So is there a new AE 'sploit or what?
I'm not asking what it is, I do not want to know.
I'm just wondering if there's a new one out, or what? I haven't seen this many people on Virtue crying for AE groups and PLing since the Incarnate system first was announced and the monkey sploit was active so people were shooting to 50 in a hurry to take part in that. (Haha, I say unto them! You got to 50 to just grind THAT instead of AE! Haha!) |
But when 95% of people know of it (making up a number there

At least, I wouldn't call it an exploit as compared to the past exploits. It be more akin to a Dark Melee/Electric Armor Type going out and hunting Rikti...Rikti are weak to Negative Energy and use damage types Electric Armor have good resistances to.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Assuming you mean the various Fire farms I'm pretty sure that isn't considered an exploit simply because the mods have not been nuking the many, many threads talking about it.
As for the what the devs think, I'm not a dev, so I have no idea their thoughts on it. I do know some players think it's an exploit and others don't...unlike the monkey farm which was an exploit, I don't consider the new farm map an exploit, but it really does make some people just farm farm farm to 50 instead of doing other content.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
The basic current "exploit" is using the AE to create an enemy group that does only a specific type of damage (fire seems to be most popular, since it tends to lack annoying secondary effects) then building a (tank, brute or scrapper) to have capped resistances and defences against that damage type.
I'm kind of in two minds over the exploity nature of it, since having to build a specific character to do it seems to be quite a lot of work, but YMMV.
It's not an exploit in the same way the monkeys and other XP-exploits were, but it is leveraging the power sets of the enemies and your character in a way that isn't "natural" to the game engine (since most enemies do multiple damage-types for precisely that reason)
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
I'm not asking what it is, I do not want to know.
I'm just wondering if there's a new one out, or what? I haven't seen this many people on Virtue crying for AE groups and PLing since the Incarnate system first was announced and the monkey sploit was active so people were shooting to 50 in a hurry to take part in that. (Haha, I say unto them! You got to 50 to just grind THAT instead of AE! Haha!) |

It's not an exploit in the same way the monkeys and other XP-exploits were, but it is leveraging the power sets of the enemies and your character in a way that isn't "natural" to the game engine (since most enemies do multiple damage-types for precisely that reason)
The Family farm became so commonly abused by Fire/Kins that Family XP was nerfed.
The only thing AE does is "democratize" the ability to run these farms, and not restrict them to level 45+ characters who have the appropriate contact.
And, honestly, radio missions can be used in exactly the same way: most tankers/brutes can run Council radio/newspaper missions in their sleep. You can keep dismissing radios until you get the same old Defeat Archon Manuela mission and run it all day and night.
I find it disappointing that so many people choose to spend all their time running the same tedious farm, or even worse -- doorsitting in the same tedious farm. But if they are bound and determined to do it, they will find a way to do it no matter what barricades you place before them.
Like a few others have said, getting to 50 is no longer The End. There is somewhat of a progression, if you can even call it that, once you hit 50 -the incarnate trials.
It's new, it's somewhat exciting the first few times. You get shiny new stuff. That's what the hip is all about. You can dance in the Marauder cutscene, drag Anti-Matter around like a dog or go crazy as you smash people who just try to run. In any case, it's different then the paper/radio missions and lures many to that 'endgame'.
It's also an easy way to make money. Basically, while not going too much into details, the one doing the 'farming' or 'powerleveling' can end up with a pretty big income, depending on his capacities to 'farm' or 'powerlevel'. Some people are ready to pay a lot to simply doorsit or faceplant. I was personally very surprised about that when I came back about two months ago.
There's nothing new about this. Before AE people would save the level 45-50 Demon, Family or Battle Maiden missions, which were easily farmed by Fire/ tankers, Fire/Kins or Inv/ tankers. Instead of people begging to be PLed in Atlas Park's AE, people constantly spammed the broadcast channel in PI with ads for PLing back in the day.
The Family farm became so commonly abused by Fire/Kins that Family XP was nerfed. The only thing AE does is "democratize" the ability to run these farms, and not restrict them to level 45+ characters who have the appropriate contact. And, honestly, radio missions can be used in exactly the same way: most tankers/brutes can run Council radio/newspaper missions in their sleep. You can keep dismissing radios until you get the same old Defeat Archon Manuela mission and run it all day and night. I find it disappointing that so many people choose to spend all their time running the same tedious farm, or even worse -- doorsitting in the same tedious farm. But if they are bound and determined to do it, they will find a way to do it no matter what barricades you place before them. |
There IS a differene with AE though: Due to the way you can set up ambushes and spawns you can get a lot more enemies in a lot smaller area (IE: Less downtime) you don't havet o walk around the map herding, because eight ambushes will be heading straight for you.
(which is why these farms actuallly require pretty complex builds, there's A LOT of incoming damage)
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
I've been taking a lot of AE farms lately, mainly because due to a combination of financial fluctuation and altitis, I've been playing since CoH beta (yeah, before the game in its most basic form was available to the public), and STILL don't have a single 50. Or really anything higher than I think mid-20s/low-30s. I want the thrill of that final ding, and now that Incarnate system is go, I want to taste that sweet nectar just once.
I know this wasn't a thread about 'why o you farm', I just felt like, since it seemed to have simmered down from 'new exploitz?' to 'farming discussion in general', I wanted to speak my mind on my own reasons.
Front loaded map with objects and spawns that have max ambushes with you personally set at */x8 means non-stop killing. AoE specialists or those highly resistant or defended against the type of damage means being able to handle it. A plus if all the foes have self-rez for x2 the kills.
Putting all this in a map labeled 'farm' with lulzy text "do you lurv tix!" will eventually get it pulled. No mission is supposed to be a 'farm'. If you make a decent but minimal story around it... it will stand.
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Front loaded map with objects and spawns that have max ambushes with you personally set at */x8 means non-stop killing. AoE specialists or those highly resistant or defended against the type of damage means being able to handle it. A plus if all the foes have self-rez for x2 the kills.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

Let's Dance!
Looking for members for AE fire Farm!
Level 2 Scrapper LF AE Fire Farm
/ End Comment
So thats why there are so many new fire tanks on Freedom without taunt!
Who makes a tank without taunt? AE fire farmers!
Makes sense now lol
I can't stand AE I avoid it like the plague.
Scataloni Volt
Scataloni Tank
Scataloni Arrow
Rad Scataloni
(stupid no all caps posts rule)
<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]
I mean seriously though...does it matter.
the people who want to play the game will play it.
The ones who want the levels will get it, burn out quickly and fade.
Farming...who cares. If you do it. I don't care. If you don't know what to do on a stateman TF..I care more.
But if it's not hurting your, you're not involved and such...then really...what matters.
This will depend on you server. Mine is rich with people doing normal missions. Smaller server obviously could be effected differently.
Contra anyone???!!!??
"Mutters something about Contra Cheat codes for the NeS*
But still...if no one loses an eye...then it's ok.
And actually, the comedy is, all you really need to be able to handle those farms is an inspiration tray.
This reminds me of the "Army of Me" badge though and my robotics/forcefield mastermind.
Uh... yeah.... that got out of hand real quick.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

Is there one single thing in AE that people are NOT claiming is an exploit? Just people doing AE missions at all is an exploit these days.
Omega: I've been taking a lot of AE farms lately, mainly because due to a combination of financial fluctuation and altitis, I've been playing since CoH beta (yeah, before the game in its most basic form was available to the public), and STILL don't have a single 50. Or really anything higher than I think mid-20s/low-30s. I want the thrill of that final ding, and now that Incarnate system is go, I want to taste that sweet nectar just once. I know this wasn't a thread about 'why o you farm', I just felt like, since it seemed to have simmered down from 'new exploitz?' to 'farming discussion in general', I wanted to speak my mind on my own reasons. |
OR NOT! Once you get one 50, the others come much more easily. Keep working toward your goal, AS YOU SEE FIT. its your game, you play it how you like.
I like saving the world and clicking on bombs.
/e thumbs up
@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff
Tru'dat, I just hate the slog back from the hospital when the mish teleport power isn't available.
This reminds me of the "Army of Me" badge though and my robotics/forcefield mastermind. Uh... yeah.... that got out of hand real quick. |

I'm not asking what it is, I do not want to know.
I'm just wondering if there's a new one out, or what? I haven't seen this many people on Virtue crying for AE groups and PLing since the Incarnate system first was announced and the monkey sploit was active so people were shooting to 50 in a hurry to take part in that. (Haha, I say unto them! You got to 50 to just grind THAT instead of AE! Haha!)