the conditions exist wherein particular coordination is nigh on a necessity for success, but that does little to assuage the annoyance.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Why won't people listen?
If you didn't rant so much, maybe they would listen more

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Colorado Springs? I'm actually heading there tomorrow. (Well, get there on Sunday)



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Colorado Springs? I'm actually heading there tomorrow. (Well, get there on Sunday)
Awesome. What for? Let's dress up as our best toon and meet for lunch to pvp.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Grandpa had another stroke. We're going to go visit him.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Grandpa had another stroke. We're going to go visit him.
Oh and I made a joke about it. Sorry. I hope he heals up soon.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



In my experience people don't like to be led, but they do like to be talked too and included, and if they think you are showboating then they listen even less. Especially in this game.

This is not just random pugs, but even well thought out groups where people play together for a lot of time. The differents is that people in your PuG have probably done something a million times, and with many of the tactics in this game beaing a "Steam Roll Tank and Spank" some people just see some other people as the gloryhound.

I must stress this with all my being....If you are a tank, it does "NOT" make you the leader, nor does being a Tank make you a good leader if you are in that role.

If your concept of leadership, is "I am going to do this, and you all wait, then you are not leading the team, you are just telling them what you are going to do. This is not leadership. However if you tell a controller who it is they are hitting with controlls, telling the Stalker or Scrapper who they need to focus on etc, then you are leading, and also making people feel like you are a leader.

In Bafs and other Trials, the most successfull leaders also need to know when people might not know the trial layouts. As a leader, you need to adapt more than the people you are with, in order ensure they adapt.

Inability to adapt as a leader is the worst kind. It may not go your way, but if you wanna wear the leadership hat, then you need to also understand going into a pug that your team makeup will often times have to influence your leadership style, moreso than what you or they are used too.

I lead things with my dom all the time. But I focus on my teams indivuals (This is not as easy on Bafs and Lambs). So if Im doing the portal quest for Infernal, which works better with some strategy, This will be my instruction.

So if my team is a

~Defender x2
~Scrapper x2

(Used because it was my most recent version)

I need the Tank and the Brute to pull Infernal from the portal. I need the Defender (Who was an empath) to focus heals and buffs on our point tank, with secondary or recharging buffs cycling to the Brute. The other Defender was a Rad, so I asked for them to focus debuffs on Infernal.

Asked the scrappers to charge the portal with the SOA (A Crab) While I the Dom held and slept and confused the portal spawns. Once the portal was down we all shift to Infernal focusing on debuffs.

What was different? Probably not much, but we creamed the mission, and everone left. While I did sound a bit bossy, I was also inclusive so I was not "Just doing" something, everyone had a specific goal.

Thats how I like my PuGs, and it's also what I learned from awesome leaders, and probably why I am asked to join TF's a lot.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post

I must stress this with all my being....If you are a tank, it does "NOT" make you the leader, nor does being a Tank make you a good leader if you are in that role.
I understand your point, but I rarely give directives at all. My katie example wasn't "you guys stay here and be useless", it was an attempt to make it go faster. The two that followed me actually kept the team from doing anything because they were both melee and would have kept my team alive (which is why it was my plan). So we would have been able to meet halfway-ish if they had listened. It wasn't about glory or showboating, it was about speed.

Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I am not one that hates PUGs they way some do, but lately things have been getting worse for me. People flat out will not listen. Then yell at you for being a jerk because you are trying to implement some sort of strategy. I think it is because the game is "old" and people know what they are doing, but does that mean there shouldn't be any plan?

I was leading a Katie the other day. I literally gave one instruction in the first 3 missions. On the 2nd mission lead out I asked the team to fight their way down while I, the tank, grabbed her and started leading her back. Two people just ignored me and when I called them on why they were following me on said, "I have done this a hundred times, I am good" (obviously I wasn't asking who could survive to katie, so that wasn't the point) and the other said, "you don't need to give orders, just kill." Grrr

I have also had people block me because on Lambda I split people into acid and grenade teams. When they were in the wrong place, I told them (Hey Captain Whatever, you are supposed to be at acids). You'd think I called his mother bad names.

Maybe I am overbearing, but I REALLY don't think so.

OK done with rant.
Blue Rabbit's guide to blissful gaming when leading stuff™:
- Warning
- Warning
- Global Ignore
- Kick

Blissful gaming achieved.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
I understand your point, but I rarely give directives at all. My katie example wasn't "you guys stay here and be useless", it was an attempt to make it go faster. The two that followed me actually kept the team from doing anything because they were both melee and would have kept my team alive (which is why it was my plan). So we would have been able to meet halfway-ish if they had listened. It wasn't about glory or showboating, it was about speed.
I was talking in general actually. I understand the concept of speed, but there is the issue of that gosh aweful thing called perception. Im not accusing you of being a show boater, but when you mentioned someone else in your team suggesting that you should not shout out orders, perhaps that was their perception, or they were just trigger happy (Which also happens)

When you say you rarely give directives at all is where I differ. It depends on the circumstances of course, but even depending on mobs being to close, Ill give direction as to "Who to pull" "Main targets to hold" "Where to focus debuffs" and where support and damage are most needed.

I am not the best leader, but i think my teams often times listen to me because while I am friendly about it, that Im working on not wiping the team which often times is speedier than stying to speed through something.

I think if you perhaps established more a leadership role in the beginning, in a respectable manner, then they would have probably done as you requested.

People like to feel special.

Now if I could just get that one member of my SG to just lay off opening with Chained Fences life would just be perfect. But thats why I always stand in front of him using my Facepalm Emote...when handing him a wakie.

You can always lead everyone Thats half the battle too.



no matter what people do they always know best and always use the " you must be new" speech as their crutch...



Tactics and situational awareness are a lost art. The average gamer nowadays have been conditioned to either a) shoot/hack everything that moves and b) only use the accelerator in driving games.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Different ways to lead:

1. I will get her sit tight brb

2. Do we want to do this fast or fight to her? Who has done this the fast way before and can get her? I will go if no one wants to.

3. For gourds sake would someone get the aggro crazy woman before she gets us all killed?

With 2&3 you aren't shouting orders you are just asking who wants to do it. With 1 some folks will see it as hot dogging.



Originally Posted by shaggy5 View Post
People flat out will not listen. Then yell at you for being a jerk because you are trying to implement some sort of strategy. I think it is because the game is "old" and stupid people think they know what they are doing,
Fixed that up a bit. I don't think it has anything to do with the age of the game. You'll find them everywhere. Fortunately not in large numbers (usually).

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Here's what I would have said "If you have stealth, then stealth to her, if you cant stealth feel free to wait for TP or you can clear some of the groups up front.

I pretty much say something like that on every TF I lead, rather it be a kill boss, free someone, or glowie.

Its not barking out orders, it lets everyone decide what they want to, maybe you have stealth but don't feel like running in a cave and you want to just clear some mobs or sit and wait then go for it.

I can usually accomplish what needs done and you usually have enough people with stealth that follow to help at the end.

Also on a Katie you can just free her, whoever has her can just pop a bunch a purples as needed and just lead her out, and anyone else can fight whatever gets in the way.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Blue Rabbit's guide to blissful gaming when leading stuff™:
- Warning
- Warning
- Global Ignore
- Kick

Blissful gaming achieved.
Yeah pretty much my attitude although my tolerance of other players shenanigans is directly linked to the amount of pain my back is giving me.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Fixed that up a bit. I don't think it has anything to do with the age of the game. You'll find them everywhere. Fortunately not in large numbers (usually).
Until a game switches to F2P. Then there will be an influx of arrogant stupidity. With luck it will die down after the "new" wears off of the F2P switchover.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
One of the reasons I don't often care to do TFs or iTrials is because there's so often someone handing out orders. Now, it's not that person's fault that the conditions exist wherein particular coordination is nigh on a necessity for success, but that does little to assuage the annoyance.
I don't like playing with bossy players either. I especially don't like leaders who threaten to kick people before the mish even begins.
Glad I don't have to play with them.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
Anything to speed up a Katie is a good idea... the rewards for that TF are pathetic.
You young whippersnappers and your re-wards. Why I remember back in the old days when we didn't have any of these fancy geegaws like you have today and we ran TF's like Katie because they were fun.

*waves cane menacingly*

Now git offa my lawn!