Conclusion to War of the Green Lanterns *Spoilers Ahoy*
Just how dumb are the Guardians, seriously? Boot out the GL that has saved them more times then many other GL's, and reinstate Sinestro???
I smell a not-so-sneaky way to "re-origin" Hal into the Lanterns/repeat training with Sinestro/et cetera in DC's so-called "soft reboot."
You're not super until you put on The Cape!
Just how dumb are the Guardians, seriously? Boot out the GL that has saved them more times then many other GL's, and reinstate Sinestro???
That's the one thing I couldn't figure out in this issue. They were able to strip Hal of his ring, why not do the same thing to Sinestro. The Guardians were pretty peeved that Sinestro is back in their ranks, so why not boot him out?
One of the things I would love to see happen in the GL series is the absolute removal or elimination of the Guardians from the Green Lantern Corps.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
to be fair Sinestro hasn't killed them or tried to kill them where as Hal has at least once and possibly 2 or 3 times.
Sinestro disguised himself as a Guardian (or possessed one) and attempted to sneak away to the dimension that the Guardians and Zamarons were going to.
Sinestro awakes the mad sentient sector 3600 and wreaks havoc, killing many GL's and blowing up the new world they terraformed for Kilowog's people.
Sinestro gets executed by the Corps, enters the CPB and triggers its self detruct, Hal enters it and stops him, leaving him trapped in the inert CPB.
CPB is restored and Sinestro possesses John Stewart, possesses him again to battle Guy for the yellow ring.
The Guardians, in a bout of desperate stupidity, restore Sinestro and toss him a ring to battle lunatic Hal Jordan in Emerald Twilight. Again the question about how the Guardians didn't know it was Parallax, and that it was a Parallax created Sinestro construct that Hal killed should be asked. CPB gets destroyed, all Guardians but Ganthet are killed.
Sinestro lays low and is believed to be dead until REBIRTH and the truths about what happened to Hal are revealed.
Ganthet states to Parallax that his memories that Parallax allegedly erased are back, Parallax calls him a liar. (I tend to believe Parallax in this case)
Sinestro now understands the yellow power and how to truly control and use it and has a few yellow CPB's created, forms the Sinestro Corps, frees Superman Prime, allies with the Manhunters and Cyborg Superman, the Children of White Lobe, the City of Ranx all to attack the Corps and the Guardians as part of the prophecy that Abin Sur was told about the Dark Days and fall of the GLC. One Guardian is destroyed in that war in an effort to dimensionally displace Superman Prime, another is fried by the Antimonitor and becomes Scar, servant of Nekron. (again how did the Guardians miss this?)
Sinestro usurps the White Entity of life only to be unfit to wield it and Hal takes over and saves the day against Nekron.
Hal Jordan: battled Sinestro many times as a GL and was the one that brought down and exposed Sinestro as a renegade.
Hal saves the GLC and the universe from Krona and Nekron in the 3 issue Tales of GLC mini.
Hal "retires" from the GLC to be with Carol and John gets promoted to active GL, however Hal is restless and still aids John and the Corps against Guy and his army of villains in the Crisis. Ends up reinstated with the death of Tomar Re.
Hal saves the universe by stopping Sinestro and the self destructing CPB
Hal leads the attack against the insane "old timer" Guardian Appa Ali Apsa (I suspect Parallax influenced Appa)
Hal later gets corrupted and possessed by Parallax and wipes out the GLC and Guardians and CPB.
Hal later tries to remake things in Zero Hour
Hal later sacrifices himself to restore the sun in Final Night.
Hal later becomes the new Spectre (interesting move)
Kyle helps restore Oa and the Guardians for Ganthet to care for.
Hal finally wakes up and realizes Parallax for what it is and with the aid of the GLC, Ganthet and the Spectre, Hal finally rallies his willpower and purges the Parallax and the Spectre. Hal begins to ascend to heaven but rallies himself and follows Ganthet's beacon back to his body and calls to his ring which returns to him and he his will power heals his inert body and jolts himself back to life. Hal with an assist from Kyle beats Sinestro, then leads the attack on Ganthalax and purges Parallax from Ganthet and seals him back in the CPB. The Guardians are restored and the CPB is reenergized.
The GLC reforms and Hal is part of it, yet reluctant to stand out as an elite GL due to what happened.
Hal ends up leading the charge against the Sinestro Corps, defeats Sinestro in the final fight.
Hal ends up exposed to the red power and nearly kills Sinestro, but gets a blue ring and is purged of the red. Hal as a Blue Lantern defeats Larfleeze but that was after exposure to the orange power. Hal ends up leading the charge against the Black Lanterns of Blackest Night and helps to rally members of each corps to join up in the fight.
Hal takes charge again in War of the GL's and comes up with the alternative of using the other rings due to Parallax possessing the GLC.
Hal defeats Krona.
So Hal gets kicked out and Sinestro is reinstated.........DOES NOT COMPUTE.
That's the one thing I couldn't figure out in this issue. They were able to strip Hal of his ring, why not do the same thing to Sinestro. The Guardians were pretty peeved that Sinestro is back in their ranks, so why not boot him out?
One of the things I would love to see happen in the GL series is the absolute removal or elimination of the Guardians from the Green Lantern Corps. |
However, there is no way they should allow Sinestro back into the Corps.
The Green Lantern Solicits from Newsarma seem to imply that Kyle might become the new Heart of the GL and be the guiding force behind the GL selection process, since Mogo is no more.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
The Green Lantern Solicits from Newsarma seem to imply that Kyle might become the new Heart of the GL and be the guiding force behind the GL selection process, since Mogo is no more.
As to Hal, Atrocitus did speak a prophecy of Hal turning renegade again as the Guardians attempt to strip him of what he loves most and that Hal would rebel.....
Perhaps Hal will host Ion? Or.....perhaps Alan Scott tosses Hal his ring?
Well, we know Hal will be back as GL from the cover of the JLA relaunch.
As for Sinestro, I can kind of understand why a ring would choose him again, especially given his actions immediately prior to being re-inducted: attacking Krona in an effort to save Hal. "He would die for the Corps. So would I," indeed. In an ideal world, Sinestro would have a moment of clarity and publicly resign from the Corps before the Guardians can kick him out again, admitting that he still has much to atone for before he's worthy to sling a green ring again. Buuuuuut this is Sinestro we're talking about, so I'm not holding my breath.
I have to admit I nearly pulled a headdesk at the Guardians' decision to kick Hal out for killing a Guardian, when it's been pretty clear before that they've gone out of their way to avoid associating Krona with the title of "Guardian" at all. Not to mention that he did so purely to save the universe and their own ungrateful lives. Methinks they were just looking for an excuse to drum out that meddlesome human...
Ah, well. I've always been more of a Kyle fanboy, anyway.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Could see something like this happening, but to me it would seem to be a repeat of Emerald Twilight, Hal vs. the Guardians of OA and GL Corps. If Hal were to go renegade, what I would love to see happen is something akin to old noir/pulp stories were an honest cop gets driven out by his corrupt superiors and becomes a Private Eye. He gets ahold of his own power ring (Pick a color) and decides to follow his own cases and leads, which would irk the hell out of the Guardians of Oa. At the same time he maintians hidden communication with other GL Corps members and slowly convinces them that the Guardians aren't the best thing for the universe, and tries to find some solid evidence that would stick and to remove them from Oa.
Perhaps we will be getting something similar?
Well, merely based on the responses in this thread, at least it's obvious that the fallout from this has potential.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
The original concept of Emerald Twilight involved a second group of Guardians arriving claiming to be the real ones. Hal had to decide which group was real and stick with it and convince the GLC. Hal chose the new arrivals while the other supposed Guardians made the GLC more militant and restored Sinestro as a member. Hal's ring was going to be destroyed but he would discover that he was evolved to a point where he was a living ring/battery and not need a ring anymore and save the day. At the end he was going to quit the GLC and call himself the Protector due to the real Guardians cauing his father's death in Emerald Dawn to help make Hal more fearless and thus a better GL.
Perhaps we will be getting something similar? |

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Well, we know Hal will be back as GL from the cover of the JLA relaunch.
As for Sinestro, I can kind of understand why a ring would choose him again, especially given his actions immediately prior to being re-inducted: attacking Krona in an effort to save Hal. "He would die for the Corps. So would I," indeed. In an ideal world, Sinestro would have a moment of clarity and publicly resign from the Corps before the Guardians can kick him out again, admitting that he still has much to atone for before he's worthy to sling a green ring again. Buuuuuut this is Sinestro we're talking about, so I'm not holding my breath. ![]() |

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
Don't know, I'm not so keen on this one, probably because it would introduce another race that the Guardians have collaborated with in regards to creating the power rings and a peacekeeping organization. The Guardians of Oa collaborated with the Controllers, Zamarons, and now a secret race that they kept hidden. For a race of all-powerful, all-knowing cosmic beings they sure as hell can't seem to get it right when it comes to maintaining peace in the universe. Then again it would just be another reason why the Guardians are so inept, and really should be removed all together.
So far , only Ganthet strikes me as being capable of being a Guardian. he is willing to think and consider all the variables, and not be so dogmatic like the other Guardians.
Solid issue, and a conclusion that caught me off guard. Cool moments for me were:
- great artwork and coloring throughout the book
- the look on Sinestro's face when Hal tells Krona that everyone is flawed and that the Guardians need help realizing life is subjective
- Sinestro attacking Krona without any ring / power
- the green ring selecting Sinestro (especially since Mogo is no more)
- two page spread of Hal taking out Krona
- Indogo-1 and Agent Orange's comments before their rings rejoin them
- everyone's reaction to Sinestro, the newest GL
- the Guardians acting out of fear and discharging Hal from the Corps, despite Ganthet's comments
- the Guardians arrogantly stating that the Sinestro situation is for them to assess
- Hal's new status quo
Go Team Venture!

Solid issue, and a conclusion that caught me off guard. Cool moments for me were:
- great artwork and coloring throughout the book - the look on Sinestro's face when Hal tells Krona that everyone is flawed and that the Guardians need help realizing life is subjective - Sinestro attacking Krona without any ring / power - the green ring selecting Sinestro (especially since Mogo is no more) - two page spread of Hal taking out Krona - Indogo-1 and Agent Orange's comments before their rings rejoin them - everyone's reaction to Sinestro, the newest GL - the Guardians acting out of fear and discharging Hal from the Corps, despite Ganthet's comments - the Guardians arrogantly stating that the Sinestro situation is for them to assess - Hal's new status quo |
The Guardians commented that the rings are programmed to never kill a Guardian, and that no one's will power should be that strong. Well my own theories about that is:
1. With Mogo gone certain ring protocols are no longer online, and this is one of them.
2. Hal with the aid of the Spectre and his own will power purged Spectre and Parallax from him and then willed his spirit back to his body and his body to life. Hal later gets absorbed by Parallax who had already had Kyle and they broke free via their will power. Hal later abosrbs Parallax to fight Black Lantern Spectre and gets freed. We are talking about someone who three times was able to break free of Parallax possession so yeah Hal's will is that strong.
3. Strictly speaking, Krona wasn't a Guardian. He was long since outcast and the ring's AI may have picked up on that.
4. Per the book of OA, "Lethal force is enabled towards all enemies of the GLC". Krona was an enemy and it's quite possible that the lethal force directive overrides the "kill no guardians" directive.
Without Mogo to help guide the rings, the rings are using their own AI and whatever AI the CPB possesses to find ring bearers however the AI doesn't have the memory or judgment capabilities of Mogo to help guide them so per the criteria of overcoming great fear, Sinestro is chosen. Now HOW the Guardians are cool with that at all is amazing considering all of Sinestro's crimes (which are worse then Hal's), yet they discharge Hal in a moment of panic.
Guy, John and Kyle better have some serious words with the Guardians about this. Ungrateful little smurfs........
So how long until the Red, Blue, Yellow and Indigo lanterns will try to recruit Hal? Also I wonder what Ganthet will do about this?
3. Strictly speaking, Krona wasn't a Guardian. He was long since outcast and the ring's AI may have picked up on that.
Both of those formed in response to the actions that Krona took and lead to his banishment.
I'm sure Sinestro was using all his will to supress the [censored]-eating grin when he saw Hal stripped of his ring by the Guardians. He'll probably use his ring to create an intergalatic mariachi band to privately celebrate the event.
Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM
So Hal gets kicked out and Sinestro is reinstated.........DOES NOT COMPUTE.
GL hasn't made any kind of sense in several years now. At least since the time of this "emotional spectrum" bullsh*t.
You mean like this?

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius
GL hasn't made any kind of sense in several years now. At least since the time of this "emotional spectrum" bullsh*t.
Also it's nice to see just why green is used and not the other colors.
So read Green Lantern 67, the conclusion to War of the Green Lanterns and kind of didn't see it coming. Was expecting Hal to sacrifice himself. So apparently Sinestro is back as a GL, due to the fact that Mogo is no longer alive to guide the GL rings, and a ring chose Sinestro to be a GL.

Also Hal has been judged to be too dangerous to the GL Corps, mostly to the Guardians of Oa from how I read the issue. So they threw him out, and thus the set up for the Green Lantern relaunch set for Sept. with Sinestro as the main
So how many long before Hal is back in Green and Sinestro booted out the GL Corps?
Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius