50's Woes!




So, I was reading many threads that have been going on. The Fairwell thread and the thread about the Awesome Button and I had to explain my personal experience about the trials and tribulation of the game that I am facing, and although I cannot speak for others I am wondering a little if other are sort of feeling the way I am with regards to current in game content.

I originally was under another account, and played for a few years. I did leave when AE came out because I really did not enjoy things to much, and when it was at it's peak, I was also a red side player on Virtue. AE made teaming even more difficult than it was normally, and so I did depart, but with the intention of returning when the "Mad Dash to AE" farm ended. Which obviously now I did...just, started all over under another account because I could not remember my old account info at all.

So, through my time, I have leveled a Dom, a Controller, and a Defender to level 50 all on blueside. The Dom and the controller are level shifted through trials, and have all of the bells and whistles. They feel wildly powerfull, and this has done many things to them.

Firstly it has made them so powerfull in my eyes that I could do a lot of content I could not do before, but in doing that, also became a touch more dull in the process. Sure I can exemp down, but even before that they had always been, in my head my most powerfull well build machines. However now, they are essentially monsters of power.

Secondly, I find that anything I make since then is dull or feels lack lustre, and it's almost feels like because I spent so much time working on these main toons (IOing, Trials, Etc) that doing the same for something lower seems offputting. It's like if they do not meet the expectations of the toons I have already made and made even better through the crafting system or incarnates just meet a deleted doom. It's like at level 30 I can tell if this is going to be a solid toon, and if it cannot destroy things like my level 50's, then I just lose interest.

Now that is not to say that I am a power leveler or gamer. I don't Min/Max and I do not have a toon that has ever been created without an extensive backstory or thought out persona. I do not pick things that will 100% be good for Trials, TF's or any content. I pick things based on what I think I would like to enjoy.

I guess where I am going with this is that my Dom and Grav/FF controller are my favorite toons I have made, with the emp defender being posibly third on my list, and after working on them, Im wondering If I have just run out of steam to play anything else, and my expectations for the things I do create have had their bar raised to perhaps unfair expectations that nothing I could ever make would meet.

This is not an I quit thread...what it is...is more of a thought out concern that has been bothering me for nearly 2 months. It's the thought that I have already made three beast powerfull toons, that playing with something other than them feel like Im choosing between fillet Mignon and Hamberger Helper. Sure, sometimes you like both here and there, but the quality difference is definately there.

Heck I even find myself just playing my dom of controller the most only because I can then use them to fund the rest of my toons. They are walking credit cards and this is rapidly becoming an issue.

Heck, I have even switched to a red side toon for the sole purpose of needing to try new content instead of just becoming level hungry to race to the finish and get IO'ed and incarnated. This helped a little, because I had the option of playing some fun redside arcs, but in the end it really did not satisfy me as there were hardly any teaming options, and moreso nothing I can make now, really can ever top the two incarnates I made and I lose interest in the possibility of what they can be.

Im just finding myself logging in, looking at my toon selection, seeing my play toys...then hitting the log out button. I really don't like that feeling, but it is how it's been now for a while.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
I find that anything I make since then is dull or feels lack lustre, and it's almost feels like because I spent so much time working on these main toons (IOing, Trials, Etc) that doing the same for something lower seems offputting.
This, to me, is the death knell for the entire Incarnate system. I could conceivably see myself maybe possibly suffering through the pain and making a single character a powerful Incarnate. However, it's such an unfun pain in the ***, there's no chance in hell I'm ever going to do that ever again. It's like asking me to make another Stone/Stone Brute other than my 50 without any fixes for Stone Armour. Yeah, not gonna' happen. It hurts way too much. In this regard, I can definitely see what you're saying - the Incarnate system has very, VERY limited replayability simply for the effort it takes to progress through it.

The rest of the game, though, I disagree is the same way. You speak of concepts and stories, but you speak as though final performance is all that matters, and I don't agree with that approach. To me, level 50 is as much the end of the game now as it always was, because at level 50, my characters' progression is done. Sure, I can keep playing them, but much of the fun of playing them is seeing them grow from a lowly wimp who can barely take down a few minions to a powerhouse who can take down entire divisions without breaking a sweat. It's that sense of progression that drives my gaming experience to a large extent.

In fact, right now I'm in the process of planning a curious reroll. My level 33 MA/SR Scrapper is going to disappear and be replaced with a SJ/MA Scrapper starting back at level 1. The deleted character's powerset combo, however, will not go unused, as I'll be making a brand new level 1 MA/SR Scrapper with a completely different concept. A pragmatic person would ask me why I don't just repurpose the old character into the new concept. I would answer that I want to play my character the whole way through (other than not wanting to spring $10 for a rename and run with the wrong origin).

The game doesn't begin at 50, not for me. It ends at 50. Performance at level 50 isn't all that matters because I won't spend the majority of a character's play time playing at the level cap.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

The game doesn't begin at 50, not for me. It ends at 50. Performance at level 50 isn't all that matters because I won't spend the majority of a character's play time playing at the level cap.
Actually Sam...Thats about the issue Im speaking of. It never was before to me. It was always the progression to the point of end game. It was always about building something fun over something ultra mega powerfull, and it mostly was always about the fun time I would have doing it.

To me the stories I made for both my mains where the things that got them to 50 in the fist place. They had an epic feel and story before they became mechanicly epic in power. They were always enjoyable before they were anything like they are now, and sadly, now that they are so epicly powerfull, they lost some of their charm. The personal touch that I had given them because A) the story changed to incorperate why they went to gain such power, which pigeon holes you into that story to begin with, and B) because they now are to shiney to even touch?

50 woes as I call them is happening with almost all of my alts now. Mainly because the process of making them perform later is daunting and sort of blah to me. I enjoyed it with two of my toons, but now even IOing is seeming a task/chore.

My Death Knell has become exactly what I have never been. It's become a powers game even to me. Which is so strange because I generally prefered playing support sets considdered to most as being underpowered. It's throwing me for a loop, because my dilema is that I don't want to play my epic folks unless Im making inf, and I don't want to play my lower alts because I have been spoiled by the former.

It's...just strange for me, because the only other game I have ever played that had done that to me is AoC, and although I could never ever be truly epic, if I found a really neato-rific flashy dagger...I felt a sense of accomplishment. But completeing a trial, getting a Judgement slot, or a lore pet, does not feel like an acomplishment, just something I can unlock over time through a grind fest, but is almost always going to happen for any toon that I ever choose to make.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It's the journey, not the destination. Although the way I play and the insane prices for everything Incarnate, the destination is still the journey for me. Heh.
Agreed...But when the destination becomes more a formula, based on Level Progress + IOing + Incarnating +Time = Destination, the journey almost feels as though the accomplishments are just a matter of time anyhow and almost never failing, and thus striving for them is only just controlled by the hours you sit in your comp chair.

You can and always will/get to 50. You can now always have something epic. It's just time based, but it will always happen.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
You can and always will/get to 50. You can now always have something epic. It's just time based, but it will always happen.
Not for me, it won't. My wealthiest character has just over 150 million Influence. Which means I can't even buy a single purple IO.

I literally have no idea how people earn billions of Inf. Farming, I guess. There was one girl on here who played the game 8 hours a day and was complaining about the Inf cap being 2 billion. I'm never going to see that much across all of my characters no matter how long I play, because I'm lucky if I get in 8 hours a week. That means all these super-powerful goodies are forever locked to me.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
You can and always will/get to 50. You can now always have something epic. It's just time based, but it will always happen.

I guess I don't understand this part. Any game (actually almost anything in general) that you spend time on will get you to the highest lvl or what have you. So...

But I do agree in some way, with the "woes"....especially with a new patch like this is coming. I have tested/played with all the new and shiny stuff I wanted to in beta...so now there's nothing "new" there to test. I log on to the live servers...and all I have are lvl 50s...and no one to do itrials with (I play in the AM when not a lot of people are on)....so...I just log out...since there is no fast/easy way to get incarnate components.

So now I'm at the "eeh...just waiting for new powersets/the patch to hit live so I can make a new toon(s)." stage of CoH.

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Not for me, it won't. My wealthiest character has just over 150 million Influence. Which means I can't even buy a single purple IO.

I literally have no idea how people earn billions of Inf. Farming, I guess.
For me it was getting my first purple drop. I sold it, raked in some cash and then started looking at the Market forum for tips on how to grow that in the market. I'm a lazy marketeer, not-so-ebil and lazy, and yet my main market toon has been so near the cap a couple of times that I've had to send money to another toon so she could claim sales from the market. In the meantime, I've also spent some tidy sums (nothing outrageous, just tidy) on IOing out some toons.

Here's another non-farm way too: tip missions. Do ten, cash in on a random roll and craft and sell. That's about the easiest way in the world to start making inf in this game.



I've not even been on a handful of farms in nearly 6 years until I made a character to see what it was like to self PL one and I had transferred 3-4 billion at that point.

In regards to the OP, it's stuff like this is what shows why people farm to 50. Play an Incarnate that has all T3s. Now go solo a level 3 character.



I got my fifth 50 over this past 2XP weekend, an Archery/Devices blaster. He has 3 IO sets: Sting of the Manticore, Dampened Spirits, and Time and Space Manipulation. That's all he will every have. The only thing I have yet to "fix" on him is to raise his recharge numbers, because I find it ridiculous that I have to wait a while before launching another arrow. Whether that comes from LOTG +Recharge or a written-off Spiritual Alpha power remains to be seen. And even when my build is mostly standard IOs, I still get compliments on his performance.

My point is not every one of your characters needs to be Incarnate, or even fully IO'd out. Ironically, any one of my 50s only has one Incarnate power: two took a T3 judgement, one took a T3 interface, and one has a T2 Alpha. None of them have a level shift. And that's all because that is the most that fit their characters. Honestly, NOT taking all the Incarnate powers is what has kept my interest in the low game alive.

But you've heard that over and over already, and probably thought about it yourself, so here are a couple other options:

- Start/Join a concept group. Honestly, it is one of the most fun experiences I have had. The story is happening to you and the rest of the your supergroup/team; you are all living the same saga. You aren't running missions with a bunch of random heroes/villains. Rather, you are running missions with people who have a dynamic together, which leads to a much tighter teaming experience. Also, since it is a static team dynamic, you never feel useless on the team. Your role becomes crucial to the dynamic, and your absence is very noticeable.

- Try out a bunch of different power set combinations to find a new one that fits. In my case, I am currently in love with my Sonic/Sonic Defender. I always disliked Defenders because, to someone like me who usually plays Blasters, the lack of damage output was depressing. But this guy turns teammates into monsters, and thanks to the debuffs, has a decent amount of damage output as well. Find something else that works for you?

- Take a break! Sure, stay subscribed, but step away from the game for a week or two, or more if needed. Odds are, you will be drawn back to the game, just like you are drawn back to playing the game now. Except, after being away from it, exactly what it is that you find fun in this game should be crystal clear, and you can focus on doing that once you return.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I literally have no idea how people earn billions of Inf. Farming, I guess. .
Not necessarily, I earn my influence via marketeering and it doesn't require hours and hours of labor. When I log on to play I'll first log my marketeer check my sales and orders. If I had a good day, I'll the email influence to my latest project as she (the marketeer) is influence capped. If I'm running low on items to sell I'll buy and craft and put new ones up. In total I won't spend more than 5 minutes marketing.

And I never really intended to be a marketeer until one 2xp weekend I went to buy an enhancment and after looking at the difference between the cost of the recipe and the cost of the crafted enhancement I decided to give it a try and the rest is history. (And like Clave Dark 5, I believe it was funded by a single purple recipe from that weekend). I have one definite market niche and I also have another character that is kind of my floating marketeer. If I see what looks like a short term niche I'll try it for a round or two of enhancements then move on to the next one. That charcter is sitting about 1.6 billion and has also funded many other characters as well doing her "floating marketing". Now my toons can get all the pretty shineys they want.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Agreed...But when the destination becomes more a formula, based on Level Progress + IOing + Incarnating +Time = Destination, the journey almost feels as though the accomplishments are just a matter of time anyhow and almost never failing, and thus striving for them is only just controlled by the hours you sit in your comp chair.
We disagree on a fundamental basis, then, because that's precisely what I want out of a game - repeatability. To my eyes, "achievements" in games are nothing more than pink elephants. They're make-pretend rewards that trick us into feeling like we've done something meaningful when all we've really done is waste time we could have spent being productive. Games are a past time, a form of leisure and recreation. All that matters with them is if you had fun, achievement or no achievement. They are not a professional sport, they are not a competition and they are not, above all else, work.

Yes, that I will eventually win at a game is a foregone conclusion. That's what I pay for. Barring incredibly bad judgement on my part (hello, Repo Man), if I go to a movie, it's a foregone conclusion that this movie will have a happy ending, and the fun of it is more in how the action gets to that point. And, yes, I do research my movies and look for spoilers before I commit to watching a movie as I'm tired of watching depressing crap like Dark Water. When I rent a movie, I pay for that movie-going experience. I find a happy ending as no real achievement, because a happy ending is what I pay for. It's the journey from beginning to end that matters the most.

These days, I don't play games without replayability, or at the very least I don't pay for them. The only time I'll say that I like a game is when I finish it and feel like wanting to start it all over again from scratch and trying again. Limbo, depressing of a mess as it is, is a good example. Beating it is not an achievement. Far from it - when I got stuck, I went to GameFAQs.com and read up on how to beat the puzzles. No, it is a good example in that the game is exerts such little pressure on me to finish it (mostly because I don't find it scary or sad) that playing it costs me no endurance, and I can start it all over again. THAT is the kind of game I want.

Oh, sure, MMOs are designed to be time sinks because they aim to keep you subscribed as long as possible. I hope Freedom will change this for City of Heroes, but that's besides the point. Yes, MMOs are time sinks, but even so, progress in them is repeatable. I would not have 9 level 50s (down from 13 at one point) and 50+ characters altogether, a lot of them in their 30s and 40s. Yes, it takes time, but so long as I know I will eventually get to the end just fine, I will keep paying my $15 and keep on chugging, because I enjoy the game at all levels.

Granted, all of this is personal opinion and preference. We simply appear to disagree on what makes for a good game. I lost my emotional attachment to video games, such that I would search for real-world merit to playing them. I've accepted that they are a waste of my time, but so long as I pay my bills and do my job, I get to do whatever I damn well please with my time, wasting it included. Games are a hobby, and hobbies don't have to mean anything at all.

Something more concept-specific - there's nothing wrong with having your few favourite characters and always have them be the most powerful. Not all characters are created equal, and that wouldn't make for a very good story even if they were. So I have may own examples of Mary Sue and Marty Stu, and I always tell their stories as though they're the most powerful, and I'll probably make sure they had the best stuff if the game didn't give all characters the same opportunities. And if I didn't refuse to trade resources between characters.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Not for me, it won't. My wealthiest character has just over 150 million Influence. Which means I can't even buy a single purple IO.

I literally have no idea how people earn billions of Inf. Farming, I guess. There was one girl on here who played the game 8 hours a day and was complaining about the Inf cap being 2 billion. I'm never going to see that much across all of my characters no matter how long I play, because I'm lucky if I get in 8 hours a week. That means all these super-powerful goodies are forever locked to me.
8 hours a week is very few hours and I am sure many would tell you how to use the market to boost your offline earning rate.

I'd say if you are having fun during your 8 hours don't worry about it.

I play a lot more than that and I rarely see purples drop but over the course of a year playing most of my 50s earn around a billion influence by selling the drops on the market at around 60-80% of what I see as the average of the last 5.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



While I can't relate just yet, I have a feeling I may soon.

I have an Earth/Stone Dominator (Catastrophus) at level 49, and in comparison with every other Dom combo in this game (I've tried them all, trust me) none have ever felt as solid. When those powers were given to Doms I was the first of my global buddies to roll one up and he became so wildly and rampantly powerful it almost caught me off guard. I don't think I can ever play another dominator without comparing it to Catastrophus's unthinkable ability to control. Quicksand, Earthquake, Volcanic Gasses, Stalagmites, Mud Pots, Sleet, Ice Storm, and then just run in and smash.

On the same note, I have a level 48 BS/Regen Scrapper, a level 48 (IIRC) Night Widow, and a level 47 Brute all waiting in the wings. I've forced myself not to play them too hard, as I want to hit 50 on Catastrophus and then, of course, hit 50 on the remaining close-to's that I have in my character list. However I don't want dinging 50, the big Five-Oh, to lose it's luster and specialness by taking 3 more toons and pinging them to max level one by one in a short span of time. If I did that I fear I might be able to relate pretty well to your situation.

My advice to you is to try new things always, even if they seem like a bad idea. For 3 years I was adamant in stating that I could never play a Dominator. Then, Earth and Stone were added to Doms and, on a whim, I created what may be the second most powerful character in my arsenal behind big bad Nalrok; this is me saying this when Nalrok is loaded with Incarnate stuff and Catastro isn't even 50.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
8 hours a week
They said 8 hours a day.



Simple solution to your woes: Quit doing stuff you don't like. Voila. Honestly, no one is forcing you to run incarnate trials or IO out your characters to squeeze performance out of them. YOU are doing that to yourself. And if you don't find it enjoyable, don't come and complain to us about it. Just stop doing it.

Tangent: How is a Grav/Forcefield controller a walking credit card for the rest of your characters? No, you don't really have to answer this, but I find it interesting.

Anyhow, find whatever it is you like about those two characters, and find it in another combo. Or try the suggestions Winterminal gave.



Okie. Let me explain what I meant when I said Epic over time.

The options to get purples are there now, and luck, while always a fun option can easily be replaced with astrals to buy those special recipes that you just used to have to either wait to find. Which means time spent grinding on your "Epic" toons, which when you think of the popularity of said trials, it's just a matter of time before you can have some epic goodness...although I never associated purples with being epic, as much of what was offered in purples can somewhat be offset by a simple Alpha, a proper interface slot (To you taste really)

But those recipes that might be hard to achieve now are not as much, nor do you need to buy them, you just have to have time to do it. Desire is also important, but if you want something bad enough, then time is really where I was going with it.

I was not arguing the replayability of the game. I mean I have done much of the content over and over and over...and while each toon does bring something different, It's just the desire to play alts who's flaws now annoy me, over my epics, who now bore me...I think Im in a bind where the fluctuations between expectations and enjoyment are becoming ill balanced.

I was never a min/maxer, but lately, I can see myself slipping into that catagory, mainly because I know more about the numbers. I still have my stories, and I still have my RP, and concepts, but now it's just trying to keep those ideals in check, when I know that the destination will result in a similar progression to what I have already experienced.

There is no reason to not incarnate. There is no reason not to gain Judgement, Lore, Interface, and Destiny, and while it may be a bit grindy, the application of that grind just means "Time" and in that "Time" you gain more but I felt like I lost something in the process.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
They said 8 hours a day.
Re-read the entire quote. Ironik wrote he is lucky if he gets in 8 hours a week and that is what I was addressing not the 8 hours a day farmer her mentioned.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Tangent: How is a Grav/Forcefield controller a walking credit card for the rest of your characters? No, you don't really have to answer this, but I find it interesting.
I will though. She is pure insanity, and brings home the bacon everytime she is out. Nothing touches her in Lams, and nothing hits her in BaFs. I get the astral merits, convert them to recipes, and supply all of those to my alts. No cost, just time needed to do that.



Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
Simple solution to your woes: Quit doing stuff you don't like. Voila. Honestly, no one is forcing you to run incarnate trials or IO out your characters to squeeze performance out of them. YOU are doing that to yourself. And if you don't find it enjoyable, don't come and complain to us about it. Just stop doing it.
Ummm..I do need to address this because this was not in my statement at all. The dilema was not about doing something I didn't like, nor was this about the incarnate trials per say. It was more about the concept that playing an alt feel lack lustre, while playing the epic "Alpha" toon becomes sort of dull as well.

I enjoy the game much, but perhaps it's just changed for me over the course of time. I have done the journey, and know the results of the destination. But by using the logic of not doing something I don't like would suggest that Im not enjoying the game.

What I am not enjoying about the game now, is playing alts without power, and then switching to toons with so much power. And so the dilema is that the journey from point a to point b, has changed for me. (This has never been the case ever with me...I have never been that kind of gamer ever!!)

Im trying to get my mojo or excitement back about trying new things.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Not for me, it won't. My wealthiest character has just over 150 million Influence. Which means I can't even buy a single purple IO.

I literally have no idea how people earn billions of Inf. Farming, I guess. ........ because I'm lucky if I get in 8 hours a week. That means all these super-powerful goodies are forever locked to me.
I generally play less then 8 hours a week, and I hover around 500mil. I consider myself as a lazy Marketer too. Usually I'll run 5-6 Fire Farms with my PB to max out my AE Tickets and random roll 3-5 items to sell on the market when I come back the next week they are sold and repeat. (And yea I said Fire Farm with a PeaceBringer, don't choke on your tongue laughing)... they net me a nice amount of change to support other characters.

But that's what my 50 Woes have caused me to do. I keep trying to run iTrials with other 50's but they're not as fun and roll more characters (which don't pass 30 typically) so I keep coming back to my PB to enjoy the fun, that I usually have.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
In regards to the OP, it's stuff like this is what shows why people farm to 50. Play an Incarnate that has all T3s. Now go solo a level 3 character.
I do.

I tend to prefer the lower level characters because they don't make the content "faceroll-lol" easy.

I don't want to run a 5 minute ITF where it's just pets and rotating Judgements. I don't IO out characters to where the squishiest is untouchable and can solo everything in the game in 3 minutes... if I'm asleep. That's utterly boring to me.

(Much like the "run, rinse, repeat" incarnate trials, FWIW. *shrug*)



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
But you've heard that over and over already, and probably thought about it yourself, so here are a couple other options:

- Start/Join a concept group. Honestly, it is one of the most fun experiences I have had. The story is happening to you and the rest of the your supergroup/team; you are all living the same saga. You aren't running missions with a bunch of random heroes/villains. Rather, you are running missions with people who have a dynamic together, which leads to a much tighter teaming experience. Also, since it is a static team dynamic, you never feel useless on the team. Your role becomes crucial to the dynamic, and your absence is very noticeable.

- Try out a bunch of different power set combinations to find a new one that fits. In my case, I am currently in love with my Sonic/Sonic Defender. I always disliked Defenders because, to someone like me who usually plays Blasters, the lack of damage output was depressing. But this guy turns teammates into monsters, and thanks to the debuffs, has a decent amount of damage output as well. Find something else that works for you?

- Take a break! Sure, stay subscribed, but step away from the game for a week or two, or more if needed. Odds are, you will be drawn back to the game, just like you are drawn back to playing the game now. Except, after being away from it, exactly what it is that you find fun in this game should be crystal clear, and you can focus on doing that once you return.
These are awesome suggestions! Joining a concept group or something that you enjoy (like an all-one AT group or hardcore or . . . ) really brings back the fun. At least it did for me. You like support toons, check out the plant superteam that runs on Freedom (the only reason I ever play on that server is that). It's so much fun. But that's just an example, there are so many such groups that options are massive. Check out individual server forums or the player events forms or the individual AT forums for a group that sounds fun to you or challenging and run with it. Another group is the Iron Eagles. Want a challenge? How about when your toon dies, it's dead. Over. The end. It's amazing fun, very challenging, and a completely different play style (it also makes comments like "if you don't die x number of times, you're not trying" hugely amusing ). So, yes, consider finding some concept group that clicks with you; it really does breathe new life into the game.

Dabbling with various powerset combos is also fun. There's a thread (somewhere in the forums, forget where) where someone is taking on the challenge of taking the "worst" AT/powerset combos and trying to make it uber, thus debunking the "worst" labels. That sounds intriguing to me (not something I'd be interested in, but I'm interested in seeing how that experiment goes). I started MM's for a change of pace, and found myself absorbed in learning how to manage them, set up binds, and stuff. I'm no good on them, for the most part, but it's fun to try and there are great guides for . . . well, everything.

Taking a break is sometimes just needed. Burn-out and blah happen no matter how fabulous anything is; too much of a good thing and all that.

Other things I do when I just can't face doing yet another door mish or iTrial:

1. badging (not for everyone, but absorbing as pancake if you like it)
2. slowing down and actually taking time to read arcs that I haven't read in years (they're surprisingly good for the most part, and if you stopped reading them after the first time, revisiting them can be fun and absorbing)
3. soloing if you usually team or teaming if you usually solo also adds a "new" twist
4. working on my sg base (it's not special, but I do sometimes get engrossed in adding to it, redesigning it, stocking it, changing colors/styles, etc.)
5. starting a new toon with a plan (this toon will only level in AE, via arcs, on radios, solo, teamed, on tf's, whatever)
6. joining server events if you don't usually (hami, mothership raids, the upcoming beach party on, I think, Virtue), etc.

You get the idea, just set personal challenges or take advantage of something that you've not yet bothered with (create and test your missions/arcs, if you've never done that, try your hand at farming/marketing/whatevering, etc.); play the game differently, in other words.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I literally have no idea how people earn billions of Inf.
The Market & Inventions Forum is full of guides on how to make inf with little effort. Organica has a couple of my favs:
Zero to Awesome (30 day project)

Lazy Marketeer's Journal
And, of course, Daemodand's classic:
I hate the Market: a Random Roll Log

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Nyx, I have been playing since April 28th 2004, and I have never once been bored. I have a few 50s and have yet to do even one Incarnate trial....I will when I feel like it. I STILL have not done everything even after 7 years, and the devs continue to add more and more goodies/changes. (I'll probably NEVER catch up LOL.) I love playing my 50's, especially teaming up with lower level characters/friends. Perhaps, to 'freshen' things up you could try:

Do missions at the AE...this is a source of creative and totally new content that will be a real change.

Go to Oro and go back in time. Challenge yourself to do all of the missions you skipped, dropped or out-leveled.

I always promised myself that if this game became a grind or was no longer fun, I'd stop playing. For me, there is no end in sight...there are just too many things to do that are yet to be done. It's not only one journey. It is thousands and the end remains over the horizon, always. I truly wish you good luck and hope you get your 'fun' groove back.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�