Silly Question.. Hover and Combat Jumping...
Yes, you can, and they actually go quite well together. CJ allows you to move without the drift associated with Flight and Hover.
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How do you travel though? If you use CJ+Hurdle for that then you're fine. But if you use Ninja/Beast run then it will cancel CJ. You probably want that stealth IO to work while you're traveling.
Also, it's not like if the end cost was actually troublesome, since you're only using Sprint to stealth (when slotted with the IO, obviously) through stuff. Once you arrive at your destination, you can just toggle if off.
Yes, you can, and they actually go quite well together. CJ allows you to move without the drift associated with Flight and Hover.
Holy cow really? I might pair them up more often then <.<
That along with a nice little defense bonus sounds very attractive for certain toons.
The stealth IO from Leaping and flying will offer very little benefit when compared to Stealth IO and super speed.
You will be spotted when you fly or jump into mobs with stealth on. Where as with Super Speed and Stealth IO you will be much more stealthy. Only High perception mobs will spot you.
Not sure how the game mechanics works with it. I am guessing they have some sort of minor stealth component in super speed that combines with the stealth IO really kicking up the ability. I pretty much use a jet pack or have hover on with super speed when I need some control in caves or tight areas but want to stay stealthy.
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Yes, you can, and they actually go quite well together. CJ allows you to move without the drift associated with Flight and Hover.
To Airhammer: you can use it, but like many have said, I don't know why you would, unless you intend to keep Combat Jumping on all the time, and use it in conjunction with Fly. Though, even then, Fly does not usually need a Stealth component.
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I run them together on my blaster. It accounts for 6.2% of my ranged defense, between the defense of the powers and zephyr. Saves me from Immobs, and I run the stealth proc in Hover. I actually dont see the reason for SS/Stealth. I never have issues with the trials now with softcapped Defense and the stealth proc. With boost range, you can stay out of aggro range of the mobs guarding crates or acids on Lam, and just blast them away. If I end up on a team that does not stay together, I just go find a crate or acid and destroy them, move to the next. I think futzing about with SS is a pain, and is just an endurance suck. For most blaster sets, I cant see near invisibility of ss/stealth combo is really needed.
Stealth + SS is great if you want to actually stealth into mobs, but a stealth IO alone goes a long way towards reducing incidental aggro. With Hover and a stealth IO you can maneuver around most mobs without aggroing them, though tight quarters will sometimes prevent it... the real question is whether you feel you need to be able to walk right up to an enemy unseen often enough to warrant a power choice (and possible pool choice) you would otherwise skip.
I'd suggest just using the IO and carry a stealth or phase temp power for times when you really need to slip past something at point blank range.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
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I'm sure you know this already but just in case: there is a stealth proc for flight powers (freebird +stealth) that can be slotted directly into hover - does the same thing as the jumping one but for an even lower end cost if you're using hover anyway. That would also free up a power choice.
Just to add to the consideration:
Steam Punk jump pack and the GvE jump pack will make Hover go to the flyspeed cap. And with enough global recharge, you can cycle them nearly perma.
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You can have hover, combat jump and super speed all going at once.
I would recommend keeping the IO in the sprint as that power can be activated and used while hover, combat jump and super speed are all going.
This would allow you to increased the defense you get from combat jump and hover...which isnt alot but might help...might even be able to use a few defense invention sets in hover and combat jump as well for a few added things.
when i want to get alot of stealth i tend to use super speed and the concealment IO...sometimes i even add in stealth if it isnt working too well.
Hate to say this....but super speed is the only power i can think of that actualy decreases your threat level too.
And the silly part is its effective enough that if an enite team uses super speed and a stealth IO they actualy are msotly more ffective then a a point that if 7 people on ateam have those and 1 person is astalker just using hide.....the aggro will go to the stalker....stalker threat level is 2...and picks up alot of aggro sometimes.
<_<...ok mew admits it...she plays stalkers alot....sooo...she knows all about irritating things or why she gets all the aggro.
I would keep the IO in sprint, and toggle it off as you engage the enemy.
If you always open with the same attack, you could set up a snazzy little macro or bind to toggle off Sprint as you engage the power, but really I just have it bound over on the numpad next to my attacks and toggle off the stuff I need off as I engage.
The single slot in Combat Jumping is so much better served by a LoTG in there. You can earn one in 4 days on any Hero/Villain, or 2 for a bit of fiscal investment.
can you have them both on at the same time. I have one of those leaping stealth IO's and Its in Sprint but CJ end cost is way lower. This toon often fights from Hover.. can I place this IO in CJ and use Hover at the same time ???
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