Impatience creep




Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Honestly, I couldn't care less. Anything and everything they want to add that creates convenience is fine by me.
Would you like every trainer to also be every kind of shop, and every contact available at whatever level to be callable as soon as they become available, with an option to instantly zone into every mission once accepted and a 'skip this mission for no xp' function with no cooldown?

Because then, you could skip the tutorial, stand in front of Miss Liberty, and never move again. Just call a contact, bam, zone into the mission, and any street hunts you can just skip. ALl the way to 50.

That would be very convenient, wouldn't it?



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
Would you like every trainer to also be every kind of shop, and every contact available at whatever level to be callable as soon as they become available, with an option to instantly zone into every mission once accepted and a 'skip this mission for no xp' function with no cooldown?

Because then, you could skip the tutorial, stand in front of Miss Liberty, and never move again. Just call a contact, bam, zone into the mission, and any street hunts you can just skip. ALl the way to 50.

That would be very convenient, wouldn't it?

If there's money to made via the Paragon Store, that's what will happen.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Biowraith View Post
And travel was never hard. It was more time consuming, but despite many game designers' apparent opinions to the contrary, time consuming isn't harder, it's just easy for longer. It's not like you had any real chance of "failing" to travel to your destination (Shadow Shard being the only possible exception).
I came in during i3, with no travel powers until lvl 14, etc., etc. Mostly you are correct, except for the Hollows. It seemed that every mission I had to run past a banner that said "WELCOME +10 DEATH MAGE CONVENTION" and there WAS an EXCELLENT chance you would fail to reach your destination. The most irksome time was getting to 73 yds of the door at the top of that bloody mountain in the NE only to be buried by boulders flung by the Convention.

Nowadays, that "challenge" is gone, but back then, unless the beloved Taxibots gave you a lift, you needed to have your best ninja infiltration skills at work or you did not arrive alive.

Ah, memories.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Melancton
I came in during i3, with no travel powers until lvl 14, etc., etc. Mostly you are correct, except for the Hollows. It seemed that every mission I had to run past a banner that said "WELCOME +10 DEATH MAGE CONVENTION" and there WAS an EXCELLENT chance you would fail to reach your destination. The most irksome time was getting to 73 yds of the door at the top of that bloody mountain in the NE only to be buried by boulders flung by the Convention.

Nowadays, that "challenge" is gone, but back then, unless the beloved Taxibots gave you a lift, you needed to have your best ninja infiltration skills at work or you did not arrive alive.

Ah, memories.
Ook Ook
Ook Ook
Ook Ook
Ook Ook

... and when you saw that on the side of your screen, just get ready to hit the hospital button, because you knew it was coming

I had a very solid love/hate relationship with the Hollows. Once I figured out how to manuver around in it I hardly ever got perished. I kind of miss challenges like that, really. It seems to me that given enough conveniences, it diminishes the thrill of accomplishment, so it's a double-edged sword in that respect.

I'm glad it's easier to get around, but do I miss the challenge of the old days, and new players never getting to know that same thrill of overcoming the adversity of just crossing a zone? Sometimes, yes, I do miss it.

Oh the times, they are a changin'...

Anyway, Igneous bosses were easier to hunt back then, now they hardly appear at all.

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
I came in during i3, with no travel powers until lvl 14, etc., etc. Mostly you are correct, except for the Hollows. It seemed that every mission I had to run past a banner that said "WELCOME +10 DEATH MAGE CONVENTION" and there WAS an EXCELLENT chance you would fail to reach your destination. The most irksome time was getting to 73 yds of the door at the top of that bloody mountain in the NE only to be buried by boulders flung by the Convention.

Nowadays, that "challenge" is gone, but back then, unless the beloved Taxibots gave you a lift, you needed to have your best ninja infiltration skills at work or you did not arrive alive.

Ah, memories.
/this. There most certainly was a chance you could "fail" to reach your destination (especially with the "Look, a +8 spawn just appeared RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU!" that always seemed to happen, too.) I'd had teams waiting at the door while 1-2 people jogged back from Atlas... AGAIN... and tried the run... AGAIN... and fell into the canyon... AGAIN. A 20 minute mission took at LEAST as long again just to get everyone together.

My Emps (always took Recall Friend) and Warshades were very welcome. Especially the 'shades, who could fly OVER the rest of the Hollows and get to the door.



Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
Ook Ook
Ook Ook
Ook Ook
Ook Ook

... and when you saw that on the side of your screen, just get ready to hit the hospital button, because you knew it was coming
Oh Yes. When you saw that, you were toast.

My introduction to Grendel's Gulch was while trying to cross the Hollows as a total lowbie newbie AT NIGHT, my map blacked out, not knowing anything about where I was going and triggering a spawn of Trolls. I could hardly see in front of me and I was juking madly while fleeing the Trolls. I found the Gulch when I FELL INTO IT.

I never figured out if the 387 boulders that hit me were from the Calibans chasing me or the Igneous I landed on.

Extra Bonus: back then, you got debt at level FIVE!

Ah, memories.

And God Bless the Taxibots.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
/this. There most certainly was a chance you could "fail" to reach your destination (especially with the "Look, a +8 spawn just appeared RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU!" that always seemed to happen, too.) I'd had teams waiting at the door while 1-2 people jogged back from Atlas... AGAIN... and tried the run... AGAIN... and fell into the canyon... AGAIN. A 20 minute mission took at LEAST as long again just to get everyone together.

My Emps (always took Recall Friend) and Warshades were very welcome. Especially the 'shades, who could fly OVER the rest of the Hollows and get to the door.
I remember Hovering across the Hollows to join a team in the mountains and I got there a full 5 minutes before 2 other teammates who were sprinting...and were already halfway there at the time I got the invite. And in those days, Hover speed was measured in geologic time...

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Ah yes, the joys of The Hollows when it was introduced. Almost as fun as running the maze in Perez Park to get to the door only to find a Lost convention going on.

Back when all you had was a subscription, making the game take longer to reach 50 is a good thing for revenue.

With this hybrid F2P income stream, you need to include an income path that doesn't rely on playtime as much as what this game is known for, alts, costumes and a plethora of AT/power set combinations. You want them to catch altitus so they either buy more slots or go subscription. The faster they reach 50, assuming of course their playstyle is one character at a time (since they only start with two slots I can see this being more common), the sooner they roll a new character.

I think the $2 Freedom sale is brilliant because assuming Freedom is launched the 30th, it will give new players a chance to bath in all the benefits of VIP status and then take it away when their month is up. Very drug dealer of them, give them a taste and see if they are willing to pony up for VIP or buy a big points package (which I'm guessing will be very attractive like 2500 for $25 and granting them 2 more reward tokens as well).

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Winterminal View Post
I blame today's technology. We as a culture are so used to fast everything that actually having a few minutes between "events" is ridiculous to us. It was only about 15 years ago when web pages took about 20 seconds to load. Now, if it takes more than 5 seconds, we start wondering about what could be wrong with the router.
That is SO true.

I remember when I had to write notes to myself of things I wanted to look up when I was at home... near my encyclopedias (okay, not really), but my computer. Now? I reach into my pocket and look up the answer on the spot with my phone. And OMG the day I forget my phone? It is as if the world has been torn asunder by (giant man-like) ungrateful cave-dwelling shrimp!

Originally Posted by Doctor_Gemini View Post
I remember Hovering across the Hollows to join a team in the mountains and I got there a full 5 minutes before 2 other teammates who were sprinting...and were already halfway there at the time I got the invite. And in those days, Hover speed was measured in geologic time...
Oh god yes! I have only played since just after i9, and I (let's call it fondly) remember that. I remember folks who joined my team and asked if anyone had Recall, and if no one said yes, they would quit. And NO ONE got mad, because all the rest of us had just spent half of our playtime for the day getting to the mish in the first place.



Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
But it's still nothing compared to the Shadow Shard TF that sends you from The Chantry to Perez Park and back, way back in the days *before* Ouroboros, Pocket D, Base Teleporters, Mission Teleporters, Temporary Jetpacks or even the FBZ Portals to other SS zones. If you were a SuperSpeeder it could take you hours.
Just for giggles, I did this. Perez SG teleporter to Faathim's toes on a Claws/SR scrapper using only inherent, primary, secondary, and pool powers, and only the old travel system. Total elapsed time: 18:36.
Start: 00:00
Door to Steel Canyon: 1:19 (I got slightly lost in the woods)
Green Line station in North Steel: 2:54 (straightforward run)
Ferry to Peregrine Island: 3:54 (got briefly tangled in a fence)
Portal to Firebase Zulu: 5:04 (no problems here)
Portal to Cascade Archipelago: 9:09 (I turned off Super Speed in favor of Sprint for better control)
Portal to the Chantry: 13:24 (I took a wrong turn early on, and had to try twice on one of the geysers going up the falls)
Faathim's toes: 18:36 (I guessed wrong as to which door it was, and had to circle the Chantry)



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
I came in during i3, with no travel powers until lvl 14, etc., etc. Mostly you are correct, except for the Hollows. It seemed that every mission I had to run past a banner that said "WELCOME +10 DEATH MAGE CONVENTION" and there WAS an EXCELLENT chance you would fail to reach your destination. The most irksome time was getting to 73 yds of the door at the top of that bloody mountain in the NE only to be buried by boulders flung by the Convention.

Nowadays, that "challenge" is gone, but back then, unless the beloved Taxibots gave you a lift, you needed to have your best ninja infiltration skills at work or you did not arrive alive.

Ah, memories.
Yeah, as I was hitting send I thought "I'm gonna be called on that for the Hollows". Though for me the only part of the Hollows that ever got me killed was the Igneous spawns popping out of the ground way too late to compensate and avoid their wrath.

The rest is just a relatively short learning experience of mob aggro ranges though. At least that was my experience - dying repeatedly on the way to missions for the first week or three that I played, and then hardly ever again after that.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
Just for giggles, I did this. Perez SG teleporter to Faathim's toes on a Claws/SR scrapper using only inherent, primary, secondary, and pool powers, and only the old travel system. Total elapsed time: 18:36.
18:36 seems a tad long, but not unreasonable. I think when I did this, I clocked it at around 15 minutes, but I was travelling Faatim to Perez (no speed-teleport by leaping off islands). I picked up a lot of time not knowing where the pancake I was going because geysers weren't on the map when I tried it, and I used Super Jump for my travel power of choice (was my only 40+ character at the time).

Still, I remember treasuring the Faatim souvenir back when the developers took souvenirs out of ALL TFs because they couldn't get them to award to all people. Those were... "Fun" times

And FWI - the Shard maps still don't show all geysers. Most notably, they don't show geysers that shoot you straight up between levels of floating islands in the same lateral location, such as what you need to do no less than three time to climb Crimson Falls.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.