First Ward Preview Up at Massively




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The devs have said that there's a huge secret that we'll discover on the Underground Trial in I21 that will "shatter the world of Praetoria permanently" -
Enriche... is PEOPLE!



The Over View of First Ward is on the Main Website today

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
Enriche... is PEOPLE!
Maybe Cole Started the War with Hamidon and not the other way around or Maybe Cole is Hamidon, O no that won't work. Maybe the whole City of Pretoria is being Powered by Hamidon, Hmm damn I want to find out

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
NCsoft Employee Records

Subsidiary: Paragon Studios
Name: Jimmy Henderson
Position: Custodial Intern

Current Project: City of Heroes Marketing
Greatest Failure: Issue 13
Accuracy: 30%
Timeliness: -480%

Worst Habit: Rushing the devs to release schedules
Greatest Rivals: Statesman
Mod sevened doesnt have the same ring to it as mod twelved does.



Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
Or it is possible FW was built over the Praet version on Orebenga? (I know- spelling...)
No, Praetoria is nowhere near Oranbega.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
Maybe Cole Started the War with Hamidon and not the other way around or Maybe Cole is Hamidon, O no that won't work. Maybe the whole City of Pretoria is being Powered by Hamidon, Hmm damn I want to find out
I'm going with the theory that Cole has become some kind of mind-controlled puppet for the Hamidon.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Tyrant can solo the Hamidon - couldn't he have fought it while his Praetoian Guard helped get the people to safety?
What makes you think there was a Praetorian Guard at the time of him fighting Hami?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
What makes you think there was a Praetorian Guard at the time of him fighting Hami?
Because it says so in his bio?

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
What makes you think there was a Praetorian Guard at the time of him fighting Hami?

yes they were but i believe there were alot more supers in the Praetorian Guard than the idiots that cole have now. this is in tyrant's bio

A massive combined strike by the Praetorian Guard against hundreds of concentrations of Devouring Earth appeared to do the trick. At first it was rumors, but then there was proof positive evidence. A giant monster had appeared somewhere in South America and was destroying every Praetorian Guard unit that encountered it. Entire cities were being leveled and the thing was moving steadily north toward Central America. When it crossed into Mexico, the Mexican government let loose with a small, but devastating stockpile of nuclear weapons they had purchased from America. They had no effect.

This was what Cole was destined for. Not wishing to see more of his Praetorian Guard killed, he went alone to face off against the beast. It was to be a showdown that would be remembered for all time.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The devs have said that there's a huge secret that we'll discover on the Underground Trial in I21 that will "shatter the world of Praetoria permanently" - on the Trial, we fight loyalists as well as the DE before we confront the Avatar of the Hamidon and learn the secret
Cole controls the Hamidon and used it to help him take over the planet. It's all one big lie. There was no "massive battle", it was all a PR stunt.

Calling it now.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Cole controls the Hamidon and used it to help him take over the planet. It's all one big lie. There was no "massive battle", it was all a PR stunt.

Calling it now.
I think they came to an agreement. Cole gets America, Hamidon gets the rest.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
I think they came to an agreement. Cole gets America, Hamidon gets the rest.

i believe Hamidon got most of America too. Cole just have a 3 zone citystate. he had 4 until he was forcefully evicted from First Ward by Hamidon. lol



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Sorceress Serene and the Talons of Vengeance have some kind of connection to the Well of the Furies
I don't see any mention of any Sorceresses in the First Ward preview. It just tells of a nice city being built and Hami attacking this nice city from within and of the attempts at retaliation. And then at the end: oh, btw, this place is strong in magic and otherworldly stuff!

Now, if it had said something like, "Despite all the workers who spontaneously turned into dire duck-billed platypuses and/or cello-playing unicorns in the process, along with all the constant interruptions caused by ghostly presences seeping through the thin walls between here and the next world, and all the attacks by reanimated undead fossils (<bleeping!> trilobites!) it only took X amount of years to build this shining and wondrous city. Amazingly enough, in spite of all the digging and blasting to reach stable soil needed for the foundations of all these tall buildings (possibly all the way down to bedrock!) no one ever noticed there was a trap laid underneath..."

Say... maybe the Hami trap was in the form of a giant subterranean mushroom with psychedelic properties that caused everyone to hallucinate once the city builders uncovered it and they only *thought* they built a big city that was subsequently attacked by DE and the reality of the situation is that everyone is being slowly ingested by Hami and all of Praetoria is just a dream!

And they have no Agent Mulder to save them!



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
Amazingly enough, in spite of all the digging and blasting to reach stable soil needed for the foundations of all these tall buildings (possibly all the way down to bedrock!) no one ever noticed there was a trap laid underneath..."

Say... maybe the Hami trap was in the form of a giant subterranean mushroom with psychedelic properties that caused everyone to hallucinate once the city builders uncovered it and they only *thought* they built a big city that was subsequently attacked by DE and the reality of the situation is that everyone is being slowly ingested by Hami and all of Praetoria is just a dream!

I think every one here is seriously underestimatingPraetoria Hami.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Because it says so in his bio?
So you believe everything that the PR hacks put in those bio's?

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
I think every one here is seriously underestimatingPraetoria Hami.
Your thought for the day: How did Praetorian Hami get to be that powerful that quickly?

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Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I'm going with the theory that Cole has become some kind of mind-controlled puppet for the Hamidon.
Hamidon wants to Kill All Humans. If he was controlling Cole he'd have won. It's more likely to be the other way around.

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"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Your thought for the day: How did Praetorian Hami get to be that powerful that quickly?
I imagine it has a few issues.

First, Primal has vastly more supers than any of the other dimensions. Praetoria has a lot, no mistake, but Primal has a Damned Lot. So it's easier to contain.

Second, Praetorian Hamidon acted earlier in their history and was able to get established before really threatened. Now, Praetorian Hamidon didn't want to act as early as he did, but was 'forced' to by the reality of the wars going on. More pointed though, I see Hamidon's growth/power as being a geometric progression [Game of Life and all that] so the headstart helped him out a lot more than here.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Hamidon wants to Kill All Humans. If he was controlling Cole he'd have won. It's more likely to be the other way around.
If it was the other way around, I doubt First Ward would have floundered like it did. Cole would have just kept him there outside like some manner of bogeyman in a similar way to how some speculate he's doing now. No, Hamidon in both realities has shown himself to be more complex than "GRAHHHHLL!!! KILL ALL HUMANS!!" as even evidenced by the conversation villains have with him in Vernon von Grun's final arc.

The Hamidon Speaks!

The moment you approached the container with the organelle in it, an alien, but strangely human mind touched yours:
'I am the Hamidon. Through this small piece of my greater being, I contact you. I know of you. You have helped to disrupt the balance of the Devouring Earth, my Devouring Earth. In the chaos of the false-growthtime, as a blindness you caused gripped me, there came another. A human, who in the unnatural individuality of mankind calls herself 'Zenflower', appeared. She had been tutored by the Spirit of the Wood, and used this knowledge. She drank of the Unclean Will-of-the-Earth, and mastered it. And even now she seeks to tame the Devouring Earth! Stop her! Or else the heroes will have powerful new allies, and we all shall lose.'
This implies his thought is still quite cognitive in his current state and he's not just some mindless, giant monster.

No, when Hamidon and Cole's minds melded in that psychic struggle, something unusual happened and I agree that people here are really underestimating the former. In a contest of wills between a psychic monster with legions of mutant plants spanning the globe that it solely controls and a Invuln/Super Strength tanker, my bets are on the psychic monster overcoming the tanker's personal will.

Seriously... have you ever fought a psychic mob on a Invulnerable/Super Strength tanker? The attacks make your armor feel useless.



I certainly hope the secret is less cliché and more surprising than just Cole secretly controlling the Hamidon. (Possibly leaving it there as a potential bogeyman? Sure, but not actually controling it)

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Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
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